Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IIqJcle - Subscription Rate Card EffIlCt/FII April 26, 2000 ('''UII (I f B) 5econd Class 5erYIce OOMESTIC 1year 50issues 6 months 25issues Trial sub 15 issues $45.00 $23.00 $15 00 CANADA 1 year 50issues 6m onths 25issues Trial sub. 15issues $9200 $46.00 $2700 MEXICO 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25issues Trial sub. 15issues $92.00 $46.00 $27.00 ALL OTHE R COUNTR IES 1year 50issues 6 months 25issues Trial sub. 15 issues $92.00 $46.00 $2700 Arst Class Service OOMESTIC 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25issues Trial sub. 15Issues $1 30.00 $65.00 $40.00 CANADA 1 year 50issues 6 months 25issues Trial sub. 15 issues $145.00 $73.00 $44.00 MEXICO 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25issues Trial sub. 15 issues $1 45.00 $73.00 $44.00 1year 50issues 6 months 25issues I nal sub. 15 issues $150.00 $75.00 $45.00 ALL O THER COU TRIES N ~ U s ed Parts i ~a.rllo.~h<> .1V'l.<>"t:<>rc:::yc1e. I>i.=~a.rllo.tli.~ O rde rs 1 -800-49 4 -CYCL • Info 916 -631 -7 90 0 Air M Service ail ~ ooMESTIC CANADA 1year 50issues 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15issues $165.00 $83.00 $50.00 MEXICO 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25issues Tnal sub. 15 issues $16500 $83.00 $50.00 ALL O ER TH 1 year 50issues 6 months 25issues Trial sub. 15 issues "'====~=:::::-:-= -==~~==-~== : =-"""=-:-:-::-=:-~~[ N otavailable $26200 $1 32.00 $79.00 C U IES O NTR Two year .ub.cription price available upon . request, llse the subscription order form el.ewhere in thisissue of Cycle News. or send your order. including payment !che money ck. order. charge to VISA or Mastercard) .S. payable in U funds. to: Cycle News, Inc. Attn: Circulation P.O. Box 5084 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 Phone (714) 751-7433 TOU-FREE SUBSCRIPnOIl HOTUIlE (800) 831-2220 E-Mail: 24 hr. FAX order line IVl5A i (714) 751 -6685 (charge orders only, please) a-y# I~HONDA Dli LEY 1'·g«-P;···P/tF:Ai":'·'·' Visit O ur W eb site: www. g aryballey .com P.O . BOX 130 , AXTON . VA 24054 ' - - - (540) 650-1759 ' FAX (54 0) 650-2120 _ HODAKA - BMW PARTS N e w 1 DOc e Hodaka P iston K i ts N ew M o lded Rubber P arts N o w Available ~ ~ Held 's Hodaka - BMW HO 2033 Gamet Lake Road 12843 (5 18) 251 -2 110 D AKA Johnsburg. NY """""", ~ Bo!i=en 8 Rhoad e s Rd . Le n hartsville , PA 195 34 1-800-44 1-1177 or 610-756-6818 cue I e n eo vv so • N O VEMBER 1 , 200 0 97

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