Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 07 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o the new Kawasaki Z X -1 2 R , M uzzy ' s Performance Products took it upo n themselves to do a little testing with the bike, July 8-9, at the Maxton-Laurinburg Airport in Maxton, North Carolina - testing the ZX - 12R both in stoc k form and when fitted w it h a Muzzy aftermarket exhau st sy s t e m , Using the Eas t Coa st Tim ing Ass oc iat ion fo r va lid a t ion pu rpo ses , Mu zzy' s perfo rmed its tes t on a t , 16-mile strip wi t h speeds ("timi ng ") being measured by intem ationally ac credited (FIA. FIM , AMA. LSAl timer Ja ck Do lan, w ho uses certified photoc ells and a clock accura te w ithi n .0 0 1 o f a second over 2 4 ho urs . He ve rified thro ughout the tes ts th at the bike was not altered and is , in fac t. t he pa rt icular bike th at ran a given speed, After the test was complete , the bi ke used was ide ntified and se aled to e ns ure t hat no modific ati o ns co uld be made (or re moved) w hile the bike is in transit and until inspect ed by a third party . Tw o 2000 Kawasaki ZX- l 2s were orde red from Kawasaki and delivered to Mu zzys in thei r o riginal crates as shipped from the warehouse . The bike s were set up per normal dealership procedures and brokenin on Muzzy 's Schenk D y na m o m e t e r which allows c o nt inuo us running . After break-in , valv e s were adju sted per the manufacturer's specification, and the bikes were serviced wi th the correct quantity of B el Ray EXS oil. S inc e t he power was equal, one bike wa s selected as the primary and one a back up . M uzz y ' s D o ug Meyer rode the bike s over th e course approximate ly 30 times during the test. wi th te mperatu res ranging from a low of 75 deg rees to a high of 98 degrees . The elevation of the airport is 256 feet above sea leve l and the humidity wa s 80-90 perce nt. Various "setups" were tried, but in the e nd , th e bik e s we re le ft sta ndard . A c cord in g t o a p r e s s re leas e from Muzzy' s, " The speeds reached should not be co nside red maximum s. It is o ur feeling that given a smoo t her, longer surface , and lower air tem peratures, the Z X-12 w ill go fast er than the speeds reco rded at M axto n. The se speeds we re repeat able and the performanc e was completely stable and tro uble free. The Z X-12R , w ith the sta nda rd exha us t incl uding catalytic con ve rter and ECU , reac hed 192 .30 7 mph . o o o o o o o CJ o o o o @@fiiJDCfJ[?D@ mCfJ@!Z @ffD U@[ff2 5jft m[?CfJ~DDDCfJffD @[fJ It ' s been more t han t wo ye ars since Frenchman Yve s Demaria won the overall at a GP mo tocross, but he put an end to that dry spell with a vic tory at the 11th round of the F1M World Champ ionship 250cc MX Series in Bela Horizonte, Brazil, July 16. The Yamaha Free Ti m e Racin g Team rider didn't win a mota. but his steady 4 -2 mota finishes were enough to win the overall. Demaria was bothered by a stom ach ailment before the gate dropped for the start of the first mota, and things didn 't get any bett er for him after gating poorly. The Yama ha rider, however, charged through the pack and, at one point, held control of third place. Demaria would eventually make a mistake that would drop him to fourth when all was said and done. Kawasaki rider Mickeal Maschio took the first -mota win, followed by Yamaha Free Ti me Racing's Claudio Federici and Suzuki's Joshua Coppins. Pamo Honda's Frederic BaIley took fifth. Seri es leader Mic ka el Pichon , on the Corona Suzuki , was leading before crashing. He finish ed out the mota in 13th. Pichon led most of the second mota and went on to win , while Demar ia gave chase in second place. A lat e-rac e fall in the rain ended any chance he had of catc hing Pichon . Demaria 's second pl ace, how ever , was good enough to give him th e overall , while Pichon's 13-1 was good enough for sixth place overall. Third in the moto went to Boll ey , foll owed by Husqvarna 's Paul Cooper, Honda's Gordon Crocka rd and Copp ins. Maschio and Federici went 7- 8. Pichon is still in control of the series points standings. He leads with 3 17 points, followed by Boll ey with 296 and Pit Beirer with 230 . Beirer pull ed j ust nine points on the day. In Fruestl ich Drehna , Germ any, July 16, the 12th round of the AM World Championship 500cc MX Series was played out and, once again, it was KTM's Joe l Smets winning with ease. Smets led from A fter that run, the stock pipe wa s removed and a M uzzy 's stainless steel pipe with the standard alum inum muffler was installed. The next run with the M uzzy pipe installed yielded a speed of 199 .1 15 mph . Time and high o utside air te mperature s fo rc ed an end to the test at that point. The test bike remai ns sealed and will be made available to the press for inspection. " Th e THQ U .S O pen S uper c ro ss has annou nced th at e-d n.c o m has co me on board as an assoc iate sp on sor o f t he event, sc hed uled fo r O ct ob er 14 - 15 at the MGM Grand in Las Vega s, N evada. Ele c tro nic D is t rib ut io n N e t w o rk is an e -co mmerce technology com pany specializing in busine ss- to-bu siness and bus i- AUTOGRAPH S IG N I N G : At Competition Accessories in Springfield, Ohio, on July 22 from 12 to 1 p.m. Team Chevy Trucks Kawasaki 's Ricky Carmichael. John Dowd and Larry Ward and Team SplitFirelPro Circuit are scheduled to appear. For more information, call 937/0 513. start to finish in the first mota, taking the checkered flag som e 19 seconds ahead of runner-up Mamicq Bervoets, on the works Yamaha . Th ird went to KTM 's Peter Johansson , followed by Yamaha 's defending cham p Andr ea Barto lini and Honda's Joakim Karlsson. Smets seemed to be in a class all his own in the second moto , crossing the fini sh line nearly a mi nute ahead of his nearest rival, who again was Bervoets. Third was Joh ansson, foll owed by Husqvarna 's Darryl King , KTM rider Dam ien King and Bartolini, who crashed heavily on the third lap. Smets is way in front in the series points standings . Th e KTM rider is nearly 100 points clear of second -pla ced Bervoets, 409 -317 . Johansson is third with 284 and Bartolini is fourth with 266 . Darryll King is currently fifth with 210 points. Harley"Davidson. I nc . has annou nced rec o rd sales and earn ings for its second qua rte r whi ch ended June 25 , 2000. The C o mpany' s seco nd qu arte r sa les w ere $ 755 million, an increase of 24 .0 perce nt over the second quarter last year. D iluted eami ngs pe r share for the second quarter we re 29 cents , a 33 .4 pe rc ent inc rease co mpared to last year. ne ss -t o-c onsumer electronic co mmerc e so lutions loc ated in A liso V iejo, Ca lifornia. For ticket information , call Ticketrna ster at 702 / 474-4000 . Sotheb y 's wi ll prese nt its auc t io n of motorcycles and bicycles in C hicago , Illinoi s , o n S eptemb e r 16 in th e i r Oh io St reet gallery, wi th the auct ion slate d to co nsi s t o f so me 80 cl as sic and rac ing motorc ycl es f ro m Ameri c an and Eur o pean marques . The exhibition w ill be ope n to the public on Satu rday , Septem ber 9 , and w ill co ntinue throug ho ut that wee k. M o re inf o rma tion is available at So th eby 's hom e page on the W orl d W ide Web : http:/ / thebys .co m. A ct or Liam N eeson su ffe red a bro ke n pelvis on Tuesday when he co llided with a deer whil e riding his 1989 Harley-Davld son near his ho me in N ew York St at e. N ee son, w ho wa s wearing a helmet , hit a dee r o n t he ro ad an d was t o ssed f rom hi s Harley just before it struck a tree , according t o p ub lished reports . The Irishm an fractured his pelv is o n the righ t a nd chip ped the left side . He also suffered multiple leg abras ions. Neeson was nominat ed for an Academy Aw and for his role as Oskar Schindler in " Sch indler' s List " and he mos t recently starred in • Stars W ars Episod e O ne : The Phantom Menace. " N A M ED : Deutsche Financial Services (DFSl , as sole flooring source for dealer purchases of Triumph Motorcycles. clothing and accessories. T h e PA CE Fo r m u la USA Wrenc " h ea d. c om N a t ion a l Ro a d R ace S e r ies is s e t t o r esume ac ti o n o n A ugust 6 at Port land International Race w ay in Po rt land , O rego n. The Po rt land ro und wi ll be the fourth in the six-round series . Formul a US A has also annou nced tha t a motocross will also be hel d at the fac il it y o n S und ay , Augus t 6 - t he Po rt land M ot ocro ss Shootout. For tick et information on Portland , call 503 /224 4400; for info rmation on co mpeti ng in the motocross, call 8 17/332 -4822 , ext. 123 . CONTRACTED : Tony Mills. as a tire consultant to the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute (M MIl . Mills, a 40-year employee at Dunlop, will assist MM I by educating students and instructors on the importance of AUTOGRAPH S IG N IN G : At Hillsboro Kawasaki in Hillsboro. Oregon on July 29 from 12·1 p.rn. Competition Accessories in Spnngfield, Ohio, on July 22 from 12 to 1 p.m. Team Chevy Trucks Kawasaki' s Ricky Carmichael. John Dowd and Larry Ward and Team SplitFire/Pr o Circuit are scheduled to appear. For more information, call 503/64 8-4555. O PEN ED: The Spanish ISDE home page on the World Wide Web. The ca n be found at t he f oll owin g ad dress : site http:/ / RESIGNED: Cory Jonson, from his position as general manager of Metzeler Motorcycle Tire North America, to accept a position as general manager, parts, accessories an service at Lake Cycle, a Honda/Du cati/Moto d Guzzl/Triurnph dealership i~ Merrellville, Indiana. effective July 14. OPENED: Hansyllan Motorsports' Willow Springs National home page. The site can be found at the following address: http:/ /, "This website is the comprehensive source for any and all information regarding the race weekend," said Hansyllan's Steve Rethmeier. OPENED:'a home page on the World Wide Web. The site can be found at the followinq address: "The site also allows spectators to purchase tickets online via a secure se rver. We have a number of ticket package s available. including discounts for buying early. and a special free general admission ticket pro- correct motorcycle tire service and repair. The 500cc World Motocross C h a m p io n s h i p ro und sc he d ule d fo r G log ow , Pol and , on S eptembe r 3 has been ca nceled. This eve nt w ill now be held as a doubleheader w ith th e 250 cc motion in conjunction with Team Hammer Advanced Riding Schools." AUTOGRAPH S IGNING: At ProCaliber Motorsports in Vancouver, Washington on July 28 from 5 to 9 p.m. Riders from Team Suzuki, Team ":" ProCalrber/DeMarini, Team KTM and others are scheduled to appear. For more infOrmation, call 360/750-0007. . . . ......... .. .:,. OPENED: The National Motosport Association's (NMAJ home page on the Wordl Wide Web. The site can be found at the following address: http:/ / . . cycle - - - - - -n e _ 5 • Conlinued on page 108 J U LV 26. 2000 3 8 J n oJ 1'\ w r

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