Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GEOR.GIA Yama ha O f C ant o n 9 45 0 Kno x Brid ge H wy. Canto n, GA 30 114 (77 0) 4 79 ·3 340 O utdoor Powersports 1377 Dogwood Drive Conyers, GA 30 0 12 ( 77 0 ) 76 1-4 800 Yam ah a O f D alton -Ra ce TC'3.m SYD 205 Martin Lut her King Ir . Blvd. Dalto n. GA 30 72 1 ( 706 ) 278 -1 620 O con ee Moro rs p o rts Inc. 9 37 ·A Lake O co nee Parkwav Eato nton. G.A" 3 1024 . (7 06) 48 5-9 339 Motions Yamaha 1·75 Exit 26 5 M ariet ta, GA 30062 (77 0) 425 -400 0 IDAHO Richs Yam aha 14354 S. Arc he r lockpo rt , lL 60441 (8 15) 838 -8 130 H ol zh aver Pr o M oto rsporrs 1070 K M ill Rt . 127 Nashville. I L 6 2263 (888) 276-2628 WWW .ho Ron & Bri an ' s M o to rsports 1550 Grand Aven ue Waukegan , I L 6 0085 (84 7) 62 3·2004 www.ron·b rianllmO( lfspurt! m Cycle Craft Yamaha 1(JOO S. Eas twood Dri ve woodstock. IL 6009 8 (8 15 ) 33R-64 54 www.cyclc -cra INDIANA Cyc lesport Yamah a 8544 E. US6 Hobart, IN 46342 (2 19 ) 9 62 -4 770 Koorenal Saw And Cy cle Inc. 130 R Be st Avenue: Coc urd d ' Alen e, id 83 8 14(80 0 ) 292 -6 3 15 M ax Pi t ts Yamaha In c. 2990 Sout h US 3 1 Peru, IN 4 6~70 (7 6 5) 472 -2 42 3 ILLINOIS DGY Mororsp orrs Buck's Powers-ports 393 East U.S. # 30 Valp ara i..o, IN 463 8 3 (2 19) 477-4 71111 216 O~d C'n Avenue Downers Grove . IL 60515 (6 30) 9 71 ·2602 IO,",A Woodfield M oto rs p orts 85 E. Golf Rood H offman Esta tes, IL 601 73 (84 7) 885·7525 Purchase lIJIJ new 2001 Of new prior year Yl250, m25 or nao !romAugust 1, 20 0 IIJroullh eeember31,2000 and you0 gel zerodown, zero PQlllents* and zero1D1erest* until March 2001, Pa u l's Mororcy clc Service 3341 \V . Broa dw av Council Blull " 1A 5 1- 1 50 (7 12) 322 -~808 @V AMAHA ,....,=== . On your Yamaha cred it card, subjecllo credit approval . Finance charges wi n not be Imposed on these purel'lasn and paymen ts will not be req Uired unt il UlIrctl 2001, 11 yow Account Is kept current. Standard Rate 17.9 APR lor Accoun which are kepi etlTTenl Otherwise the Default Rale 21.9% APR will be '" ts applied 10 all balances. M inimum Finance Charge S1.0 0. his year the 125 engine gets all-new exhaust and scavenging port retooling. a reshaped YPVS power valve. and a redesigned, lower-friction crankshaft. The result? Str on ger , and more seamlessly delivered, low-and high -end power and greater over-rev capa city . T , YZ250F B~ Let thi s be a warning to th e co m pe t ition : afraid . Be v er y afraid . B ecaus e If y o u though t th ings were scary aft er the introduct ion of o ur m in d -blowing YZ426 F four-str ok e, well , guess what ? Now th e b ig g uy 's go t a broth er . Presentin g th e all-new YZ25 0 F . Wi th an incred ibly co m p act, supe r-sh ort-stroke. 5-titanium-valve head . liquid- coo led 25 0cc sing le th at revs all th e way to 13 .500 rpm ! A smooth-sh ifting . 5-spe ed. invo lute -spli ne gearbo x that hoo ks up th at inc redible four -stroke pow er bank on surf aces th at leave othe r bikes spinning thei r whe els. Th e alI- \.. new , ali -bu siness YZ250F . Isn't do m ination a wond erfu l thing ? ~ YZ250F cue I e n e vv s N O V EM B ER 1 ,2000 47

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