Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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30 YEARS AGO••• NOVEMBER 10, 1970 The Los A nge l es Int er -Am motocross gets under way at Bay Mare for the cover of Issue #43 . Mai co rider A ke Jonsson took the overall win while team mate Willie Ba u er grabbed the Inter-Am vi ctory the previous Friday nig ht at Ascot. Rounding out the podium on Sunday were Arn e Kring (Hus) and Sylvain Geboers (Suz) , and the top Ame ric an on the day was Jim West (AJS) , in ninth. The pod ium at th e A scot Inter -Am consisted of Bau er , J onsson and Rick Tho rwalds on (Ric) , while the top American was, once again, West, but this time he finished fo urth ... Bakersfi eld , Cali fornia , played host to Speedway ra c ing, and A merica n Sonny Nutter took the Handicap ma i n wi n while three-tim e Australian Speedway Champion Jim A ir ey took the victo ry in th e hotly co ntes t ed Scratch ma in ... Joel Robe rt (Suz) outrace d his co mpetition to sw eep th e Trans -AMA races In Franklin, Georgia . 20 YEARS AGO••• NOVEMBER 5, 1980 D eck ed out in all white gea r on an all white Mugen 125 , J oh nny O 'Ma ra ge ts whipped for th e cover of Is su e #43 . Insi de, 19 -yea r -old O' Mara ta lked about his ama teur career and his surprise win at the 125cc USGP. He listed amo ng his goa ls to • ...maybe be 125cc National Champ , then, sooner or later , rac e 25 0 s.". .; Mike Bell (Ya m) wrapped up a ca ree r Supercros s se aso n with a win at the final round of the series in San Diego , Californ ia. Th e race not only served as the final race of Bell's Championship season, it also m ark ed the first tim e tha t a Supercross had ever been held in San Diego ... Eage r desert racers showed up for the start of the Check Chase in the California desert, only to find a bann er at the start line that stated that the race was canceled. The Bureau of Land Management was out taking pictu res and the race could n't be run . When someone took down the banner , the riders took off towa rd the Colorado River, near where the race would have ended. Bob Balent ine made it to the river first, while early challenger Larry Roeseler seized his engine early . 10 YEARS AGO••• OCTOBER 31, 1990 KTM-moun t ed desert hero Dan Sm ith cli nched his fifth stra ight cha mpionship by finishing second to Larry Roe seler at th e final round of the AMA Nationa l Hare & Hound Seri es in ' Nevada. For this feat , Smith took the cover of Issue #43. Roeseler rode a 250cc K awasa k i to the win and clinched the 250cc-c1ass championship ... We released th e pertinent informati on on th e 1991 Husqvarnas , m an y of whi ch fe at ured Brembo brak es and White Power suspension co mpone nts .. . The IFMA Colog ne Motorcyc le Sh o w was under way and amo ng the motorcycles we featured in our coverage was the new CZ 125 motocrosser. We were quick to point out that, even if the CZ wasn't a Japan-beate r, CZ would l ikely survive as a c o m p a ny at l ea st thro ugh their turb ocharger and ma chin etool m anufactu ring... Jamie Hacking won the 250cc A class at a motocross event in Greenvi ll e, Tennessee, using his secondm oto victory to defeat runner -up Mike Brown. Hackin g finished second to Brown eN in the 125cc A contest. i o n Day = O ff - h i g h w a y ve h ic le us er s fac e a m ake- or -br eak situatio n thi s elec tion da y , No vem be r 7 . If th e outcome of th is el ection fa vors th e ex treme enviro nmentalists, you c an be prepared to post wa nt ads fo r you r d irt b ik e, your A T V, yo ur sno wmobile, an d the RV you use to haul the m aro und. We k now that t h is elect io n p o ses the b igg es t ch al lenge of all fo r o ur recr eat io n and ou r acc ess to public land s. Its impo rt can not be overstated . Th e dang er ex is ts o f b ein g ove r wh elmed by th e eme ns ity and gra vity o f the task . After all , it's been a p ret t y rough yea r. In a rus h to implem ent the Cli nto n/ Go re Natural Resourc e Lock -U p Agend a , t he Un ited St ates Forest Servi c e has schedu led m eeting aft er m eet ing , public -comment sess io n after public-com me nt sess io n. To m ak e m atters worse , the Bu reau of Land Mana gement piled o n with it s " O HV Recr eati on Strategy ." On top of that, Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt sho wed up un ann oun c ed in sce n ic ar e a s , scouti ng for po te ntia l new nati onal monuments . At times like this , it's easy to wonder if we're accom p lis hing anythin g , an d the see mi n g ly insurm ount abl e odds ca n e a s i ly cause one t o bec om e disc oura ged and throw in the tow el. It ha sn't m ad e m atter s any better to witness the liberal m edia 's brea th less repo rt in g of th e inc essant p reelec ti o n po lls , in di cati ng that publi c opi nion is sw ingin g ba ck and forth . Ou r access is sues are in actuality not anywhere sim ilar to this skewed national rad ar screen and its warped predi ction s. A t any rate, I'm he re to tell you th at all th is hyp e m ean s nothing . I'm here to tell you that the re is o nly one po ll that co unts, and tha t's t he o ne th at will be tabul at ed aft er you ente r . your elec tion at th e ball ot box . And I'm her e t o tell yo u t ha t y o ur vote will make th e di ff erenc e. B ig -shot politici an s don 't realize th is. Th ey have written us off. Allianc e fo r Am eri ca Presi dent Bru ce Vin c ent reported that last y ear Co ng ressm an Patrick Kennedy, wh o is chairm an of the Democratic Campaign Committee , told the media that his party has "wr itten off the rural areas" because "the y d id not need th e rural areas to win the Wh it e Hou se or to recapture Con gre ss." If they 'v e wr itten off rural ar ea s, t he n they p ro bab ly haven 't even th ought abo ut the off -high wa y vehicle us ers who utilize th ose rural areas. It's tru e that only 20 percent of the American public lives in rural area s. Even fewer enjoy OHV recrea tion. Th e 1994- '9 5 Nation al Survey on Recr eati on and the Environment conduct ed by the U.S. For est Serv ic e and th e Un iversity of Georgia at Ath ens found that 13 .9 per cent of the population aged 16 y ears o r o lde r p arti ci p at es in OH V recrea t ion . Th e same survey fou nd tha t only 3.6 percent of the population participates in snowmobiling . Admit tedly , the se are sma ll numbers when co m p a re d to th e p opul ati on as a who le. r Die Tha t said, th ere 's an othe r n umber that' s small whe n co mpared to the po pulation as a who le - it 's the number of peo pl e who ac tua lly vo te . In fac t , o nly 36 percen t of t he A merica n voting public ac tua lly makes it to the po ll s to cast a vote . Given that, it's not hard to see that if rural folks band together, and if O HVers and other recreatlonists ba nd togeth er , we ca n have a real co llective impact . If all o f us togeth er vo t e in pro portiona l num bers far larger than the vo ti ng public , if we vote to support access, recreati on , and wise use of resources, then we ca n decide the upcoming electio n. I t ' s g oi ng t o t a k e a l o t of work , thoug h . T he 64 percent who don 't vote co uld ve ry well inclu de yo ur riding buddies o r yo ur g ra ndmother. You need to educa te the m abo ut t he threat to t hei r access, sport , and way of li fe. You need to co nvince the m of th e im po rta nce of turn ing out and voting . It' s not enou gh that yo u ge t yo urself to th e po ll s. You need to fill yo ur ve hicle wi th th ese folks and take th em to th e polls with yo u. Th e Blu eRibb on Coa lition has lots of information and m ateriais if you should require them, and the p ublic is encouraged to get in to uc h wit h our orga nization for ex tra m agazines, bumper sticke rs, fliers. and m ore. In the end, however , the messa ge is rea lly ve ry sim ple : tu m out and vo te, or put your off-ro ad vehicle up for sale. Fa c ed w ith t hat c hoice , I am quite co nfi dent that OHV users will do th e work necessary to guarantee an im pressive vo ter turnout for our side . Tog eth er with rural Am eric ans, we will m ak e a difference. We can decide th e election. For add itional informatio n abo ut th e BlueRibbon Coal it ion , vis it o ur we bsite at www.sharetrails. org o r g iv e us a c all at 8 00 /258- 3742 . Adena Cook is the d irecto r of p ub lic eN lands the Bl ueRibbon Coalition. The California League of Off-Road Voters (CLORVJ haspublished a voting guide for off-hiqhway enthusiasts and motorcycle industry members considering the upcoming federal and state elections. As everyone in the country knows , this may be the single most important election in the last 50 years. as the outcome could have a tremendous effect on our rights to motorized recreation on public lands. And with many of the office races and platforms running extremely close. making an informed decision on the basis of the candidates' stance on land-use could impact such issues as the California Green Sticker program, which is up for renewal in the next few years. CLORV based its endorsements upon the answers it received from the candidates who responded to a land-use questionnaire that CLORV sent to them. This guide deals only with those seats which areup for grabs in this election, such as the odd-numbered districts In the Califomia State Senate. While Cycle News is a national motorcycle publication, some 39 perce nt of our readers Jivein the state of California. and you know the old saying, ..As California goes, so goes the nation." We wis h that we cou ld devote pages and pages of guidelines to voters in each state . but all that we can do is strongly urge you to check w ith your local AMA district or land-use activist coalition to see which candidates in your area are being endorse d on the basis of their land-use record. And. please. get out and vote! Fo r President of t he United States G eorge W. Bush Republican For United Stat•• Senate Tom Campbell RepublICa n For U. S . House o f Re presentatiV&l!J Statu. Plrty Incumbe nt D Dlstrlc:tftaldldat. 1 Mi ke Thomp son 2 Wally Herger 3 Dou 0", g 4 John Doolittle 5 No Endorsement 6 No Endorsemen t 7 No Endorsemen t 8 No Endorseme nt 9 No Endorsement 10 CIaode a f-kltcl*\son Jr. 11 Richard Pombo 12 No Endorsement t 3 No Endorsement 14 No Endorsement 15 Jim Cunn een 16 No Endorsement t 1 No Endorsement 18 GaryCondit 19 George Radanovich 20 RIch Rodnguez 2 1 Bill Thoma s 22 Mike Stoker 23 EltonGallegly 24 No Endorsement 25 Howard M cK eon 26 No Endorsement ~7 James E. Rogan 28 David D reier 29 No Endorsement 30 Xavier Becerra 3 1 Hilda L Sol is 32 No Endorsement 33 No Endorsement 34 Grace Napolitano 35 No Endors ement 36 Steven T, Kuykendall 37 Juanit a M illender - Incumben t lncumbent Incumbent R R R Challengei' Incumbent R R Challenger R Incumbent Incumbent ChaHenger Incumbent ChaUenger Incumbent D Incumbent R R R R R R Incumbent Incumbent R R Incumbe nt Challenger D D Incum bent D Incumbent Incumb ent D Incumbent Incumbent Incumbent Incumbent R R R R 42 Joe Boca Incumbent D 43 44 45 46 47 Incumbent Incumben t Incumbent Cha llenger Incumbent R R McDone ld 38 Steve Hom 39 Ed Boyce 40 Jerry Lewi s 4 1 Gary G . M iller Ken Calvert Mary Bono Dana Bobmbecher Gloria Matta Tuehman Chnstopher C ox Coming up in Cycle News c R R R R 48 Darrea leee 49 Brian P. Bilbray 50 No Endors ement 5 1 Randy Cun ningham 52 Duncan Hunter Challe nger Incumbent R R Incumbent Incumbent R R For Califor n ia S tate A. . .mbly $tatKS Distrlc:t1C..dlu tt t Virginia Strom-Martn Incumbent 2 Richard Dickerson Incumbent 3 Samuel M. Aanes tad Incumben t 4 Tim Le slie Incumbent Incu mbent 5 DEl e Co x v 6 No Beepon se 7 Patricia Wiggins Incumben t 8 Helen Thomson Incumbent 9 Darrell Ste inberg Incumbent 10 Anthony Pescettr Incumbent 11 Joe C8nciam~la Challenger 12 Kevin Shelley Incumbent 13 No Endo rse ment 14 N o Endorsement 15 Lynne C . Leach Incumbent 16 No Response 17 Greg Aghazarian ChElllenger 18 Ellen M , Corbett Incumbent 19 louJ s J . Pepen Incumbertt 20 John Dutra Incumbent 2 1 No Response 22 E1aJne White Alqui st Incumbent 23 Manny Diaz Challenger Ch8neng~ 24 Sue Jackson 25 David Codgitl Challenger 26 Dennis Cardoza Incumbent 27 No Endorsement 28 Jeff Denham Challenger 29 Mik e Bnggs Incumbent 30 Dean Florez Incumbent 31 Sarah Reye s Incumbent 32 Roy Ashburn Incumbent 33 Abel Maidens/do Incumbent 34 Phil Wyman Challenger 35 Robin S. Sulhven Challenger 36 George Runner Incumbent 37 Tony Stri ckland Incumbent 38 Kerth Richma n Challeng er 39 Tony Card enas Incumbent 40 Robe rt M . Hertzbe rg Incumbent 41 Jayne Murphy ShapiroChalienger 42 No Response 43 Daria Frommer Cha llenger 44 Carol Uu Cha llenger 45 No Respons e 46 Gil Cedillo Incumbent 47 Herb W esson Incumbent 48 Roderi ck W nght Incumbent Plrty D R R R R D D D R D D R R D D D D D R R D R R D D R R R R R R R D D R 0 D D D 0 . 49 No Endorsement 50 Marco A . Firebaugh Incumbent 5 1 J ero me E. Horton Challenge r 5 2 Car1 W ashingto n Incumbent 53 G eorge Nakano Incumbent 54 Rudy Svorinlctl ChtJlIenger 55 Jen ny Orope za Chall enge; r 56 SaOyHavc e Incumbent 57 EdlNard Chavez Challeng er 58 Thomn s M . Calderon Incumbent 59 Dennis M ountjOy Challenger 60 Robert Pacheco Incumbent 6 1 Denni s Yates Challenger 62 John longville Incumbe nt 63 Bill Leonard Incumben t 64 Rod Pecbecc Incumbent 65Jsn Leje Challeng er 66 Denni HolllOgSWOrth Challenger s 67 Tom Harmon Challenger 68 Ken Maddo~ incumben t 69 Lou Correa Incumben t Chall enger 70 John Campbell 7 1 Bm Campbell Incumbent 72 Lynn Daucher Challenger 13 Patricia C. Bate s Incumbent incumbent 74 Wyland 75 Cherieo e Zettel Incu mbent 76 Mi chelle Nash--Hoff Challenger Cha llenger 77 Jay LaSue r 78 Howa rd Wayne ~umbent 79 Jua n Vargas Challenger 80 David Kelley incumbent D D D D R D D D D R R R D R R R R R R D R R R R R R R R Ma" For California S tate Senate Statu D ric:tlCu dlUtll id 1 Rico Olle r 3 No Endorsemen t 5 Alan Nakan ishi 7 Richard K. Rainey 9 Don Perala t 1 Byron 0 , Shar t 3 No Endorsement 15 Bruce McPherson 17 Wllham J . Knight 19 Tom M cCl intock 2 1 Paul Zoo 23 No Endc reement 25 Edward Vincen t 27 Betty Kamette 29 Bob M argett 31 James L Brulte 33 Di ck Ackennan 35 Ro ss Joh nso n 37 Jim Battin 39 Dede A lpert Challenger D D R ~ R R Chelleeqer Incumben t Incumbe nt Incumbent n D D R R R R Incumbent Incum bent Incumbent C hallenge r .. Incumbent Incumbent Cha llenger Incumbent Challe nger Incumbe nt Challenger Incum bent D D R R R R R D • Australian Road Race GP Finale • Paris Supercross • AMA National Hare & Hound Finale • Grand National Cross Country Finale u c I e n e - s NOVEMBER 1 , 2000 107

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