Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_ Continuedfrom page 3 r: FIM confirmed that the event was offi cially scheduled on the calendar of the 2000 S upe rc ro ss W o rl d C ham p io ns hip and w a s duly approved, and sa id it has re served the right to ta ke leg al ac tion. This deve lopment reduces the series to jus t two rounds, with the next (and last) round to take place in Leipzig . Germany , on N ovember 25 . my M cGrath, Jeff Emig , Rya n Hughes, C ar ey Hart, Trevo r V ines and Eric and Ben Bostrom. The M oto rcycle Hall of Fame M useum is out to dispel a fe w stereo types w ith a new trave ling exhib it. MWomen & Motorcycling,M that w ill tour se lected cit ies starting in N ovemb er, according to the AMA . S h owca s ing t he fac t tha t wo men have long been a part of motorcycling ' s hist ory, the exhi bit wi ll appear as part o f the 2000-2001 C ycle W o rld Internatio nal M ot o rcyc le Shows Presented by Toyo ta Truc k s. The M oto rc ycl e Hall of Fame Mu seu m W o men & M oto rcycl ing exhi bit w ill augment and accompany the AMA's traditional role as an exh ibito r in the annual shows. app earing at 11 of the 12 eve nts during the 2000-2001 season. A reliab le source re ports tha t Jeremy M c G r a t h has sig ned M azda as a tit le spon s o r fo r h is new one-man t e a m , M azd a was a (non-ti tle) spo nsor of the C haparral squad for wh ich M cG rath rod e .-, in 2000. M cGrat h, a part owner o f N o Fear, w ill of co urse wea r that co mpa ny's ....J appare l, t ho ugh several o f his back ers (including a helmet sponso r) have not yet been announced . ...J ] C C o o Accordi ng to SFX M oto r Sports, the inaug ura l broadcast of Inte rn at ion a l Freestyle Motocross Associatio n Big Air A ssault wi ll air at 3 p.m. EST o n NBC Sp orts o n N ove mber 18. The Po rt land , O regon , event will occur live o n N ovemberll -12 . o o o CJ n U The SuperStars of Moto 2001 Calendar, featuring to p rnotocrossers, road racers and freestyle motocrossers, is now available to order on line for $ 15.99 . To order, visit www. Some of the top riders featured are Jere· LJ V i n t age I ron has agree d to spo ns o r the vintage portion of the three popular fall Grands Prix . the Elsino re G rand Prix, A D ay in t he D irt and th e Chris tmas Grand Prix at C arlsbad Racew ay . A vin tage race bike will be given away as the grand pri ze with each vintage/evolu tion competitor from any of these race s having thei r nam es e ntered int o a drawing , which w ill take place at V intage Iron ' s annual ' Free Ride D ay - at Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino , Calif orn ia , on December 10, For mo re informatio n, call 714 /694-0066. Vintage Iron has also CJ • 'I ~ J Ready to Race r --. U r> o o Well down the comeback trail is Benelli, whose Tornad o 900 tripl e appeared at Muni ch's Intermot show in t.he form in which it will enter production in th e New Year in tim ited -edlt ion guise, in order to homologate the bik e for Superbike racing next year, and with the mechani cs fully exposed for the first tim e in a brilli ant display whi ch allowed visitor s to exami ne every detail close- up - even the underside! For the first time, the internal airducting brin9ing cooling air to the rear-mo unted radiator was displayed, as well as the cleaned -up styling for the front end with its distinctive tripl e-stack headlamp layout. Th e 898 cc th ree-cylinder big-ban g engine - now fit ted with Sagem EFl , same as its fellow-triple Triumph has been for the past five years - has had its dimensions - revised, from the original 85 x 52.5 mm to an even shorter-stro ke 88 x 49 .2 mm, which in street gui se will rai se revs an ext ra 1000 rpm and o ut put an extra 12 hor sepower, up to a cla imed 144 horsepower at 12,000 rpm at the crank, with full street equipment. But in racing term s, says chief engineer Riccardo Rosa, the very short strok e will allow Benelli to rev the engi ne to 14,000 rpm or even more in search of top -end power, while relyi ng on the big -bang engine form at to deliver torqu e and tra ction. GFI Racing will host the H a rve y Mushman Industry/C ele brity Rac e during the Elsinore Grand Prix at Lak e Elsinore, C alifomia, on Saturday, Novemb er 11 at 3 p .m. The rac e wi ll benefit the Boy' s Republ ic H ome in Ch ino , California , where St eve M cQuee n (a ka H arv e y Mu shrnan) grew up . Entri es are $80 per each four-man team. The entry fee wi ll inclu de a catered lunch and T-shirt . Each team w ill share one bike and trade o ff every lap, At the conclusion of the eve nt , GFI Rac ing w ill s ho w c as e the Harvey M us hman pe rpetua l t ro p hy , Fo r more information , co ntact Helena at GFI Racing , 909/341 -8002 . La st week ' s annou nc e ment that J o hn Baker had been named Di rector of Racing at Haney-Davidson. thus assuming full respons ibility for the Harl ey -D av id so n V R 1000 S upe rlbik e effort, begged that the question be asked: W hat o f current team manager Steve Sche ibe · the man wh o has been w ith the pro ject since th e very beginn ing? ' S t ev e will be With both Benelli and Mondial (and, so rumors insist , a privateer MV Agusta race effort ) competing in the 2001 Italian Superbike Championship , and as wild cards in the country's projected World Superbike rounds, it' ll be quite like old times in the Italian race pad dock s next seaso n .... And both Mondial and Benelli have plans to develop a nak ed bik e based on their current Superbike, just as MV has done, while Rosa confirmed that Benelli is already work ing on a lon q -stro ke 1'50cc version of the thr ee-cylinder motor. to power a spo rts tour er likel y to debut at Intermot 2002. 104 c ycle n e VIl' s A cco rding to SFX M otor Spo rt s, the firs t ro und o f the National A ren ac r oss S e r ies , scheduled for t he Ve te rans M e m o rial A ud it o r ium in D e s M o ines , Iowa , N ove mber 3-5 , will fea ture a new track des ign that wi ll incorpora te an overunder track bridge . Fo r tic ket information , call 51 5/243-1888 . According to a press release from FM B Promotion s, th e Hou st on , Texas-ba sed company has signed Colin Edwards to a co ntract that will see FMB act as th e World Superbike Ch ampion's representative for " all spon sorship proposals for the 2001 World S up erb ik e season ." The same release says that FMB is trying to get J ak e Z e m k e a tryo ut o n H ond a' s W orld S uperbike tea m as a rep lacement fo r Aaron S light . Ro ad racers Mark Miller, Michael Barnes and Vincent Haskovec w ill make up the American contingen t taking part in this year's Macau Grand Prix , o n N o v e m b e r 18 . M ill e r will r ide an Attack Yamaha R1 , Barnes will be aboard a Honda NSR500 and Haskovec w ill ride a G raves Yamaha R1, A lth ough the H alloween X fes tival has been cancelled , a freeride mot ocross will be h e ld o n N o v e mb e r 10-1 1 a t La s Vegas M ot o r Speed wa y in La s Vegas , N evad a , acco rdin g to LXD . For mo re info rm atio n. call 310/589 -0022 , Bernard ino N at io na l Fo re st. For m ore informa tion , call David Rees at 909/687 1300. Look for the Benelli at the Italian World Superbike rounds in 2001. If th major presi denti al candi da tes ere to com pet e in a mo toc ross/road-rate / ~;;.o.:.u:.;.t.:.n .:.:;p ? o;,;, to ~~:--::~-:",--:,__ o ff- r 0 ad/ dirt h ack qu adrath 0 n, wh o w o d c o..;.m A. ~ eorge W. Bu sh - B . Gor E. alp h Nader D. Pat Robert son N OVEM BER 1 . 2000 ' rema ining with the program , - Ha rl ey p ress man Pau l J am e s sa id las t week , - He' ll be foc using on the development of the bike , A lot of it still hasn't been finalized yet and is still up in the air . It's all being negotiated. - Ma lcolm Smi th M ot o rsport s will hold s its eighth annua l N o W imps Dual Sport Ride o n No vem ber 12 w ith lege nd M alcolm Smit h se tti ng up the ride. Beginn ing at C ompetition Park in San Jacinto, C aliforn ia, the ride will travel thro ugh the San I:Yl:lenews.l:om reader poll question of the week o o 0 announc ed that Mike Bell, the 1980 A M A Supercross Ch ampion, wi ll provide racing instruction to owne rs of new and ol d bikes at this year's Day in the D irt G rand Prix , sched ule d fo r N ovembe r 24 -26 at Lo s A ngeles C oun ty Rac ew ay in Palm dale, C ahfo rnta. The clin ic is scheduled to run from 8 :30 a .rn. to 2 p.m. The fee is $150 and spac e is limited . Contrary to rumors, the G FI Fa ll S e rie s North -So uth S howdown will be held at G len Helen Raceway in San Bernardino . C alifornia, on Oct ober 29 . For more info rmation, call 90 9/341 ·8002 , CN

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