Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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guys [Souze and Cors etti) race each oth er. If anyon e wanted to pass m e, it was going to have to be on the outs ide . because I wa sn 't about to m ov e over fo r any one." Michael Martin pil oted his PW Yamaha into the lead of the Pee Wee Stock main. ahead of rivals James Will iams and Mi chael Bertolli for a wire-te -wire route. Martin rod e smoothl y for the first ha lf of th e race but then appeared to slow slightly, all owing Williams within str iking distance. Martin gav e a quick look back over his left shoulder, then really cranked up the wick and c ruised home to the checkered flag . Williams hu ng on to take thi rd, slightly ahead of th e rap idly closing Be rtolli. Two heat ra ces would determ ine the starting positions for the 60 C contest, the largest class of the nigh t. Damon Iwanaga and Rya n Law bl ast ed into th e lead , ahead of a ve ry det ermined Ky le Anselm i. wh o took the lead two laps later. An selmi rode fl awlessly . increasing his speed every lap, whil e Iwan aga c ould only play catch-up . With th e leaders clea rly out front. Tyler Berem en clos ed on Law' s rear fend er and dropped th e Sacramento rider back to fourth after a four-l ap battle. A t th e chec ke red flag, Anselmi won by a huge ma rgin, ca pping one of the best victories of his young career. Lo ca l favorite B obby Fo ng had hi s work cut out for him when Mike Rush sho t into th e lead as th e 60c c Ex perts heat ed up the track . Fo ng sli pped twice as he pu rsued Rush , whi ch pu t him into th e ma elstrom rag ing between Joe Hernandez and Kenn y Carlotta. Four laps later . Fang kicked in the afterb urners an d set a sizzling pac e. O n la p five, Fang p ressured Rush comi ng o ut of turn t wo and ke p t th e pressure on all th e way down th e back stre tc h to take the lead fo r good. Rus h m ai ntained a so lid second , followed b y Hernandez and a rap idly closing Carlotta in fourth at the checkered flag . hol es coming out of tum four . Johnson took the lead. with Briggs hot on his heels, ah ead of Brad ford . Jim Kesler and Travis Petton. Petton drove around Kesler for fourth. but Johnson and Briggs had a race all their own out fron t. Th e bumpy tra ck and unfamiliar bike took Johnson out with a stalled eng ine and a qu ick soil sam ple, leaVing Briggs out front all alone. Bradford cruised to secon d. with Petton and Kesler in tow . Craig Jo hnson, after a IO-year layoff, led the Vintage 250cc main event on a Bultaco . ahead of J o e Steffen and B ru c e Reyno ld s. Johnson kept his throttle open longer than th e opposit ion. even after several barely controlled runs through one and two. Reyn old s worked on Steffen. stuffi ng his front wheel up inside to Steffen's footpeg. A lap later. Steffen slid wide in tu rn four and Reynolds went thro ug h to rev erse th e pos itions. Steffen trie d to take secon d back. bu t at th e flag, Johnso n took th e wi n an d Reyno lds held off Steffen for second. In th e Bomber race, Steffen took the low line through tu m one. with Kei th Bradford running the high line trying to get around. Geor ge Fox took sec o nd away fr om Br adford . w ith Davi d Johnso n and Di ck Fox trailing. A ft er th e halfway m ark, Fox tipped ove r in turn three, end ing hi s best ride of the seaso n and giv ing B radford a shot at Steffen . J im Steet m ade up for a poor start and pull ed into fourth . Steffen co ntinued o ut front for th e win . ahead of Br ad ford , Johnso n, Steet and Fox . Re sult s 250 NOV: I. Steve Ba ldlOlin (S uz); 2 . Archie Perez ( Hon ); 3 . Wood (Hon ); 4. Chart it' Clayden (Yam) ; 5. DonMeftr (Yam) . 25/) AM:. I. Oamy Pffez (Yam ); 2. Jamn Wood (Hon); 3. DenI\lIVoII (Kaw). 400 AJIc I. J ~ Wood (Hon); 2. Bruce R~ (BuI); 3. Don Freuenbt1'gf:f (Yam ); 4. Rick Reed ( $w:) . YTlt 8O-1Z5 I. Ian Foulds (Yam ); 2. Alex Wood (Hon ); 3. Robeft : GUbm"ez (KTM); 4. Willy 8nggs (Han) ; 5 . Andy Wood (Kaw ) . VET: I. Dennis. Briggs. (HCW'I ); 2. Keith Bradford (Yom); 3. Elliott Iverson (W-R); 4. Gory \Vtute (Tri); 5. Steve Mille' (Yom ). SR.: 1. Vince GraYeS (W- R); 2. Oat ~ (Yam ); 3 . DICk Fox J~ IYoml· Res u lt s PfW STKAlB: I. Damon twanaga (Yam ); 2..kss Garcia (y am) : J . - , CoIdoino (y~ I . P!W STK c : I. Mlchod ~ (yam); 2. Ja~ Winiams ("am): 3 . Mlche el Bmolli (Yam): 4 . UII.lII Ma~ Ramos (Yam ); 5 . Vaughn _ (V~) . P/W MOl> I. 00wl_1c.b1: 2..leo """"" (V oml: J . - , Ceideira (yam): 4. 8nnb'I BernaniMu (Yam); 5. .MI Hodges (Yam) . 60 AlB: I. Chad COM (Kew): 2. SteYte~ (Kaw); 3. Antho · ny Fang (Kaw ). 60 C: 1. K yl~ Amelnv (Kaw ); 2. Damon lwan oglJ (Ka w): J . Tyko r !kr~ (Kew); 4 . Ryan U\l/ (Kawl: 5 . Danl eUe Ca ldeira (Ke w). 80 AlB : I. Bobby Fang (Hon) ; 2. Mike Rush ( Han ); 3. ~ Her· nlIf1dez (Yam) ; 4 . Kenny CArtotto ( S. Seen ~ (Sul). 100 : l. Ctuis Ca~pa (Hon) : 2. Justin Fil ~ (Hon) ; 3. KMny ( ort()(ta (Hon), 4. Mike Sn~ (Hon); 5. Anna ~Hoyos (Hon ). V1NT A: 1. Rick Hockmg (Bul); 2. Dana Perri (Hon). 'li NT C: 1. Ron J unkd {yaml; 2. Jeff Cora nkoft' (Bul); 3 . Mike Riddell (Ytlm): 4. Doome D. ah (BuI); 5 . G~t'y Quinn (Yam ). m V1NT 50+; 1. Steve ~y (Yam): 2. AI LudlOligsen (Yam) ; 3. Bud S/SR: I. Ron Gould (W-R); 2. 1'\orsha1l Jenrungs (W. R); 3. Alan Girdlft (H·D ). ClSC VlNT: I . Chns WakuiD (Tri); 2. Joe P8p@(H-D). VlNT 250: l.C rolQ JonnlOrl (Bul ); 2. Bruce Reynold (BuI); 3. s Joe Steffen (yom ). V1NT750: 1. Stne Miller (Yom) ; 2. Don Frau«lberger (Yam ): 3. Gory 'W'hite(Tn) ; 4 . ChrisWokwa (Tri); 5. Stell e Ferg uson (Tn ). OPE..i NOV: 1. Steve B.a\dIII'In (Han); 2. Robert. Perez (Hon); 3 . ,' JiIlm6 Wood (Hon ); 4. Atchit' P~z (Yam); 5 . BobGill"" (Yom). OPEN AM : I. D4n ny Pto~z (Hon); 2. Elliott llI'efIOn (W ·R); 3 . Stne Ferguaan (Tn ); 4 . Vince Gra'lft, (W. R ); ~ . George Pox (Yom) . OPEN PRO: I. Denms Bngg_ (Han ); 2. TravIS Petton (W. R); 3. Kf'ith Brodford (Yam) ; 4. Jim Kt'Sk-r(W· R); 5. Jot' Stt'flen (Yom) . BMBR 1. Joe Steffen (Yom ); 2. Keith Bradford (Yam); 3. David : Johnson (Yom); 4. Jim Stt'et (Ya m); 5. Dick Fox (Yam ). Pol ka Dots H a re Scramble Riddle (Yam ). VET NB: 1. J ason Paoli (Hon) ; 2. Bob Beccse (Rtx) ; 3 . Rob McDonn ell (H·D) ; 4 . Greg Sode rer (Rtx); 5 . Bob Casey (AllC;) . VET C: 1. Eric Turner (Hon): 2. Ron Jun kert (Yam); 3. Rlchllrd Raymond (Hon) ; 4. Jim Hodg in (Rtx); 5. John Larson (Yam ). OPEN A: I. Tony Souza (Rtxl; 2. M"rk COI'M'tti (W-R); 3. Antho ny Giammanco (Rtx ); 4. Danny Casey (W-R); 5. Joson Paol i (Rtx ) OPEN B: I. Greg sc eerer (Rtx ); 2. Stf'IOIOrt Barber (Hon ); 3. Fronk o Hannah (Hon); 4. Bert Bernedes (Rtx); 5. Nick Moore (W-R) . OPEN I. Eric Turn er (Rtx ); 2. J unyo KOllO (!«xl: 3. John Lerson (Yam) ; 4. Steven Scott (Hon ); 5. Tye e Heebn er (Hon) . PRO : I. Rick Hoc k ing (Bul); 2. To ny Souza ( Rtx) ; 3 . Mar k Condti (W·R); 4. Anthony Clammanco (Rtx); 5. Dllflny CllH'y (W-R). Bersa no Dances the Polka Bv AARON C o m p et it i o n P a r k Briggs Breaks Out Bv F RED WINDtIM SAN J A CINTO . CA . J ULY 29 Two m on th s. That' s all it took the crew at Competition Park to tum a cattle pen into potentially one of the finest short tra cks in Southern California. In practice sessions onl y weeks before. the track was a rutted mess. but the old dirt was scoo ped out and replaced with a clay foundation and a decomposed-gran ite racing surfa ce to give racers a much more durable and rac eabl e track. D ennis Briggs took advantage of that to tak e wins in both th e Vet and Open Pro class es on a Honda borrow ed from Jim Th ompson . In th e Vet class, Briggs c am e from th e back row, as he and J eff Johnson atte mpted to get an ear ly lead on th e field . El liott Iverso n led the pack into tum one, ahead of Gary White. Steve Mill er and Keith Bradford. Briggs quick ly m ade his wa y t h ro ug h th e fie l d. taking Bradford along for th e rid e. By lap three he was on Iverson's rear tir e, pa ssing up the inside the next ti m e the pair went int o tu rn one. Briggs slipped wide in t wo , leaving th e door ope n for Iverson to ret ak e the lead . and th e m ove was repeat ed. and thi s time Briggs g rabbed th e lead for good. Brad ford pulle d th e same m ove a lap late r to take second , leav in g Ive rso n th ir d, ahead of Gary Whi te and Steve Miller. Johnso n bo rrowed a Wood-Rota x 600 for the Open Pro c ontes t. By now th e track was ge tt ing a little rutted , w ith a few good- sized S EPTEM BER 6 . 2000· cue • BARTH M IDLAND, MI, J UL Y 23 Michigan hare scrambles co mpetitors traveled to the m idd le of th e state for round eight of th e Di strict 14 Hare Scra mble Ser ies , wh ich was ho st ed by the Po lk a Dot s Motorcycle Club . Th e cool weath er was ideal. and the co mpetito rs were eager to start th eir th ree-hour trek around the 4. 3 · mile cou rse . The pace was very intense for all th ree ho urs of co mpetition. Team Gas Gas rid er B lai r Ber san o on ce again took the ove rall. Th is was the Bal dy 's Allbike /He bo /Sm ith /Lo we Racing /G olden c: 68 Glen Helen Raceway Park: Ty Kady (356) s nared the holeshot in the f irst com b in ed Pro moto at the th ird r o u n d o f REM 's No Fear Summer Series i n San Bern ar d in o . Ca li forn ia , a head of Craig Davis (7 11) , Pau l Kellen (647), Revelle Harrison (35), Mark Tilley (45 2) , Colin Emberly (5) an d the rest of the pa c k. Spectra-s po nso re d Bersan o ' s Fifth victory in six races. thoug h this co ntest was not a breeze for this talented rider. For th e first hou r of th e race , B ersan o d ic ed wit h Lansin g Cycle/ E nd u ro E ng i n eerin g ' s KTM 2 00- mounte d Leonard Michael Keen . who kept Bers a no hon est for a while. the two of them swa p ping positions and plastic a time o r two. As Bersano eve ntu ally m et one challenge , another aro se. For a nu mber of laps. Bers ano was followed by the 1996·99 series champion. Chris Gallt. However, at the finish . Bersano led all competitors to the ch ec k ered flag. The Axo/Bridgestone/IMS/Motion Pro/ EVS-back ed Gallt tra iled Bersano by one m inu te and 12 seconds at the finis h for another runner -u p placing . Keen improved his overall finish by one place, finishi ng the day in thi rd overall . Teenager Bradl ey Benj am in rod e his Honda to victory in the 250cc class and conti nued his solid charge up in the overall sta ndi ngs with a ca reer-best fourth overall. J ust fo ur week s after cracki ng his femur, 125cc com petit or Aa ron Wegner was back in competition . The Pirelli /RK Chains/ O 'Nea l/ WER-backed Wegner k ept his champ ionshi p hopes alive wi th a hard -earn ed fifth overall . Keen and Weg ner co ntinued their ye arlong ba tt le in Michiga n's new Off Road Championship Se ries . T his series c o nsist s of three endures and th ree hare scra mbles. After t wo rounds, th e riders are tied . In th e Open cl ass, series po ints leader W ill Root J r. pushed his ATK to another victory. Honda -mounted Scott Ro hr mi ssed out on th e win by 2 7 seconds. Ho nd a X R400 -mounted Ka rl T ebeau fill ed in the third pos itio n. Ea rly points lea der Mike Cribb s was fou rth . and District 14 po in ts keeper James Smith finished the day fifth on his ATK. Results a /A:. I. Blair &enano; 2. Chris GoUt; 3 . Leona rd K~; 4 . Bra d Btn,anun; 5. Aaron Wegner;6. Steve Willey; 7 . Rick Kent; 8. COfey Co lklns; 9 . Trllvis Tudethout; 10. M Stapuill. .ike OPEN : I. Will Root ; 2. Sc ott Ro hr ; J . Karl Tebeeu ; 4 . Mike Crita; 5. J~ Smith . 250 : 1. Brad ~; 2. B"-, Marr: 3. Torn Jonc~ ; 4. J aKlfl Garland; 5. ScCICl Sch f t. Polka D o ts Hare Scram b l e : Leonard Mic ha el Keen ra ils t o a c ar eer -bes t third overall at round e ight of the Distric114 Hare Scrambles Series in Midland, M ich igan. 200 : I . Blal f B,erwmo; 2. LeonOfd K~; 3. Mike Stapulll; 4. ..Jod Sape ; 5. Aan:ln o"\oBe. 125: I. Chris Ge llt; 2. Aaron Wegner:3. TrCIV D Tudethout; 4 . Dan Bull; 5 . Robert Cribbs. 4-STRK I. Rk k Kent; 2. Corey C. lklns; 3 . : a.yton Abtaltft; 4 Nick Trovis; 5. 1'\Ike MMon . $R: 1. Ken Johmon; 2. Brett McCoy; 3. Mike Mann; 4. ThomllS~; 5 . Byran Kibby . S/SR: 1. Dtmnis Ga le; 2. John Bombyk; 3. Ted Kdvlngton; 4. BeriI. Ca lkins . VET: I. Steve Willey ; 2. Pou l Gu y; J. Scott CU ftISS; 4 . Mam Spor e: 5. Pow Sknypa.ak. 200 J R (13 . 11): I. Travi. Pt ong er ; 2. Will Hick s: 3, Thomas Emed~: 4. Dav id Anderson; 5 Chns Wiedys . 105 B/W : 1. Tra vi, Toogood; 2. JOfda n Kalm: 3. Ron Scott; 4. Anthon y Stellen.; 5. Stacy Emede. 8 5 ( 12·15): I. Will Hic ks ; 2. Nick J ubb; 3 Derek Right; 4 . Cod y Murph y; 5. Cho ~ Sietlng . 85 (7 · 11): 1. Jnk e Emede; 2. Kyle Duba y; 3. Sha nnon Flege l; 4. lack Jom~ son ; 5. Nick Ozani ch 65 (7·11 ): I. Ty ler Hill: 2. T im Blow er : 3. JllU lid Sll iis b ur y : 4 . Bruce Heig h tc hew ; 5 . Joe l Kalrn . OPEN (2 -HRS); I. Enc Dudek , 2. J oe KIttle ; 3. Brion Southworth; 4. David McClello n ; 5 . Mike Mosher . l.JW TEAM; I. Bryon Dunlop/J ason Olney ; 2. J oe f'\u ng er/Wlilred Huron; 3 . Rick Rinn e r/C ho d Ebol. H/W TEAM: I. Scott Barcloy/Scott Luc a ; 2. Ron Ba lze r/E d Kee n ; 3. Tr avis Moffi tt /Mllrty Sdvouben. e n e vv S G le n Helen R ace w a y P a rk Kady Conquers REM Summer Series Bv ROCKYHA SH SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JULY 22 Roun d thr ee of Racing En terprises Mo torsports' No Fear Summer Series saw great racing in m an y of the classes and an exceptiona lly la rge turnout of riders, despite the triple-digit, m idsum mer te m peratures. O ne of the best co n tests of the day was the Combined Pro contest. Ty Kady pu shed his Bert's/MSR/ Motul-backed RJ.\250 to both mota win s, which earned him th e lion's share of th e purse on the day. Whe n m ot a one got going , K ady set th e tone righ t away by rip ping a big holeshot. Craig Davis tuc k ed his TWS-Wind/No-Toil·sponso red KTM SX thumper in seco nd, while Mark T ill ey had hi s Z- Racin g/ Et nies KTM SX 125 on th e bo il in thi r d . A t the end of lap one . YZ250m ounted Paul Ke llen was fo urth and Co li n Eberly ran fift h. Out front. Kady was being con sistent, th ou gh he was unable to shak e Davis, who lu rked within th ree bike lengths. Tilley was kee ping th e front duo ho nest , back on ly abo ut one second . Suzuki rider J oe Haggert bro k e into the t op f iv e o n lap fou r, w it h Yamaha YZ 125-mounted Ito Posca hot on his tail. At th e ha lfw ay m ark, the fro nt three were all on th e same secon d , with Kady continuing to lead th e charge . Posca displaced Hargett and moved up to fourth . while Motocross Action/White Brothers -backe d Willy Musgrave m ov ed up to fifth late in the race. When the white flag came out, the fro nt three riders were still with in 10 yards of o ne another. sett ing up an exciting finish . Kady held on for the moto win . Davis came up two b ik e lengths short and settled for seco nd, while Tilley was a close third. Posca came in fourth, and Musgrave was fifth . In mota two. Davis exploded his big KTM into the first comer for the holeshot. Kady ran second. and Tilley was again third. Posea gated very well and rode fourth. Nate Hawley held fifth. For the first three laps, the racing between Kady and Davis was epic. TIle lead changed hands four or five time s eac h lap. with both rid ers execu ting beautiful block -passing techniques and showing an uncanny ability to square off comers. As the racers went into the back cany on for the fourth time , something had to give. and it did : Kad y eme rged all alone. Davis had stalled his machine in a tricky offc am be r uphill corn er. Onc e out fro nt, Kad y opened up aI D-second ma rgin. nlley crashed just past the halfway ma rk , allowing Posea to m ove up to second and Musgrave to third . At the checkers, Kady took the win. Posea finished strong in second, and Musgrave took third . Dav is recovered for fourth , and Hargett was fifth. On th e da y , Kad y ( 1· 1) took home th e top m oney. Posca (4-2) was sec ond , while Davis (2 -4 ) fi nished third . Musgrav e (5 · 3 ) earned fourt h, and T iiley (3 -7) settled for fifth. Result s eo BEG: 1. Jason PipkIn {Han); 2. ShaIOlfl McMtlllon (KalOl). 80 J R: 1. Jimmy PatrICk (Yam ). 80 1NT: 1. lac Baltter (Yam ); 2. Done J~kson (Yom) . 125 BEG : 1. Matthe .... WarM (Ke lOl ); 2. Chris Woods (Hon) ; 3. Kev,n Koesiog (y llm) ; 4. John Minert (Ka lOl ): 5. Skip ~ (HCW'I ). 125 JR : 1. Andy Bakkm (Yam ); 2. 1.« Baxter (y am) ; 3 . John Avery (Yam); 4 . M"tt Borroughs (HUll) 5 . Corey Bumham (KolOl). ;