Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Lettl Alan Nelson (5 0 71 le a d s T im Hall (1441 en route to winning the Amateur Lightweight Su p erbi k e class. (Rightl William T orbert w on Frid ay' s Amat eu r GTU c lass. DaytlIna Intematill11lll Spee dway Daytona Beach, Florida Resu ~:DctoberZO ·ZZ,ZOOD A MA T EUR LI GHTW EIGHT sUPERsPO RT : I. Willi am Siem en s (Suz) ; 2. Scott Gowl and (Suz); 3. J on as McCl usk ey (Suz); 4 . Rod Mahr (S uz) ; 5 . Mit ch Ste in (Suz) . Distan ce: 5 laps. 17.8 m iles. GRAN D PRIX SINGLES: I. Albert J . Ch ar les ( D u e) : 2 . J am es Br own ( M Z) ; 3 . .Jon erhan Yellle nccurt ( Han) ; 4 . John Aks el (MZ) ; 5. Bar rett Long (Yam) . Tim e: I I min .• 14 .57 J sec. Dist an ce: 5 laps, 17.8 m iles. Average s peed: 94 .99 4 m ph. run in a light drizzle. The Suzu ki 700m ou n t ed D oe took the 3D - m i nu te Expert GT Lights in a ro mp, bea ting Red l in e Per f o r m a n c e M o t orsp o r t s ' Bem ie Huntt by 24.478 seconds in the 14 -lap ra ce . Racing in th e amateur class , Cyberlogtech. com' s A lan N el son won b ig o ver fellow Suzu k i 650 rid er J ona s M cClus k ey. Nelson als o t o o k sec o n d in S und a y's Am at eu r Lightweight Grand Prix cla ss. "I t' s a lo t o f wo rk ," D o e sa id. " It started raining th ere in th e mid dle. I was ru nni ng as hard as I could in case it sta rted rai ni ng eve n ha rd er. I'm just glad it qu it. " Th e pair again wo n their respecti ve cl asses in th e Lightweight Superbi k e race, with both having m ore co m petition thi s time out. Doe powered away at the start of th e five- lap race , a ligh t drizz le fall ing for a lap or two , increm entally gapping Robert Michael (Suz ) . T he margin o f victory in the five -la p rac e would be 5.849 seconds Nelson got away with M cClus ke y again, only thi s time he trailed , un til the fourth lap, when he was able to ease away for his second w in . Win nebagoLand Yamaha 's Chad Konop was third. Delaware, the F irst State, was twice rep resented in the wi nner's circle · both ti me s by Du cati Supermono pilot A lb ert Ch arles. Charles took the first race of th e m eet , Fri day 's Grand Prix Singles, by 2.396 seco nds over Bik ewo rx James Br own. "It' s awes ome, " Charles said . "It' s th e fi rst tim e in a lon g time that I'v e won at Da yt ona ." The second time wou ld com e soon er , in Saturday 's SuperS in gl es ra c e when he aga in rod e th e Du ca ti to vic tor y with a co m fo rtable gap on Bi k ewor x Gal en Mil ler. " It' s un bel iev abl e ," Ch arl es sa id . "I' ve been co m ing here for almost 20 yea rs and I get tw o [wi ns] in one week end ." Frid ay ' s Amateur GTU ra c e wa s red -n ag g ed , then run fo r o nly ab out ha lf d i st an c e , Fast Lan e Cycles' Wil li am To rbert dom inating the eve nt to take a comfortable w in. Second went to T r o y Gre en with Pedro Vali ente third. Torbert was back on the Kawasa k i ZX -6 f o r Saturd a y ' s Amateur M id dleweight Superbik e rac e and he again be at Green and Vali ent e, th ou gh the ru nners-u p re vers ed their po sit io ns, Va li ente sec o nd b y 1.8 5 7 seconds , and Green third. Those two we ren't th e ride rs T orbert was con c ern ed with . " A l l I want to know is how f a r behind was Ed Cobb?," Torbert asked o f th e fifth -place rider. " I saw them co m in g, I felt th em co ming . Ev ery time I shifted I said out lo ud , Ed Cobb, Ed Cobb , Ed Co bb . E v er y tim e I brak ed I said Ed Cobb , Ed Cobb, Ed Co bb . Now it loo k s like there's other people I have to worry about. " On Sunda y it was the same three riders going at each ot her in two of the final three races. First up was the Amateur M id dl eweight Supersport and Green took the l ead with the draft in NASCAR T urn Two, the Torb ert out-braked him going into the chicane, Valiente lurk ing in the back ground. Green was ou t fron t on two, his Yamaha accelerating better th an Torbert 's Kawasak i and it serve d him well on the final la p. On the r u n to t he fl ag , G r e e n c aug ht a lapper in th e right spo t on the East Bank in g, used hi m as a slingshot, then sped to beat T orb ert by .381 of a seco nd . Valie nte was th ird . "I put in a ha rd last lap ," Green said "I went int o th e chicane, got in deep, and it work ed out for m e." As wo uld th e last race . Aga in it w as Gr een , T o rb ert , and Vali ent e, but th ere was less dram a at th e end after Green checked o ut early o n. H e ' d wi n h i s seco nd race by 6 .586 sec. with T orbert second and Valiente again third . eN Margin of victory: 2.396 sec. EXPERT LIGH TW EIG HT sUPERsPORT: I . Ed Key (Suz): 2. Robe rt Michae l (Suz) ; 3. Robe rt Fisher (S uz) ; 4 . Gerry Has her (S uz) ; 5 . Pet er Friedma n (Suz). AMATEUR GTO : I. Ed Co bb (Suz): 2 . James Hell ey (Y am ); 3 . James Hooper (S uz) ; 4 . Rob ert Ca rewe y (Suz) 5. Tony Wood y (Suz) . Di stance : 7 laps. 24.92 m iles. EXPERT GT LIGHTS: 1. Da ve Doe ( S ua): 2 . Bern ie Hunt (Suz) ; 3. Ed Key , Marshall (Suz) : 4 . Robert Fisher (Suz ); 5. Je ff Mitch ell (Yam). Tim e: 29 m in.• 47 .155 sec. Distance: 14111ps. 49 .84 mil es. Average speed: 100.396 m ph. M. rgin of victory: 24.478 SeC' . a EXPERT GTO: I. Gabriel Hennin g ( Suz): 2 . Vincent Hask ov ec (Kaw) ; 3. Byron Barbour (Suz); 4 . Anthony Fania (Yam ): 5 . Joe Pruss leno (Yam) . Time: 29 min., 25.595 sec . Dist ance: 53.4 miles . Average speed: 108.88 1 mph . Mar gin of vict ory: 0.300 sec. AMATEUR GT U GHTs : I. Man Nelson (Suz): 2. Jonas McClu skey (Suz) ; 3. Jeffrey McK inney (Due) ; 4. And rew Stutzm an (Suz) ; 5 . Chad Konop (Yam ). Di sta nce: 5 laps, 17.8 m iles. UGHlWElGHT SPORTSMAN: I . Ja mes Brow n (MZ); 2 . Christo pher Spargo (Yam ); 3. Galen Miller (MZ): 4 . Jo hn Aksel (MZ): 5. Ted Nort on (Kaw). Time : 11 mi n., 27 .97 7 sec. Di stan ce: 5 lap s. 17.8 m iles. A ver ag e speed: 93.143 m ph. Mar gin of victory: 7.1 96 sec. AMATEUR GTU: I. William Torbert III (Kaw) ; 2, T ro y Gr een (Y am ) ; 3 . Pedro Vali ent e ( Yam ): 4 . Miguel Pena (Yam ): 5. Ed Cobb (Suz). Dist ance: 8 lap s. 28 .48 mil es. EXPERT GTU : I. Manny Manu suth ak ls. Palm Beach . FL. (Yam) ; 2. ScottGree nwood (Hon): 3. Ryan La n de r s ( Su z) ; 4 . Shan e Prieto (Y am ) ; 5 . MarcoMartin ez (Yam) . Tim e: 29 min , 58. 153 sec. Dist ance: 15 laps, 53.4 m iles. Average speed. 106.91 0 sec. Marg in of victory : 5.65 7 sec. HEAVYWEIGHT SPOR T SMAN: I . Bernie Hun t (Suz): 2. Richie Morris (Sue); 3, Jo hn Long (Due); 4 . J erry Wood (Due): 5. Donald Unger (Duc) . Time : 10 min ., 46 .919 sec. Di sta nce: 5 laps, 17.8 m iles, Average speed: 99 .054 sec, Margin or victory: 2.91 6 sec. EXPERT HEAVYW EIGHT sUPERBIKE : I. Manny M an u su th a k is ( Su z) : 2 . Sc o tt Ha rw ell ( Suz) : 3 . Gabriel Henning (Suz); 4 . David Mcint yre (Suz); 5. Micha el Gallag her (Suz). TIme : 9 mi n.• 52.268 sec. Dis tance: 5 laps, 17.8 miles . A\lerage speed : 108 . 194 mph . M.argin of victory: 4 .3 I 0 sec. MID DLEW EI GH T SP ORTSM AN : I . Rob ert M ichae l ( Kaw) ; 2. Dona ld Unger (Due); 3. Cha rle s Coyle ( Ka w) ; 4 . J effrey Mc Kinney (Du c ) ; 5 . Ted Norton (Kaw) . Time: 10 mi n., 4 1.539 sec. Distance: S laps. 17.8 m iles. Averaqe speed: 99.88 5 m ph. Margi n of victory: 6.5 82 sec. EX PERT MIDDLEWEIGHT s UPERBIKE: I. Manny Manu suthakis (Yam ): 2. Shane Prieto ( Yam) ; 3. Ma rco Martinez ( Yam) : 4. Jeffrey Purk (Yam); 5. Joseph Gill (Yam). Time: 9 m in.• 57 .530 sec. Distance: 5 laps, 17.87 m iles. Aver age speed: 107.241 m ph . Margin of victory: 0 .220 sec. AMATEUR MIDDLEWEIGH T s UPERBIKE: I. William Torbert (Kaw) ; 2. Pedro Val iente (Yam ) ; 3. Tr oy Green (Yam) ; 4 . M iguel Pena ( Yam) : 5. Ed Cobb (Suz) . Time : 10 m in.• 2 1.238 sec. Distance: 5 laps, 17.8 mi les. A \lerage speed: 103.149 mp h. Margin of victory: 1.85 7 sec . I\MI\TEUR HEI\VYWEIGHT SUPERB IKE : I. Ed Co bb (Suz) ; 2 . Pat Moon ey J r. (S uz) ; 3 . Willi am F o bert ( Ka w) : 4 . Ja me s Hoop er (Suz); 5 . J oh n Dalto n ( Sua).' Time: 9 m in .• 59 .706 sec. Dist ance: 5 laps, 17.8 mil es. A verage speed: 106.852 m ph. Margin of vict ory: 23 .704 sec . EX PERT SUPERTWINS : 1. T h oma s Fou rnier (Due) : 2. Scott Harwell (Suz): 3. J ohn Porlier (Hon): 4 . Damon Patton (Suz) ; 5. J oseph Bilinski (Duc) , lime : 9 min ., 58 .340 sec. Dist ance: 5 laps. I7.8 m iles. c u e I e ne A \lerag e speed: 107 .096 mph . Margin of victory: 0 .182 sec. AMATEU R SUPERlWINS: I . Jeffrey McKinney (Due) ; 2. Herbe rt Greenham (Suz): 3. Alan Nelson (SU: ); 4. Dirk Piz (Due); 5. Jonas McClu skey (SUL). Distance: 5 laps. 17.8 mil es. sUPER sINGlEs: I. Albert Charl es (Due ): 2 . Galen Miller (Mul); 3. Nevill e Hell -Reece (MuZ): 4. James Brown (MuZ); 5. Je rry Wood (Due) . Di stance: 5 laps, I7.8 m iles. I\MI\TEUR UGHTWEIGHT sUPERBIKE: 1. Alan Nels on (Suz) ; 2. Jo nas McLu sk ey (Suz) ; 3. Chad K on op (Y am ) : 4 . Sco tt Gowl and (Suz) ; 5. Josh Brick er (Suz) . Di sta nce: 5 laps, 17,8 m iles. EXPERT LIG HTW EIGHT sUPERB IKE: I. Dave Doe (Suz): 2. Robert Michael (Suz); 3. Donald Unger (Due): 4 . Matt Bl ashfield (Hon): 5. Ed Key, Marshall (Sua) . Timc: 10 rnin .. 33,616 sec. Distan ce: 5 laps, I7.8 miles. Average speed: 10 1.134 mph . Margin of vict ory: 5.849 sec. I\MI\TEUR UNLIMITED SUPERS PORT: I. Ed Cob b (Suz) ; 2 , Pat Moon ey Jr. (S uz) ; 3 . Jame s Hoo p er ( Suz) ; 4 . J ohn D alt on (Su z) : 5 . Robert Caraway (Yam) . Di stan ce: 5 laps. 17.8 mil es. EXPERT UN LIMITED sUPER sPORT: 1. Shane Prieto (Suz ) ; 2. John A shmead (Suz) : 3 . M anny M anu sut hak i s ( Yam); 4 . Antho ny Fan ta (S ua): 5. Charles Chou inard ( Yam ). Tim e: 9 m in .. 46.06 5 sec. Distance: 5 laps , 17.8 m iles. Averaqe speed: 109.339 mp h. Margin of victory: 1.32 1 sec. EXP ERT MIDDLEWEIG HT G RAN D PR IX : 1. Manny Manusuth ak is (Yam ); 2. Shane Prieto (Yam) ; 3. Scott Greenwood (Hon): 4. J effrey Wood (Yam) : 5. Je ffrey Purk (Yam ). Time: 9 m in., 56 .030 sec. Dista nce: 5 laps, 17.8 m iles. Averag e speed : 107.511 mph . Margin of victory : 1. 185 sec. I\MI\TEUR HEAVYW EIGHT sUPERsPORT: I. Ed Cob b (S ua ): 2. Pat Mooney Jr. {S ua) : 3 . Troy Green (Yam ); 4 . Jo hn Dalton (Suz); 5. James Gaal (Suz). Time: 9 min.. 59 .50 3 sec. Di st ance: 5 laps. I7 .8 m iles. A verage speed: 106 .88 9 m ph. Margin of victory: 15.08 5 sec. UNUMITED GP: 1. Manny Manusuthakis (Yam ): 2 . Shane Priet o (Yam): 3 . Shawn Higbee (Suz): 4 . Gabri el Henning (Suz); 5. Marc o Marti nez (Ka w). Time: 9 m in .• 40.63 2 sec. Di st ance: 5 laps . 17.8 mi les. A ver age speed: 110.36 2 m ph. Margin of victory: 0 .283 sec. FORMULA 4 0 EX PERT : Ric k Sha w (Suz) : 2 . Mik e L uk e (Suz); 3 . Rog er Hend ri ck s ( Suz) : 4 . Steph en Deca m p (Suz); 5, Richard Croly (Suz) . Time: 10 minu tes. 5. 162 sec. Distance : 5 laps, 17.8 mil es. Average speed : 105.88 9 mph . Margin of victo ry: 2.5 77 sec. FO RM ULI\ 40 A MATEU R: I. Jeff M cKinn ey { D ue} : 2 . Fr an k T r in chite ll a ( Yam) : 3 . T h o m a s Wa rri ck (S uz ) : 4 . Ti m Bank s (Suz ) ; 5 . T im ot hy Stanton (Yam) , Distan ce: 5 laps, 17.8 m iles. EXPERT LI GHTWE IGHT GRAND PRIX : I. J eff Wood (Yam); 2. Ja son DiSal\lo (Hon); 3. Greg Esser (Hon) : 4 . Stuart Nod ell (Hon ); 5. Ty Piz (Yam). Time: 10 m in. 1.329 sec. Distance: 5 lap s. 17.8 m iles. Averaqe speed: 106 .564 mp h. Margin of victory: 0 .249 sec. I\MI\TEUR U GHTWEI GHT GRAND PRIX: 1. Les Peteki (Yam ); 2. Alan Nelson (Suz); 3 . Chad Konop (Yam ); 4 . J orge Corba to (Yam) : 5. Mit ch Stein (Suz). Distanc e: Slaps. 17.8 m iles. EXPERT MIDDLEWEIGHT sUPERsPORT: 1. Man ny Manu suthtl ki s (Yam); 2. J im Lester (Hon) ; 3. J effrey Purk (Yam ); 4. Chris Arbo r (Yam) ; 5. Marco Martinez (Yam ). Time: 10 min .• 0 .587 sec. Distance: 5 laps, 17.8 m iles. Avera ge speed: 106 .696 mph . Mar gin of victory: 0 .197 sec. A MA TEUR MI DDLEWEIGHT sUPERsPORT: I. T ro y Green ( Yam) : 2 . Will iam Torbert (K aw ) : 3 . Pedr o Valiente ( Yam) ; 4 . M igu el Pen e ( Yam); 5 . Michae l Hewer (Yam). Ti me : 10 m in.. 13.838 sec. Distance: 5 laps, 17.8 m iles. A\lerage speed: 104.392 m ph. Margm of victory: 0.38 1 sec. EXPERT HEAV YWEI GHT sUPERsPORT: 1. Byron Barbour (Suz); 2. Mann y Manusutha ki s (Suz); 3. J ohn A shm ead (Suz) : 4. Rich Conicelli (Suz): 5. J am es Rom ero (Suz) . Tim e: 9 m in .• 48.58 5 min. Dist anc e: 5 laps, 17.8 mi les. A verage speed: 108.871 m ph. Margin of vict ory: 1.747 sec. A MA T EUR MIDDLEWEIGHT GRAND PRIX: I. Tr o y Gree n ( Yam) ; 2 . Will i am To rbe rt ( Ka w) ; 3 . Pedro Valient e ( Yam) : 4 . M ic ha el Offie ( Yam ): 5. Ronny Camil o (Yam ). Ti me : to m in., 15.33 8 sec. Di stan ce: 5 laps. 17.8 m iles. A\lerage speed : 104.138 mph . VIl's NOVEMBER 1 , 2000 13

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