Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 06 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tread Lightl y! an nou nce d in a p re s s release that M it subishi M otor Sales o f Am e ri ca is its newe st part ne r in the " B u i l d i n g Bridges component of 't he Restoration for Recreation pro·g ram . Th is prog ram w ill help re st ore a .portion of damaged trails in the Still water Pass area of the Sulphur Ranger Dist rict in Grand C ounty , C o lo rad o . Th e C ol -o rado project , the first in a planned series ' o f nati onal re st o rat io n proj ec ts sponIso red by MMSA, cons ists o f the con' st ruct ton o f a ne w bridge and sev era l strea m cro ssing s. The projec t. scheduled to begin thi s summer, is a jo int endeavor bet wee n Tread Lightly i , MMSA and th e Co lorado Stat e Parks Trail s Pr o g ram, w hich also pro vided a grant for t he pro 'ject. The bridge and w ater cro ssings w ill be built on the Grand Lake M ultiple-Use Trail S y st em, o ne of C o lo rado ' s mo st heav ily used tra il systems . For fu rth er inform ation, call 800/966-9900 or log on to www. , ' Kaw asaki' s W orld Superbike team has in k ed a d eal w it h Simon C rafa r t o replace Gregorio Lavilla on the team fo r at least the next round of the serie s in Ho ckenheim, Germany , on J une 4 . Lavilla li s o ut w ith an inju ry , hav ing suffe red a ' bro ken pelvis at the last round in M onza, I Italy , and is expected to at least miss the G erm an ro un d . Crafar rod e a Castro l Honda earlier in t he seas on as a replacement fo r Aaro n Slight. The New Ze aland e r ha s e x perie n ce w it h th e f a c t ory Kaw asaki. having ridden for the team in 1997 . Crafar, w ho has struggled w henever he has been fo rced to use Mi ch elin tires , w ill be on D unlops at Hockenheim. I The- th ird annual $1 00,000 D irt Track H all of Fame Race will take on extra im port ance t h i s ye ar ' as it has b e e n upgra ded to a round of the A M A Grand N ati on al Ch ampion shi p. S ch edul ed f or t he Springfield Mil e on S at urd ay , S ep tem ber 2, the race w ill feature th e induct ion of the new est Dirt Track Hall of Fame me mbe rs. For mo re inf orma t io n, ca ll 21 7/753-8866. Ro ad racer Jason DiSalvo fi ni sh ed fourth in round four of the 125cc British Championship at Oulton Park in England on M ay 21 . DiS alvo qualified seventh for the race on his Honda RS 125 and disp uted the lead w ith the top th ree fin ishers before settling for fo urth place. " I figured l o ut th ere wa s no po int in cras hing so I , thought I'd wai t for someone else to do it "and sure enough, down went [J im] Falls in the last co mer, " DiS alvo said. " In fact , I w as hopin g he may have taken so meone •else out wi th him so I co uld have climbed I %®@D[JD~!kD @@71~ [J]D@@ &J[JD@ !1iJ@[JD@'i!l Last week was a good week to be John Kocinski. In .addition to sign. ing a contract that will see him aboard a Vance & Hines Ducati in the AMA / Chevy Tr ucks Superbike Series beginning with the next round at Road Atlanta on June 3-4,'Kocinski was awarded $1.6 million by an Orange County , Cel lfornla, ju ry in his lawsuit against Bell Motorcycle Europe. . Fir st things first: T he j u ry ' reach ed its verdict on Monday , May 22, awarding th e fo rmer 25 0cc and w or,l d su p erbi k e , , Champion not only the $74 8 ,000 he was seeking in money owed on his contract, but interest on that money from the time of the contract to the tim e the case was settled. "The key is that we were only seeking what they owed us and the j ury awarded us that and interest on every sing le dime from day one," Kocinsk i' s lawyer Scott McKewen said. "John just wa nted to g et paid . We are hopeful that Bell will be reasonable and will solve this matter immediately. " To add to an already sue cessful week, Koci nski inked a deal the following day, Tuesday, May 23, to replace Troy Bayli ss on the Vance & Hines Ducati team. In tum , Bayliss has been transferred to World Superbike to replace the inj ured Carl Fogarty. The signing marks a return to the Italian marqu e for Kocinski. The Uttle Rock, Arkansas , native left the factory World Superbike Ducati team at the end of 1996 ,after winning five races but losing the title to Troy Corser. The following season, Kocinski moved to the th e r o s tru m . " Th e rac e wa s w on by teenager Leon Haslam, the son of form er Gra nd Prix star Ron Haslam. A spec ial edition MV Ag usta F4 S t ra · da , do nated by M V Agusta ow ner C laudio Castiglioni , fetc hed the highest bid at the annual French-American Aid for C hildren 's Bal Des C harity A ucti on , held on M ay 19 at the Plaza Ho tel in New York City . Acco rdin g to a p ress relea se fr o m t he co mpany, C' s Larry Pegram w ill u se Spe ig le r Brakes Systems beginning w it h t he Road Atlant a rou nd o f the AMA/ C hevy Truck s Ser ies at Road Atlanta, Jun e 3-4. Pegram te st ed the eight -pist on ca lipe rs duri ng pr acti ce for th e rained-out Sears Point National. For more information , call 937 /291 -1735 . The 15th annual British in the B lue Ridge Rally w ill be held J uly 20 -23 at th e B ald M o u nt a in Campgro und in Hiw assee, Georg ia, and will be hosted by th e Great er A tlanta Bri ti sh M o to rcycl e A ssociation . Fo r mor e informati on , call 770 / 948 -4688 . Castro! Honda World Superbike tea'!' and won the titl e on a.n RC45, winning nine races and beating Fogarty to the crown. In 1998 and 1999, Kocinski rode Honda NSR500 s in the 500c c World Champi onship . first for Sito Pons then for Erv Kanemoto but was without a ride for the 2000 season. K oci ns ki A lth oug h missed the openi ng round of th e AMA Sup erbi k e Serie s, the second round at Sears Point was rained. out so he is only one race do w n to the res t of t he field.·T he same co uld be sa id for Ba yl iss as th e Australian had crashed out of t he Dayto na 20 0 and failed to score any points. " I 'm stoked , to tally ,stoked," team owner Terry Vance said on Tuesday, May 30 . " ' think it's a grea t th ing. I' m sor ry t o lose Troy [Bayliss ], but in t h e b ig pict ure I th ink Ducati has done the right thing." It's somew hat su rprls ing that Ducati didn't take " Koci nski t o the Wor l d Superbike Series and leave Bayliss here, though Vance doesn' t see it that way. "I think this situation demonstrates how important the U.S. deal is to Ducati ," he said. "Maybe jf Troy (Bayliss] hadn't done the races prior, things would have been different , but under the circumstances I think this deal is perfect." Kocinski joins Steve Rapp on the Vance & Hines team. Until Ju ne 30 , mot ocross enthusiasts can go to . and enter for a chance to win race je rseys from Jere· my McGrath and Kev in W indham. Irwi ndale Speedway in Irw indale, California, wi ll host a car a nd m o t o rc y cle show on S at urday , June 3 . The show will be held in conjunct ion wi th a car race at th e facility and t hree L.A , Trade Tech students wil l be present ed awards , The event is also be ing billed as an .. A scot Reunion " and will feat ure past champions li ke S kip va n Le euw en , Edd ie Mul der , D ick Hammer and Jod y N ic holas . For more information, call 626/ 443-9 630. Ov er th e Hill Gang moto cr o sse r Chet Dyreson is paralyz ed fr om the c he st down afte r crash ing at a recen t even t. Cards and donation s can be sent to the single fath er of thr ee at 15308 Elmbrook o-. La Mi rada, CA 90638. The first round of the nine-race IMS Pro Series Stadiumcross w ill take place on June 2 at Glen Helen Racew ay in San B ern ardino, C aliforni a, and wi ll c o mmence on Sept ember 5 at Gl en Helen. For more information, call 909 /880 -3090 . RES IGNED: D err ek Bit ner, as operati ons man ager of ATK; Cord Piearson, as head o f research and developm ent fo r ATK. - O P ENED : Braking USA 's home page on t he Wo rld W ide Web , T he s ite c an b e fo u n d a t the f o llo w ing ad dre s s ; http;/ / . APPOINTED: J eff Favorite, to t he pos ition of motorcycle product manager of Fox Racing Shox, eff ecti ve immediately ; James Penney , to t he po sit io n of mot orcycle sales manag er fo r Fox Racing Shox, effective immediate ly. R ESIGN ED: Derrek Bitn er , as operatio ns manager, and C ord Piearson, as head of research and developmen t , for ATK motorcycl es , O P EN ED : No trac inq .co m' s ho me page o n the World W ide Web . Th e s it e can b e found at the f o ll o w in g addre ss; http :/ / M ARRI ED: Te am D ual Do g s prom ot er D amon Powel l an d Cathe rine Salazar, on M ay 19 in Las Vega s. The co uple's baby boy is due in mid-Aug ust. Here is t he list of riders who have been invited to participate in t he THQ U.S. Open at the M GM Grand Garden Arena i n La s V ega s: J eff Em ig . J e rem y McG rat h, David V uillemin, M ike l.afi oc co , Kevi n W indham, Ric ky C arm ic hae l, Sebast ien Tortelli, Damon Huffm an, John D ow d , Lar ry Ward , Tim Fe rry , He ath Voss, Greg Albert yn, Kyle Lewis, M ichael Craig, J ason Thomas, Stephane Roncada , Brock Se llards , Travis Pastrana, Derrick Shae Bentl ey , David Pingree, Greg Schnell. Buddy Ant unez, Denny Stephenson and Jeff W illoh. Th e L.A. Calendar Motorcycle Show wi ll be held in t he Qu een Mary Event Park lot in Long Beach, Cali fo rnia. on July 23 . The show w ill feat ure all-day ente rtainment; custo m and sportbike co nte st s ; t he White Broth ers W est Coast Ho rsep ow er Sh o oto ut and mo re . Fo r more info rmation . call 562 /435-3511. The $300.000 Senior Pro USA MX Championship has been scheduled for S ep t e m b er 17 - 23 a t th e Altm o r e Mo tocross Park and Monster M ountain in so uth A labama. The w inner in each division can take home up to $ 15,000 , with a to ta l purse o f $300 ,000, acco rdi ng to event prom oters. The race s are open to riders aged 2 1 and over w ith registrat ion limited to 400 riders per class. The entry fee is $4 75 per class . For more infor mation, call 334 /368-6118. PACE Motor Sports has announced its 2000 I FMA Freestyle Motocross sch edule . The 10-c it y sc he dule be gins J uly 28-29 in the America West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona , and co ncl udes November 24-25 in the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim , Ca lifornia. The se ries w il l als o co mp rise th e th ree -even t V an s Tripl e C rown , w hich w ill take place at the sec o nd ro und o n Au gust 5 in Las Vegas , - - - - - - - - Continued on page 88 e ye I e n e vv So MAY 3 1, 2 0 0 0 3 8 o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

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