Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o o EJf1jJdJ (D uQ uo in Mil e . DuQuoin . Illino is) . Fo r exact locations, call 4 17/993- 5798 . !i3fiJ[JD~ @@[JDflil[JD@[JDflfiJD Don Bruner, 29, was killed on Se ptember lO in a road raci ng accident at M ou ntain View Motorsport s Park near Mead , C olo rado . B ru ne r , a C o lo rado Spring s native , was a co-owner of Apex S port s in C olorado S prings. He is surv ived by his mo ther and fat he r. Doyn e and D arlene Brun er: a brot her , To m Bnuner, and a siste r. D ana Sto k es. A n av id motorcycl ist since age t hree , Bnuner enjoyed co mpetin g in tri a ls , d i rt t rac k , enduro s , moto cr o ss , ice racing , road rac ing and t rail riding . He also ho lds t he reco rd fo r the fast est time in the 250c c class of the annual Pikes Peak Intern ation al Hill Cli mb that he se t th is ye ar . Donati on s may be m ade in his name t o : D on E. Bruner M em o ria l S ch o lar s hip Fu nd , c /o Le a Roads , W ells Fargo Bank. P.O . Box 4 00 , C o lorado Sprin gs , C O 8090 1-400. @ilffft /JI?fiJ@{)J Li!J[?@ Following an inci dent at the Springfield Mile, AMA Pro Racing has issued a pro competition bulleti n to all AMA-licensed riders, stating that it has revoked the eligibility of the Continental CM-7 dirt tra ck rear tire for AMA-sa nctioned competition. The incident that brough t about the AMA's actio n too k place at the Springfield Mile during a Hall of Fam e Grand Nationa l heat race. Eight laps into that heat race, factory Harley-Davidson rider Scott Parker's rear tire , a Continental CM-7, suffered a severe tread separation (see photo). Despite being struc k by the tread , Parker was abl e to avoid cras hi ng . Factory Harl ey-Davidson me chanic Bill Werner presented the tire to Contin ental officia ls - which happ ened to include two factory engineers from Germ any who just happen ed to be at the track for the weekend - for exami natio n. The engineers determined that the tire had separated because it has been run in the wrong direction, with the 'date code to the right, exposing the possibility of a failure due to the jo inted man ner in which all tires, not just Contin entals, are attached to the carcass. Conti nental Tir es representative Greg Tysor elaborated on the situation. "We do not like to see any of our tires fail lik e thi s," Tysor said. "We are gg -percent certain that the tire failed at the tread splice. All tire treads start out as a long piece of rubber. It is attached to the casi ng and th en splice d togeth er at an angle. Th at tir e separated from the casing because it was run in the wrong directi on." Conti nental dirt track tires do not curre ntly feature a directional - motorcycle in order to ensure proper rotation. We sent a bulletin to arrow to ind icate whi ch way the tir e should be mounted. Curre nt the AMA , explaining tha t the dat e code should be on the left to Goodyear and Maxxi s dirt track ti res both feature a di rectional arrow avoid t he problem , but appa ren tly tha t wasn 't a goo d enough to indicate the recom mended rotatio n. However, util izing both edges answer for them. of the tire, regardless of the arrow, has been a com mon pract ice by "This does affect us, but it is only for one m ore race," Ty sor said. dirt trac k racers over the years. "We are currently developing our next -generation tire, which .will be "Typic ally, it hasn't been a problem," Ty sor said. "We have been doing thi s for two years now, and thi s is the first failure we have had... called the CM-7A , and we hope to have sets available for testing at the Du Quoin Mile. We have not discussed whether or not the new I am a little upset that the AMA took the action that it did. I'm a tire tire will have a direct ional arro w yet, but I think that it will ." guy , and I k now that last year Will Davis had a tread .come com Cycle New s attem pted to co ntact AMA Na ti onal Tech ni cal pletely off of a Max xis tire that he was using , and no action was Inspec to r Rob Kin g for co mment on the ma tter , but Kin g wa s taken wh atsoever. Our tir es do not ha ve a direct ional arrow, but they' do have a date code which should be placed to the left of the unavailable . ore informatio n. yo u can co ntac t D illo n t 2 0 8 / 34 2 -3 91 0, o r B o b Chav ez at 01 / 280-0 765 . n au ction to aid the w ife and children f the lat e .Joey Dunlop w ill take place n Northe rn Ireland on Septe mber 22 wi th wide ra ng e o f uniq ue item s u p f or rab s . T he a uc t ion wi ll t a k e pla ce at e lly's C omp lex, in Port stew art , w ith tems ranging from the glove s of C astr ol on da S upe rbike sta r C o lin Edw ard s to he e ng i ne co v er f r om Ja cq ue s V il ene uve ' s BAR Hon da Fo rmu la On e ca r o ac tual HRC fact o ry pa rt s from D unops mom e nt o us Form ula On e Isle o f an n victo ry thi s ye ar. In adva nce of he auction next week anyo ne wishing to lace a bid to buy any of the mem ora bilia a n d o so at th e f oll o w in g w eb s it e : .uk. he rece nt operatio n to repair the nerve amage suffe red by Scottish roa d rac er te v e H i s lop in h is horr ifi c W orld uperb i ke c ras h at B ran d s H at c h on ugu st 6 expo sed the full ex te nt o f the njuries suffered by Team V irgin M ob ile a rna has s t ar ri d er, ac cord ing t o hi s team . Hislop rec e nt ly underwent ex t ensiv e surge ry t o re pair th e inj ury t o his spine, the legacy of the 100 mph cr ash at th e fi r st rac e o f the Wo rld Superb ike ro und that had kept him o ut of action fo r th e last two ro unds of the Brit ish Champio ns hip . " I j ust had no powe r in my left shoulder. I we nt out o n the bike at each round but co uldn't race . N eithe r myself or my team co uld under stand why I wa sn' t improvin g , " sa id Hisl op . D espite having extensive physiot herapy on his neck and shoulde rs , t he niggling pai ns re fuse d to go away. Eventu ally Hislop was fo rc ed to co ncede def eat and go unde r the knife th e o pe rat io n ne eded wa s t o fuse two vert ebrae ( C 6 and C7 - between th e top of the shoulder blades) toge ther using a plate of bone taken from his pelvis and a Titanium brace to hold the pieces togeth er . " But w hile I w as be ing o pe rated o n the surgeo ns fo und that the damage was right across the back o f my neck - they to ld me t hat I had ac t ually b ro ke n my neck in th e c rash. w hic h expla ins w hy I was havi ng so much tro ub le rid ing the bike ." he adde d . " W ith the damage now repaired I wi ll definite ly be out for the res t of the season but bro ke n neck or not. I In a co nti nue d e ffort to as sis t inju red m o tocrosser .Jimmy Bu tt on wi th the ast ron o mi cal cost o f his p hysical the rapy . a li mi ted supp ly of Je re my M cGra th A ut og r ap he d Matte i To y s signed by t he seven- t ime AM A Su percross C hampion w ill be sold with the proceeds go ing to Bu tton. For mo re infor mat io n . see t h e f o ll o w ing we bs it e : http:/ / www.nofear .co m/ static/ shop / inde x_mcgrath_toy.html. ho pe to ride the bike again soon . maybe in a test. " D a n M a h o n y Racing Photos w il l on ce again present a series of "Pic tu re Part ie s " at var io us Di rt T rac k-re lat e d venu es . Th e M ahon y s wi ll hav e nea rly 40 00 pri nt s of sho rt t rac k, Tl. half -mile, mile and road racers dat ed from the early .50 s to t he pr ese nt - as w e ll as many sprint. midget , Indy and NASCAR photo s . most of w hich wi ll be availab le fo r p urch ase . D an . and his fam o us fat he r W alt. we re recen t ly honored w it h a show ing of so me 75 of their be st works at the pre stigiou s Berkshire Artisa ns Gallery in Pit t s f ield , M a s sach us ett s . In w ha t is tho ught to be a " first" for flat t rack racing , more than 200 0 visit o rs took in th e exhibit. The dat es for the picture part ies are as follow s: Sep tem ber 2 1 (A lamogordo, New M exic o) : Septembe r 22-23 ( R~ i do so D ow ns); S epte mbe r 29 (Pho enix, Ariz ona); Septembe r 30 (Manzanit a HalfM ile); Octob e r 6 (Ca rlsbad , C alifornia); Oct ober 7 (D e l M ar Fa irg rou nd s . D e l M a r , C a liforn ia) : O ct obe r 8 (D e l M a r M ile, D el M ar , C ali forn ia); O c t obe r 13 ( Du 'Ouot n , Ill ino is): O c t o b e r 14 - 1 5 OPENED : Big Gun's home page on the World Wide Web. The site can be found at the following address: http:/ / APPOINT ED : Joel Grover. as Supercross manager for the SFX Motor Sport s Group. effec tive immediately. Grover most recently served as event manager for the group's USHRA division. OPENED: Gowland M otorsports, in Grand Valley, Ontario. C anada. For .. CORRECTION: Mark Smith, the winner of the Senior A class at the Jack Pine Enduro, rides a KTM and not a Yamaha as we reported in our coverage of the event. ACCEPTING: BoyesenlTwin Air is now accepting rider resumes for the 200 1 racing season. Resumes can be sent to Boyesen. attn: Rider Support. 8 Rhoades Rd.. Lenhartsville. PA 19534. .. 'II 'II more information, call 519/ 928-541 9. OPEN ED: rnxtra.corn's home page on the World Wide Web. The site can be found at the following address: http :/ / SIGNED: Stephane Roncada. to a gear contract with O'Neal Racing for the 2001/200 2 racing seasons. according to O'Neal. "" .. cu e I e D ue to wet wea ther in the early part of the s easo n , Trai l -W a y Speedway i n Hanover, Pennsylvania has adde d another sho rt tra ck date. The final race of the yea r at Trail-W ay will be held on Sund ay, October 1 at 1 p.m. Sign-up begins at 10 a.m. Kiw i Indian Part s is o rgan izing the C e ntury Ride Home , a c har it y roa d run fro m River side , C alifo rnia, to Sp ringfield , M a s s a chu s e t t s . t o c e le b ra t e In d ian M oto rcycl e Com pany ' s 100th birthday . The 3700-mile t rip is sch eduled to start o n Ju n e 29 , 20 0 1 an d w ill ar r iv e in Springfi eld o n July 13 , 200 1. Fo r more informat ion, call 90 9/780-5400 . Team Obsolete too k part in the Gold Cu p C elebrat io n at Sc arbo rough in England o n S ept e m be r 9 -1 0 , bring ing t he team 's 1954 AJS E95 Porcupine , six-time Wo rld Ch am p ion J im Redm an and 15 time World Champion Giaco mo Ag ostin i to the 50 th anniver sary of the event. A lth ough it's only been a week since the program was introduced to the motorcyc le ind us t ry . SFX Motor S po r ts Group's N ati onal Are n a c r o s s S erie s pro moter s are alrea dy cl aim ing t hat t he series ' co nt inge ncy awa rd p ro gram has bro ken reco rds fo r total do llars poste d wi t h over $ 1.6 mi llio n cu rrently being o ffered. A cco rding to Glen Helen Raceway in San Bem ard ino , C aliforni a. t his yea r's C ha parral AMA Pro/Am M oto c ro ss will fea tu re a new format. This year' s event s are scheduled to run fro m December 29 31 , w it h a n Am at eu r S t adium c ro s s schedu led fo r D ec emb er 29 ; the Am at eu r Grand Prix will be held o n the morn ing of the 30th wi th t he Pro 125 vs. 250 Stadiumcro ss slat ed for th e aft ernoo n of the 30th. Sund ay' s program wi ll feature Ama - - - - - - - - - Continued 0 11 page 84 S E P T E M B E R 27 , 2000 3 nHUVS o 8 o o o 8 o C) n U r"\ U i LJ o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

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