Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1997 GSXR600 Parts Sale RS 600 Knight Honda Wood/Rotax SJ 676 Engine w/carb s, electronics. airbo x, exha ust, $1000. Sw lngarm , $ 15 0 , Fo rks, $350 . Rad iato r , $ 150, Shock, $75. (714) 396-8197. CA Custom jerse y lettering and chest protector plate. (330) 658-7518 . OH Fresh motor, ready to race, $5000 OBO. (309) 744 5271. IL D's LEATH ERS (305) 872-4965 or (419)729-9639 . deelar@aol.oom. OH Immaculate co ndition road racer, 68rwhp at 2451b . Ra ced only one seaso n, inc lu des spa re Wo o d eng ine. $15,000. Bruce or Mike. (972) 438-6 586. TX FOR SALE: 1989 GSX 1100 F KATANA ro lling chassis incl udes fram e wi th salvage title . Fron t forkS/clamps. Front & rear wheels. 16 inch. Hand le bars & switches complete. Front and rear ca lipers and master cylinde r, Will sell complete or part out. (317) 281-2875 or Ibracingca@ao . IN TT Knight 600 Yamaha Fast and dependab le. Many many extra s. $4000. (914) 482-33n. NY 1997 Honda CR 250 Excelle nt co ndition. C-Cycle suspension, PreTaper ba rs, new fro nt and back tir es, Pro Circuil pipe. co mes w ith man y ext ras, some riding gear includ ed . $380 0 - B/O , must sell. Call after 5pm (413) 2837974 . MA zx-n, GSXR Kata na EXSOO, Ninja ZX-6 to CBR, VF, VFR, FZ, FZ R, all Japanese sport bikes 1983 to present. Co sm etic s and more , chea p ! (310) 594. 7111. CA 2000 HUSKY 410 , HARDLY RIDDEN, $4995. (540) 858 ·2634 . VA VZ426 Billet Clutch Baskets In stock . Perfor mance Engineering (407) 856-8545 . FL Aluminum Cooling Fans For your sport bike! Lightw ei ght alu min um won 't melt. Better airflow - Better coo ling . No ne ed to replace that expensive motor assembly . All models $35.95. (541) 385-0708, www .muzzys .com. OR We Build The Factory Trucks '76 KTM/Penton MC5 175 Complet ely ori gina l. ru ns 'excell ent , excelle nt oondition. $1200. Call Enzo at (810) 917-6977. MI 2000 Honda Engines CR 125 kit mo tors. 6 speed s, $1595. CR250 kit motors, $1650 . Willia mson Honda (570)726 -3343 , PA Custom hau lers by Pet e's RV . Unmatched in quality. 1/2 living , 1/2 shop. 175 gallons 01 water, ove rsiz ed anan generato r, light weight aluminum ca binetry, rubber lIoor , complete airsystem, custom pa int sch e mes , sw ing doors/roll -u p doo rs . And much more. (800) 639-:;093 , '86 Honda Reflex '76 Hodaka Honda mint, 900 miles, $1295. Hodaka Dirt Squirt 100, good co ndit ion , $895. Wanted: motorcyc le plates, have some to trade. 9·6 Eastern, or leave message . (802) 877-6525, Vermont. VT 1998 KTM 380 EXC Dick 's Racing suspension. FMF, Renthal, A~erbi s, two tanks , fresh top end, new clutch and chain , CA HEAV Y DUTY AL L ST EEL , 2y r . m an ufa cturer warranty . 40 bike gate, $1849 . 24 bike gate, $1 149. 14 bike gate, $849 . 2 bike gate, $159 . Unpainted, plus shipping and hand ling . Visa & Me acc epted. Sho tgun S tartin g Ga t e s (74 0 ) 345 - 8 469 . WWW .SHOTGU NSTARTIN GGATES .BIZlAND.CO M. OH FOR SALE : 1993-95 KAWAS AKI ZX·7 black rea r w he el , com p lete , $ 100. (3 17 ) 281 -2875 or lbraci ngca @ao IN licensed. $45 00 DB O. fu llboat@hom , (562) 430-8 143. CA XR400 Parts Head pipe, springs, car b, skidplate , triple clam ps , (714) 964-9693 days. CA Side Entry Custom haulers by Pete's RV . 1/2 living, 1/2 shop. Sturdy ramp door , queen bed over shop. E45 0 Superduty V-l0. Call lor 30 page info kit. (800) 6395093 , www. petesrv .oom. DYNDJET STAGE 7 ea kits lo r 91-94 CBR600f2 , rn $50 . One factory fj1 200 jet kit, $50. Factory ignnion advancers CBR 600 12, $25 each . (317) 281-2875 or Ibracingca@aol.oom . IN KTM 600 Flattracker J& M frame, Big valves, ported and flowed. Fast and reliable. Extra cam , carb, gea rin g, $5500. (541) 957-0811. OR Fight Arm Pump F ASST Co m pa ny 's ne w A nt i-Vib rat io n ins e rt s sig nificantly red uce the vibrat ion. felt thro ugh the handleba rs. The reductio n in vibratton results In less arm pump, fatigue, and num bness in your hands a nd arms . Used by many t o p pros. Dea l e rs welcom e. (562) 439- 1025 . CA CR 125 Rear Wheel Ass. Good shape . Also lots 01 1996 KX125 parts. (316) 431-1073. KS ----------------------------------------------------------o COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED 714/751-7433 2 4 Hr. FAX Order Line (714) 75 1·6685 (Charge or Co mmercu.1open acc ounts on ly, ple ase) C L A SSI F I E D AD RATES Prices Are For One Issue Only . Run ·my ad in the s pecial section: _ _ He lp Wa nte d _ _ P.os ition Wanted _ _ Bus iness Opportunitie s _ _ Collectors 11974 or olde r) - - Genera l Merchandise 35mm film preferred, black a nd wh ite or co lor. Bla ck a nd white or color prints . Polaroids not accepted . Cone Ph oto per ad • Printed image size limited to 1 1/ 2' high, 2 1/4" wide) Pe r word ...•..... ... ..... .... .......................... .......$ 1.40 Headline in bold type .•...•..•.•...•.............. $ 11 ertra Blind box Se rvice Cha rge .... ... .......•......•.•.....$6.00 Ph oto Coo larger than 5xn ....•.•....•.•........$1 7 extra o PRIVATE PARTY Per word .•....... ............. ..................................$ .60 Head line in bold type .... ....•.•... .•.•....•....•.•. $5 extra Pho to Bol d he a d li nes d o no t c o unt t owards cl as sifi ed ad w ord count . PLEASE INCLUDE PU NCTU ATIO N . 2 _ _ _ _ __ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 4 5 6 7 9 _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ lu. 0 l1 12 13 14 J _ __ _ _ _ 15 16 17 r 18 19 20 21 _ _ _ 22 23 24 "- 25 26 27 28 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 30, 31 L 32 33 34 35 _ __ 37 3I!L- 39 4O 41 42 _ _ _ _ __ 36 I I I I I J' ~ DRZ Stainless Oil Filters Lasts foreve r, filters out more bad stuff , protect your investment Available for new KTM 's and YZ426. www.sco ttson line .com or Scott s (8 1B) 24 8-674 7, CA 43 44 4>:, 5 48 _ __ _ _ _ _ _50 E-Ma il or Website URL 51 E-Mail , Website URL count as one word. 47 Ph. # ( Phone No . counts as one wor d. _____ _________ __ ~~I:,~:.s2 ~01.r:-~~i~e..!0~ i!.e2!b!:' .e.h~n.:. ~~b:,~o~c~!; ! 84 MAY 10. 2000 ' eye • e n e .... s 48 49 52 I ForSale: 45mm Marzocchi Forks I _ _ _ _ __ Less than 10 rides. barely broke n in. Revalved by Drew Smith at W ER. Two sets of springs: .40's & .45's. Fork boots and trip le clam ps incl. Loca ted in NJ , will s hip a nyw here . Must se ll ASAP , ask ing $ 750 OBO . Ca ll (973 ) 8 96 -0 416 l o r i nfo ., m. NJ I I J

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