Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Riders Club. and the staffs at the Cycle 29 . ac co rd ing t o the club . Fo r more arn in Lynnwood and S mo key Point. informat io n. ca ll 309/ 494-0794 (days ). 309/697·814g (nights). , ashington . The drawing will be held ctober 1 at the final road race of the eason at Seattl e Intern ational Racew ay. 176 5. Fleshwound Films w ill host a VI P pr emiere party to screen t he six th volume o f its D usty Demons of Dirt series . The premier will be hel d at the M GM :orme r AMA N ational and S uperc ro ss G rand Ho tel and C asino in Las V egas . N e v ad a . fotlowtnq the U .S . O p e n of nd t he winner need no t be present to in. For more information. call 425/92 1· ~ h a mp ion Donnie Hansen is taking js M o t o c ro s s A c adem y t o the so ut h hi s f al l. T h e f o ll o w in g i s Han s en ' s S up erc ro s s on O ct ober 15. For more info rma tion. call 310/457-5868 . upc om ing schoo l schedule: O ct ob er 21 · ~ 2 - Blac k Rock M X. Leit chfield . Ken · tuc ky : O ct ob er 28 ·29 . M onster M ou nain, Tallassee. A labama; and Nov ember Female race fans wi ll soon be able to ch e ck ou t t he i r fav o ri t e rid ers i n somet hing oth er than riding gear as the SuperStars of Moto 2001 calendar 1 ,0-11 • Echecon nee M X. M acon . G eor- is exp ec ted to be released in the co ming mo nth s. The project is th e brainchi ld gia. For mor e informatio n. ca ll 7 19/ 49 5· 2624 or v isi t th e sc ho o l' s w ebsi te at o f Laun i DiMaggio . the ow ner of Hairy Situ at ion in W ild om ar. C alifo rn ia - th e salon wh ere many of th e to p mot o rcycle www.DH MA. com . Gary Bailey . m e anwh i le. ha s racers in C alifo rnia ge t t heir haircuts . Ro unding up her f riends /clients from 4600. ers . The fe st iv it ie s w ill be ca p pe d off when a lin e o f nine giant earth movers . The AMA has announced the dates for i t s Vintage Motorcycle Days rr» three of them piloted by Rapp. Nadeau and Schum a cher r um b le into ac t ion . crushing a row of portable restrooms , sign ifying the end of the ol d S ears Point events. Vintage Motorcycle Days W est will be held April 27 ·29. 2001 . at Sears LJ r'I Point Racew ay in S ono ma. C aliforn ia. while the o riginal version of V M D wi ll be held Ju ly 13·1 5 . 2001. at M id -O hio Sport s C ar C ourse in Lexington. O hio . This year's editions attracted more than and the beg inning of the new. Rausch Creek Motor Sports has 40 .000 ent husiasts to Sears Point and Mi d -Oh io , accordi ng to th e AMA. Fo r more info rmat ion . ca ll 6 14 / 856· 1900 . To seen rising numbers of part icipant s eac h w eek at the new ly opened M X and ATV Park. lo cated off 1 1 at ' exit #3 3 ne ar ·8 Trem o nt . Pen nsylvan ia . Th e park w as save your spo t in t he sw ap meet or for a uc tio n bik e c o n s ig n men t . c all the A MA ' s W ill S to ner at 614 /856-1900 . ext . 1227 . opened over t he M emorial Day w eekend and since has grown in size and num ber o f part icipant s. according to promoters . The t h ree -track lay ou t ha s g ro wn t o A cco rding to the A MA. its me mbers hip has 270,000 for th e first time in histo- seve n t rack s . inc lud ing inte r me d ia te mo t oc ro ss . ATV mo tocross . adva nce d or supercro ss style moto t rack . outdoor mo to (wi t h natural elevation changes) . a ry . T he A M A c ou nts 270,4 84 ac t ive yo uth track and two . seven -mile hare motorcy clists as members at th e end of Au gust. "The growth of the AMA is tes - scramble loops placed in the middle o f 700 acr es of tra il riding area . ' W ith the timony to the impo rta nt work the association is doing on beha lf of motorcyclists t hey all agreed to be a part of thi s pro ject. The calendars are expected to be avai lab le by the end of O ct o be r. The decrease in free trail riding area s . parks like th is w ill bec ome t he f ut ure o f the calendars w ill reta il fo r $1 5 .99. For a ev ent s coordinato r for Rausc h Creek. A lo n g wi t h t h e new s u r f ace Ra u s ch th e salon - Jeremy McGrath. Jeff Emig. M ic hael B rande s . D av id Pingree . B en October 6 · 7; G len Helen Raceway in and Eric Bo st ro m. Phil Lawrence. etc . - an Bern ardino . C alifornia - O ct ober 26· 28 : and L.A. County Racew ay in Palmdale. Califo rn ia · November 2 -3 . Fo r more info rmation. call 54 0/ 650 - 1759 . p r e v iew of e ach rider's p icture i n the ca le n da r . v i sit t he i r we b s it e at M BI Publishing will ho ld it s 20th Annu· al Wheels & Wings open house cele · www arsofmoto . For more info rmati o n. ema il D iM ag gio bration on S at urday . September 9 at the company's headquarters in Osceola. W iscons in. The high light o f Wheels & at : L D2Xtreme@a or D o r i n a Groves at DG 900 W ings is a giant display of over 1000 <;!lrs and mo to rcycles . with judging in 3 1 different clas ses . For more information . Vance & Hine s D ucat i' s Steve Rapp will be on hand on W ednesday. Sep tem- ~II 71 5/ 294 -33 45 . or check their web- ber 13. at Sears Point Racew ay in Sono - site at www .moto rboo ma . C alifo rn ia . for an o fficia l g round br eaking and pr ess co nfe rence . signify - 2 A s par t o f th e Peoria Motorcycle ing the start of a $ 35 million M oderniza- C;:lub's AHRMA Vintage Weekend . S eptembe r 3 0 -0ctober 1. an A HRMA reg ional short trac k will be ~eld at Peoria Sp eedway on September ti on Pl a n . Rap p w il l be j o in ed b y N AS C AR W in s t on C u p star J e r ry Nadeau and N HRA Top Fuel star Tony Schu macher. The official gro undbreaking "" ~ '-' I W CJ o o o o o o o o in th is coun try. " says Sco tt Tho rn ton . AMA pre sident. ' W ith such an increasingly diverse membersh ip. it is a da ily challenge to meet the need s o f our announced so me upcoming W est Co ast schoo ls . H is sc he du le is as follows : Riverfron t Park in M arysville. California - r ...................... ing. For mor e info rmation. call 570 /682- ce remonies w ill place in a park ing area above th e raceway pa d doc k before a gath ering o f racing and community lead- sport . " said J ohn G rod ens ky . o ff-ro ad Cre ek is app ly ing to the superc ro ss trac k th is wee k . the re are p lan s f or membe rs . It's gratifying to see our con t inuing growth. " The AMA has grown by 35 pe rcent sin ce 1994 . w hen member- larg e -purse hare sc ramb le rac e s and manufacturer: sup ported tune-and -te st sh ip first topped 200.000. The AMA has a ded icated 12 ·member govern ment days for th e fall riding sea so n. Rausc h Creek ha s te amed up w ith the Tow e r C ity Trail Riders in a move that will bring re lati ons divi sion that ac ts on beha lf of motorcyclists by tr acking . lo bby ing and modifying leg islati on that affects motor- prem ium camping grounds for the trail cyclis ts ' rights to ride . The se efforts are focused at local . sta te and fe dera l level s . including active representation on rider s incl ud ing s hower facil ities and electrical hoo k-ups . Rausc h Cree k ha s also announced the sta rt of constr uct ion C apitol Hill. of the 2.33 -mile roa d race ci rc uit. Wh en complete d th is faci lity w ill accommodate The followi nq p re ss release ca me f rom Rent hal in regard to the recent law su it fi led against them by Tuck er-Rocky Di s- a private membership club of 1200 and be ho st fo r th e count ries t op level Pro and Amate ur motorcycle and aut o rae - tribu t ing an d East on A luminum . • Last year Renthal launched it s FatBar han- . " dl eba r. which has been popu lar in the marketplace . O n A ugust 3. 2000. Renthat's compe titors Tuc ker-R o c ky D istributing and Easton A luminium. pro mot- MOVED: Shoei Safety Helmet Corp.. to 3002 Dow Ave.. Suite 128. Tustin. CA 92780.714/730·0941.714/730 ·0942 (fax). ers of the A nsw er Pro -Taper bar . filed a s ui t all eg in g pat ent inf ring emen t. On ACCEPTING: Answer Racing is now accepting racer resumes for the : RESCHEDULED: The final round of the GNC Texas Motocross Series o ,..., 2001 racing season. Resumes can be sent to Answer Racing. 21021 Soledad Canyon Rd.. Suite 509. Santa Clarita. CA 9 1351 . I U r'I U o o o o o o o 'I reply in that case. denying infri nge ment. conten di ng t h a t the Tu c k er -R ocky ACCEPTING: Twisted Threads is now accepting racer resumes for the 2001 season. Resumes can be sent to 12457 Gladstone Ave.. Suite K. Sylmar. CA 91342. attn: Race Support. Twisted Threads is also accept- ANNOUNCED: Dunlop Motorcycle Tires has announced that Vreeke & '"""' LJ f'\ S ept ember 7. Rent hal A merica filed its :.. (inch dinq the Texas-Oklahoma Challenge race) at Mosier Valley. Texas. r • originally scheduled for October 1. has been rescheduled for November 19. For more information. call 214/ 351 ·9900. '-' I ing ap plication s for o utside sale s re ps . Fo r more info rma ti on , call pa t ent ( U .S Pat ent No 5 .117 .708) is invalid. and alle ging th at Tuck er-Rocky 818/36 1-9568. (fax) 8 18/36 1-1194. attn. Mike Collier Sr. has misu sed that pat ent to promot e its ow n ba r. Re nthal and it s co unse l are con fide nt o f success because the Ren- STOLEN : A 2000-model Honda CR250 from a residence in Aurora. Colorado. on August 31 . A $1000 reward is being offered for the motorcycle's NIN #JH2ME0331 YM204648l retum. For more information. call 303/750 -6835. t hai handlebar does no t have several of t h e f e at ure s c lai m ed i n t he Tu ck erRock y patent. " 2001 racing season. Resumes can be sent to HRP Sports. Attrn: Race : Support. P.O. Box 190. Somersworth. NH 03878. STOLEN: A 2000-model Yamaha YZ80 (VIN #JYACB01C31AOOB200l from Beach Yamaha in Huntington Beach. California. on September 10. For more information. call 714 /5 36-7555 . On t he second day o f t he recent tw o day te st held at th e Ca talunya ci rc uit in HIRED: Mall Parks. as vice president of marketing for Intersport Fash- STOLEN: A 20oo·model Honda XR650R N IN #JH2RE0106YK102613l ions West Inc.. effective immediately. by Denis LaBonge. president of Intersport Fashions West. from Richland. Washington. on September 10. For more information. call 509/ 382·9611. :- Associates Inc. is now the company's agency of record . In its age ncy : role with Dunlop Motorcycle Tires. Vreeke & Associates will provide national advertising creative and media-buying services. public relations. collateral development. and strategic marketing and motorsports consult- ing. according to Dunlop. ACCEPTING: HRP Sports is currently accepting racer resumes for the J c ue I e n Spain. W orld Ch ampion Alex Criville was satisfied wi th his resul ts . according to a press relea se issued by his tea m. Repsol Honda. C riv ille tes ted with A lex Barro s . Loris Capiro ssi (from the Emere - - - - - - - - Continued on page 92 uv s S EP T EM B E R 2 0 . 2000 3 o , o o o o o

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