Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ICllcle 7llIlW SJ Subscription Rate Card E"ec t' , e April 26, 2000 (Issue 1/ 1B) 5econd Class ServIce OOMESTIC 1year 50 ISSUeS 6monlt1s 25sses Trial sub. 15ISSUeS $45.00 $23.00 $15.00 CANADA I year 50 sses 6 monlt1s 25 sses Tnal sub 15 ssoes $92.00 $46.00 $2700 EXI O M C 1year 50issues 6 months 25issues rial T sub 15 ssees $92.00 $46 00 $2700 A LOTHER L COUNTRIES 1year 50 issues 6 monltlS 25 issues Trial sub. 15issues $9200 $46.00 $27.00 first Class service OOMESTIC 1Year 50 issues 6 monlt1s 25 issues rial T sub. 15 sses $1 30.00 $65.00 $40 00 CANADA 1 year 50 issues 6monltlS 25 issues rial T sub. 15 issues $145.00 $7300 $44.00 MEXICO 1 year 50 issues 6~ 25 issues Trial SIb 15 issues $145.00 $73.00 $44.00 1 year 50 issues 6monlt1s 25 issues Trial sub 15 sses $1 50.00 $75.00 $45.00 AU OTHE R COONTR IES (R O T A X) ENGINE PARTS ~.., 2-STROKE ~ ~ . , . . ~ 4 -STROKE ' , rake System on the Planet" Phone (661) 944-1624' ROTAXPARTSCENTER@AOLCOM • Fax (661)261·9227 endorsed by Ty Davis, Team IM S • 300 mm tront brake kits • CR style lines • Stock rotor replacements INTER S TATE O IL CO. D ISTR IBUTORS OF: N o-Toll A ir Filte r Ui!IJ Air Mall ServIce OOM ESTIC N otavailable CANADA 1year 50 issues 6 monlhs 25 issues Trialsub. 15 issues $1 65.00 $83.00 $50.00 1year 50 issues 6 monlt1s 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues $1 6500 $83.00 $50.00 EXICO M ALL O R THE COONTRIES 1year 50 issues 6 monlt1s 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues ~ I~ ~ ~ . , $262.00 $13200 $79.00 Two year subscription prices available upon request. U the subscription orderform elsese where in this issue of Cyde News, or send yourorder, including payment (check, money order, chargeto VISAor Mastercard) payable in U funds, to: .S. Cycle News, Inc. Attn: Circu lation =::J Genuine Parts & Accessories Ask Ilbout our .1 CfiB'bb"f#r:tl . . "1 y, :II: VISU Filters KOLD KUTTER 1'rofft-AJI Dav ison, MI 1-800-369 -0001 1!!: Bou esen NatIonwide Amateur bee Program. ~ ITell themyou sawit in Cycle News I ~ If1I/TZ ~ 1-800-441-1177 or 610-756-6818 2388 £. T1KHJund 0.0 BIwJ. Tb~nd Oaks, CA 113'2 Local: (805) "Sl7~165 FIIX: (805) 373-0123 Web : thousandoaksnldng.eom a- ~ ~ 8 Rhoad e s Rd . lenh a r tsville. PA 19534 , , [tJt/i'M,';'i' . 'iJ1 _ ~el!~da"!~Ju!!lo~JJt~~' motorcycle owners . Members can atten d rallies. receive a newsletter, and are covered by Honda's eme rgency road-ser vice. # HONDA (800)847-1722 for info. lMer I Ouh ~A_ ""HONDA RWJ..'CbJH¥-"-rica ~f!wnf!:!Y Vl att Our Website : P.O. BOX 130, AXTON, VA 24054 (540) 65G-1759' FAX (540) 6SG-2120_ P.O. BOll 5084 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 HODAKA - BMW PARTS Phone (714) 751-7433 N ellV 1DDce H o d a k a Piston Kits N e w Molded Rubber P a rts N o w Available TOU.-FREE SUBSCRlPTlOII HOTUIIE (800) 831-2220 ~ ~ Held's Hodaka - B M W 2033 Garnet Lake Road '..... Johnsburg, NY 12843 HOD- - (5 18) 251 -2110 E-Mail: I \°0Y"50" ""beoc:;:;'~te(S f\O.... 1 " r I" " Gio.Ca.MoIO North America Ltd. 24 hr. FAX order line IVlSAI (714) 751-6685 ~ (charge or dersonly. please) The source 'or I t a lia n hl-perlormance II!< racing parts II C I e S",pe CO{~O{a.\\On IClliorado: 719-471-1746, Detroit: 313-464-4333 :; L351'2 N.:e)on, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Ph: (516) 584-4347 C __ n e ....."" • MAY 1 0 , 2000 87

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