Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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S/MINI ; 1. Greg Creech (Yam); 2. Jeffrey Parker 2 5 0 B : 1. Bo b Wh ite Jr. ( KT M) ; 2. T re vl s Ferguson ( Hon) ; 3. Dav id Keen (Suz) ; 4. Stephen Samu el (Kaw); 5. Chri s Kite (Kaw) . 4·STRK B: 1. Charles Johnson (Yam) ; 2. Simon Wilson (Hon) ; 3. Tommy Tomlinson (Hon ); 4 . Mike Mayo (Yam): 5. Shewn Donahue (Hon). VET B: 1. Gary Pro ffit (KTM); 2. A.J. W;nstead (KTM); 3. Randy Fink (Yam); 4 . Rick Huffman (Han); 5. Michael Wrigh t. SR B: 1. Ern ie Ho stetler (Yam); 2. T im No rris ( Han ); 3. Timmy Craddock ( Ka w) : 4. Cameron Sobrito (Kaw): 5. Chris Sobrito (Kaw) . MINI: 1. Ray Faddi s ( Han) ; 2. Cha d Woods (Ke w}: 3. Preston Blake ( Kaw ): 4. Taylo r Faddis (Han); 5. Hutch Hardy (Kew} . WMN : 1. J essic a Morris on ( Ka w ) : 2 . Eli ss a Mort on (Suz ); 3. Holl y Cheatham ( KlIw ); 4. Jen nife r Ce nada (Kaw ); 5 . Cindy Bishop (Kaw). MSTR : 1. R.E . Wi ck (Suz) ; 2. Do nn ie Lew is (KTM); 3. Gary Condrey (Suz); 4. Wally Turfboer (Han): 5. Bo b White (KTM). 200 C: 1. Dani el Parker (Han ); 2. Floyd Hick s; 3. Chr is Stil tn er ; 4 . James Cole (Ha n ) ; 5 . Jonatha n Allread (Ka",). 250 C: 1. Cha rle s Hanna h (Yam ); 2 . Will iam Conwe y (KTM): 3. Edd ie Scarberry (Kaw) ; 4 . Pete (Han). JR MINI ; 1. Kyl e Honeycutt (KTM); 2. Brad Bakk en (Kaw); 3 . Bill y Marshall (Han); 4 . Philli p Re sh (KTM): 5. Chris Tourau h (Kaw). P/W : 1. Bradley Greer (Hus); 2 . Brandon Dowell ( Act); 3. Kenn eth Braddy (Han ) ; 4 . A usti n Gaylon (KTM); 5. Shawn W;lson (Yam). Smi th (Hon); 5. Chri s Snider (Yam). Over The Hill Gang MX Glen Helen Raceway Park Dr. Dubach Makes a House Call too k home th e lion' s share of th e Pro payback , wi th Da vis and Nelson fi n ishing second and th ird overall . eN Results BEG A: 1. Randel Si alana ; 2 . Eric Sturm; 3 . Doug Qu into n: 4 . Dav id Zeferta nd : 5 . Don Gre hm . BEG B : 1. Kon Baur; 2. Frank Vanes; 3 . Dan Mati s; 4 . Tony Williams; 5. Danny McVay . 38 . BEG: 1. Je ff Petron : 2. K irby Smith; 3. David Blosser; 4 . Bill McDowell ; 5 . Bruce Bandem er. NO V : I. Rob Moo re; 2 . J im T hrift; 3. Rob ert Byno n; 4. An gelo Guinasso: 5. Brian Larr ick . 38+ NOV A : 1. David Ala ri ; 2. Da ve Ward; 3. Frank Villa ; 4 . Reid Franke ; 5. Rick Marion. 38+ NOV B : 1. Vi nc ent Gonz al es; 2. Gr egory Goerl ; 3. Mike Ma c huga ; 4 . Pau l Doe be reine r: 5. Jenn ifer Ca puto . I NT : I. Nic k Waters ; 2. J oh n Rizzo; 3 . Br ent Pott er, 4 . David Feeney; 5 . Chris Bergstrom . 38. INT: 1. Dan Ce neve : 2. Brad Anderson ; 3 . Mark Broneau; 4. Westo n Reid: 5. Val Fukuna ga. EX : 1. Robbie J ame s : 2. Darin Nis hlmcre : 3 . Mark Steun; 4 . Stephen Waban ; 5. Chri s Sanchir ico. 38+ EX : 1. Brian All en; 2. Devld Faj ard o; 3 . Steve Kersten; 4 . Jeff Fahy ; 5. Duene CUlIi!. PRO : 1. Doug Duba ch; 2. Cra ig Davis ; 3. Bryan Nelson; 4. Dan Berq: 5. Darin Green. 38 . PRO : 1. Pete Murray ; 2. Clayto n Blood ; 3 . Brad McLeod; 4 .'Bob Caspe r; 5. Steve Piatton l. the m ota win and the overall victory. Schmidt, Wood tke , Norgren and Martin all benefi t ed from Dunge y's troubles. each placing o ne position higher in the mota for. ultimately. one overall spot higher at the day's end. In the 16 -24 A c o nt est. class newcomer Jared Lewis looked sharp as he took both moto win s in the class. A t th e sta rt of m ota one. Eric Padelford na iled down the holeshot on his CR250, wi th Lewis in the second spot earl y in the race an d chargi ng hard on his YZ 125 . Lewis took over the lead on lap two and cruised in for the win. Tony Robertson, an other fi rst -year A rider. moved up som e spots to take second at the end. with Brent Mason third . M ike Sc hultz fourth and Richard Kis sner roundi ng out the to p fiv e at mote'send . In mota two. Brian Rousselow pulled out the start. with Padelford second. Mason third and the rest of the pack cha sing them. By th e second lap, Lew is had displaced Rou ssel ow and the ot he rs on hi s charge to the fro nt. Lew is took another m ot a win for the overall. Sch ultz t ook second in the m ot o , Robe rtson was third , Rou sselow m ade up for a fi rst- mota eig hth with a fo urth- place fi n ish, and Ma so n ' fin ished fifth . R e sults By C HRIS S A NCHI RICO SAN BERNARDINO, CA, APR. 9 he Over The Hill Gang rec eived a house ca ll fro m six-t ime and cu r r ent V e t Wor ld Champion D oug D u b a c h . M o r e than 370 Vet r ide r attended th e regular Sunda y OTHG race , so th e tr ack was very rough and challenging when it ca me time fo r the sec ond motos . Dub ach took the overall on the day, but it was no walk in the park. O T HG regular Cra ig Davis and newcomer Bryan Nelson were gunning for the reigning Vet World champ. Th e fans gathered t o watch the Pro s d uke it out. Dav is g ra bbed the holeshot, with Dubac h , N el son and D an Berg in tow . Nelson got underneath Dubach down the back stra ight to take over second . Nelson then flew over Davis by doubli ng a huge stepdo wn j um p pr io r to the finis h-line stra igh t to t ak e the lead . On th e next lap , both Davis and Dubach stepped up and did t he double in pu r suit of N el so n . Duba ch cha rg ed pa st Dav is on th e o u t s i de o f a l o n g , c ho p p y st ra ightaw ay . Dubach caught up to Nelson , w ho w as riding fl awl essl y , p utting in some impressive lap ti mes. Dubach was sh owing Nelson a wheel at every ch anc e, but Nelson held th e lead. Abou t halfway into the 20 -m inut e moto, Nels on made a slight bobble in the same section where Dubach had pass ed D avis. Dubach pounced , j amming his bi ke slightly ahead of N elson en tering a tight off -c amber left hairpin turn to block N elso n and seize th e lead. N el son an d D a v is we re ri g h t o n Duba ch ' s hee ls , with B erg a lo nel y fourth . N els on sta yed o n Duba ch 's rea r whe el. D e sp i t e r u nn ing i nto la ppers , Duba ch bu ilt a slight cus hion. Mean w h il e , Davis wa s a ll over N el so n , searchi ng for a way around. Wi th one la p to go , Davis was on Nelson's rear wh eel an d t r y in g to g et past , bu t lapped traffi c mad it ver y diffi cu lt. A t the checkers , it was Dub ach , Nelson and th en Dav is in a very close fi ni sh . MICRO MINI (4. 8 ): 1. Andr_ Lathe ; 2 . J ordan Kemme~r, 3 . .kremy lAnon ica ; 4 . William Drusch : 5. Ty," ~II. MI CRO MINI (4 .6) : I. Gannon Audl-tte; 2. B1akt' Dungey; 3. Kurt OtlnS0f9; 4 . GtII\Oefi\udt'ttt'; 5. lack 0t0wsJd . MI CRO MINI (7·8): 1. Cole Seaton; 2. TrIMS Campa; 3. Dustin ()Yerby: 4. J U!ltin Rt'9~; 5. Brian HibbMd. PNI: I . Joh n He inlm In; 2. Chad Sch m idt; J . Moll Wodtke : 4 _ Elliot Kastner; 5. Gatl in Norgom. MINI J R (7 -1 1): I . John He inle in III; 2 . J ade Dungey ; 3. Matt Wodtk e ; 4. Ryan [)ungey; 5. Zac:h Spucek. MINI JR (9 -12 ): I. Jodt' Dungey; 2. TrtJtan Ce llaha n ; 3. Shawn Willillms; 4 . Cbese Vrrdick; 5 . Garret Rigt'tman . MINI SR ( 12. 15): l. Scott EhIMleldt : 2. ~remy Girard; 3. Ccny ~Young; 4. Tyler Neese; 5. J~y Skaml!. S/MlNJ l. Scott EhIen lddt: 2. .m8llY Girard ; 3. Ccny DeYoung; : 4 . Tyler Neese; 5 . Jon Stadsvold. YTH I. JeS5t' .Johnson: 2. Bobby Widman; J. Bmt Ohlollnd: 4. : ~n Boe:5. l!Jke Theis . : 16-2 4 A:. I. J atN 1.twts; 2. Tony Robf:rbon 3. Mike Sch ultz: 4. T 54 M AY 10. 2000 ' c ue I III ~ 1"\ason 5. Bnan R~ . ; 16-24 B: 1. Jed o 'Connor; 2 . Btandon Hegedom; 3. Jt'Mf: Goddnch; 4 . levi Quzmdahl ; 5 . lucn KOt'rig. 16-2 4 C: 1. Brilm BId!.: 2 . AoIlron Benson; 3. Il'Jkt' ~; 4 . Sc:ott Hogy; 5. Corey Ht'~. ~ A; I . Cory Kt"erlt')'; 2. Robert H"ISleod; 3. Qons Rasset; 4. Mickey Mickebon; 5 . Cody 8ennett.. 25+ B: 1. Jeff Gruhlk e ; 2 . Tim C" nahan; 3 . Ray Osowski; 4 . Bruce Pk:Jm~; 5. Tim MitcMIl. 25+ C: 1. J e ff fox : 2 . Jt'ff Barthnan : J . Rob Konek ; 4. Ma rt. Olson; 5. Mark Gregor . VET A: I. Robert Hal ste ad ; 2 . Todd l...ent:t; 3 . Mike Johnson: 4 . Scott Stt' lnlt': 5 . Tim Ikmlodu. Glen Helen Raceway Part<: Doug Dubach punches the air In tr iumph after a well-earned vict ory in the Pro class In San Bernardino, California. D uba ch see med on a m i ssi on in m ot o t w o . D avis pull e d a hug e ho l esh ot, gappin g th e field b y f our b ik e len gt hs, with Dubach and Nelson in hot pu rsuit. As the two appro ach ed A nim al Leap , Dubach made an inside m ove on Da v is going up the hill and came down w ith t he lead . D ubac h tried to di stanc e himself fro m Davi s and N elson and may ha ve been sur pris ed t o find t he t w o staying with him. A s the laps wound down, the trac k w a s ge tti n g e x t re mely ro ugh a nd cho p py, but it didn't seem to faze th e l ea der s . Th e r ac ers staye d pretty tight; Du bach looked over hi s sho ul der on a couple of oc c asions to see how cl ose Dav is and Nelson we re. On t he last l ap , N el son wa s st ill v er y close to D avis in th e battl e fo r seco nd; on e bob ble by Davi s would be c ostl y. Then Nelson ov er sh ot a hi gh speed berm an d w ent off th e t rack , ar ound a t re e and a hay ba le a n d bac k o nto the track w ith ou t losi ng a sec on d to Dav is. In th e end , Dubach n e .... s M idway Recreation Park Heinlein a Trooper at M idway MX By G EORGE AND KAREN H ODKINSON KELLOGG . MN . APR. 2 The District 23 motocross season started out b;g . as an esti mated 633 entrants showed up for the first m otoc ros s race of the year at the facility . " It may not be a record tod ay - ba ck when my dad ran the track in th e '70s. th ey had some big numbers. too - but today is definitely up there, " said t rack owner Cin dy Starn schour. T emperatures were in the 50s. but gusty winds sometimes reach ed 50 mph , Despite the h igh number of entries, all classes ran both m oto s. In the 65cc class. a who pping 34 entrants lined the gate . Th e rider of th e day was Jolin Hein lein III. though he face d some hard cha llenges fro m Rya n Dun gey . It seem s th is sea so n will featu re so me good racing betw een th ese two, as well as some ot her up- and -co ming youngsters. Dungey wo n th e fir st m ot a and looked strong, while Heinl ein couldn't close in to cha llenge him. Heinlein took seco nd, Chad Sc hmidt wa s t hi rd, and M att Wood tk e was fourth; the top fou r ran m ost of th e race In that order. El liot Kastne r wa s fifth, Gatl in Norgren sixth and A lex Martin seven th afte r they jockeyed for position to ward th e end . In th e seco nd m ote , Du ngey experienced some probl ems and fi nis h in the 29th spot . earn ing zero poi nts for th e rnoto. Heinl ein took VET B: 1. Roy Osowski; 2 . Tim Ca llah"n; J. Tim I"' utch d l; 4 . Tony Ulrich; 5 . Jay Johnson VETC: 1. Dan f ras son : 2. Brad Johnson; 3. DarTick Undquist; 4 Kye longtin ; 5 . Mike Lyndorlf. SR 40 + A: I . John MartIn; 2 . Jeremy Sch ultz; 3 . Oano Koenig : 4 . Jeff SorenSf:fl; 5. Larry Coste llo SR 40. B: I. lArry Ahlers; 2 . Robert lMgt'; 3. Mike VOt'gt'le; 4 . Richa rd Stt'114; 5 . Mike QuiM . SR 40+ C: I . Brent We iche lt; 2. Lynn Meyer; 3 . Mikt' Christy; 4 . Mike Millis; 5. Oan eth Jululen. S/S R 50+ ; I. Mikt' Qu inn; 2 . Mike Christy : 3 . Richa rd Van B~· mer; 4 . Richa rd Teague . WMN; I . Tilfllny Rum pca ; 2 . Sa mall tha Hog y; 3 . Tracy Vanryer1; 4 . Nicole Zahler, 5 . Jennlft'r Brune tte . 125 A: 1. Cory K~ey : 2 . J ared Lzwls : J . JeS!H! J oh nson; 4 . Cod y Bennett; 5 . Chuck Thomp500 . 125 8 ·1 : I. Brandon Pete rs ; 2 . lzvl Ouandahl; 3 . J t'ff Doyle ; 4. Mikhail Overby : 5 . J ason Ca rson . 125 B· 2 : 1. Brandon Hagedom; 2 . Brt'tt Oh land ; 3 . J osh RoIbiee. kl; 4 . JeSSt' Goodrich: 5 . Tra vis Pamow . 125 C· l : I. 8M Krop : 2 . Brad Millt'r; 3 . Jdf Barthm40: 4 . Todd Kemp;5. Doug Bekken. 125 C-2: l. CraIg Michds: 2 . Aaron Benson; 3 . luke Theis ; 4 . Jon Vargo; 5 . Manhall Bekken , 125 C-J : I. fo\ike Berning; 2 . /l\ike Bouotlson; J . J a llOf'l Mill«; 4. Mikt' Hueline; 5 . Josh Millis. 250 A: I . Cory Keene y: 2. Scott Stm e ; J . Mike Sc:huhz; 4 . Brian R~ 5. Brerlt Mason . 250 B: I . Josh Ca rlson; 2. Jeff Gruhlke : J . Jed O'Connor: 4 . Matt Boe; 5. Ryan BIeeu. 250 C: I. Juslm Van ~ ; 2. ~ Fox; 3 . RK:t!. Mill«: 4 . Jason Denne; 5 . Ben Stuber. Barona Oaks Raceway Lechien Howls at Sarona Motocross By Hol'lER EUBANKS RAMONA. CA. APR . 9 Round four of the Barona O aks motocross series dre w a m ul titu de of riders to the eve nt. In all. 229 riders contested the eve nt. w hich m eant th at seve ra l cla sses had full gates wh ile others had to be split. The largest class was Intra to M X . w hich featured 26 rid er s. Th e 250cc Beg inner cl ass dr ew 25 riders . Ro n Lechi en was the only 250cc Pro rid er prese nt . so he rod e with th e 250cc Int ennedietes . In the fi rst m ot a, Josh T upa absconded w ith th e holeshot , wi th Lec hien traili ng . On the thi rd la p. Lec h ien grew t ired of T upa 's pace and dec ided to wedg e hi s Hon da on the inside of Tupa. It worked, and on ce around, Lech ien check ed out to the ch eckered . Tupa was able to hold off Jon Meyers for runner-up. and Kevin Yost finished third.

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