Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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S/MINI: 1. Chns Noo (Han); 2. Steven CoI5Ofl ( Yam ); 3. Garrett
Non (lion): 4. Cha d Abbott (Yam).
WMN: J. rara Neitl~ (KTM); 2.l..ein&ia KryU ef (Yam).
125 BEG: 1. Ricky Paril.. (Yam ); 2. Tyler Mcint osh (Yam): J .
Mon W~ (Kll W); 4 . llyan Gum (Hon); 5. G~ Wolff (Yam).
125 NOV: I . "'an Simpson (Hon); 2. Ryan R_ (Yom); 3. Ri~
Los Angeles County Raceway
Kla e rs Collects with
C onsistency at CRC
(yam); 4 . Garr~ Ebt-rle (Yam): 5. Ryan Selina. ( Yam).
125 INT: I. Tim W~igand (Yaml : 2. Jimmy Ebtme (Yom); 3.
Scott Howe (Yom); 4 . NO. MoIfOR (Yam); 5. SMun TrabM (Kaw).
12!l PRO I. Ridl Truchmki (Suz) ; 2. Robbit'Kmg (Hon).
250 BEG: I. Sc:ottKIGen(Kaw) ; 2. Mortt ·Paul ~ (Hon ); J .
Nick SWeM)' (Suzl; 4. Steven Hoo~ (Hon); 5. Joseph N~tzel ( SuJ:),
250 NOV : t . Lan"y T~ (Yam): 2. Joerml Y Ferre (Hon): 3 .
A lthough h e m ay not h av e bee n the fastest
rider in his class, Scott Klaers was the most
co ns istent, and being consistent is what it took
to win the 250cc Beginner class during California Raci n g Clu b's Saturday nigh t m otocr oss,
he ld at Los A ngeles Co unty Raceway.
J immy Eberl e (y am); 4, Kns BIomdahl (Hen ); 5. ShaN' Smith (Yam).
J R VET BEG : I. Mark · Paul Go sselaa r (Hon); 2. Steve Pier ce
(Hon): 3. Andy Trabert (Han); 4. Korey Geeecke (Suz); 5. Jason Han ·
Burton(Han): 4. BfyarlWard (Hon); 5. R~ ~ (~) .
250 INT: I. W!Il'ml Tlttlernter (Han ); 2. Shaun Trebest (Han): 3.
nah (Han).
Los Angeles Co unty Raceway: Scott Klaers (511) went 2-2 to top moto winners
Mark-Paul Gosse laar (3 4) and Nick Sweany (10) for the overa ll 250cc Beginner victory
in Palmdale. Califo rnia.
JR VET NOv: 1. Chris Carroll (Suz) ; 2. John Baic:lbedl (Hon); 3.
Wh en th e gate dro pp ed in the fi rst ro und ,
K la e r s , o n t he Jo h n Bu rr Cycles- bac ked
KX25 0, absco nd ed w ith th e hol eshot ove r the
o ther 15 riders. Mark-Paul Gosselaar settled
into sec ond , just ahead o f Derek Allen, St ev en
Hoo ver and Ni ck Sweany . Kl aers ran out fro nt
for th e first c oup le o f lap s un ti l a fall in a tum
dropped him to sec ond place, beh ind Gosselaar . Kl aer s was qu ickly ba ck up to speed and
at Gossela ar 's ba ck fende r. Gosselaar had his
hand s full w ith Kl aer s right up until th e chec k ers wav ed, ta k ing the win by j ust a coup le o f
bike lengths. Hoov er an d Sweany both p assed
Allen to finis h in thi rd an d fo urth, resp ectively.
Swe any snared th e second -mot e holeshot ,
just a hea d o f K la er s a n d Gosse laar. Kl aers
matched Swean y m ov e for m ov e during th e first
c ouple o f lap s t o k eep t he rac e fo r th e lead
inter esting , but by th e midway point Swean y
had th e tr ack di aled in and he slo wly pu ll ed
awa y for th e win. Kla ers stayed a safe distan ce
ahead o f Gosselaar to claim th e ove rall honors
on a 2-2 nigh t Gosselaar's 1-3 tall y pr evailed
ov er the 4 ~ 1 scor e of Swea ny for second o verall .
Shan e Sm ith and Wa rre n T ittl emi er went at
it h ead t o head o ve r the 250c c Intermediate
first -m ete lead un til a slig ht b obbl e b y T it t1emier d ropp ed hi m to third , behind Sh au n
T rabert, wh o houn ded Smith up until th e last
lap , whe n he slipped unde rne ath him in a tum
to ta ke th e win . T ittl em ier was a close thi rd,
ah ead o f Kri s B lomdahl an d Jimmy Ebe rle.
Despite being in pain with a wired ja w from a
recen t mounta in -bike incident, Ti ttlemier came
out smoking in the second mota and proceeded
to lead every lap for a co nvincing win and the
overa ll. Th e race for seco nd came down to the
wire, with Eberle holding off both BlomdahJ and
Trabert at th e checkers . Trabert 's 1-4 score
to pped a three -wa y points tie for third betw een
Eberle (5 -2) , Blomdahl (4- 3 ) and Smith (2 -5 ).
KI1 Coth ran (Yam ).
JR VET IHT: 1. Jol!'IToka~ y ( Kalil ); 2. Michael Penta(Yam).
VET BEG : I. Steve Wil bank s ( KtI ...) : 2 . Ch ris to p he r Cha u
(Yam ): 3. Paul Hell ing (Yam ): 4. Esau Orden" (Yam); 5. Jo hnny
GIl~e (Sul) .
VET NOV: I. Doug Beardm (Yam): 2. Russ Wolff (Ka w); 3. Ste·
fan Neary (Hon ); 4. Ray Ritzier (Kaw); 5. Jeff Hall (Sul).
VET INT 1. Vinemt El.'tioni (SuI); 2. Todd Smart (Yam) : 3. Mik e
licJfra ( SuI).
VETPRO I. Troy Welty (Sw): 2. J immy Roberts (Hon ); 3. Frank
C~llrUO (Hen ); 4. Edward Tnpp (Han); 5. Rich Tl'\JCh
inskJ (Sw ).
SR NOV: 1. Alan Hoov er (Yam ); 2. Ress Benson (Hen) ; 3 . Karl
Adam s ( Kaw).
SR /'1M: I. "HlI m m erin' Harold ( KT M); 2 . MlIrk Neal (Hen) : J
Scott McDonall (Hon ).
SR EX: 1. Ken Neitzel (SUI): 2. Bob Shimp ( Yam); 3. George
Jll'Of'nel ( Han); 4. Norm Schiel (Ha n) .
Central Illinois MC Hillclimb
Fortner Fast Time
and Again
"Fast Andy " Fonner pi cked up his th ird Fast
T ime awa rd o f th e y ear as he fl ew his CR500
Hon da high o ve r th e la st bre aker an d over the
top of th e Ce ntra l Ill in ois MC hill in 3 .375 sec on ds to take th e 600cc -c1ass win . You ng Ma rk
Goodman Jr. had set th e fast time at 3.394
seconds in the fi rst ro und , and it look ed pr etty
good until Fonner bla zed over the I 50-foot,
rutted-up slope la te in the second ro un d. Doug
Campbe ll posted a 3 .6 56 -second ru n o n his
KX500 fo r thi rd , Ran d y T romper ran a 3 .753second time on his Hond a for fo urth, and Eric
Wheelw right fille d out t he top five o n his
Hon da in 3 .812 seconds.
The young g u n fr o m Sparland , Illinois,
Scott "Sc oo t er" Sheets Jr. , had a good day.
He rode his Superior Cycle Sportste r to wins in
both the Open and Pushrod classes . Scooter 's
win i n the Open cl a ss w a s a co me -fro m behind effort, as " W ild Wade" Schul tz had
blitzed the hill in 3 .729 seconds in first -round
action to take the lead. w ith Sheets in sec ond
wit h a 3 .951 -second ti me . In the se co n d
round , h ow ever, Shee ts r eall y t urned his
Har ley on and new over all th e breakers under
fu ll throttle and ov er the top in 3 .650 seconds
fo r th e cla ss win. Schu ltz h ad another go od
run , but his 3 .801 seconds left him in sec ond
p la ce . La n e " Lightning " S ch u ltz t o ok t h ird
p lace on his Nonon 850, foll o wed by Randy
" B u zz" Green an d Butch " Fearl ess" Fetters,
both on Herley -Devldsons.
Scoo te r didn' t was te an y ti me i n t h e
Push rod class ; he na iled a 3 .62 1-second run
o n his fi rst rid e, which h el d up for the w in.
Gree n carde d a good 4 . 15 7 secon ds on h is
Dale 's Harley-Davidson -spo nso red Ha rley fo r
secon d, fo llowed b y H arl e y riders Wa de
Sc hultz and Steve Sha fer, and Nort on -m ou nted La ne Sc hultz .
Wheelwright was also a double winn er on a
p air of Yamaha YZ2 50s. W heelwright is the
1999 AMA 250cc Nati on al Cha m pion, and he
showed th e crowd wh y as he p osted a co n vi nci ng w in in th e 250cc cl ass wi th a sizzling
3 .602-second ti me. Goodman was the closest
to Wheelwright with a 3 .740-second run o n his
K X 2 5 0 . Honda r id ers J o n C ree k an d Matt
Peters and Suzuk i jockey Derek Malon e fi lled
out the top five.
W heel wrig ht's sec o n d w i n ca me in the
400cc Stock class , in which he pos ted an excellent 4 .05 1-second time on his fir st ride, and no
one was able to match it in eithe r run . Richard
A llen was close . d eli v er ing a 4 . 14 1- sec ond
effort on his seco nd run, an d Bill Kingery too k
th ird pla ce on hi s KX250 with a 4 .21 I-second
time. Paul Hackbarth an d Do ug Campbell , both
riding Yamahas, filled out the to p five.
50 AUTO: I. Donnie Robbin s (Co b): 2. Holl y Heyes ( KTM): 3.
Dy lan Brady (Pol): 4. Orebem Com W1:'1l (Yam ); 5. ErrneBru ss (Hon) .
85 J R: 1. Chuck MlItthewKll'l ( Kew): 2. Bobby Senn (K aw) : 3.
Spencer Smuh (Ho n) : 4 . Mike Popham ( Han) : , . Nich o las Burke
85 SR: I. Ja cob Tack itt (Yll m) ; 2. Nick Mayo (Han); 3. Jared
Haye s ( Kaw): 4. Damon Mayo (Hon ); 5. Josh Denson (Kaw l .
200 : 1. Mat t Peter s (Kaw) : 2. J ac ob Ta ckitt ( Kew); 3. Jared
McKay ( Sw ); 4. Kelly Senn (KTM) : 5. Rebecca Willillms ( Kll w) .
250 ; I. Eric WheelllIng ht (Yll m ): 2. Mark Goodm ll n Jr . ( Kew) ; 3.
Jon Creek (Hon); 4. Matt Peters (Hon ); 5. Derek MlI lone (S UI).
400 : I. Brent Stewert (K TM ): 2. ErIc Whfiolw rlg ht ( KTM): 3 . Paul
Hackbarth (KTM ): 4. David Peirson (Hus ); 5. Steve Dougherty ( KTM)
600 : I. A nd y Fortner (Han) : 2. Ma rk Goodmen J r. (Han); 3.
Doug Cll m pbeU ( Kaw) ; 4. Randy Tremper (Hen ); !l. Eric Wheelwright
(Hon ).
750 : 1. Tom Daniels ( Kaw) ; 2. LAne Schultz (Yam ); .3. M!lrk
Goodman J r. (Kll w); 4 . Andy Fortnt'r ( Kew) ; 5. Wade Sch ult.!.( Yom) .
OPEN: 1. Scan Sheets Jr . (H·D); 2. Wade Schutt! (H·D ); 3, Lone
Schultz (Nor); 4. Randy Greoen (H. D); 5. But d! Feu"" (H·D) .
$R ; 1. Doug Cam pbell ( Kaw); 2. KevIn weever (Hon) ; .3 Kev in
McKa y ( Kaw); 4 . Ren Todd (Kaw ); 5. Bob Fisher (H· D) .
PSHRD: 1. Scott Shffls J r. (H· D) ; 2 . Randy Green ( H· D ); 3
Wade Schultz (H· D); 4 . Ste-t Shafer (H· D); 5. Lane Schultz (Nor) .
400 Sll(; 1. Ene Wheetwnght (Yam): 2. Richard A1len (Hoo); 3
Bill Kingey (Kaw): 4 . Paul HadtbIlrth (YoVTl); 5. Doug CornpbeII (YIIm) .
OPEN$TK: I. David P~ rson ( Yam ); 2. J onvnie Brown (Hen); 3
Steve Shafer (Ka w).
FAST 1lME: Andy Fortner, 3 .375 (lion) .
Re s u lts
PfW YAMBEG;' !' Ryan Gilly (Yaml; 2. ChandlerNicholls (Yam);
3. Lanc e Nelson (Yam ): 4. vtncent Armstrong (Yam ): 5. Nicho/as Hal·
tenTIlln (Yam )
P/ W BEG : I. Colby Rahll (Co b) : 2. Jordan Chavez (KTM): 3.
CurtiS Herrmann (KTM); 4. A lell Nutt (Pol ); 5. Harley Bonh am (Lem ).
P{W YAM AOV: I . Colby Raha (Yam) ; 2. J ona l hll n Halterm an
(Yam) : 3. Just l" Wooldridge (Yam) .
P/WAnV: I. Dam ian Tllc kel1 ( KTM) ; 2. JlI m es Al vtlrez (Cob).
S/Prw (4· 6) ; I. ltIchary Townsend (HM).
S/ P/W (7.9) : I. K..ith Robinson (Co b) .
60 BEG : 1. Rhetl Rllha (Kaw): 2. Andrew Penag os ( Kaw); 3.
Ch&ddCole ( Kaw); 4 . James Alvarez ( Kaw) .
60 (9·11 ): I. Du stin Enochs (KTM ); 2. Tro vill Brigh t ( KTM ): 3.
J lIm e. J enk ins (Kll w); 4 . Timmy Ritzier (Ka w) : 5. FlllInk ie White (Kaw) .
80 BEG : 1. Aaron Graham (Kaw ); 2. Preston Lundi n ( Yam): 3.
Andy Hammer(Y
am): 4. Mik e Glln::ill (Yam ); 5. Kevin Bey ( Yam) .
80 (7 · 11): 1. Danny Gorualez (Kaw): 2.J.B . ~ (Yam) .
80 ( 12. 13): I . Ricky Parks (Yam); 2. Garmt Norr(Han ); 3 . Tyler
GUM (Han ); 4 . Brenn an McGinnis (Yam ).
80 (1 4 ·16): 1. Chri s N Off (Ha n) : 2 . Sle ven Colson (Yam ); 3.
Central illinois M C Hillclimb: Tom " Wil d Child " Daniels rode his " Wild Thing"
to the 750cc-elass win in Neoga. ill inois,