Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Compet ition Accessories P r o E x t reme T r ia ls S eries Rounds 5 -6 : B r id g e p o rt B y S HA N MOORE/TRIALS C OMPETITI O N NEWSPAPER BRIDGEPORT, TX, OCT. 14-15 a s G a s USA ' s J es s Kem p ke s co nti n ue d h is d o m inat ion of th e Competit ion Ac ce ssories Pro Extr eme T rials series with wins at rounds five and six he ld at the lakeside com m u nity of Bridg e po rt , Te xa s , ne a r Da llas . The doubl e -w in cli n ch ed the se ri e s t it le for Kempkes wit h two rou n d s remaining and as sured th e Nebraska native a lion 's s hare of the s e ries po ints fund purse. Kem p kes had it relatively eas y on Satur d ay , winning by 23 po ints ove r Kansas S tate Champion Loy Burne tt , but h ad t o fe nd off th e m en a cing a tta cks of Ga s Ga s te ammate J ason . Ca rpente r o n Sunday . To make things even more inte resting, '99 U.S . a nd '92 World Cham pion Tom m i Ahvala rode selected sections as a non -com petitor in th e e vent. Ahvala wa s in town to do a photo session and to help promote the Pro Extreme T rials series. Gas Ga s USA-sponsored Jason Ca rpe nter strengthened his grip on the series num ber -two spot via a 3 -2 pe rformance with only the finale in Tuls a , Ok lahoma rema ining. T he eve nt . hosted b y the North Texas Tria ls Association , was one of the most cha llenging of the series s o far , t a k in g six points t ot a l from Kemp k es , t h e n um be r-fou r ranke d ride r in th e U.S ., a n d co nsisted o f th ree four -mile loo ps e a c h da y with 10 s ect io n s per lo o p . Co mp e t it io n G (Left! Jess Kempkes put a lock on the Pro Extreme Trials Championship with a double win in Texas. (Below LeftI Jason Carpenter placed third on Saturday, and then did one better on Sunday. (Below) Adam Hopkins went 5-3. 54 NOVEMBER 1 .2000 ' e ye ' e n e VIl's

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