Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1999 World SUfH'rbike Series Review' 1999 Bike GP 50/) Series Review Champion: Carl Fogarty· Bar to Bar · '99 SUfH'rctOss Series Review Crusty 2000 · The Metal Millennium' Wrathchi/d 1999/ndoor W d Trials Championship ' 1999 WorldTrialsSeries Review orl 1 US SpeedwayNafjonal Championship' 1999 AMAIFIJI Speedway W 999 orldQualifier f999 AMA Speedway Nationals' 2 Stroke ColdSmoke: 2 Bom toRide· Slednecks Y 2K.MXVII (lfand#2) World'sFastest Bikes ' 1999 E uropean Stunt R idingChampionship Las V Extremes • Gary Bailey lAXVIdeos egas F RIDING & CWHES REE : ('10) Crusty Demons of Dirt TheongonaJ out.(l/1oma, Ronda and ll1e Bay"'"'- RodekGavr.ln. am AM, Bowyer. M by Teslamen1. MO. usic 45, and PrirrlJs. 35 minutes from FoK Video . $29.95 : ('1200) Terralirma5 : Mike HatchettreIlmS WIth thestale oIlhe artin !he Terra firma Series shot ; : entit tyon t 6mm film (in slereoltI '98 lor '99 release. features a vone a e ty 11009 styles (MXNationals, tnaIs Hilldin'il. USSX & Freendtngl, terrain, , : • locations (Canada. us France ChaIlMges.ell:pe1'lf1lerllS andcompetitions. . ), : 43minut sfrom Fox VI(jpo. 129.95 e Call to Order Today! (714) 751-7433 9am-5pm PST Pri es SUbject to change · please usecurrent c advertisement asyourguide. California residents add 7,25% Sales Tax AI/lapes listed are VHS, free of shipping & handling charges from Cycle News Products. Orders not acceptedfrom outsidethe continental US. Allow 4-6 weeks lor deli very. (' 1499) The Fast Bikes Show Striclly lor SpeedFreaksl Walch the '98 Biroota SB6 Oucati 916, Honda . FweBiade. Suzuki GSXR7 Kaw 50, asaki ZXR750 & ZX9 Yamaha R1, and R. Triurl'llh T595thrashed 10 within an IK:h01 their test bikelilies in !his highspeeddemOnstration of Bntish magamek.maCV· 55minutes lrom Whrle rlDuke Video . $29.95 Sta ('131) Dislurbing the Peace SMPpresents a film by Pal SoIomoo whic:tt inckJdes SethEnslow. Jeff Emg. Brian "'''"Y. ..... Jones. la ny Linkogle. Tm Feny An . lhroy Pocorobba andrrore, WlIh btzarre daymalion scenes tI'lrouglout. Sot.ndti'adI indt.des 5licidaI Terdenl)es Bad Religion, NOFX. &bIimeand more 35minutes , . !romX-Fador. $29.95 ('132) MolD-xXx The debJIvideo trc:m Ouic:k Fill Ftms teanrng Mik Metzger, Kyle Lewis. e Tommy e-.s. Bnan Deegan, Jell En1gand a ...... cas! ct sO< oroonkeys. """'" by lagwa~ . Snuff. Good R.ddarca. NOFX, StnJngout and more Cootans some explicillarq,ageand situalOls. 30 mrotes by Olic:k . FIX Films!romX·Fadtt. $29.95 ('132A) MOlD-XXx 2: Hellralsers Quick FIX F~ms presents !he ~ to !he ongnal Moto-xXx...ivng up to its image , this one's evenmor crazy thanthe first Riders includeSwink. e . Huflman. TaykY Pichon, Wiloh. li'lkcge . Ronc:ada, Pingree, Ra . msey and . e . more 32 minut s from X.faetor $29.95 . ('I32B) MOlD-XXx 3: II's All lor You The '99 Vet'SlOll 01the ounacontrol original. Includes~Iights fromthe '98 Warped Tour.thedebut of Mo togolt, milled in withthe top free stylecrew e make thisonebenertha Grancina's cooIcin'. 43 minut s by Quick Fix n Films. from X-Factor $29.95 , ('133) Horizontal The first aU·Aussie freestyle videofeatureslop Ozride rsblastingdirt and sand dun es& gellingmassiv air, alsoirdudes some watercraft and karting e k destopAussie bands . 32minules from X·Fa . ctor foo . Soundtrac inclu tage $29.95 ('133A) Horizontal 2 . The upside-down, sidewaysandhangin' outMX freestyle sequelfromDown Und CheckOUIlhe Aussie Thumper Na er. il's., PoNC actio Shane Watts, n, jimup, Oz Supercross and more lmedin WestemAuslrafia. .Fi Man Queensland NewSou , thWal s. VICtoria. and South Australia regions. 40 e rrmutes from X-Factor. $29 .95 ('1 34) Organ Donors Variety miKed wilhinsanity is the Iheme of thisvideo...Frees motocross, tyle bigwavewatercraft action, snowmobiles blasting giantsnow"dlwles" in Alaska. bigair on ~. lnaIstri:ks and more. 40 rrinuIesby Pat Solomon . lor Fusia'lFin , fromX .faetlr. $29 .95 A film by Zeroed-ln Proc1Jctioos, teatunng Damon 1iJflman, Mike Craig:. Casey L y1le. Ky1e l.ew>s, M Ci-qnar $29 . .95 in spectacular stylein over 150 incidents from road raceGP's,10M n. MX , DragRacing. Beach Races. Trialsand Paris-Oakar 55nlnutes!romWhIle . StarlDuke VOla. $24.95 Over200of the most recent crashes and wipeouts from theaccidentpackedwoOd of top class '9Os molOf'SPOrIS & dirtbi e sportS. plusgems from k - the archives andthUmping on-board accident loota 60minutesfro ge. m Whrte Sta rlDuke Video. $24.95 70 tool ctrop.dIs. 54 rrwlUtesfrom X·Factor. $29.95 (' 108) Slednecks Frommotocross GPbanlegrou nds10 lTlalt-allack schoolboy MX • is noone sale? 55minutestromWhite StarJDuke Video . $24.95 Filmedon locationin Wyom~ , COoradO, Montana and Alaska.check it out as freeriding MXers SethEnslow and Tra Pas vis trana join wIlite weather man iacsCameron Elliott DanAdams. Weslon Da id, T . V oddSwin Shad n, Free, Ash Reilly, BlairMorgan and ZephBryantlor a completelydiffer nt ley e a ~le on thefreeridingphenomenon 40 minut sfro Impact VIdeo. . e m $24.95 (#5143) Crash Kings Bikes ('I08A) SlednecksY2K 150spectacular crashesfrom '92·'93GPs, Harley racing US $upe , rbikes, rt . rJD 1 0MIT anddos8 racing 60minutesfrom White Sta uke Video. $24.95 Slednecks 2 is an extr mefree e stylesnowmobile film It 'ealU man top . res y riders includit'lg, worldchampionBlairMorgan doing insa tricks likehis ne , patented whips, in Montana backcountry. CameronEn ShadFre Dan ion, e, Adams. T oddSwim, ZephBryanl andman oltlers doi g someof the y n biggest diffsand airs eve onfilm. 38 mnulesfromFQx Video. $29 r .95 (#2501) Crash Kings MX (#5139) Crash Kings Bikes 2 Ove tOO wipe-oots from '9Os Grand Prix iceandThu roike racing wllh r , nde witty andwel·informed cornne l ntaryby RandyMamola and ChrisCarter 60 , minut s!romWhile StarlOuke Video. $24.95 e ('5279) Crash Kings Bikes 3 The most spectaaJIar ~ from the '96-97Grand Prix:. Exalilen film ' t Q .lily excel cc::mnentary - crazy crashes! 60mules from While ua , lenl rlDuke Video . $24.95 Sta ('111) FTPI An elClreme streelbike videofrom Startxlyz Producboos in Akron Ohlo. . Features some 01 the most llegal and insane ridilg ever 00ne on pobIic roads. lots of 90M wheeies and more Expec:I a sequel it these guysare PH . tion fl1)8d Video . everreleased on proba . NottorrrW1ofs. 60mr1lJlesfrom 1 $24.95 ('1 00) Las Vegas Extremes RemertDer the insance sportbike antJc:s I'ltI"OliJCed in FTP? Now we lake it wayout west. n Las Vegas Extremes. a wtI06e messa illegal & hlg1Iy dangeroustricks periormec:I by 3 insane guysin llf8aS such as freeways, CClll)U\ roads. andevendown the famousLas Vegas~ . Na lor the poIillcaIty COfr8ct 01'safety cooscious. 40rrftJIes from XFaaor. $29.95 (111 2) Whitham's Wicked SUperbikes Delnilely na lor primetime 01'easiyoffended audiences (profanlly & partial . Carl Fogany and Teny Ryn-o< on"""'" am ~ _ the races !hal made their careers. Alsoincludes McEna. MetlteI, Pil'Ollano, earty WSBfootage. and WhlIham tOng PBl8sl: bIkeS alOlJld$nenerton & Donington 45rrinutesfromIrTllBd VIdeo $29 . .95 """'Y)..Jamie_ . ('113) Pulp Friction 1 EngIa"", Theboys""'" Fasl I>kes.... gazlne IIog '" 5B6R. 996S PS. 9168P.ZX7 and other;prodlad in '97. Containspolitically inc:omlcl ·A sportbike scenes, not lor manors. 60minut s lrom tl'TlPBct Video $29 e . .95 ('1 13A) Pulp Friction 2 Featu the T595, 916SPS, Ftre res Blade, GSX- andothe riddefIin the R rs, mos disrespectful waysby !he Fast BikesMagazme crew. Produced Ifl '98 l 60minut s from lmpad Video. $29.95 e (1114) MegaTest The shoo toutfrom the guy whoshould beshol TheFast Bikes Magazine s edrtors put the '98 ZX9. Fire BJade. andR1 hea to head. 60minut s fro d e m ImpactVideo $29 . .95 (#5552) The UltimateRide Thrill-seekers onlyneedapplyas westrap youintoover20 unlorgellable ridesinduding theToma roIercoaster GPbike. parachu etc. 60 mino" l , te. .95 ules lromWhie StarJDuke Video. $34 l ('5556) Ultimate Ride 2 ThIrty explosive rides Ihat will lake yourbreathaway Nemes roHercoaster. ! is Europe bestaerobatics learns. Isleof Man TT, IceKarting, Hot Rods& 's more Hold on! 72minutes from'Nhite StarJOuke Video. $34.95 . (I76A) Crash Impact II Over100crashes & speClaclJlar mishapsin a doz encalagoOes 01 motor· sports . 55minutes !romPowersportS Video . $24.95 (' 107)Bom 1 Ride 0 On the movelor a yea director Rick Dobson captured !tie season in sleds. r. MaJ9SbC panoramas of Ala ska.British Columbia, Wyoming, Montanaand Sou Dak showthe best01 ~ riding. Includes outstanding th ota cx:fflpeblion action wfSnocross. h~lclimb andfreeriding 87 minutes (Directors CUI) from X·Factor. $29.95 ' SPEEDWAY (1I45J) 1999US Speedway NationalChampionship The 31sl;wwl ruming 01 ~ event was the wildestin years as 20of Amerr.a·sbest speedway riders came 10 the OCFaJrgromdsin CostaMesa tor hs onernghl. wnner take at war. Bruce Aanders and Terry'ke" Clanton caB !he acliolllrom the famous bulMg. 60 l'lWIIJIes from RAZ Video . $29 .95 (I46 B) '99 AMAlFtM Speedway World Qualifier T havea shoI: at the Wend ~, youhave10quality4thor better. o Do they racefey it? You bet! America's 16best are represenlecl at Attlum. CA to detemine who wiI repment the USAin the WorldAnals. IrdJdes aneXClbng HoIRodshow&egment and is dedicalecl to the NM's late BiI Boyce. 60 rrWxJt:es fromRAZVdeo. 529.95 ('47)1999AMASpeedway Nationals Heldat lhe beautIful Album. CAFairgrounds in Odober '99 to det rmne the e AfAANabonal Speedway Champon. AI ' " lDp nde~ incWng W,,", ChafTllions GregHancockandBily Hamill are here lot ltlis one. Host d by e Bruce Flande Mike Rooney, and How1e Zec:hner. 60mn.rtes fromRAZ rs. VIdeO. 529 .95 • : (#5950) Champion: Barry Briggs : Acareer prohle 01 legendary Bntish wandcharrpion speedway racer Barry Bnggs. 75minutes fromWhie $ta"OukeVideo. $34.95 l : : : : • VIDEO MAGAZINES (#160) MXVM.l MXVM (Motocross Video Magazine) is a qua r1erlyvdeo magazine thai chronicles the leles! happenings In MX and Freestyle MX scenes. MXVM ' 1 fea tures the '99 World Mini GP GlenHelen MX Nali nal SethEnslow's . o . C . llro record LasVegas iump, P'N $uri Challenge BigAirContes m France. utes from X-Facto $19.95 r. anda T echTip ongeari g. 30 min n ('16 0A) MXVM #2 Rider ProlilesonJimmy Bon & RonnieFaiss fealuresfromthe'99 on t Warped T , Summercross, X.(3ames, LAAirAssault, King 01 DirtBMX our Finals, GravityGames, and -Comenng T echniqueswlEmest Fonseca. 40 o rr'Mnutes from X·Factor. $19 .95 (' 1495) Wo ~d 's Fastest Bikes England's Mot r Cycle Newsand Duke got together 5 01 the worId's fastest o pr'lX1Jction bikes, and proceeded to take !tlem to !heir IirTIts on !he Isle 01 ManWIth a Ql'Ol;I 01 t:istingwshed nde 65 lTllJlutes from While $tarlDuke rs. Video. $29.95 ... ... ... ...... ... .••.•••••••••... ... ..... ..•.••• •••••••••••••.••..... ......•.•.•••••••••••••••.•.•................•..•.••••••••••••••••••••••......... ... ......•..•...•.•••..•.•• ••

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