Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WP Front Suspension New, Billet triple clamps and tront brake assy. $750 . Misc. other good ies. J9k00 11@aol.c om, (801 ) 2948632 , UT Attn: KTM DukeOwners! Low pipes now ava ilable $379 , Flat side panels to match . Sun City cycle KTM . (904)252 -1987 or Fax : (904) 252-2989. FL ON E NEW '99 R6 RA CEB IK E, Superb ike with 108hp with M4 w ith Lee Shirt s motor. Inc ludes Penska's . Sha rkskins. Race Tech for ks . GM D computrack suspension, st eel braided lines, stee ring stabilizers . Daytona gea ri ng . l ou don gearing, Michelin Pilots, CFM rear sets . Ready to race I No longer racing this year, buyi ng a house. $8800. Call John tor more into, (518) 583-4 202. NY \ I ~ Loose Riders MOTOXXX 4 MXVM 3 ~I My C"" friends 2 CARNA GE How I' Pun Wb.. fi.. 3 22957 La Cadena, Laguna Hills, C A92653 • 949-460-9496 F 949-460-9497 AX '97 Honda XR650L 19" Rims W r~r~~-Idl eAccepl: PLUS, Die-Cast ~od';'s, Ne w , 853 m iles, Sun tlat track ri ms , SS spo kes, Goodyears, plus all original equipment. Stored two years. Must 5011I Dave (719) 846-1300, CO Boob & Braking Compression Releases video One day turn aro und insta lle d . (800) 597-0922 , www .motorcyclemachine .com .AZ [all for ~frl!l! I:a talog MUSIC CD S !iPO~D~ 800.697.9914 Y oshimur 8 V a alve GS1000 Ported head , Kal- Gard finish, Yosh cams, cylinder with sleeve damage, welded clutch basket, trans . BlO . superb ikeo , (860) 749-3366 . CT 2000TZ 250 Pro AMA #5 , some spare s . Perry Mel neciuc , $15,500 . (941) 369 -5701 . FL at _ Insane Tire Prices!! ONROAD, OFFROAD, all sizes, most majo r brands. Must ca ll tor best price . (800)426-0 086. OnOffroa d website www .onotfroa . CA 1986 Yamaha SRX 600 Project bike. all the parts are there, plust more. 80% assemb led. $ 1100. (413 ) 499 -7926. MA 1999 Yamaha R6 Race Tech front, Ohlins rear , Graves clip-oris. M4 exhaust , two sets of body work , spa re sproc kets, stock bodywork it wanted. $6500 negotiable . (9 19) 828-8952. NC Classifl~ A~ Info: \ 115·7 3 7471 4 3 LEM R&D All 50cc PeeWee Parts Action - KTM - LEM - WASP (713) 472-3094 C O NlR O i. VOlJR S U f ll eal _ Dr. Arthur J. Ting, M.D. * O fferi n g surgical excellence in leadin gedge arthroscopy and treatment of orthopedic trauma. * Fo r r iders at all lev els, from amateur to the elite professional. *Committed to putting you back on the bike as soon as possible. Phone (510) 498·2930 ~ STEER IN G ~ motD@maguracom l r IIr Ionda. Yalllllll..-n SlUIIkl .. ITII FAX (510) 249·9172 40928 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538 D A M PE R S seeee & Dirt ~':' 908-637-6385 Pro Start By RAT Protessional MX pr act ic e sta rti ng ga te . Now you can pra ctice and perfect the most important part of the race, THE START. Used by : McGrath, Antune z, A lb ertyn , Em i g , Pin g r ee , R oncada , Reynard , Hughes and o th er top rid er s th a t re a liz e th e importance of a good start. See your dealer or call: Racing Advantag e Technology . Deal er inqui ries welcome. (9 0 9)767 -22 18 . Fa x : (909) 7 67 -042 7 . www .pro-start .com .CA HINDSIGHT-B Iu..ET B A R END M IR R O R b y e RG 6061T6 81110 t Aluminum, Convex I tin ted m irro r, Black A nodized. $64 .95 Visa M/C acc epted, 831 -461-161 3 XR650 Forward Stab. Mount No dip sti ck mount, compl et e kit : sta bilizer, bar mount, forward post mount , and bracket to relocate the odometer. Call tor price and details . (619) 422577 1 GPR Stabilizers. CA Tenth Ridge Runner 500 D.I.D' OCt 6-7. A 2-da y dual spo rt ride in the sierra s. Send . The World 's #1 Motorcycle Chain SASE to P.O. Box 5121, E. Santa Cru z, CA 95063 . (83 1) 688-2857. CA Daido Kogy o, Osaka, Japan Fax: 011-

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