Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ••(II~ f!kl!3 1... 30 YEARS AGO..• MAY 26, 1970 D ave Aldan a graced the cover of Issue 1119 after winning th e 200 -m ile Ta lla dega National Champ ion ship road race aboar d a BSA Rocket Th ree. Aft er the race, he sat second in points behind D ick te amma te Mann .. . We i nt erviewed Team Suzuki 's road racing captain, Ron Grant , about his career, his future and his life away from the track. We also asked him about the differences betw een raci ng in Europe and racing in A merica . His response wa s. "I can go ov er to Gary [ N ix on] o r M ert [Lawwill ] or any of them and ask, 'What' s this new change on your bike?' and they'll tell me. In England, it was never like that." ... Jeff Penton won the 250cc gold at the Berkshire Trails in Midd lefield, Massachussetts. Other notable Pentons finishing with golds were Tom Penton and Jack Penton in the 125cc class. 20 YEARS AGO.•. MAY 21, 198 0 On th e cover of Issu e 11 19 we d em o nst r at ed th e fruits of our labor as we test ed th e 198 0 Harley -Da v i ds o n FLT " Tour Gli de" .. . Rou nd six of th e AMA Grand National Cham pionship /W inston Pro Series visit- ed Ascot Cycle Park , where Florida's Bill y Labrie (H-D) defeated Ricky Graham (HD) and Scott Parker (H-D) to take the first flat-track victo ry of his career... The AMA Supercross Series visited Kansas City, Missouri, for round 12 in front of 25,000 fans. Kent Howert on (Suz) defeated Brian Myerscough (Suz) and Mike Bell (Yam). Bell still led the points standings by 29 over Howerton... Terry Vance (Suz) won th e Louisiana round of th e NHRA Pro Sto ck Nat io nals dr ag-r ace series ... An ind oo r short-track event was held in Long Beach, Ca lifo rn ia, and Tex an Do n " Bub ba " Shobert (Yam) took hom e the lion's share of the purse. Other notables includ ed Mik e Kidd (second), Wayne Rainey (fifth), Ronnie Jones (seventh) and Terry Poovey (eighth). 10 YEARS AGO... MAY 16, 1990 Yoshim ura Suzuki's Doug Polen graced th e cover of Issue 111 9 after winning the AMA Superb ike Na ti onal at Road Atlanta. Polen managed to fend off Muzz y Kawa sak i's Doug Chand ler and Ducat i's d ef end ing champ Jamie James for the victory ... Ro un d three of th e AMA 125/250cc National Championship Mot oc ross Series visi ted Axton , Virginia , and Jean-Michel Bayl e (Hon) traded moto victories with Team Suzuki's Guy Cooper to take t he overall win , while Team Kawasaki's J eff Ward used 1-2 moto finishes to edge out the 3- 1 of Damo n Brad shaw (Yam ) and th e 2 -3 of Jeff St ant on ( Hon ). Hond a' s Bayle and Stanton led the 125 and 250cc points standings, respectively... The 125cc Motocross GP series kicked off in Montev arc hi, Ital y , and Mi n nesota ' s Donny Schmidt (Suz) dominated the day. It was a day of A meri c ans, as Tys on Voh l and (Suz), Bob Moore (KTM) and Mik e Healey (KTM) all had moto finishes inside the top three. At the same time in Switzerla nd, Geo rgi an B illy Liles ( K aw ) won both rounds of the 500cc MXGP series. CN Country h is last year has b een a difficult one for backcountry recrea tional ists. It seems th at each m onth brings a n e w Cli n ton / G o re a t ta c k on our recreation are as. These attac k s h ave i ncl u de d the U .S. F ores t S er v i c e push ing more restrictive manag em ent T of so -ca lled roadless areas and Pres i d en t i al Monument d eclarations that t arge t off - hi ghway ve hi cle recre at io n a s a th reat t hey are d e sig n ed t o e lim i na te . Th e Bu r e a u of L and Ma n age m en t has proposed other m a s sive clo s u res t o ATV s and dirt b ik es . T his adminis t ration h a s propos e d one m ischief after another. The B lu eRibbon Coal iti on bel iev es that th e Clinton/Gore adm in istration 's land use propos als are j ust an effort to lock u p ou r pub li c land s Iternative mounta in b ikes and o t h er recreation vehicl es aren 't allow ed. Th e y d on 't However, they shou ld be protected for the publi c ins tead of from the pu b lic. B ac k Country Rec reat ion Area d esig n ation wo uld protect the recreatio nal re sources while still allowi ng res pon sible re sourc e management . B lu eR ibbon C o a liti on m ember o r g ani za tio ns h a v e w ork ed h ard to p ro m ot e resp onsibl e use of our public land s. T hese effort s h av e i ncl u de d collabo ra ti ve proj ects w it h the F orest Servic e, B u reau of La nd Man ag em en t , a nd e v en t h e N a t io n a l Pa r k S er v i c e . T h ese pr o gr am s i n cl u d e T r e ad Ligh tly , h ab ita t r est o r ati on p r o je c ts , tr ail i m prov e m ents , sou n d re d u ct i on , i m p r o v e d sign in g , and you t h o u t re ach. W e've not only wo rk ed o n vo l u n te er pro gra ms , but our m em b er org ani zation s h av e wo rked on state and federa l tra il fu nd ing p ro gra m s t h at bene f i t a ll ba ck -country trai l users. On e o f th es e p r o g ram s , the federa l Re cre at ion a l Trai ls Program , is now providing $50 million a year for t rail im p ro vem ents nationwide. That's putting our money where our mouth is. T h e stated o bjec ti ve o f the BlueRibbon Co aliti o n is " Pre servi n g realize that even horseback riding is our na tural resources for the publ ic severely restricted in some designated Wilderness areas. Wilderness advocates have d e li b er atel y misled our p ublic lands. We should be able re creat ion - a cc es s extremists who believe o u r public lands m ust b e pro tected from public use. It see ms t heir on ly suggestio n for protecting our nat u ral resou r ces i s t o e l im inate everyone's i m pa ct o n th e e nviro n ment b ut th eir own . W e beli eve t ha t's a very selfi sh v iewpoint. The Blu eRibbon Coalition is working on a Congressiona l desi gnation tha t would allow a broad range of recreation interests to work together. and put the earth i n j ail. W e d on 't be liev e our publ ic lan d s ne ed to be locked up, " in p ro t ective c us to dy" so to sp eak , in o rder to p rotect t hem . Helen Che noweth, Ch airman of the House Subc om m itt ee on Forests and Fo rest Healt h , hi t the n ail on th e head recently , saying , " St eel gates seem to be the new w estern flower ; th e y' r e spring ing up everywhere. " King William and Pr ince A lb ert have found ou r public lands guilty o f pro v id ing enjoy m en t fo r t h e ir subj ects . No w th ey are sla m m in g t he ga tes s hu t o n t he K in g ' s f or e s t s . Our T h e C li n to n/G o re Roadless Ini t ia ti v e is bein g use d b y g reen advoc ac y groups as a sho rt cut to Cong ressio n al W i ld ern ess Des ign ation. Ta llying u p ac res of d esignated w ilderness is how th ese gro u p s keep score o f th eir success . To th em , it's j u st a pol iti c al num bers game , a nd r e cr e a t i on access is th e big loser. Lot s of folks don 't r e a l i ze that W ilderness designation isn' t good for recreation . They don 't realize that publ i c la nds s ho ul d b e open for t he enjoy ment of th e Am er ic an p e ople . Howev er , th is ad mi nis tr at io n and its fri en d s in t he environme ntal conflict in dustry have collaborated on one l a n d lock-up sc heme afte r ano t he r . Th e y h a v e foun d th e A me r ica n p ublic unw o r t hy of shari ng our parks and forests . A t the heart of the C lin t o n / G o r e "land legacy" agenda is d osing road s to general pu blic access. Lock ed gates in our Nation al Forests are som eth in g th at should ala rm everyone. The Presi d ent has ignored t h e p leas o f lo c al elected o ff ic ia ls an d based h is d eci sio ns on p olitical pandering to selfish sp ecial interests. Our rights to us e and enjoy our publi c lands are being violated by t hese proposals. T his administ ration see ms c o mmitte d t o a " lock the pu bl i c out " age n da . Th e y are ca teri ng t o ant i - the A m er ic an pu blic o n thi s iss ue . The B lueRibbon Co alit ion is w ork - instead of from the public." These are to enjoy them. Locking t h e public ou t isn't the way to build sup port fo r pro tec tion. i n g on a Congress io n al d es ignat io n t h a t wo ul d a llow a bro a d ran g e of Clark Collins is the Coalition Executive Director of the 8/ueRibbon Coalition . recreat ion interests to work together. Our Bac k Country Rec re at io n Are a proposa l w ou ld g ive a conce rned pub- For information on the B/ueRibbon Coalition and its Back Country Recre- li c a cha nc e to p rotec t o u r backcoun try areas without loc king them u p . ation Area proposa l, visit its website a t www .blu eribbon .org or ca ll its hom e We agree that t her e are m any spe c ial pl a ces that shou ld be protected . • • • • Coming up in Cycle News c CN office in Pocatello a t 208/233-6570. G Helen National Motocross O len pener Indy Mile French Grand Prix British World Superbike ue I e n e "" s • M AY 1 7 , 2000 99

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