Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By 30 YEARS AGO... JULY 7, 1970 Th e caption for the co ver o f Issu e 1t 25 began with " Cleavage & Coors at Clemente" as a bik ini-clad, Coorsdrinking female spectator was caught by Tom Culp ' s c am er a. T he cover phot o was shot during the Dirt Diggers' th ird annual All States Scrambl es Champi onship in San Clemente, California. Prest on Petty rode th ree different makes of motorcycles to sweep the J 25, 250 and 500 cc Expert classes at the event ... The AMA held a National TT race in Hinsdale, Illinois, with Eddie Mulder (Tri) tak ing the win ahead of Sk ip Van Leeu wen (Yam ) and Chuck Palmgren (Yam) . Two day s later in Columbus, Ohio. the AMA Grand Nat ional Championship Series continued to prov ide fast-paced action as Dave Sehl (H -D) took his second vi c to ry of the month, ahead of Ronnie Hall (BSA ) and Larry Palmgren (Tri ). 20 YEARS AGO.•. JULY 2,1980 For the first time in its 10-year history, an Americ an won th e USGP of motocross in Carlsbad , California. It wasn't Brad Lackey , as many (including Cycle News) had predicted , but privateer Marty Moat es (Yam). Moates was pictu red on the cover of Issue #25 as A m erica 's MX hero. Moates won both motos going away in his fir st-ever World Champio nship race. Another Am erican, Danny LaPorte (Suz), fi nis he d second ov erall . A 125cc Wom en' s National was held as part of the day's racing and Dede Cates (Suz) won both motos for the overall , ahead of Usa Akin (Yam) . A you nd lady named Mercedes Gonzalez (Suz) finished third overall via consistent 4-4 moto finis hes... Kenny Roberts (Yam) won his third straight 500cc Road Race Grand Prix at the third round of the series in LeCastellat. France. Randy Mamola (Suz) finished second. Roberts had already earned mor e than double his closest competitor' s points only three races into the young series (45 to 22 over Mamola). 10 YEARS AGO.•. JUNE 27, 1990 Muzzy K aw asak i' s Doug Chandlerappeared on t he co ver of Issue 1/25 for co ntin uing his wa y s at wi nning Lou d on , Ne w Ham p shire. One week after wi n n i n g a leg of the World Cha mpionshi p Superb lke Seri es in Bra inerd , Minnesota , Chandler ran away from the competition at round three of the AMA National Superblke Series. Teammate Scott Russell ran a distant second... Team Harley-Davidson's Chris Carr scored the v ictory at round seve n of th e AMA Grand National Championship/ Camel Pro Dirt Track Series in Albuqu erqu e, New Mexico. Teammate Scott Parker was the only rider who got close to Carr , but his Harl ey dropped a valve, causi ng him to drop back . Carr hel d th e ch am pionship poi nts lead thr ough round seven... Jeff S tanto n (Ho n) wo n roun d J 7 of th e AMA / Camel Su perc ro ss Ser ies in San Jose, California, extending his points lead to 14 ove r his teammate. and second place finisher. Jean-Michel Bayle... LUCky Strike Suzuki' s Kevin Schwant z won his second 500cc Grand Prix in a row at round six in Saltzburg, Austria. Am ericans John Kocinski (Yam) and Wayne Rainey (Yam) led the 250 and 500cc World Championships, respectively. CN O CLARK L. Guest Column COLLINS - • n May 9 , Fo r est S er v i c e Chief Mike Do m b ec k outlined his latest p r op os a l on the Clinton /Gore Roadless In it iat iv e. " Ro a dless areas w ill r e m a i n open for p ublic use , a c ce ss a nd recrea ti o n," Dom beck said. Sa ys a q ue s t ion / a ns w er sheet on this ini tia tive fro m the Forest Service website : " Recrea t io n activ iti e s , such as offroad veh icle use and snowmo b i li n g wou ld co nti n ue in inv ento r ied r oad le ss areas if the land and re source manage ment pl an allows them tod a y ." Yes , we can take some sa ti sfac tion from these st atements . Ou r p ressu re on the Forest Service m ad e a d iffer en ce . Bu t no w the C lint on /G o r e administration is attem p ti ng to lull u s int o c om placency. Do you beli ev e we can t ru st them to protect ou r acces s? 1don 't think so! We c an take no real comfort from tho se comments. Dombeck hopes to bu y ou r s ilence . We kn ow th i s process is being driven by an ti -recre ation extremists who will not re st until all 60 m illion acres are locked u p . W e c an ' t res t, either! I kno w you are invo lved in off-h ighwa y recre ation for t h e g o od , wh o le som e f am i ly rec re a tion it prov id e s . You behav e r esponsibly and resp ect other back-country rec reat ion ist s. You didn't ex pect to be dra wn into a poli tica l battle to protect your sport. Unfortunately , ant i -access org anization s are g etting more th an $20 million a year of g reen foundation fu n d in g to p romote "their " vi ew that y o ur rec reat ion is bad . M o st of these anti-rec reation act i vist s h ave n e ve r ev en be en to th e areas they want y ou k ept out of. The r e a l i s su e i s abou t pub li c acc ess to publ ic l a n d s . T h e Cli nton /Gore Roadless In iti ati ve i s e Lan ra I believe the anti-recreation -access jeopard y everywhere . T h is m a y b e organizations are over-driv ing t h e i r headlights. They b eli eve the m aj or it y the most im p o rt ant year in the history of off- highway rec reation. E n cl o sed i n this issue of Cycle News is a Bl ueR ibbon Coa l it ion m em be rs hip br o ch u r e wit h a d ditio nal i nfo r m ation on t he C l in t on / G or e lo c k -o ut sch eme . Please us e th e b r o chu re to j oi n i n access -p rotection efforts. S en d a letter t o t h e U .S . F orest Servic e ( at the add re ss be low ) prior to the Ro ad less In it iati ve c om m en t dead li ne o f Jul y 17. B ette r yet , enclose y o u r lette r w i t h y o u r m emb er ship a p plicati o n i n th e retu rn e nve lo pe attache d to th e B lu eRibbon Co alition b ro chure. A copy o f y ou r letter will b e given to U .S. Se nator Larry C raig , a real cong ressiona l c h am p io n for o u r r e cre at ion a c c e s s . H e need s our g ras s- ro o t s b acking to co nti nue his efforts on our beh alf . Hand -written letters are best , a s long as y o u r na m e an d address are leg i ble. U s e th e follo wi ng " s h o r t " letter a s a gu ide, a n d i n cl u d e p er so na l comm en t s about yo u r f amily rec r eation. of the general p ub l ic su pports their preservationist view . I b el ie v e they are wrong. More and m o re p eople are You didn't expect to be drawn into a political battle to protect your sport. on ly on e of the tools they are us in g to help them accomplish th eir anti -recreatio n - a ccess o bject ive. But it' s on e you can d o s o m e t hi n g about , now ! U n fo rtu n at ely , the green a dvocacy groups ha ve an a dvantag e . Man y of the ir mem bers a re zea lots who have d e v o ted their l iv es to p r o m oti n g " t he i r" v i e w o f env iron m enta l re sponsi b il i ty . They aren 't d istracted b y trips to t h e area s the y wa nt to loc k up. W e kee p w a nting t o tak e t i m e o ut to act ually ge t ou t and enjoy our back country areas. Go figure! re a li zi n g that th e s e grou p s a re o p p osed to any body d oing anyth ing - anywhere. The ' anti -acc es s m ob is headed dow n a dark roa d and about to have a b ig w reck . We are the good guys! T h e Cl inton/ Gore Road less lo c k -up has unifie d th e m otorized- rec reati on com m u ni ty , on a n ational level, li k e nothing I' ve ever seen . W e all realize tha t this is about our ac c ess to t h e National Forests . It's " h igh noon," and thi s is a sh owdown b e tw een us and the Lock-Everyon e-El se- O ut gang . While we are w orking w ith our land managers to promo te shared use and to co rrect environm en t a l p robl ems , green ad vo cates are filing lawsuits to b lock recreation access . Wh ile we are promoting responsible user eth i cs , Wilderness advocates are demonizing other recreationists and mu ltiple -u se i n t ere st s . While we are promoting cooperation on our public lands, the an ti -ac cess gang is t elling t he ir mem b ers t hey don ' t h ave to share w ith others. They beha ve l ike spoiled chil dren, throw ing tempe r tan trums to get t heir o wn way. A ga in , w e are t h e good guys! Whil e t h ose r ead ing this article are p rima r il y m otor iz ed re creationists , bac k -country horsemen and mountain b ik ers are also j oi ni n g to p resent a united front against anti -r ecreation extre m ists . We r e p re sen t all b ack - Dear Ch ief Domb eck, I beli eve that und er yo ur Roadless Initiative, OH V rec reation w ill b e sub jected to so many cond itions that few opportunities w ill remain. Withdraw th e rul e! {Include persona l comments ti ere] We n eed to protect ou r nationa l forests for th e fut ure, bu t they can be preserve d for th e pub lic i nstea d of from the p ubli c. Sincerely , {Your nam e, add ress, etc.] Please don't delay ; respond toda y . CN • Collins is th e Executive Director for the Blue Ribbon Coalition. • For the latest on this issue, visit th e Blu eRibbon Coalition '5 we bsit e at www .sha re trails .o rg, or ca ll 800/ BLUERIB. • Th e d ea d lin e for p ublic commen t to th e U.S.D.A. Forest Service (CA ET, A ttn: Road less, P.O. Box 221090, Salt Lak e City, UT 84122) is July 17 , 2000 . If you send your comment let ter to the Blu eRi b bo n Coali tion ( D ep t . CN, 1540 No rth Arthur, Poca tello, ID 83204) , it will cop y y our l etter for Senator Craig and th en forw ard it to th e U.S. Forest Service. I believe the anti-recreation-access organizations are over-driving their headlights cou ntry recreat io n ists who are will ing to work together and share o u r p ublic lan d s. He lp stop t h is assa u l t o n yo u r acces s! It se ems o ur access is in • • • • Coming up in Cycle News c Preview: Laguna Seca World/U.S. Superbike Assen, Holland Road Race GP Valencia, Spain World Superbike Brownsville, Pennsylvania GNCC u e I e nevus J UNE 28 , 2000 99

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