Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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classif.ied era ' S; HELP WANTED TechnicianlSaleslParts Dept. A family oriented. well estab lished, busy dealership . under the same managemen t for 25 years is looking 10 fill three full time posinons - immediatelyl We pay top dollar based on expe rience and performan ce . Benefits include : Health Ins., 401 K, paid sick days an d vacati o n. Te ch ni cia n : up to $50 ,000 Plu s . Sal es: Base - cornrn.: mgml. oppo rtun ity : F&I exp o he lpful. Par ts: o ne yea r ex perie nc e min im um . Resum es can be mailed to Orange County Suzuki, 160 1 Newpo rt Blvd ., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, Ann : Vic , or faxed to (94 9) 645-32~ . CA Designer Am e r ic a n H i s to ry In T h e M a k i n g l I N DI A N MOTORCYCLE. join the team that cont inue s the American Motorcycle Icon . We are cu rrently looking for a Mech an ical Design er/D rafter pr ofici ent wit h so lid mo de ling . ANSI Y14 .5, GD&T . Solidworks ex perie nce a pl us . In spect ion expe rie nce a nd revers e engineeri ng requ ired. Ca ndidate s must be highly motivated. organ iZed, and work well in a fast paced env iro n ment.. Se nd res ume via f ax 408 .8 47 .8692 or E mai l to jobs@indianmotorcycle .co m. EOE . CA Engineering Am eri can H istory In Th e M a k ing l INDIAN MOTORCYCLE , jo in the team that con tin ues the America n Motorcycl e Icon. We are curre ntly looking for a M echani ca l! Ma nufa ct ur ing Eng in e e r. Ass embl y line expo in the automotive/ mot orcycle ind ustry a plus . Cand idates must ha ve excellent mech an ical apptitude and problem sol ving skills. Must also be highly motivated, organiZed, and work well in a fa st pac ed env ironment. Pl ease sen d re s ume v ia fax 4 08 .84 7 .8692 o r Em a il to jobs . EOE. CA F~x Racing, Inc. Bag/Accessory Produ ct Dev eloper . As a product developer you will be re s po nsib le fo r brin g in g product from the design phase through produ ction . Prepare and se nd o ut techn ical p a cka g es to vendo rs. Review samples for accuracy of execution and fun ction. Oversee revisio ns of sam ple s, and wor k with vend ors to dev elop th e best po ssib le quality pr odu ct. Track deve lopm en t proc ess and main tain in-house work in progress repo rt s. Th e candidate must have an extensi ve knowledg e of bags/packs, as well as a vendor base from which to work and the ability to find new sources . Must have work ing knowledge of the product development process. Must be able to understand and prepare technical packag es. Mu st have work ing know ledg e of pattern making , sewing assembly, tool and die . Addit ionally, an un d er st a n di ng of t echn ical m a t e r ia ls , molds and mold -m a k ing, in j ec t ion m o ld in g , cons truction meth od s , grading and fabrications are necessary. Must be a team player, flexi ble , have str ong organ izational skills, and be a ble to handle and pr ioritize multip le task s efficiently. Computer skills including Excel and Word requ ired . In add it ion 2-3 y ear s o f te c h ni c a l development experience. Moderate travel required. Thi s position is loca ted in our corporat e office in Morgan Hill. California. If you think you've got what jt takes , indicate job #408 and fax your cover letter and resume . Please be sure to include your salary history. Fox Racing, Attn: Human Resou rces, 18400 Suner Boulevard, Morgan Hill. CA 95037 . Fax (408) 852-6913. EOE . ServiceTech / Set-Up Bus iness is still booming and we are in need of service tachs and set-up peop le today . Call Mino at Hah m Motorsports. Orange County's largest dealer. 8 brands . Cail (714) 563 -1020. CA MlC ServiceTech Positions Avail. Busy , growing and expa nding Japanese motorcycle repai r, parts and accesso ries dealer. Ac ceptin g applica tions and resu mes for service technicians . 40·45% co mmission pay w ith bene fits. Only the best need apply. Send app lications and/or resume s to G e rv asi' s Cycle R epa i rl GCR Racing . 3005 Ever en Ave., Everen , WA 98201 or contact Rick Gervasi (425 ) 259-6875. WA $3000 Sign-On Bonus Come to the Smokies! Reputa bl e dealershi p in bea utiful Ea st TN, Ho nd a of Al coa, est. 1974 , Honda , Suzuki , Bo mbardi er , April ia . H iring technicians due to industry growth. Large facility, benefits, vaca tio ns , great hours, fun atmosphere. Smoky Mtn. Nt l. Park - ex cellen t m otorcycling , h iking , bik ing, f ish ing , boa ri ng . T op pay f o r exp erienced techs . Contac t Todd Lon g (865) 9702710, fax (865) 983-3899, or write 3 119 Alco a Hwy .. Alcoa , TN 37701. TN Service ManagerI$4D-S K+ D-SO Conc ord Motorsports, a lead ing high-volume , tastg rowth Honda Suzuki, Duc a ti , Sea -Doe d eal er needs a manag er to di rect the service staff a nd maintain the highest level of customer satisfa ction. Base salary will match your ability and experie nce , + comm ission , + full bene fits, + 401 K. Co ntact us whether you're an industry professional or a young manage r. We 'r e fl exibl e . Ca ll Terry at Co ncord Motorspo rts, (925) 68 7-7742 . Fax resume : (925) 687 -2012. CA Sales- Southern California Mu st enjoy having fu n and making money. Se ll Honda. Kawa saki. SeaD oo & SeaDoo Jet boats. 20 minu te s eas t of L os Ang e les . Will help pa y to relocate th e righ t person. Contact Mik e Byrne at Wh inier Fun Ce nter, Tues-Sat, 10am- 5pm, (562) 945-3494 ext .l . CA Service Tech Des pera t el y needed Parts Counter Person (motivate d & some experience). Immediate hiring . (310) 306- 8595. CA Sales Manager $80K + Direct the Sales Dep t. for Concord Motorsports, one of the fa stest growin g. high volume . multi li ne dealers in Ca lif. i rain, manage and guide the sal es staft. Develop and impl ement advertising and promotions for our Honda , Suzu ki, Duca ti, Sea-Doe superstore . Sala ry , commiss ion , all be nefits and 40 1k. Call Ter ry @ (925) 687 -7742 or fax res ume (925) 687 -20 12. CA Service Technicians E a rn wh at yo u' re wor th at th e Ph oen i x area's leading independent dealership. Our spec ialty is big bikes and trikes, and we offer a highly professional and clean wor k envi ronment. If you have related expe rience and/o r certifications , please ca ll or fax your re sume A SAPI Phon e (4 80) 73 1-9003, Fax (4 8 0) 7 3 1-490 8, Att e n t io n Jack. .(BOO)932-2618.AZ Motorcycle EnthusiastWanted E x citin g Pow ers p ort s In te rne t c o m pa ny has ch a llen ging opp ortunities in th e follow ing areas: Bu s ines s De v e lopm en t, W e bm a st e r , Sa l es , Merch andising. All interested ca ndidat es, please ca ll Edwar d Dodd at (408) 558-7730 or emai l a res ume lle tt er a bout you rself to Jobs @Cycl eBy . CA Service Advisor Experienced only. Must have good co mmu nicatio n skills and exceptional attention to detail. Great work envi ronment, paid vacation s, holidays, 40 1k plan and year round work. Excellent pay and bonu ses for the nght perso n. San Diego's Hou se of Motorcycles - Steve (619) 229-7700. CA Exp" Tech, Sales & Parts For gro win g West LA Ho nda Kawa saki dea ler . If you want to join a great team, call Lou (310) 8221045 , or fax to (3 10) 822 -3850 . CA Wanted: Exp. Mechanic Full-time, experienced only, Dyno-tuning+. Excellent pay. benefi ts. Hyp er Sports Racing (760) 722-8863 . CA Wanted: Independent Sales Reps Service Manager Motorcycle , wate rcraft deale r looki nQ fo r N o rth ern C a lif . H o nd a M/C & PIE, S u z u k i, Can n o ndale M/C , d eal er sh ip lo ok ing f or se lf motiv ated team player to run se rvice dept. Salary and benefits will match experience and abilities . Sen d resume to Sierra Motor Spo rts. 12121 Nevada City Hwy., Grass Valley, Ca. 9594 5, (fax) 530-2 739324 or e-ma il to sms@gv.nel CA experienced , highly motivated, customer frien d ly counter pers on. Whiner Fun Ce nter (562) 945-3494 , contact Scon . CA Triumph Motorcycle America, Ltd. Is loo ki ng fo r an experienced moto rcy cle sa les profession al (t his means , idea lly , de a lersh ip manageme nt or sale s experien ce or OEM sales experience ...if you simply love motorcycle s, well , we love 'em too , but that isn' t good enough) for the Great Lakes Region. Ca ndidate must be able and love to ride moto rcy cles , spe nd lots of time w ith motorcycle dealers, be thoroug hly kno wledge ab le and comfortab le with Microsoft Word and Excel as well as the Internet and be willing to spe nd 2-3 weeks per mon th on the road. In excha nge YOU'll get an opportun ity to make his tory by hel ping reestablish the T riumph bran d in the United Sates. We 'll give yo u a great big pick -up truck to drive around, a demo bike of your choice, the opportunity to ride motorcyc les as part of your job, really coo l motorcycle gear, and some othe r benefits like a com petitive salary, commissions , trips to the UK, health be nefits and a 401K progr am. Please mail or FAX you resu me to : Hum an Resou rces, Triumph Mo torcy cl e Am e ric a , Lt d ., 403 Div id e nd Driv e , Peachtree City, GA 30269. (770) 631-6401. Please do not call (you'll fail the first test). Product Support Specialist Ka wasaki Mot ors Co rp . seeks a Product Sup po rt Spec ia li st. This position requ ires a high sc hool ed uc at io n plus form a l tr ade train ing o r co ll ege co ur s e s in e ng inee ri ng r el at ed SUbjec ts o r equiva lent exper ience. Excell ent trou ble-shootin g skills. Must have the ability to communica te clearty an d pl e asan tly o n the te lephon e. T en ye a rs of current mechanical background including 5 years at a Ka wa sak i de a ler ship. Mu st also have sl rong com puter experience . Responsibiliti es inclu de assisti ng dealers with service and warran ty repairs , product data gatherin g an d m a in t e na nc e of Kawasaki pr od ucts . Mus t be capab le of w ork ing w it h min im al su pervisi o n in a ve ry de manding en v iron ment. So m e ove rt ime is ma ndat o ry . OCcasiona l trave l is required for spec ial eve nts. If interested please send resu me to Fax : (949) 460 5867. email selena .carlso n@kmc·usa .com. Parts & Accessory Positions Gearb ox Inte rnationa l, the exclusive U.S. importer an d d ist ribu tor of Suo my h el m ets and Di ad o ra boo ts , need s est ab lish ed reps in all terr itor ie s. Excellent sales program and comm iss ion. Fax line shee t and deal er list to (510) 748-17 17 or cont act Rick Marlin at (800) 799- 9444. Largest WC dealership in Northwest has immediate openi ng. Good work environment. 5 day work week. 401 K, health, dental , vacation and holi day pay . Preemploym ent drug screen requir ed . Send resume to: Beaverton Hond a-Yam ah a, 10 380 SW Ca scad e Blvd., Tig ard , OR 97223, or fax to (503) 684-9554 . (800) 929 -1044 , shari OR Colorado Opportunities Parts Manager Grand Junction Ha rley· Oavidson/ Buell is seek ing quali f ied Serv ice Te chn ic ians, Pa rts an d Motorclothes professionals to staff our exciting new 22 ,000 sq . tt, "Service Selec r Dealership. Excellent, mod e rn work ing c o ndit io ns w it h g rea t p ay & ben efits. Ye ar-round riding in Colorado's beaut iful Grand Valley and beyond . Call Michae l or Bob at ~60) 245 -0812. or fax resu me to (970) 245- 4638 . Looki ng for enth u si a sti c , res p o ns ib le , v e ry expe rienced . knowledgeable parts manager to work at grow ing Southern Californi a Honda HRC Suzuk i dealers hip. Top pay , medical benefits paid, vacati on paid. Joi n this well trained teaml Send resume to 2594 E. Thou sand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91382. Ann : Peter or Kevin, or call (805 )371-3000, e-mail tohonda CA Manufacturer Reps Wanted Max Helmets seeks aggr essive independent sales reps with an established dealer base to benefit from our new ATV and motorcycle helmets offering 50% plus dealer marg ins. Fax resume to (206 ) 324 -7152 . WA Assistant SalesManager Service Technician, So. Cal. H igh volume Ka wa saki/KT M dealer looking fo r qualified person . Sign on bonus w ith rig ht cr ede ntials. Must be able to work on wa tercraft, moto ,rcycles . and mul es . Ex c e ll e nt pay a nd vacation . Co nta ct Gary or Ralph , (909 ) 983-5988, Fax(909)984-7082 .CA Market Research Analyst Mot onation , th e S idi boo t i mp o rt e r is r apid ly e x p a nd ing a nd ne e ds an e xp erienced and enthusiastic person to join our team as an Assistant sa les Manager. Send resume with salary history to sales@ motona or fax to (858) 5 13-6285. CA American Suzuki Motorcyc le Service Repr esenta tive . We're seeking a self·motivated individual to f ill a Se rv ice Representative position . Position requires extensive overnight field travel assisting our dealers with their servi ce need s. To qualify you must be a strong communicator, like to help peop le. and have a very st ro n g te c hnic a l background and Service Managem ent e xp er ience. Suzuki knowledge is preferred but not required. We oHer a very attractive sta rti ng salary, co mpany van , expens e account. tho rough t ra ini ng program and ot h er ex c ell e nt benefi ts including 401 k, Medical , Dental insuran ce and education assistance . Present territory opening includes states in the Central U.S. Applicants a re also encoura~ed to app ly fo r fulure op en ings in oth er terr itorie s ar o und the country. Resumes shou ld inclu de a pers on all y han d w ritt en cove r tetter . Plea se re p ly to : America n Suz uki Motor C or porat io n . 3251 E . Imp eri al Hwy .. B rea , CA 92821. Attn : Hum a n Reso urces - De p t. 11. No phone calls please. CA Honda R&D Americas. Inc. is a leader renowned lor in novation, endless capabilities and the hig hest quality imaginable. Our commitment to the highest standards in the industry has resulted in our ground breaking success. Consid er jo ini ng us in t he following posit ion at ou r Motorcycle Div is ion in Torrance, CA . Overseeing muiliple pro jects. you will interface with vendors , coordinate customer/de aler research and support product plann ing involving the analys is of prima ry /seco ndary d at a . sa les information and the co mpetitive marke t. This highly challenging role requ ires a BAiBS . ideally with a questionnaire desig n, data analysis and projec t support background. Prefer know ledge of mark et research. on-road or ATV and an unders tanding of Honda and compet itor products . Comprehension of re search analys is /m ethodologies , W indow s proficiency and strong commun ication skill s are a mus t. M ot orcycl e o r rela t ed motor ve h ic le e xperienc e pre f erred . May inv o lve trave l. O ur company off ers a competitive compensa tion and benefits pac kage in a dynam ic work env ironm ent with career growth po tential. For consid era tion , please send your resume to: Honda R&D Am ericas, Inc., Human Resou rces Dept .. 1900 Harpers Way . To rran ce, CA 90501 . Fax (3 10) 7 8 1-5677. Equ al Oppo rtun ity Employer. CA MO TORC Y CLE T E CH , P A R T S MA NAGER & Salespeop le with experie nce needed for multi-store operations. Both in So . Cal. (Near Palm Sp rings and east of San Diego in EI Centro ). Earn up to $50K plus a year. Fa x resume (760) 353-2329 or ca ll (760) 353- 2 110, Ann: Marty . CA Honda Technician Professional Managers Immediate ope ning at a long time esta blished busy Honda dealersh ip needs full-time, expe rienced tech . Five day work week, top pay for top tech , bene fits . Glendale. Call Brian (818) 246-246 1 or fax resume (81 8) 246-4586. CA MotoSports Inc . in Atlanta, GA is growing fast. Now open ing ifs fourth loc ationI Mo to Sport s is look ing for professional industry managers. Great car eer opp ortu nity in a fas t growin g, exciting co m pany . Join our team in beautiful Atlanta, GA . Fax resume to R od at (77 0) 60 3 -19 8 4 . www .motospo . (770) 603- 33 70 . GA Accessory/Clothing Buyer Immediate open ing within large Arizona motorsports group for buye r of mo to rcycle , ATV , waterc raft related product. Must have extensive background in buying, reta iling, and merchandising. Hea lth ins., paid vacation , '40 1k. Salary commensurat e with experience . Send resum e to: Operations Direct or, 3333 N . Arizona Avenue., Chandler, AZ 85225 or email Malcolm Smith Motorsports MSM is now accepting applicat ions for experienced an d ent ry lev e l motorc yc l e a nd w a t e rcr a ft te ch n icia ns servic ing Suzu ki , Ya m ah a . BM W , Du c at i, KT M, Bombard ier, and Hu saberg . Great work environment, pay and benefits. Contact Myke at (909) 687 -1300 or fax (909) 687 -381 9. CA cue e Tech's Too Good To Be True Not Here! Salinas Motorcycle Center has immediate ope nings fo r all lev els of teens for year round wo rk. Pay is b ased on experience. $14 to $30 a nat rate hr. Pai d me dical insura nce. Paid holidays. Paid v acation . Incent ive pay to M leve l t ac hs for A" mentoring program. Must have previous dealership experience. Fax/call or email Mic hael, Ph. (831) 44 2 -3 511 , Fax (8 31) 442-351 0 , e mail : CA Sales Person O ra ng e Co u nt y 's la rgest dea le r is looking for qualifie d peo ple . W e have t he p ro d uc t a nd advertisi ng to help you reach your goals l If you can move units , co ntact Jo hn or Kevin of fax (7 14) 563 1314. (714 ) 563-1700. CA Sales & Service Positions open at establis hed LA area deale rship . Compelitive pay. pl us ben efits. Call Tim/John at Rice Honda Sea 0 00 (626) 917 -7423 . CA Bike World Sal e s, Se rv ic e. Pa rts & Acces sor ies po sit ion s available. Full-li ne de a lersh ip Kawasaki , Suzuki, Polaris & Victory. Establ ished 34 years . Please fax resum e to (408) 245-61 53 , or call (40 8) 245-4888 ask for Earl. CA SE EK ING E XPER IENCED , CERTIF IED, AND NON -CERT IFIED TECHNICIANS. Come work for one of the largest siryg line Honda dealers in the le na tion . Gr ea t benef its , 2 da ys off a week , pay commensurate with eX~ rience . Fax or ca ll Plano Hon da . Ann : R ichard. (972 ) 422-4703, (972) 422 3095 , or email planohonda @planohonda .com . DC Earn $SO,OOO Plus!! Service manager wanted for high volume multi-line de ale r . M us t ha ve exte nsi ve ex pe rie nce , 5Iood business sense, be self motivated with a deSire to make big money and satisfy custom ers . Endless posslb ilities in a ready mad e custo mer ba se. Call Patty at (800) 425-2031 . OH S H O P F OREMAN n e ed e d lor busy multi -line de al er sh ip . To ols req uired. Fu ll time pos ition , Tu esday th ru Sa turday 9am-6pm. Base sal ary of $12 per hour plus commissions on parts, labor and profit. Make us more profitable and you make more mon eyll Richard Miller Motorcycles carries Honda & Yamaha motorcycres . ATV s , and generators and rece ntly Sund iro and Cannondale. We are located in Eu reka , Ca lifornia a lon g th e coast, in t he Redwoods , a beautiful place to live. Send resume 10 1725 Tomlinson St.. Eureka. CA 95503. CA Slippery Marketing Team SLIPPERY wetsuits , a San Diego based leader in the personal watercraft market has an opening for a brand manage r. Candida te must have experien ce in the PWC o r sporting go ods industry . Go o d organ izational and managemen t skills a must. Duties would include sales reps training and travel. dealer presen tations, public relations and working with the design department on new products. Send resumes by fax to SLIPPERY division (6 19) 2585362 or email tObmaynard No phone call s please. TECHS NEEDED. Lead tech or entry ieve l tech to work on all makes and brands. Contac t Jeff or Roy at Pasadena Yamaha. (626) 577 -3000 . CA FOX Racing Shox The world leader in innovative suspension has the followi ng posi tions available: -Mot orcycle Suspens ion Design Engineer "Motorcycle Suspe nsion Technician "Marketing Assistant! Graphic Design For more details about each of these posl tions , go to xrac ingshox .com. FOX .offers competitive wage s, paid vacations, profit sharing, 401 K, medical & dental. Please mail. fax or ema il your resume to: Fox Rac ing Shox, Attn : Human Resources, 364 1 Charter Park Dr., SanJose. CA 95136. Fax (406 ) 269-9217. Email : jfavonte @foxracingshox .com .CA Thor Marketing Team THOR Motocross, a San Diego based leader in the MX apparel marke t is seekin g a n experienced candidate to join their fast grow ing marketing team . Job wo uld include Sales Rep trainin9 and- tra vel , dealer p re sen ta t ions, dealer re la tions , pu blic relatio ns and trade show events . Ca ndidate would have experience as a Sa le s Manager in th e motorcycle or sporting goods industry. High energy, QOOd organ izationa l skills and a love for the sport l Send resumes by fax to (619) 258-538 2 or e-ma il to bmaynard No phone calls please . WANTED : MOTORCYCLE MECH ANIC . Largest Motor cycle Auction co mp an y in U SA . Atlanta , Georgia, fuil-ti me . Ca il now (770) 94 Hl444 , ask for Terry . GA Service, Sales & Parts Well es tablishe d mul ti-l ine dealership looking for sales and parts personnel. Will train . Also loo ng lci tor experienced Servic e Manager and Tec hnicia n. Fax resumes to (603) 868 - 1720 or call (603) 8687550, ask for Teny or Eric. NH Service Writer / Mechanic Well known, established dealer is look ing for person to fi ll po sit ion of Serv ic e W n ter a nd iig ht du ty mec han ic . Li gh ts pee d e xp o pr ef er red . C ontact Denni s. (909 ) 683-6839. CA CNC Programmer Well known high pertorm ance parts manufactu rer is looking for an experienced CNC Programmer. Must have experience using CAM system . Must be very kno wle d geable of mo torcycle s, Du ties inc lud e programm ing! design ing part s for offr oad & street moforcycles . Pl eas e m a il resu me w ith sa lary requ irements to: CNC Dept .. 3874 Lancaster Court. #202 , Palm Harbor, FL 34685. FL nevvs NOVEM B ER 1 • 2000 85

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