Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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have a C main on the ca rd to at least allow those riders to get some laps in the books . In the A main, Anthony Gla rnma n co ro cketed to the point f rom his position on the pole, with Jim Ro sa , D a n n y Pe rkins and Steve F o r t u n e runn ing ri g h t b eh in d hi m while J im Lew is worke d the o utside in search of t h e tracti on t hat wo uld prop el him fo rw ard. Giamman c o sim p ly ke pt h is cool , running th e low li ne t o perf ec tion and nev er being se rio usly cha llenged for the lead. Perk ins ultimately got by Rosa to tak e th e seco nd spot, but Rod Spencer was the other hero of t he d ay , the former spri nt ca r d ri ve r from Northern Califo rnia coming throu gh th e pack fro m t he pe na lty lin e t o fini sh fourth . Cana da 's Ro y al eN A dderson was fifth . Del Mar Rodeo Arena De Mar, California l Resuh3: Dctoberl, 2000 SPTMS N VI NT 25 0 A : 1. Mann y Crum mett: 2. J eff S. Johns on; 3 . Joe Steffen; 4 . Bruce Reynolds ; 5 . Craig Johnso n. SPTS MN VI NT 250 B: Gord on Rudy ; 2. Byron Kuk la : 3 . Ch uck Clay don ; 4 . Brett Bemi s; 5 . Tim Hen ry . 400 AM.: I . Man n y Crum me tt : 2 . B ru ce Reynolds; 3. J im Wood Jr .: 4. Byron Kukla : 5. Gary White. DlNO SOO I7S0: I. Allan McBee ; 2. Dubb Ferrell : 3 . G ord on M enz i e; 4 . J eff T u l i n i u s ; 5 . D a v id DuVamey. (Above) Fonner AMA Grand National dirt-tracker Allan McBee (3x) was the class of the night aboard his rigid Triumph twin. McBee stonned to impressive wins in the Classic Vintage 5001750 and Dinosaur 5001750 mains, (Above) Looking very much like one of the old gunfighters, Butch Cochran (9 8 ) bagged the Classic Vintage 250 win aboard his im m a c u l at e Hariey-Davidson Sprint. BMBR SGl: Keith Bra df ord : 2 . J oe Steffen: 3. Joe Carrera ; 4 . John Larson. MORN 250 A M : 1. Craig J ohnson : 2 . Wo ody Carlson: 3. Jim Wood Jr. 4. Gabe Slatton; 5 . Danny Per ez. CLSSC VINT 2 50: Butch Cochran : 2 . Vince Gra ves; 3 . Rich Trait : 4 . J im McMurren ; 5 . Len ny Rod riquez. CLSSC VINT 500n50: 1. All an McBee ; 2. Dave Mille r ; 3. Gor don Men zie : 4 . J oe Pap e : 5 . M att Cam pbell. SR 50 + A : 1. J o hnn y Is aa cs ; 2 . Ma nny Cru m me tt ; 3 . Jim McM urren ; 4 . Gordo n Rudy ; 5 . Gary White . SR 50 + B: I. Marty Lewis ; 2. AI Ludwegsen; 3 . Ron Moo re: 4. Dann y Phill ip s: 5. Phil Brown . VET 35 + A : t . Rod Spence r; 2. Jim Rosa; 3 . Woody Carlson; 4 . But ch Cochran; 5. Clyde Den nen. VET 35 + B: 1. Larry Green: 2. Je ff Jo hnson; 3 . Steve Fortun e; 4. Gord on Rudy; 5. Gary White . S/SR 6 0 +: 1. Jim McMurre n: 2. Ron Gou ld; 3 . Marshal J enni ngs: 4 . Larry Madrigal: 5. J ulia n Arthur . O PEN AM : I . Danny Perez; 2. Dan te Dam bruoso : 3. Bill Silvertho rn; 4 . By ron Kuk la; 5. Elliott Iverson. S PT SM N V I NT 750: Ken Thi eb aud ; 2 . Brad Spencer; 3. Tom Ferguson; 4 . Way ne Warrington: 5. Doug Frank lin . OP EN PR O C: 1. Ra nd y Bere ma n ; 2 . J e ff Johnson; 3. Aaro n Creame r: 4 . Bob Cobb. OPEN PRO B: 1. Keith Bradf ord : 2 . Joe Carrera; 3. Randy Berem an; 4. Samm y Sabedra ; 5. Brandon Inderbitzi n. O PEN PRO A : 1. A nthony Giam m anco ; 2. Danny Perkin s: 3 . Jim Rosa; 4 . Rod Spe nce r; 5. Royal Add erson. (Abo ve) It wou ldn't be a l ege n d a ry nig ht without legends. Posing with the B udweiser girls are (l eft to right) Team Ho n da's Kurtis Roberts, fonner Worid Speedway Champion Barry B riggs, and " On Any Sunday" heroes Dave A ldana, Skip Van Leeuwen, J im Odom and Gene Romero. (Above) Manny Crummett (17) won two main events on the night, but he came up short in this one, the Senior 50. A main. Johnny Isaacs (front row, third from left) took the win, with Crummett nipping at Isaac's heels for the entire distance. (Left) Anthony Giammanco (75) took control at the start of the Open Pro A main and bested a tough field for the w in. eye I e n e vv s NOVEMBER 1 , 2000 37

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