Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 NO V: 1. Neil Chisholm (Hon); 2. Rile y Bec kmg er (Kow); 3. Ethan Deily (Hon ); 4. Bryan Ward (Han); 5 . Steve Hoo ver (Hon) 250 11"fT: I. Justi n Eide (Hon) ; 2. Jeff Eide (Hon ): 3. Eddie Leret (Yom ); 4. Rodney Honberge r (Yam ): 5. Robbi e Dunham (Yam ). 250 PRO: I. Luke Orr (Hon) . J R VET BEG: 1. Jeff McClure (Ko w ); 2. Everett Smi th (Han); 3. Marc Santarp io (Hon) ; 4. Gory Ivin t Hon ); 5. Roy Ledoux (Han ). JR VET NO V: 1. Etha n Dally (Han) ; 2. Kirt Coth ran ( Yam); 3. Stefan Neary (Hon); 4. Shy Moshe (Yam); 5. Michael Tliggs (Kaw ). JR VET 11"fT; 1. fo ri Cole (Yam); 2. Ton y Pull iam (Han ); 3. Peshe Afshar (Yam). VET NOV: I. Doug Ford (Hen ); 2. Steten Neary (Hon); 3. Matthew O 'Carroll (Hon); 4, Shy ft\oshe (Yam) ; 5 . Flynn Solemen (Kaw) . VETINT : I. Earl Cole (Yom ): 2. Tony Pulliam (Hon ); 3. Mike Lc. are (Han ); 4. Peehe Afshll f (Yll m ): 5. Doug Bearden ( Yom). VET PRO: I. Bill Seurc (Han ); 2. Rich T ruchlnskl (Suz); 3. Ed T np p (Hon): 4. Norm $chi"!l (Hon) . SR NOV : I. David Rendell (Hon ); 2. Stanley Norwoods (Han); 3. Clark Wilmoth (Knw ). SR AM:. I. Rick Park s (Han ); 2. Curtis Brown (Kaw ). OfT NO V: 1. Ron Nipper (AT K); 2. Asker Lem kjeer (Suz); 3. Lerry Kirs ch (Yam) . I'I.M 1. Keith Chadwic k (Hen) ; 2. Don ~ine r (Yam): 3. Jeff : Howthorne (Suz). OfT EX; I . Bob Dun ham (Yem); 2. Lay men Gatti s (Ho n); 3. Mar k Neal (Hon); 4. Grt!g Robertson (Hon ): 5. Mark Mdngold (KTM) . OfT MSTR A : I. Ed Tripp (Hon ). orr MSTR B: I. Ken Greene (Hon) ; 2. Norm Sch iel (Han ): 3. Em ie Kop asz (Yom) . orr . Bersano's Pair of Bentwheels District 14 Hare Scra m b les Ser ies B y AARON B ARTH ROS E CITY , MI, SEPT. 10 A sma ll gathering of M ich igan riders atte nded the seco nd ra ce ho st ed b y th e Ben twh eel s Motor cycl e Club . Rain on th e day of co m pet ition made this cla y -based co urse sli ppery. " Man. I crashed a lot today ," said Fact ory Gas Gas rid er B lair Be rsa no . "T he rac e was challe ngi ng and enjoyable ." T he Ro se C i ty c o u n t r y s id e see me d to resemble the local e for a motorcy cle bloo per v ideo . Riders slid from co rner to c orn er. Man y co m pe t itors wer e spotted tak ing n um er ou s so il sam ples during the eve nt. Bald y ' s A l l bi ke /Go lde n Spec t ro / Hebo / Sm ith ' s Ber san o t alli ed 11 la p s during th e three hours of co m pe ti tion. Bersan o seemed to like th e terra in . as he reco rded his seco nd victory at thi s faci lit y this seaso n. KTM 400· m ou nt ed Co rey Calkin s record ed his best fin ish of th e 2000 seaso n. Th e Lan si ng Cycle /E nduro En g in eering /Am soil / Moose/ FMF- backed Calkins j ockey ed all day with his co mpetito rs, finis hing the day seco nd overa ll. Besides fighting off chall enge s from ot her rid ers, Ca lk ins st ill had a few fall s on the day and eve n had to push his str oker ac ro ss the lin e wh en he ran out gas. Yam aha- mounted Aaron Wegne r found his way bac k to th e podi um . Pirelli TIres/ O 'Neal/ RK Ch a in s/W E R· ba ck ed We gn er e njoyed t he muddy conditio ns. A fter the race, Wegner was a little fru strat ed , as he had finished well but still lost poin ts to Calk ins in the cham pio nship chase . Steve Willey rode a consistent race, finishin g fourth ov erall on his 2001 Ka wasa ki 250, and he also p icked up the Vetera n ¥c1ass victory. Retumi ng to th e top five was Planet Honda 's Clint Su m ne r, wh o kept hi s Lo we Racin gback ed Hond a 125 upright and pu shed on to th e chec ke red flag . Sum ner had to pla y ca tchup all day. O n th e first lap, he slid out in a corner, breaking his barkb uster. A fter a qu ick pit , he return ed to the race and rode trou ble- free. In the two -hou r, 200cc (13 · 17) cla ss, cur ren t poin ts leader T ravis Pranger o nc e again dominat ed the comp eti ti on. Ho nda -m ou nt ed Pranger rec orded hi s fift h victor y of the season. KTM j oc key Matt Daugh erty wa s the next rider to cross the fini sh line. T ho m as Emede. a ta lented up -and -c omin g rid er , fill ed in the th ird pos iti o n. Fourth pla c e wa s Suzuki pil ot Nathan Piet range lo . B re tt Bersan o rode his Steven ' s Sport Cent er Suzuk i t o fifth . With th ree rounds remaining, Bla ir Be rsano and his Gas Gas seem to have a tight grip on the cha mpionship. Be rsano is try ing t o ga in hi s seco nd Michigan Hare Sc rambles title. 85 (7 . 1 1) : 1. Jake Emede; 2 . lack J am eson; 3 . Ni c ho las Ozanich ; 4. Shannon Flegel ; 5. Jordan BeougMr. 65 (7· 11): I. Tim Blower ; 2. Bruce Heightchew; 3. Tyl er Hill ; 4. Brandon Flegel; 5. Ben Dutsk y. L/W TEAM: 1. Chris Blower/Tim Blow er; 2. Joel Sapd/Gaylen Sepek3. Wilham Bourdow/Sem Boulli on. H/W TEAM: 1. Eddie K ~n /Ron Balzer; 2. Sco tt Barcla y/ Scott Lcce: 3. Ted ClatkfTom Clark . 200 JR : 1. Travis Pranger ; 2. Matt Daughe rt y; 3. Th oma s Emede ; 4. Nathan Pietrongelo ; 5 . Brett Berseno. OPEN 2-HR; 1. uk Dudek ; 2. Brian Southworth: 3. Tom Glover; 4. James Hom ; 5. Jeff Evons. Glen Helen Raceway P a rk Fiene's a Fine Chap B y B ETH LAROCK SA N BER NARDI NO , CA , SEPT. 17 Sum mer was still in "blast m ode" du ring th e California State Champi onship Last Cha nce Q ua li fyi ng Ro u nd at G le n Hele n Racewa y Park . Te mperatures soared to 103 deg rees by midday, resu lti ng in hug e water consumption by riders and spec tato rs alike. T h e heat did no t sto p 2 1 r esolut e 80 c c Beg inners from linin g up for th e st art of their first moto . How ever, a fir st-turn pileu p cert ainly impeded some riders' progress. Claimin g the holes h ot c redi t w a s N ol e en -b eck ed Ch ad And ers on , foll owed b y Chapman " Cha p p y " Fiene a nd Brand on Urz ua . A battle ens ued betwe en And er son and Fi en e for first, while Urzu a , Co d y Ma sso n a nd A n d rew Yarn ell bu nched togeth er, fighting for th e number-three positi on . Yarn ell passed Masson for fourt h and was m aki ng ground o n th ird when he hurtled int o th e gro und . losing several posi tions. During th e whit e-flag lap , An derson bo bb led in a tum , allo wi ng Fi ene to seize the lead and th e w in. A nderson clai med second, whi le Masson and Urzua crossed the finish in third and fourt h. "The tr ack was qu ick," said Fien e. Th e Temecula Mo tors /O'N eaI/AC Racing back ed 1O-yea r-old then captured the seco nd m oto ho leshot in front of an eig ht- bike pi leup on An im al Leap. Matt Richardson foll ow ed in second , bu t he was un able to cha lle nge F iene duri ng th e moto . Comi ng u p fro m a six t h pos ition sta rt, Yarne ll da rted thro ug h th e rider s to c ap ture th e number -three pos itio n. Fiene cruised to th e fi nish li ne un chall en ged, with Richardson and Yarn ell in tow . At the fini sh lin e, Fiene c alm ly pr ocl aimed t ha t he w o uld b e ba ck t o " w i n th e State Cham pio nshi p ." A co uple of other strong co nte nders for the o p por tu n it y to race in the Ca lifornia State Cham p io nship we re 125 cc Novice riders And y Bakken and Mike Davis. The two rac ers wer e clearly do minant in th e field of 2 7 riders. In th e firs t m o t o , Drag on /John Bu r r Cycles/S chmidt -sponsored Davis started at th e front of th e pack , wi th Sam Sca nle n the only other co ntender for first. Scanlen dro p ped two positions to Ma tt Ed dy and Adam Fichtelm an during lap two. Coming through th e pack from seve nth, Davis procured seco nd plac e dur ing the thi rd lap, but he was un abl e to catch th e elusi ve Bakken . Dav is claimed the fi rst -moto wi n. with Bak k en and Fich telman foll owin g . Ca p tu ri ng th e seco n d - moto h o le shot , Th ou san d Oaks /P ro Circu it /Axo / Ren t halbac ked Bak k en finall y got the sta rt he want ed . A battl e ens ued between Bak k en and Da vis fo r th e lead , but Bakke n evaded D av is to the finish to tak e the win. Seizi ng third was Yamaha -m ou nted Jeff Harr is. O ve rall win ner Bakken claimed the heat didn't bother him too much. " I went back for Lore tta 's, so I've been tra ining for the heat," he said . " I'm pre tty used to it." Results PfW SHAFT: 1. Co d y Ted der ( Ya m ): 2 . Markus velenq cete ( Yem): 3. Joey Gutie rrez (Yam). PfW (4-6) STK : I. Daniel Ove rton (Cob ): ~ Ca rl os Don (Cob ); 3 Mason Moll (Cob); 4. Gorrett Jec kscn (Cob): 5 . Aus tin PoU telll (Co b) . P/W (4 ·6) MOD : 1. T y Kef'lllln (Po l): 2. Dozer Hall (Cob) ; 3 Bryc e Stewart Cob) ; 4. Andrew Mul grew (Cob) P/W (7·9) SfK : I. .Jemes Gligo Jr . (Co b): 2. Nigel Johnson (KTM). P/W (7-9 ) MO D: I. Joh nny Jelderde (Co b): 2. Michael Tru glia (Co b ): 3 . Sheun Caud llJ (Lem ); 4. Mason Sweeden (KTM). 60 (0. 8): I. John ny Jelderdll (KTM) ; 2. Drake P1~n (KTM) ; 3. Garrick Noble (KTM); 4. Chris PkJuffe(KTM): 5 . Brett Dawney (KTM) . 60 (9- 11): I. Bruce Rutherford (KT 2. Trent Pugmire (KTM); 3. ""); Shawn Hayes (KTM); 4. O\apmilOFIeOe (KT"") ; 5. Man:usCarrillo (KTM). 80 BEG: 1. Chapman Fiene (Suz); 2. Cody Ma!l5Ofl(Hon ); 3. Mati Richardson (Kaw): 4. CheanTill ey. 85 (12 -15 ): 1. William Hkks: 2. Nick J ubb: 3 . Joe Kutch ey; 4. Nick Limbe r; 5 . Jo sh Aspetl . (Above) Competition Park: Dennis B riggs (39) lea d s Jeff Johnson (37) in the Open Pro contest In San Jacinto, Ca liforn ia . B r iggs won and Johnson w as runner-up. (Left) Glen Helen Raceway Park: Chapman " C ha p p y " Fiene (57) posted 1-1 moto w ins for the overall 80cc Beginner victory in San Bernard ino, California. cue I e neVlls NOVEMBER 1 , 2000 71

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