Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

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CMA/PJ 1 Pacific Coast Pro-Am Champ ionship Series Final Round: Hanford Fairg r ounds By T O N Y A LE S SI HANFORD, CA, APR. 15-16 " van Laughridge rocked the Han lJ ford Fairgrounds, posti ng II ou t of 12 moto victories en ro ute to overa ll cl ass championships in both the 125cc and 250cc Intermed iate divi sion s and the Pr o Amate ur O p e n class dur ing th e CMA / PJ 1 Pacific Co ast Pro -Am Champ ionship Series final e. Laughridge joined some 500 other rac ers who took part in th is ch ampi onship series , which brings racers from both Northern and Central Cali fo rn ia together for a two -day showdown . " We have over $9 0, 0 00 in dea ler dollars fro m 14 area sho ps - it's actuall y better pay for the Amat eurs than m anufactur er co ntingency ," said track m anager A aron Pipes. " Bo th Central and Northern roun ds com bined had an entr y tally of almost 3000 partici pants, mak ing this the largest Central Cali fo rn ia seri es of all time." Laughr idge put t ogeth e r a v ery impressive string o f moto v ictories that eventually led to series t itles in both the 125 cc and 250cc Interme d iate d iv isions and in the Pro Amateur Open class. " I live in Northern California , about six hours from he re , " L a u g h r i d g e said. " I d idn 't know for sure how I wou ld do on th is t rac k . but t h i ng s went we ll ." A ctually , things we nt almost per fectly for Laughridge, wi th th e exce p tion of o ne m oto . Lo ca l ac e D av id Booth took co ntro l of the fina l 125cc In t e r m ed i a t e ra c e and scored an im pr essiv e victory . " I fell on the start in one mot o ," Booth said. '" wanted to make up for it wit h a win and prove I could win one ." A nother very su cc essful rac er on t he we ek end w as on e o f the youngest. Little Austin Howell domi nated the Pee W ee cl asses and took 50 MAY 1 0 , 2000 cue. e home a pair of cl ass cham p io nshi ps , winn ing both th e 50cc (7 -B) Modified and 60cc (O-B) No vice d ivisions. It w as a gre a t w eekend f o r the C ruse si b lin g s . J eremy Cruse laid was te to the 125cc Novice division, ta king th e title with seven po ints to spare, and hi s little sist er Sheri con tinued in the fam ily trad ition of win ning races by tak ing the overall victo ry in the 60cc (9 -1 1) Beg inner class. Ky le Fo ltz made his lo ng j o u rn ey each week from Southern Californ ia payoff by scorin g top honors in the BOcc Novice division, earn ing his first ever Central-California CMA title, Fo ltz looks ready to ma ke th e j ump to the Interm ed iate ranks after a stella r set of m oto w ins during the series fi nale . Two other m in i hotsho es wh o posted m ultipl e class win s were Du st in Pip e s a n d Mi k e A lessi , w ho took ho m e th e lion ' s share o f m in icycle moto v ictori es . In te resting l y , both rac ers spe n t m o st of the pre v ious w e e k tr a ining w i t h f ormer Hond a race r D ann y Ch and l e r , wh o w a s a guest in st ruc t o r for m an y d ays prec ed ing th e eve nt. eN Hanford Fairgrounds Hanford, California Results: April 15-16, 2000 (Final Roundl Saturday 50 ( 0· 6) B EG : I. Steven Davies ( KTM); 2 . Anthony Parks (Yam) : 3. Kenny Joh nson (KTM): 4. D.J . Bro wn (KTM): S. lack Gobby (KTM) . 50 ( 7· 8) B EG : 1. Pat ri ck St reiff ( Pol) : 2 . Christia n Ki nney (KTM); 3. Tucker Hicks (KTM); 4. Dustin Moody (Hon); 5. Robby Baker (Pol) . 50 MOD : I. Austin Howell (Cob ); 2. David Fee (KTM) : 3 . Dyla n Richm ond . 60 (0 -8) BE G: I. Dex T urner (Ka .,); 2. Dylen Trujillo ( KTM): 3. Kyle Kessin ger (KTM) : 4 . Cody Lombott (KTM) : 5. Dylan Fox (KTM). 60 (0 · 8) NOV: 1. Cody Greer; 2. Troy McFarlin; 3. A ustin Howell ( Kaw) . 60 (9 - 11) BEG: I. She'; Cruse (KTM) : 2 . Matt Dungan (Ka w) ; 3. Mason Woma ck (Kaw ); 4 . Dylan Ney (KTM): 5. Buck Ford (Kaw). 6 0 ( 9 - 1 1) NO V : I. Tyl er T ru j i ll o ( KTM ) : 2 . Joshua Duppong (KTM); 3. Andr ew Desilag ua (KTM ); 4 . Stenson Womac k (Kaw); 5. Kyle Sm ith (KTM) . 60 (0 -8) INT : I. Dustin Pipes (Kew} . 60 (9 - 1 1) EX: I. Mike Alessi (KTM) . 60 O PEN : 1. Dust in Pip es ( Ka w ) ; 2. A ndr ew Deallaqua (K TM) : 3 . Ky le Smith (KTM) : 4 . Cody Lambe rt (KTM) ; 5 . Ryan Kirk (KTM ). 80 BEG 0 -1 : I . J ac o b San chez (Y am); 2 . J onathan McCorm ick (Hon ); 3. Donald Ertel (Yam); 4 . Chris Podergo is (Hon) ; 5. John Pelton (Kaw) , 80 BEG D-2 : I. Donald Hopper (Suz) ; 2. Jarod Pa ck ( Ho n ) ; 3 . Travis Bell ( Hon) ; 4 . And rew Desilagua (Yam) ; 5. Kev in Wells (Hon ). n eVIlS (Far left) Evan Laughridge (10 L) scored 11 v ictories i n 12 motos for the overall w ins in the 125c c Intennedlate, 250cc Intennediate and Pro Amateur Open classes at the finale of the Pacific Coast Pro-Am Championship Series In Hanford, California. (Above) Jeremy Cruse (774) was like a m issile, destroying the 125cc Novice competition at the Hanford Fa irgrounds. 8 0 ( 7- 8 ) NOV : I. Kyl e Del e were ( Hon); 2 . Jose ph Gom es (Hon); 3 . Ja red Ney (Lem ). 8 0 NOV : I. Kyle Foltz (Ka.,): 2. Robb y Baptista (Yam ); 3. Ja mes Leon (Yam ); 4 . Kris Reimer (Yam ); 5. Cameron Bowm an (Han). 80 IN T : 1. J ust in Sande rs (Ye m); 2. St even Hernandez (Yam); 3. Casey Hinson (Suz). 80 EX: 1. Mik e Al essi (Yam ); 2. Jack Van Cam p (Yam) . 80 OP EN : 1. Mik e Al essi ( Yam) ; 2 . Ces e y Hinson (Suz); 3. Kyle Foltz (Kaw) . 80 B/W : 1. Trevor Hukill (Han) . 12 5 BEG D-I : I. Chad Vejar (S uz): 2 . Ch ris Cantey (Hon ) ; 3. Natha n McCa ll (K aw ); 4 . Carson Scberd tn (Suz): 5. Jo seph Beery. 125 BEG 0 ·2: 1. Brian Gill (Kaw); 2. Eric Pina (Yam ): 3. Brad Ford ( tcew) : 4 . Randall Cross (Suz) : 5. Nick Wilcox (SOl) . 125 NOV 0 -1 : 1. J erem y Cruse (KTM) ; 2. Dana Drak e (Suz); 3 . Jason Garcia (Hon); 4 . Shay M4t s (Yam) ; 5. Craig Sm ith (Yam) . 125 NOV 0 -2 : 1. Mik e Alessi ( Yam) ; 2. Justin Loft (Kaw) : 3. Levi Gill (Ka.,): 4 . Colin Sm ith (Suz): 5. David Caetano (Kaw). 125 I NT : 1. Ev an Laughridge (S uz) ; 2 . Billy .Jurevl ch (Yam); 3. Brandon J ones (Yam ); 4. J immy Stewa rt (Yam); 5. Ton y Wolf (Yam). 250 BEG : 1. Mi ke K in g (Ya m) ; 2 . Ca rso n Scha rdin ( Suz) : 3 . Luke Le Duc (Ka w ) ; 4 . Kad ie Garrett (Kaw); 5. Steve Nettlee (Yam) . . 25 0 NOV: 1. Craig Smi th (YlI m) ; 2. Gary Forrest (Yam) ; 3. Adam Hensley (Han); 4 . Shay Mats (Yam) ; 5. Fred Myrick (Han) . 2 5 0 INT: I. E v an Laug hridge (Suz ); 2 . Bill y Jurevich (Yam); 3. Kevin McGovern (Hon) ; 4. David Hopf e ( KTM): 5. Tony Wolf (Yam ). 250 PRO: I. Shewn Parks (Ka.,). 25·29 NOV: I. Ad am Hensley (Hon) ; 2 . Dana Drake (Suz); 3. Gary Forrest ( Yam ); 4 . Tim Delcid (Yam) ; 5. James Chester (Hon) . 25 -29 INT: 1. Chuck Bredshew (Yam ). VE T BEG : I. Gary K au k (K TM ) : 2 . B ra d Summers (Kaw ); 3. Eri c Plotzk e (Yam ). VET NOV: I. Sta n Boling ( Yam): 2. A nth on y Pulere ( Ho n) ; 3 . Kell y Stock to n ( Ho n): 4 . D an La......horn (Yam ); 5. Ken Johnson (KTM ). VET INT : 1. Steve Nelson : 2. Tony Toste (Yam ), 3 . Rick Sotitl e (Kew): 4 . Gary Pteetje (Yam ); 5. Tim Ala rcon (Kaw) . VET PRO : I. Mick Elsberry (Yam ): 2. Joh nny Souza ( Ho n ) ; 3 . Rick Holl enb ec k ( Suz); 4 . Rob Harper (Yam ): 5. J essie Holguin (YllIm) . VET NOV : 1. A nthony Pul ere ( Ho n) ; 2. Dan Lawhorn (Yam); 3. Kell y Stockto n (Hon ); 4 . Stan Bol ing (Yam ); 5. Ken J ohnson (KTM). VET INT: 1. Tony Toste (Yam); 2. Rick Sotit le (Kaw ); 3. Craig Ranell s (YllIm ); 4 . Gary Rlekk l (Yam ); 5. Gary Pleatje (Yam) . VET PRO: J. Mi ck Elsbe rry (Yam ) : 2. J ohnny Souza (Han ); 3. Rick Holl enbec k (Suz) ; 4 . Blayne Holl enbec k (SUl) . WMN: 1. Kaide Garrett (Ka w) ; 2. Lynett e Wosick (Yam) . orr NOV: I. Darin Li ndq uist (Ka w) ; 2. Stua rt Nelson (Yam); 3. Mark Hawki ns (Yam ), O I T IN T : 1. C rai g Ra ne lls ( Ya m) ; 2 . Greg Doug las (Hon); 2. Doug Dennis (Yam) . SPTSMN O PEN : 1. J onathan Davies (Kaw) : 2. Eric Heagan (SOl) ; 3. Jimbo Hoak (Yam ); 4 . Brian Killi llin (KTM ). PRO-AM OPEN: 1. Eve n Lau g hridge (5 uz) ; 2 . Brende n Jones (Yam): 3. Bill y Jurev ich (ve rn) : 4 . Mick Elsberry (Yam) ; 5. Steve Nelson. Sunday 50 ( 0- 6) BEG : I. Steven D av ie s ( KTM ): 2. Ken ny J oh nson ( KTM) ; 3. D .J . Brow n ( KTM) ; 4 . Anthon y Parks (Yam ): 5 . lack Gobb y (KTM) . 50 (0 -6 ) NOV: I. Brad Vincent (Hus). 5 0 (7 · 8) BEG: I. Christian Ki nney (KTM) ; 2. T uck er Hick s ( KTM) ; 3 . Dust in Mood y (Hon); 4 . Patrick Streiff (Pol) ; 5. Robby Baker (Pol). 50 (7 -8) NOV : I. Joseph Gomes (Hon): 2. J ared Ney (Lem); 3. Kyie Delewe re (Hon) . 50 M O D : 1. A u sti n Ho w ell (Cob) : 2 . D yl an Richmond (KTM) ; 3. David Fee (KTM) . 60 (0- 8) BEG: I . Kyle Kessinge r (KTM); 2. Cod y La m b ott ( KT M) ; 3 . Dax T urner (KlJ w); 4 . Dyl an Truj illo (KTM) : 5. Dylan Fox (KTM) . 60 (0 -8) NOV: I. A ustin Hewell (Ka.,): 2. Troy McFarlin ; 3. Cody Greer. 60 (0- 8 ) INTo I. Dustin Pipes (Ka.,). 60 (9 - 11) BEG: I. Buck Ford (Ka.,); 2. Sheri Cruse (KTM); 3. ~ so n Woma ck (Kaw) ; 4. Ryan Kirk (KTM): 5. Dyl an Ney (KTM). 6 0 ( 9 - 1 1) NOV: I. T yler T ruj illo ( KT M): 2 . Stenson Woma ck (Kaw); 3. J oshua Duppon g (KTM) ; 4 . Kyle Sm ith (KTM): 5. Andre w Desilagua {KTM} . 60 (9 · 11) EX: I. Mik e Alessi ( KTM) . 60 O PEN: 1. Dustin Pipes (Ke w): 2. Kyle Smith (KTM ): 3 . Ryan Kirk (KTM); 4 . Cody Lombo tt (KTM ). 80 BEG 0 - 1: 1. J acob Sanchez ( Y~ m) ; 2. Tyler T rujillo ; 3 . Je ff Sand e rs on ( Ya m} : 4 . J o n at h an McCo nn ick (Hon); 5. J ohn Pelton (Kew). 80 BEG 0 -2 : I. .Iarod PllIck (Hon ); 2. Andrew Deaile que (v ern ): 3. Travla Bell (Hon ) ; 4 . Do na ld Hopper (Suz); 5. Nethario J ones. 80 NO V: I. Kyle Foltz ( tcew) : 2. Robby Bap ti sta ( Yam) : 3. Kri s Reim er (YllIm ); 4 . Vince nt Gulsende (Yam) ; 5. James Leon (Yam) . 8 0 I NT : I . Ju sti n Send ers ( Yam) ; 2 . St eve n Hern andez (Yam); 3. Casey Hinson (Suz). 80 EX : 1. Mike Alessi (Yam); 2. J ack Van Camp (Yam). 80 B/W: 1. Trevor Huk ill (Hon ). 80 OP EN : 1. Mik e A lessi (Ye m): 2. Ja ck Van Cam p (Yam) ; 3. Dayt on Hix (Hon) . 125 B EG D- 1: 1. Chllld veja r (Suz); 2. Dusti n Biaggin i ; 3. Chr is Conley ( Hon); 4. Robb y Bapt ista (Han ): 5. Carson Schard in (Suz) . 125 BEG 0 -2 : 1. Brian Gill (Ka w) ; 2. Eric Pina (Yam); 3. Nick Wil cox (Suz); 4. Randall Cross (Suz); 5. Marc Contreras (K aw). 125 NOV 0 ·1 : 1. Je remy Cruse (KTM) ; 2. Craig Sm it h ( Yam) ; 3 . Ja so n Ga rcia ( Hon ); 4 . T rav is Stevens (Yam) ; 5. Shay Mats (Yam) . 125 N OV D · 2 : 1. Gary L udlu m ( Ho n) ; 2 . Jonatha n Da vies (K aw); 3 . Just in Lo tt (K aw) ; 4 . Colin Smith (Suz) ; 5. J ack Ludlum (Hon) . 125 INT: 1. Ev an Lau ghrid ge (Suz); 2 . David Boo the (Suz) ; 3 . Billy J urevich (Yam) ; 4 . J immy Stewart (Yam) ; S. Los Soito (Hon). 25 0 BEQ : 1. M ike K in g (Ya m); 2 . Car son Sc ha rd i n ( Suz) ; 3 . Lik e L eD u c ( Ka w) ; 4 . Greg Fuhano (Yam) ; 5. Steve Nettles ( Yam ). 250 NO V: 1. J onathan Davies (Ka w); 2. Craig Smith (Yam ): 3. Gary Forrest (YlIm); 4 . Fred Myrick (Hon ): 5. Shay Mats (Yam). 25 0 INT: I . E van La ug hr idge ( Suz) ; 2. Billy .Jurevich (Yam) ; 3. Justin Cass (Suz) ; 4 . Chr is Dies ( Yam); 5. Kevi n McGovern (Han) . 25 0 PRO : 1. Shawn Park s (Kaw) . 25 -29 NOV: 1. Gary Forrest {Yam}: 2 . Dan a Drake (Suz) ; 3. Tim Delcid (Yam ); 4 . Jam es Chester (Hon); 5. Steve Hersted (Ka w). VET BE G : I . G ar y Ka u k (K T M); 2. B ra d Summers ( Kaw) ; 3 . J ohn Campise ( Hon) ; 4 . Er ic Plotzke (Yam) . O fT NOV : I . Dari n Li ndq uist (Ka w) ; 2 . Stuart Nelso n ( Yam ); 3. Mark He wk tns ( Yam ); 4 . Mark Cross (Hon) ; 5. Steve Carabaj al (Suz) , orr INT : 1. Greg Douglas (Han) ; 2. Doug Denn is (Yam ). WMN: 1. Kaide Garrett (K4W); 2. Lyn ette Wosick (Yam); 3. Brenda Burson (KllIw) . SPTSMN O PEN: 1. J onathan Davies (Kaw); 2. J erem y Cruse (KTM); 3. Darin Blank enship (Hon) ; 4. Robb y Bapti ste (Han) ; 5. Bria n Killi an (KTM) . PRO -AM OPEN : I. E van Laugh ridge (Suz): 2. David Boothe (SOl) ; 3. Bill y Ju revich (Yam) ; 4 . Les Soito (Han) ; 5. J imm y Stewart (Yam ).

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