Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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W ashougal MX Pa rk That's " S a- S hell-Va" B y P AT DOn F"""'" (Y om), 2. _ - " ($w) . 50 (4· 6) STK: I. Bradl ey FrllCl!! (Cob ); 2. Toylor Feller (Cob ); 3. Juslln Hill (Cob): 4. Cameron TylN (Cob ): 5. fo\n tttt- Biscegl ia (Cob). 50 (7. 8) Sll<. I. Tevn TaplO (K'TM) ; 2. LandonCurM (Cob): 3 . : DustIn SoIIWM (Cob): 4. ThcmasNichols (Cob): 5. Mdissa CobIen (lem). 12 60 (7·8) : I. Gdred SteInke (KTM): 2. u, ndon Cun in (K" w); J . Cody Short (Kaw ); 4. Duslln Sulliv Ml (Kaw); 5. Ben Baldll w no (Kaw ). 60 (9 .1 1): 1. Shawn Habefl ock (Ka w); 2. Tyler Villopoto (KTM); 3. ~l ~l (KT M); 4. T~in Tapia (KTM); 5. Jenid Southard (Kawl . 60 (7· 11): I. JoshlUl Hill (Yam ); 2. Brady Sheren (Kaw) ; 3. Shown Habmock (Kll W); 4 KOI')'Hultma n (Kaw) : 5. J.J . Niemi Jr. ( Han ). SO t 12. 13): I . Ryan Villopoto ( Yom); 2. James Gannon (Han) . 80 (14 . 15): I . Drlow Davis (Hon); 2. Robbit- Deppe (Han l . 80 D (7·11) : I . 5foan Ekenon (Sul ); 2. Derek Fou lk (Yatn): 3 NICk DulYl (Hon) : 4 . .kHf' W~t~rs (Han) : 5. John ny La Rosa (Hon) . 80 0 ( 12· 15 ): I. Anm- Lane (Vom ). SIMlNl (9. 11): 1. Bf ady Shn'en (Kaw); 2. Kory Huffman (Kll W); 3. Clw1s ..Jchmcn tK_ ); 4. Toyb McKee (Kow): 5. Joshuo Hill (Yam) . SlMlNI (12·15) : 1. Ryan ViIIopoco (Yam); 2. Drew Dllvis (Hen); J. .JarnH (Hon) . 125 A: I. Mike Storm ( Han ); 2. !"1d Hansen (Yam): 3. Ryan Huttman ( ): 4. Ryan MmIer (Sul ). o.mon 125 8 : I. Dole AlMI.r (Yam) ; 2. Steft ~Ift" (Han ); 3 . DarwI RftIde (Vam): 4 . MaR Bunker J r. (Y.-n): 5 . Joey Mancuso(Han ). I 25 C: I. T~ Brooks(Yam) : 2. JIml BIack-a (Sull : J. Kn in K.-nada (yam ); 4 Anthony CftTUti (Yam) : 5. Joty ~ (Han ). 1251>I. - . . _ (Hm), ~ . - Voogd< (Yom), 3. em. Ekenan (lion); 4. SNn Stem!nbI!!fg (Yam); 5. Ben Vautttier(Yam). 250 A ; 1. Don 8iKegha (Hon); 2. Mik~ HlNMns (Yam); 3 JhOn ~ws (Hon) ; 4 . Branden lJoyd (Han ); 5. Tm HoAas (Hon ). 250 B: I. Nick FCNstN(Yll m l : 2. T~ Crand4U (Hon): 3. Jos.eph BrockWlly (yom): 4. J .R. Vien~ (Sill); 5. Scott Wallon (yam ). 250 C: ~ . Kevin ~yer (Hon); 2. Al~x Schon (Yam): 3. Luc~s BuyM ( Suz): 4. Rob Spnng (Hon ); 5. Mike Scon~a (Yom ). 250 D: I. Doniel SoIso (Hon ); 2. J~ y Hylton (t{., w); 3. Mark Buzil!- (Hon): 4. G~ Gipe (K_); 5. Cul1lS Paulson (Kll lII). 25. NB ; I. Jason MAtthf!w s (Hon): 2. Ion Hamilton (Han ). 25<- C: I. Jim Row (KlllII ): 2. Cory Hardy (K_ ); J. Daniel Wilcox (Kalil ): 4. Tracl Arming (Yam) . 30. A: I. Don 8 isc:eg11o (Han ): 2. J~y Jockson (Klr-M); 3. MArk WiM (Yom) : 4 , Joh n FCledder J r. (S'l l ); 5. Dole Nmy (Yam) . 30. B: 1. Matt Larson (Yam) : 2. Patrick Doug~rty (Hon): 3 . Steven Hills (Hen ); 4. Jon Ham!Ofl ( Hon ); 5. Troy Ding (Kaw). 30. C: I. Km dllll Hanlll!!fl ( t{.,III); 2. Rob Spring (Hen); J. Ron Coblmtz (Han); 4 . Mkhael Ekenon (Hen) : 5. J im Sawtell (Hon). 40+ A : 1. Darryl Zumst~ln (Hon); 2. Greg Rodgen (Hon): J . Mid'l ll el PM)' (Suz): 4. Mik e Schwen:~r (Hon): 5. fo\n Luc ke (Yam ). rk 40. B: I. K~v lll Ste~g (Yll m); 2. Terry Brooks (Yam) ; J . Scotl Bergren (SuI); 4 . David Ek enon (Hon) : 5. Ben Br lln let:t ( Hus ). 40. C: 1. 1lI iaye McCaNn (Yam ): 2. .kffrey Kissinger (KTM): J. Mll rk VOl!"Qele (Yom ); 4. MIke H~I\IOO (Yam ); 5. David Nichols ( Yam ) BTH : I. Mar k Bunke r Jr . ( Yom ); 2. J~ M8ncu~ (Hon); 3. JIl~ Hanson (Hon); 04. Dan~ R~ude (Yam) : 5. Lucas Buy as (Stu) . OPEN B/C: I. Mll rk Wmn (Yam ); 2. Bill Brown ( Yam ). OPEN D: l.lafaye McCllnln (Yam ): 2. Ryan Hick s (Yam ). WM N (12+) : 1. Roch d le Nei m~nn ( Yom ): 2. Mll ry Altergott (Yom): 3. Cigi Gilcrea~ (Yam ); 4. ~y Matthews (Yam) . 72 N OVEMBER 1 .2000' cue. e Re s u lt s 50 NOV : 1. lack Armstrong (Pol); 2. Todd Bannistn (Cob) ; 3 . ride rs , a nd the spectato rs were amazed as they watched him m ak e up ti m e and fini sh seco nd overall, behind Bi sceg lia, in th at first mo ta . Pro 125cc action was tough from the get-go. Nick Hansen, from Olympia, Washingto n, executed a perfect sta rt off the lin e to grab the lead on his Yama ha. A ll ki nds of d icin g took pla ce behind th e leader as the rid ers sort ed the m selves out. National num ber 75, Roseburg. Oregon 's Ryan Huffman, on his Kawasaki ; Beaverton . Oregon' s Mike Storm, on his Hond a; and Hill sboro Moto rcy cles Suzuki rider Ryan Metzler from Gaston, Oregon, all banged elbows as they battled for second pla ce. Huffman was on the gas, and he wowed the fans by m aki ng a quad out of the Hill sbo ro Hon da Hoop Section, but Storm had the faster pace and he got clear track in second and went after Hansen. Within a couple of laps, the hard-charging "Th under" Storm was feeling the roost of the leader, and a pass seemed inevitable. However, Hansen did every thing right and carded the first -moto win . "My clutch -lever bo lt cam e out and I had to hold the lever in my left ha nd," Sto rm later expla ine d . "It {the clutch I sti ll wo rked , but I couldn' t ma ke the pass ." Th e seco n d m o t o went smoot h l y for Storm . who too k the hc leshot and sailed to the seco nd- m ota win and the ove rall victory. In 250cc Pro ac tio n, Don Bisceg lia a nd Portland , Oreg o n ' s Mi k e Ha mn ess, on his T erry 's Cycle Cente r Yamaha 42 6 , split moto wins, with the ove rall go ing to Bisceg lia. final lap, Long was unabl e to close the gap , and Wild took the win , w ith Lon g second , B oyd third and Gallegos fourth . Ju st befo re the finish, Ryan Hohl er passed Watt for fifth . In the Vet Nov ice class , Mik e Fuller j um ped to a qu ick lead with the hol eshot . As the Vets headed for the U-turn at the far south west portion of th e tr ack , Wes Cumberland wa s on a c h arg e an d he p a ssed Lawren c e B ellante, Ja mes Buck, and Roger Kampsen to take thi rd. behind Br ian Duv all. Ap proachin g the long left hand swee pe r after the F reew ay, wh ich ha d been a troubl e spot all m ornin g , Duvall lo st control, all ow ing Cumberland to take seco nd . Aying across the fin ish-line jump on lap five. Cumberland got by Fu ller. only to lose the lead as they la nded . Along th e Fr eeway sec tion , Cumberla nd again go t by Fuller. Duva ll was sit tin g in th ird, waiti ng for his chance. Onl y one seco nd separated th e top th ree. Then , in th e same trouble spot aft er the Freewa y, Cumberland's bike slid out. Before he could regain co ntrol. Full er and Duvall passed by . After th is, the ride rs' posi tions rem ained the same . Full er too k the win, with Duvall, Cumberla nd, Bellante and Buck followi ng. • Dirt Country Raceway Gibson Ta k es Two B v R UPERT X . PEUETT BLANCH EST ER. OH , SEPT. 17 Wi th t he AMA Fall C lassic Series, t he Las Vegas Open and the SFX Ar ena cross Series loom ing in Jeff Gibson's date planner, the J 8year-old profes sional rnotoc rosser from Wester ville too k adva ntage of an opportunity to race in Ohi o - with specta cular results - as a heal th y crowd of racers and onl ookers appeared at Dirt Country Raceway for round six of the Buc keye State Motocross Champion ship Series. With hi s fa ct ory Cannond ale unavaila ble on thi s parti cular weekend . Gib son bo rrowed a fresh Hond a CR250 fro m Perf ormance Powersport s p resid ent Jeff Flora , a regu la r on the Ov er 3 0 -c1ass scene . " I wa s hono red to let Jeff rid e the thi ng, " Flora said . "I wanted to see how fast it could go!" Gibson q uickly jumped off th e gat e in th e first 250cc A moto, bu t Ff,S Suzuki's J on Sc hmitz had the same id ea , and their bi kes became entangled a nd both wen t down in a dust y heap. Remounting qu ickly , Gibso n twi sted the bent-b ut- not -broken CR250 's throttle to the sto p and charged toward th e fro nt. Chuck Reed had set hi s usual speedy pa ce, however, and he took th e chec kered flag to w in mota one before Gibson could catch up . Nick Nuttle fi nis he d t hi rd , w ith Ja son W ad e in fourth . Schmitz, a littl e shake n up, remounted aft er his run-in with Gib son a nd finish ed ninth . M ota t wo wa s a ll Gi bso n 's . He q uic k ly eluded the pack and set a sco rch ing pace o n the CR250, hand ily reachi ng L,e checkers well before run ner-up Wade and th ird-pl aced Reed . Wade found his sha re of glory in the 16·24 class, wh ich he m astered o n h is brand -new 200 J CR250. while Reed held his head hig h by topping the Over 25 A class and fi nishing sec· ond . behi nd Gibson. in the 125cc A contest. Gibson sto le the spo tlight fro m the regula r cro wd of Di rt Cou ntry fast guys in th e I 25cc A ra ce . He sc re a med his CR 12 5 arou nd the tr ack at a stun ning pa ce. Reed ' s 2 -2 tall y was good for second ov erall , with Ryan Lutz blasting his Husqv ama home for third ove rall with a 5-3 pe rfo rm ance . Ryan Combs la id w aste to th e 250cc C field , taking both wins . Chris Whitcraft bea t out Over 25 and Over 30 B -c1ass w in ner Kevin Hildebrand for th e 250cc B ov erall. Nick Carroll com m anded the he lm of th e 125cc B pack ; his 2- 1 postings were good enough for th e win , besti ng Matt Ketc heson (4 -3 ) and Dustin Adams (3·5) . Whttcraft won the first moto but feUin moto two, remounting to finish 12th. Stev e Jones bea t ou t fast guy Brian Gab e fo r the 125cc C-dass win , while Ff, S Suzukisponso red Mich ael Wi llard spanked both of the 80cc classes in which he com peted on his Ron Rehmert -tun ed RM80 . The Over 4 0 class absol utely belonged to Jerry Sales, wh o rode lik e a m an half his age and sailed hi s Suzuki RM250 in for both m ot o win s, leaving seco nd place for Kawasak i j oc key J eff Heaston. Result s 50 P/W: I. Broc k Bowm an (Yam ): 2. Tommy MeierS (Yam ): J. Brandon Rehm~n (Yam ). 50 (4. 6) : I. WalkN Bnghtwel1 (Cob) : 2. Ty\e1File (Cob) . n e VV s Bradl~y Baktt (Pol) ; 3. 50 (7- 8) : I . SMwn Rlf~ (Cob); 2. Dy lMl Bantum (Cob); 3 . Chris· uen Telker (KTM.) . 65 : I . Kyle Smith (KT M): 2 . J u stin Weeks (Ka lil) ; 3. Steven Mogn (KTM) . 85 (7-11); 1. Tyltt Bow~rs (Kaw); 2. loch ~ (Sul ); 3. Ch6d HehOll (Sul ). 85 (12 ·1 5); 1. Michoel Willorel (SUl); 2. Will y Bro wning (Sul ): 3. Kyle Prnton (SUl). 80 EXTRA (9- 13): I. M icha~1 WlIIard ( SUI ): 2 . Codi A dorn s (S'll ); 3. CtNtd Ht'lton (Suz). 80 EXTRA( 14- t !l ): I . Jrif RoeUe (Yam ): 2. Eric Adams ( t{., w). 12511:. I .JSfGi::am (Hm):2. 01td R~ {Suz);3. Ryanlln (!ius) . 125 B; I . NICk Ca rroa (yom) ; 2. ,lrl\att K~chescn (Yam ); 3 . DuIty Adams (Yom) . 125 C: I. Slrw Jones (Sw l; 2. Bnan Gabe (Yam): 3. Jason tt.mnc ( Hm ) 250 A: 1. Jdf Gibson (Hon): 2. Chud Rftd (Suz) ; 3. Jason W.... (Hm) 250 8 I . (hm Whrtcraft (Suz) : 2. KeYrI Hildebrand (Suz): 3. Oust)' Adorns ( Yam l 250 C: 1. Ryan Combs (Vam); 2. 8nlIn Gabeo (Yam ); J. Thomas WflrW.ehr (Yom). SCHBY: I. Cory Srnllh (Yam) : 2. NICk Carrol l ( Yam) : J Willy - .... ('""). 16-24 I . Jason Wade (Han) ; 2. Shaun Kuchler (Hon) ; 3. Ryan Cornt» (Yom ). ~. A : I . Chuc k Reed (Suz): 2. Doug flinn er (Han ); 3 . Mik e Morg an (Sw). ~ B: I . Kevin Hildebrand (SUlI: 2. Joey Ford (Suz) ; 3. Dove Hom (Su<). 30 + A : I. Mik e Morgan ( Sul ); 2. Jan SchmI tz ( SUl): 3. Jerry Sales (Sw:) . 30. B: I. Kevin H ild~rand (S'l l): 2. Dale Slabdugh (Yam ): 3. ~y Feed (Sw) . 40+: I . J t11)' Sales (Suzl:2. J eff Hell S (Kaw) : 3. RICk HopkInS ton (Kaw) . OPEN 1. Dol~ Slllbeugh (Yam ): 2. Te'd Betr (Yam) : 3. Harry Cox : (Kaw) . Pueblo Mot o rsports Wild Win For Wild B y S TA CY J ENSEN PUEBLO. CO , SEPT. 24 Rex Harvey and his crew fro m Pueblo Motor· spo rts park had worked hard to offer two days of fun raci ng to riders of the Sports Riders Associa · tio n of Colo rado at PMI's final race of the season. However. Mother Na ture had other plans. and cold rains and snow pelted the area on Saturday. Sunday morning dawned with out the sun , an d the ground w a s st ill satu rated fr o m overnight rain. Th e sturd y came to race , bu t during practice almost everyone was expe riencing pro blems getting aro und the track. Several sections were closed off, but with a littl e ingenu· ity PM! offered a short yet challenging track lay· out . The m orn ing 's program was cut short. and racers agreed to be scored on only one moto. J osh Re g an took the 125cc Nov ice hol eshot. with Cody Boyd, Peter Frea s and Jon Long tagging close behind . The racers headed o ut o f sig ht for a short tim e. and wh en th ey reap peared, Tyl er Wild held a six · second lead as they headed int o the horses hoe . Long wa s running seco nd, and Frea s had slipped back to eig hth . However, wi th a sweet run alo ng th e "Freeway ," Freas moved into fi ft h and then , after the finish-line jump, he passed Boyd and Chad Bibler for th ird. In the horseshoe, Freas swung by Long for second. Then Freas chased down Wild, co ming up to the leader's rear ti re, but the n he fell in a sli ppery left -hander aft er the Fre eway as Wil d sailed ove r th e ta ble to p and aro und the track tow ard the fi ni sh li ne. Freas th rew off his mud -cak ed goggles and tried witho ut success to restart his bike unti l the entire class had pas sed h im . L on g gaine d gro und on Wild and ca me withi n two seconds. Boyd was th ird, Ji mmy Gallego s had advanced fro m n inth to fourth, and Donny Watt ca me fro m 13th and p laced him self in fift h. On the Austill R~ (K TM) : 4, AI~lI Lessard; 5. Greg Lessard. frl'.INl BEG: I . Larry 6rOW'l'l" (Kaw); 2. Hunt KIerk(Hon): 3. Thorna5 n Ba~ (t{.,III); 4. Ja dl Kud:tef (Yam) : 5. Brandon Edwards (Yam ). MINI NOV; I. Jeff Alley (Hon); 2. Danny Ba}l.ll (Hon) : 3. Mike Hen derIon (Yam ); 4. NichoItIS Kummett (Han ): 5. St~ Chavez (Kaw). MINI AM : I. Josh Dovis (Hon ): 2. Cody Rivero (Hon): 3 . J udd Larson (Yam ); 4. TravIS Dunl vml ( K~w ) ; 5. ZadlLarson (Yam) . MINI EX: I. Rkk Stictller (Kaw) ; 2. Ike Jost (Kll W): 3. Adam Har· vey (Hen ): 4 . Chris Flesill ( Yll m ). OPEN MINI: I. Adam Hanl ey (Han) : 2. Zach Larson ( Yll m ); 3. J udd Larson (Yam) ; 4 Cody Rivera (Han ): 5. T rovis Dun lYmt (Kow). 1~ (12 · 15): I. Joshua U

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