Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RR Hendrix pulled an oth er blazing holeshot in heat two , wit h Ha rdy o n his ba c k fender. Hardy tumed the throttle to the stop. overtook Hendrix and stretched his lea d to the finish. In overall sco ring. the final ta lly showed Har dy with the Over 40 win, Hendrix on top of the Hobby class. an d Se nn first in the Vet B class. Re sults P/W (4-6) : I. Hunt~ Walker (Yam); 2. Evan Sm ith (Cob): 3. Chriatopher Evans (Yam ). 60 0 : 1. Jake EngItsh (Kaw); 2. Thomas PhoeIptt (Kawl; J . Chue Walker (K.w ); 4 . K.-.y BoutwdI (Kaw): 5 . Anthon y (Kaw). 80 S, I. "'" """"""" C , 2. Hon) C ....), 3. Jooh FuOer (Kaw). 80 C: 1. Buck Hartzog (Yam); 2. Jeremy Hardy ( Kew): J . !vtdn'w Phd ps (Kaw): 4 . RhettSmith (Hon). 80 0 : I. lack EngIiah (Kaw); 2. Buu fowler (Kaw); 3. Jl:II'TIeS ~iIbiu (Hon): 4. Jared St~ (Kaw); 5. CNnb (Sw) . S/ M1 1. Ben Fleetwood (Hon); 2. ColeBoutwe ll (Yam) ; J . Dar· NI: ryI Brooke (Suz) ; 4 . Buck Hertzog (Y am); 5. Rheolt Smith (Hon). YTH: 1 . J.mH St~ {Yam): 2. Clint Stagner (Yam). 16-29: I. Ca y Downing (Kaw); 2. .koremy Haft (Hon). 125 M Y; I. ShaneLusk (Hon). 125 8 : 1. Cole Bout-Il (Yam) ; 2. Art Stromberg (Yam) . 125 c: t . James Stephena (YIlm ); 2. Billy Joy« (Yam ). 125 0 : 1. Jeremy Haire (Hon); 2. Oint Stagner (Yam). 250/OPEN MNV: I. Brent Carroll (Yam); 2. ShaM lusk (Han). 250 B; 1. Cholin Senn (Vam); 2. Art Sttombtorg (Vam); 3. Shane McGuigan(Han ). 250 C: 1. Ben Robinson (Hon ); 2. G~rge Staudinger (Hon); 3. Regal Hamm (Hon). 250 0 : 1. Thomas Belisle (V am). 40+: I. Tony Hardy (Kaw). am) VETB: 1. ChonSmn (Y . am): 3. HBBV: 1. Grady Hen drix (Vam); 2. Thomas Belisle (Y Kyle Taylor (lion) ; 4 . Chad Reeves (Kaw). 0."" ...-. ems Cal-Expo Fairgrounds Carrillo Beaches Two BY M. when he fell out of co nte nt io n. Venegas, Bast an d J anniro atte m pted to run dow n Ca rrillo. but th e ta lented Junior Champion was up to the challenge an d easily outdistanced the veterans to take hi s first main-event win, abo ard hi s Ros e Ra c in g / Pe ter ich Cycl e /Off Beal/Goal/ER C J awa . Bast drew the pole for the Scratch ma in. followed by Ermolenko in two. Robert Curry in four. and Venegas in three. Venegas jumped out and led the pack through the first turns. but just as ~ se emed he had the lead und er control. Bast came roaring out of tum two and rode Venegas hard and wide into the next set of tums and then took over the lead as the two negotiated the first set of tums on lap 2. Once Bast took over the front spot, it seemed to be open season on "The Edge," as Ermolenko followed Bast through on the low line and took the runner-up spot away from Ven egas as th e quartet made its way throug h the third lap. Once Bast had the lead. the race was virtually over. Ermolenko held on to second. Venegas rolled along in third. and Curry made sure nobody got behind him for fourth. Results SCR: 1. Bart Bast (J aw); 2. Dukie Ermolenko (Ja w); 3. Charlie Venegas (Jaw); 4. Robert Curry (J aw). HDCP I. Eric Carrillo (J aw); 2. Charlie Ven~s (J aw): 3. Bart : Bast (Ja w); 4. BiUy J4Miro (Jaw ); 5. Ryan FISher (J aw). 0 ·2: I. Eric Carrillo (J aw); 2. Chris Kerr (Jaw) : 3. Ivan ~vart (Jaw) . 0 ·3 : I. Eric Ryan (J aw); 2. Gino Be-Itino (J aw); 3. Bruce Baker (W6 ). 0 -1 JR: 1. J .J . Martynse (Wes) : 2. BryM Yarrow (Jaw); 3. Greg HootonJ r. (Wes ). 0·2 JR: I. Danny Euley (J aw); 2. T.J . Fowler (Wes): 3. Brenton Bast (BSA). 0- 3 JR: I. Tom FehrTMn (Hen ); 2. Bruce Bast (BSA); 3. Chris Smith (WK) . SoBER SACRAMENTO. CA, JULY 22 Reigning U.S. National Junior Speedway Chern pion Eric Ca rrillo pulled off wha t ma y be the m ost imp ressive double main-event wins po ssi- ble on a single S peedway night. The talented teenager, who mov ed up to the 500cc ran ks after tuming 16 in June. took the checkered flag in the Divis ion Tw o ma in and then top ped it off by winn ing the Division One Hand icap m ain • Hot Sprin gs Raceway Well, Pilgrim. Let's Move 'em Out BYOwe C ROZIER OGDEN. UT. JULY 22 -23 W ith temperatu r e s so a ri ng t o over 100 on his very first night rid ing in Division On e. Despite taking his first Division On e victory , it wa s ac tu ally his restart survival in the Handicap semi that m o st p lea sed th e rid er from Newark , Cal iforn ia . de grees a ll wee ken d. the alwey s -ccmpetitive l25cc Intermediate class was ready to duke it o ut at the eighth round of th e USRA se ries. Ca rey's Cycle /O 'Neal/Srnith-s ponsor ed Garret "In the se mi. the y stag ed the resta rt in typica l NASCAR style," Carr illo sa id. "and Billy a comforta ble lead in the po ints sta nd ings. but m ost of his fellow rider s hav e been getting Janniro was ju st about fiv e ya rds behind m e. I faster , and they were goi ng to try c hase down th e superfast Pilgri m . re ally tho ug ht he would just go aro und me . but he never di d ." In the ni gh t' s fin al Division One race, Bart B a st o u tdis ta nced Duki e Ermol en k o an d Char lie Venegas to ta ke the Scratc h m ain win. Since it was Carrillo' s rookie ride in Division One, he was of course stationed at the front of the pack, on the zero-yard line. right in front of the sta rting ta pes. Visiting South em Ca lifomia rider Mark Ada ms was next to Carrillo. The next rider was Ryan Fisher . sta tioned on the 40. At the back of the field. on the 50. were Bast, Janniro and Venegas. On the sta rt. Carrillo eas ily outgated Adams and fled down the back straight, only to have the red flag come out and stop the race after Fisher hit the tum-two rut and fell. forcing Janniro to lay down his Jawa to avo id him . After Fis he r was moved back to the 50 . the ra ce was restarted . Once again, Carrillo got himself out in front. Adams ran seco nd fo r the first half of the race but gave wa y to Venegas Pilgrim has bee n tearing it up all year, ga ining When th e gate d ro pped o n Saturday for th e opening 125<:c Intermedi ate m ota , Pilgrim moved out front , with SoC a l De siqns -spon so red Mall Bate. Rene gade Motorsp orts ' Mike Ca rda ll, and T ravis Clifto n battling behind him. Pilgrim mad e a small mista ke , and Bate too k ove r the lead for goo d. lea ving Pilgrim to battle for se cond the res t of the race. Bate wa s also victo rious in th e sec o nd m ota , taking th e overall wi n fo r the day , fol- lowed by Pilgrim . Jason Barso n and Clifton. On S unda y. the 125cc Intermed iate racing sta rted off with Pilgrim pulling another huge start, ahead of Barson, Travis Clifton and Josh Clifton. Pilgrim and Barson battled for the lead the whole mo ta . while beh ind them the Clifton brothe rs struggled for braggi ng rights against each . Pilgrim took t he checkers. fo llowed closely by Barson. Travis edged out his olde r brothe r Josh for th ird. w a: ~ z w o ~ ~ :I: Q. Cal-Expo Fairgro und s:ln his very first Division On e ride , Eric Carrillo (75) outdistanced " Bro nc o" Billy Janniro (14) and the re s t of the fiel d to take the Handicap maln-event win in Sacramento, Ca lifo rn ia. 70 S EPTEM BER 6 . 2000 ' cue I e n u vv s

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