Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ac cess ories Pro Extreme Tr ials Series. The secti ons were set in the steep ro ck outcropping s that c ov e r th e Bridgeport p roperty . OAY O N E A light ra in fell intermittently d uring the first loop o f t h e Pro class competition making the already challeng ing sections even tougher. Kempkes ' hopes fo r a clean da y were dash ed in sectio n n u mber three when he too k two points on t h e most challe n g ing part , a large step at the to p of a s e vere cli m b . Kempke s ne gotiated th e s te p c le a n ly bu t la nded in a jumble o f roc ks on th e oth e r si de and took two pr od s to g et o ut of t he e n d gate s . Lo y Bur nett (Montes a) a nd Jaso n Ca rp enter ( Ga s Ga s ) s u ffe re d th e sa me fa te an d both req uired ident ic al two s as well . Kempkes finishe d loop o ne with three points after taking another singl e dab in s e ction six when h is rear tire slipped into a hol e . Burn ett a nd Carpenter were wag ing a tight battle of th eir ow n, but had dro pped off of Ke m pkes ' pace by the e nd of loop one. Kem pke s loos e ned up on la ps two a n d three a nd t urn e d in s e v e ral c rowd- pleasing rides to finish the day with five poi nts tot a l a nd the rou nd five win. " I k ind of got o ff to a s low start today ," Kempkes sa id of h is ride on Satu rday. "O n th e firs t lo op when I we nt into section thr ee I don 't think I was rea dy for it." Burnett a nd Ca rpenter finishe d the eve nt deadlock ed with 28 points eac h. Burnett grabbed the runn er-up position by virtue of ha ving more c leans than Carp en te r. Gas Gas imp orter Da le Malasek finished fourth with 55 points , while teenager Adam Hopkins rou nd ed ou t the top five with 64 . OAYTWO The skies th reate ne d to open up a nd turn Sunday's event into a qua gmire , so most of t he top pr o s s pe nt very little ti me in s p e c ti n g the s e c tions. Kempkes had a much more solid day , but so d id his teammate, Jason Ca rpenter. After a shaky s ta rt which saw Carpe nte r take three points in the first four sections, the long-time National competi tor got his "mojo" workin g and matched Kem p k e s clean -forclean the re st of the loo p. On th e se cond loop , Kempkes had a pretty wild rid e in section two for his only point of th e da y. '"I had kind of a d ifferen t line than everyo ne e lse," Kempke s s aid of his poi nt in sect ion two . '" I took mor e of a s ho rt c ut th rou gh th e sec t io n to get m ore of a straight on s hot, bu t I had to ride over a lot of s ha rp pe a ks that way . On e o f th e roc ks tha t I had to turn on wa s real mos s y a nd it was at an angle and whe n I went to jump up on it, my fron t tire sl id o ut on me and I to ok a point. That threw m e to th e othe r s ide , which put me in a n a wk ward position in th e se ction . I e nded up hav ing to ho p a ro un d a nd jump through some b ig gaps a n d do floaters off t rees - it was re ally insane, but I pulled it off and got out with just a one." Carpenter matched Kempkes s ingle po int loop a nd sat only t hr e e points behind goi ng int o t he final loop . Ke m pke s , howe ver , is never one to buck le u nd e r press ure, a nd he po lis hed o ff a very spectac u la r, clean final loop that inc luded seve ra l flip tu rns fo r th e crowd. " I h a ve a lo t of f un wi th th e s e ru les," Ke m pk e s said . "Be ing able to stop , if you make a mistake you can correct for it, or if you get in troub le yo u can hop around a nd get out. It allows you to ride bigger stuff and it's actuall y safer." Carpenter fini s h e d the final lo op with a o ne for a five -p o int to tal a nd the runne r-u p position. " I' m happy with m y perfor ma nc e ," Carpent e r s a id . " I was hoping that Je ss mig ht have had b a d luck. but that wasn't t he case. He' s ridden a good s o lid se ries. When I sta rted today , I thou ght it wa s going to be a repeat of Satu rday 's lac klus ter perfor ma nce. I fe lt like I wa s rid ing a litt le tight fo r about th e first fo ur sections before I was ab le to settle down a nd feel comfortable on the b ik e. On the last lo o p , I was Clea n goi ng int o the la st section . I clea ned all th e hard stuff when m y brain t o ok a m omentary le a v e o f absen c e and I rod e ove r a sma ll st u m p that p itch ed me over to the left fo r a point. " Mis s ou r i's Ada m Ho pki ns (G as Gas ) had h is be st rid e of the series with 19 po ints a nd th ird pla ce , while Bill S a n d ers on slip pe d past Da le Malasek for fourth . CN N 3-5 ov. Nov. 10 -12 Nov. 17-19 Dec. 1-3 D 15·16 ec. Jan. 5-7 Jan. 12 -14 Jan. 19-21 Jan. 26-28 F 2-4 eb. F 9-11 eb. F 16-18 eb. F b. 23-25 e Mar. 2-4 Mar. 9-11 Mar. 16-18 Mar. 23-25 Des Moines, IA Albany. N Y W cester. MA or R ockford, IL G eneva. Switzerla nd FortWorth. TJ( G uthrie. OK Baltimore. MD H ampton, VA C olumbus, OH Milwaukee. WI D enver. CO Sacramento, CA Sail LakeCity. UT Oakland. CA Albuquerque. NM T acoma, WA ov. N 10-1 2 ov. N 17-1 9 Jan. 5-7 Jan. 5-7 Jan. 12-14 Jan. 12-14 Jan. 19-21 Jan. 19-21 Jan. 26-28 Feb. 2-4 F 2-4 eb. F 9-1 1 eb. F 23-25 eb. Mar. 2-4 Mar. 16-17 Mar. 16-18 Mar. 23-24 Madison, WI R N eno, V H untington. 'tN LittleR AR ock, T oledo, O H Memphis. TN Nashvilie. TN Dayton.OH Louisville. KY Springfield. IL G Rapids, MI rand W ilkes-Barre. PA Greensboro, N C Portland. OR Raleigh. NC W ichita, KS Charlone. NC Bridgeport Bridgep ort. TelLl. Results: October 14-1 5, 2000 !Round s 5/& of 81 DAY ONE PRO : 1 Jess Kempkes: 2 . Loy Burnett: 3 . .Jeso n Carpenter. 4 . Ollie Malasek: 5 . Ada m Hopk ins ; 6 . Ron Lee: 7. Bill Sanderson. EX: I. Marvin Edgin gton : 2 . Scott McC olm : 3 . Ste ve Fa irles s. SR!EX: I. Eddy Kessler: 2. Rick Keen: 3. Gerald Tl m s. INT: I. Jeremy Sanchez: 2 . Aaron Guyot: 3 . Man Hopkins. AM.: J ak e Wieland; 2 . Willam Brace ; 3 . Scott Pech in. SR : Dale Rey no lds : 2 . Jeff George; 3. Dean Metsk er. NOV; 1. N . Brow n; 2. J . A ndrews; 3 . Gord on Snodgrass. ROOKIE : 1. M . Ag ui rre; 2 . l. D o y le ; 3. J . 3505-M Cadillac Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 We imer. DAYlWO PRO: I . Jess Kempkes: 2. J ason Carpenter; 3. Adam Hopk ins; 4 . Bill Sanderson; 5. Dale Malasek . EX: 1. Kelly Echt erhnq: 2. All en Guyot ; 3. Sco tt McColm . SR I EX: 1. Robert Von Dull en; 2. Edd y Kessler; 3. Rick Keen. tNT: 1. Rick Rexroat: 2. Matt Hopk ins: 3. J erem y Sanc hez. SR: 1. Ram on Aguirr e; 2. Dean Metsker; 3. Dale Reynolds. A M.: 1. J ak e Wiela nd: 2. J . B y rn e ; 3 . Chris Denney . NOV: I . J . An drew s; 2. Gord on Sno dg rass; 3 . Glen Roblin . ROOKIE : I. L. D o yl e; 2. W . Heg er; 3 . D . Quisenberry. NOVEM BER Vl5m _ WOL LOW"".'o> MOTORcYCLECllJ' e REGIONAL & NATIONAL SANCTION5-UCENSE INFORMATION Motorcycle Read R2cing on"The fastest TrackInthe West" M o t o r cy cl e Road Racing (5&2) 86U112 (909) 65H782 3 rd Sunday e ve r y mo nt h p.o. SQX 46 1Iezt; BveJ1t · lIcrvember 18-19 INFO (6 6 1) 256-123 4 NORWAlK, CA 906SO Harional Molosport Association _ _ ~~"""",.ro ce -"""",slT1 c.COIT1 cue ' e n e _ SO • NOVEMB ER 1 , 2000 55

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