Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• one D NF cost him the victory. Dus tin Kap alo used his 2 -3 tally to ta ke second pl ace overall aft er being hounded throughout both m otos by Scott Helgeson , whose con sistent fourth-place finishes placed him in th ird overall. What do you get wh en you m ix 20 250cc B eg i n ne r rid er s and a n ex t re m ely mudd y tra ck? Carna g e. Th e d o -or -die attitud e of thes e riders is unbelievable. Most of the rid ers cr ash ed multiple tim es, but the o nes wh o stayed rubber-side -down pr evailed. Thoma s Allan did just th at wi th consistent fini she s and good throttle co ntro l. Allan went 3- 1 to tak e the win , but it wasn 't easy. Th e hardest part was dod ging the down ed rid ers. J ason M cHargi ve went 2 -4 for seco nd ove rall after a go od ride - bas icall y , stay ing on tw o wh eels. Resul ts P/W Ol L·INJ : 1. Carle y Reemen ( Yam); 2 . Kyle Marker (Yam) . P/W (4·6): I. Scot Sheedy (Pol) ; 2. EVlln Niles (KT M) ; 3 . Ashley MtI rke r (Pol) ; 4 . Tyl~ v en Zandt (KTM); 5. Selin Cemerte (Cob) . P/W (7-8): 1. Tevin Tll pili (KTM ); 2. Austin Rose (Cob ): 3. For · est Kopte (KTM) ; 4 . Trt'V OI" lvey (Cob) ; 5. lack Moss (KT M) . 60 (1 ·8) : I. Trevor lvey (K T M): 2. Brenden Wli lker (KlIw ); 3. Austin Rose (KlI w ); 4 . Tr..nt Jo nes (KlI w) ; 5. Zack Moss (Kaw) . 60 (9· 11): I. Tevm Tllpia ( KTM); 2. Tyler Villopo to (KTM); 3. Kim · n berly Nile! ( KT M); 4 . ldck Turwill l"r ( Kaw); 5. Mitch~11 Reerre (Kaw). 80 BEG : 1. Drew lvey ( Kll w) ; 2. J ust in Wi nn ingham (Hon ); 3. Malt T e ws (Ka w); 4. Nate Sc help eroo rt (Yam ); 5. Ben Carll way ( Kaw). 80 (9- 11); I. Tyl er Villopo to (Yam) ; 2. Kelth Ba tterson ( Kaw) . 80 ( 12·13 ): I. Ryan ViHopoto (Yam ); 2 . Tr avis Ferm er (Yam) ; 3 Brandon Richie (Yllm ): 4 Tanner Srruth ( Kaw ). S/M INI: I. Rya n VllIopo to (Yam); 2. Keith Batterson ( Kaw); 3 Brandon Richi e (Yllm); 4 . Tanner Smith ( Kaw); 5. Ben Carll way (K aw). 125 BEG : I. Ronnie Noel ( Hon ): 2. Abel Suarez (Ya m ): 3 Came ron Moore (Han ); 4 . Cole Shiflett (Yam); 5 . Curtis Calvert (Hon). 125 JR : 1. H..ndl..r .Jensen (Hon); 2. Josh Sc he an ( Kalil ); 3 . Kyl~ Van Belle (Yam); 4. Jason Cooper ( Kaw); 5. J osh Beauvais (Yam ). 250 BEG : I . Thomes ",lIa n ( Yam); 2. Jason McHarg ive (Sw); 3 Shaun Von Kllnken ( KlI w); 4 . Wilham Do bbs (Yam I: 5. Da vid Chan · dler (Yam). 250 JR: I. Bobb y Kietll ( Yam); 2. Du stin Kapelo (SUl) ; 3. Scott H~Ig~ (Hon ); 4 . Ryan Thompson (Hon): 5 Josh Cockrum (SuI). 250 INT : I. Ja!Ofl Zuhlke (Kaw ); 2. Ja y Bird (Hon). COMB BEG : 1. Kris E ym s ( Ka..... I: 2. Adam Rals ton ( Hoo J; 3. Shaun VIItl Klin k6l ( Kaw) ; 4. Jacob Stok~ ( Yam); 5. Andy Slamshror COMB J R: 1. Bobby Kiehl ( Yam): 2. Adam Beeuvers (Hon); 3 Kev WlKannada (Yam ); 4 J., mle Garza (Yam); 5. Du.sun Kttpajo (SuI) . COMBINT: 1. JlI !OfI Zuhlke (Kaw ); 2. R~id EdIIIards (Yam ). UTH JR : 1. Scot t Hel~SOI1 (Hon); 2. Josh Cockrum (SuI); 3. Kurt Rivard (SuI ). VET BE G: I. David McKinney (Kaw ); 2. Eric Lysher (Hon); 3 . Jotm WiI!Ofl (Hon): 4 . Todd CurtiS (Honl : 5. Lyndell Raph&el (KTM.). VET JR : I. Kev in Gran ger (Yam ); 2. Dua ne Mark er (Yam); 3. Scott Reemllfl (Yam) ; 4 . Bnan Seen(Yam ); 5. Kerth Wal !tad (Yam ). BEG : 1. Ed Watt (Han ); 2. Steve Harvey (Hus); 3. Ke vin EJl1son (Yam) : 4 . Dav id Will Sr. (Sull. Orr JR: 1. Pat Joqu i sh (Yom) . INT : 1. KeVIn Logsdon ( Yom) : 2. Steve MtIhre (Ya m) : 3. Gliry U1rsen (Hon) ; 4 . Fred Parton (Hon) : 5 . Joe Cord er (Yam). orr Orr D ic k eyville Hillclimb Koester's K i n g of the Hill B y B aD NORTHRap DICKEYVILLE. WI. SEPT. 17 Kurt Koester put on a hill cl imbing cli nic at the seco nd and fi nal Dick ey vil le hillclim b, winning every cla ss he e n te red - fou r c l a ss win s, incl uding the coveted King O f The Hill . Koester 's fi rst win cam e in the large 600cc Novi ce cl ass, in whi ch he posted a very go od 16 .2 0 - sec ond t im e o n h i s KX50 0 o n th e incr edibly rou gh . ro cky . 50 0 -foot hill. Troy Sh er w o od wa s a second off K oester ' s t ime with a 17 .20-second run. with Mike Hansm ei r hot on his heels in th ird wi th a 17.5 5-second ru n . T o d d Cipala was o nly five on e - h undredths of a second out of the mo ney wi th a 17 .60-second ru n on his Kawasaki. Glenn Fuegen fi lled out the top five on hi s o ld but sti ll fast CR450 with a 18.60-second tim e. Koester 's second wi n came in the 6 00 cc Four -Strok e class, which is heav ily popula ted w ith J ap an ese si ng les a nd Triu m p h t w in s. Koest er ca rded a goo d 19 .72-second ti me for a co nvi nci ng win . Wade Schu ltz ran second in 23.5 7 seco nds. only one -hund redth of a second qui ck er than Tr iu m ph rider Haro ld Waddell. No other rid ers in th e class were ab le to top th e na sty hill . but Paul Hac kbarth ca m e close o n his YZ400 for fourth. and Ron Ja co bs fille d out the top fiv e. Koester ran a good 17 .8 7 -second tim e to tak e th e 750cc Nov ice win. ed g in g St acey Ul m er, who was clo se behi nd with an 18 . 17seco nd run . T odd Cip ala wa s a distant thi rd on h i s K aw i t ri p le with a 20.69 -s econ d ti m e. Aga in , only th e top th ree rid ers managed to see the top of th e hil l. Tr oy Levad cl imbed 4 20 feet for fou rt h. and Ferl in Hoschar rounded o ut th e top five. And Koester wa sn't don e yet. He ro und ed out a perfect day by winn ing th e King Of The Hill cla ss. Thi s class is com prised of the top 10 riders of the day . rega rdless of the cla ss. and it' s a one-run , win ner-tak e-all das h fo r cash. Wadd ell also had a goo d day . po sting two class wins. a second and a th ird. His first w in came in the 600 cc Ex pert class on his CR500 with a sizzling 14 .7 1-second time , easily taking the cla ss win as runner-u p Gene T op liff was more tha n a second behind on his Honda with a 15.95 -secon d time. Jamie Hoffman. Uoyd Haas and Paul Hackbarth rounded out the top five . Waddel l's sec o nd w in cam e in the ver y popular Op en cl ass. He bla sted his really big . bad and beautiful Suzuk i fou r-b anger over the top in 16.99 second s. Topliff topped th e hill on h is cl assy Triumph in 18 .6 2 seconds. and Ci p a la grabbed th ird place o n Bill Paid er's Honda 900 with a 19. 1 I-second run . W ad e Schultz was close beh ind Cip al a wi th a 19 .20 second run o n his h ot Har ley . and Kaleb No rth ru p rou nde d out the top five on hi s Britis h Beauty Triumph with a 20. 08 -seco nd run . ~-'-------------,=-- __------ - - ---- - - - - - - -, c LU a: ' >

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