up into second because I cou ld do
most of the tric ks in second , but there
was only one I c a n' t. But I was in sec ond , and I cou ldn 't sh ift ! So a bo ut
three-fou rths of the wa y th rough my
run, I was li ke , ' Uh oh , I can' t go
th e re. I've got t o g o o v e r h ere.' It
threw me off big -time, but other tha n
th at , the first half was really good . It
felt like a good run .
"I did n 't want to d o [t he backflip]
in the fina l because if I crashed I get
doc ke d poi nts ."
But by throwi ng in we ll-executed
tr ic k s a nd c o m b in a t io n s , Pastra na
earned 9 4 .00 poi nts to pu t a lock on
the final. In on ly the sec ond Fre e style
Moto X c om p etition in X Games h is to ry, Pastrana has established himself
as th e yo un g man to be at .
" I' m pump e d w ith th e si lve r, "
Clow e rs sa id. "It's hard to beat Trav is
in freestyle, but I thin k I c a m e pretty
close . It was definite ly a great time."
Minic ycl e c h a m p J ames "Bubba "
Stewa rt, attending to watc h the e vent,
c o uld only s ha ke his head and say ,
"It's pretty coo l. Th e s e guys go off
b ig. It's pre tty gnarly; I don 't know if I
want to do th is. I'm goi ng to stick to
ESPN X Sames Freestyle Moto X
San Francisco C
, alifornia
Results: Augus 20, 2000
FINAL: 1. T ra v is Pa st ra na (S uz) 94 .00 ; 2 .
Tomm y Clowers (Hon) 91.33 ; 3. Brian Deegan (Han)
90 .33 : 4. Clifford Adoptante (SUl ) 89 .33: 5. Mike
Jones (Kaw) 88 .33 ; 6 . T revor Vines (Yam) 86.67; 7 .
Mike Cinqmars (Ha n) 86 .6 7 ; 8. Jeff Ti lton ( Han )
Cli fford Adoptante took fifth
in the prelims and Im pro ve d
his performance In the final
to earn fourth,
(Ri ght) Tommy Cl owers set a w orld
record in a new event called the Step
Up on Friday, hitting a jump and
sailing h igher and higher over a bar
that eventually towered 35 feet over
ground level. In the Freestyle Moto X
com pet iti on, he demonstrated
outstanding extension and duration in
his tricks for a well-deserved runnerup to Pastrana.
(Below) Afte r his third pl ace in the
prelims, Bri a n Deegan's 9 0 .33 - point
run t e m pora rily put hi m in the lead of
t he fi nal, and it eventually netted him
third place.
85 .67.
(Below) M ike Jones fe lt he deserved better than the fifth place he was credited with by the judges.
S EPTEMBER 6 , 2000