Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Continued fro m page3 the winn er being drawn on the sta rti ng line of the Pro event. w !' Pyramid Power Products has U [ r- L; o o c c o o o o o announced that it has two fitness-building Mot o-Trainer machines installed at Southland Suzuki in Garden Grove. California, Ga lp in Ford debuted its spe cial edi tion Je ff Emig signature p ick -up truck at a free-rid e day at Hungry Vall ey Raceway near Gorman , California , on April 26. The da y was open to th e public, and accord ing to Strategi c 3 T eam Co ordinator Ton y Strangio, between 150 and 200 people were on hand. "I t went rea lly well ," said Str angio. "T he re were lots of kids and ad ul ts, and everyone was serv ed lunch . The trac k was ma intained by Shane Trittler, and it was perfect. J eff was hanging out wit h people, and everybod y had a reall y good time." The Emig -de sig ned tr uck, offici all y ca lled the E3 F150 ( th e E stands fo r Emig, wh os e ra cing nu m ber is 3) , featu res a th ree -in ch suspens ion lift k it , c u st o m w h ee l s, Bridgeston e all -t err ain tires and a Li ne -X sp ray -o n bed lin er. It also fe atures custom paint (b lack an d white tr ucks were on hand , but several other o pt io ns are av aila b le) . Em ig , wh os e signature appears on the tru ck ' s si des and back, took sev era l member s of th e press on a ride in th e tru ck . For more information on the truck , ca ll Galpin Ford 's Shayne St anl ey at 818/589 -6679 . • 'I u For more information. call 714 /893-3115 . The 25 .000th Buell motorcycle built . a 2000 Cy clone M2 . is being raffled off, with proce eds goin9 to the Lady Riders Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The motorcycle . built in February 2000 . features special graphics denoting it as the 25.000th Buell motorcycle. The Buell Charity Committee at Buell is helping to promote the raffle and sell the tick- EiGI-tT Is GREAT ets. The tickets are $ 10 each and can be purc hase d at severa l W isc onsin Bue ll dealerships or via mail. A check or money order can be sent to Buell Charity Committee, 2799 Bue ll D r.. East Tro y . WI 53 120. Only 2500 tickets will be sold. For more information. call 888/432-2724. r'\ With the financially shaky American-based Norton Motors International ( NM I) unable to appear in court to mount a cl aim. a London High Court ruling has seen all the prototypes, designs, patterns and tools relating to the 1500cc V8 Norton Nemesis hyperbike. The items were seized last October from Brit ish designer AI Melling 's MCD workshop in Rochdale, and returned to Melling in a court judgement which also included "substantial" damages, and costs, in favor of MeD. Melling was a member of the NMI board. but was also contra cted through his MCD R&D operation to develop a rang e of new No rton models for the company . including th e V8 Nem esis 1500, four-c yl inder 750 Manx Superb ike (and 600cc Supersport spinoff) , and 1600cc V-twin Nirvana cru iser. But of all thes e projects , whi ch many observers dismissed as far to o am bitious for such an undercapitalized company to tackle (especially one with zero manufacturing capability or R&D expe rien ce ), Melling is forg ing ahead with just one, th e V8 Nemesis wh ich he plans to put into limited. hand -bu ilt production himself. Projected output of the model after its launc h in pr oduction -read y guise - whenever that ma y be i s two bikes a week , w ith the Rochdale workshop cutting down on manufacturing costs, as we ll as deve lopment time , by milling crankcases and other compon ents from solid alloy billets rather th an employing castings. This will allow technical modifications to the liq uid-cooled, 32-valve fuel -injected engine to be instantly adopted during the course of the production run. However, with an anticipated price of over $80,000 for the 200 mph-plus ultrasports 1500c c motorcycle. which Melling projects w ill deliver 210 horsepower at 12,000 rpm to .the specially-devel oped rear tire, this is not a bike likely to be built in large numbers. But with MCD no signatory to the speed/horsepower limit now agreed on by the world's established manufacturers. the Nemesis may yet be the first series-production street legal motorcycle to officially brea k the 200 mph barrier in as-delivered form. Maybe.. .. c:yc:lenews.c:om reader poll question of the week a ional Motocross Champio ? D. Shayne King H. vi i d 92 MAY 10, 2000' c ue I e n e vv s The Women's School of Motocross will hold sessions at Sunrise Cycle Park in Ade lanto. California, o n May 10 and will fo ll ow t hat w it h a se s sion in Marysville . Calif o rnia. o n May 18. For more information. call 949 /837-2206 . Five -t ime N at ion al Tria ls Champ ion Geoff Aaron will do three extreme trials demonstrations on Sunday. May 21 . during the AMA N at ion al M otocross round at Hangtown . For more informa tion. call 800 / HANGTOWN . There has been a schedule change for the Tony D. Motocross School. The sess ion scheduled for Monroe MX Park in Monroe, Georgia, has been moved to May 6. A new schoo l has been added at the Lazy River MX Park in Dalton. Georgia. for May 5. For more informatio n. call 410 /635-6916 . Don Roufs. 60 . of Mid Pines. California. died of an apparent heart attack moments after compe ting in an AHRMA M otocross at Sears Point Raceway in Sonoma. Califom ia. on April 30. Roufs was a co-owner of the 0 &0 Bike Bam in Mid Pines. eN

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