Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

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A MA/EA S P Or'tS S upe r cro s s Series Round 1 5: R o ute 66 Rac eway Ward , Suzuk i ' s D am on Huffman, h im u n t il V ega s , but h e w on t oda y Carm icha el , V o s s and M oto XXX 's a n d tha t ' s okay ." " I got t ight in the middle part of Kyl e L ewis. McGrath di d a small one -handed th e race ," said Windham , " b u t I k in d cl ic ker o ver t h e f i n i sh - li n e jump , of started loosening b a c k up in th e th en ro d e straight b y th e a n nounc - la ter pa rts .. .I' d like t o congratulate ers t o his m other, father , s iste r and Jeremy on h is seventh cham pi - g irl fr ie n d , Kim , wi th w h o m he cele - o n ship , and I' m j u st looking forward b r ated bri efl y b e f o r e sa ying , "My to the outdoors ." fam il y 's b e en b eh ind m e all t h e Route 66 Raceway Joliet. Illinois Resu lts : April 29, 2000 IRound 15 of 16! way . Kim ' s bee n with me f o r th e last two y e a r s . I have a great mom and fam il y , and they've done a great job ra ising m e . , try to b e m el lo w . As soon a s I l eave the track , I'm not a r id er no more; I'm just a r e g u la r p erson . " " I just rode smooth and rode good line s , a nd I wa s catchin g everybody ," said Vu illem in . " E v e ry th ing was good , b ut .J er em y w on . M y g oal was to h old eN HEAT 1 ( 8 lap s , 1·4 tra n s f er ) : I . Da vi d Vuil1em in (YlIIm); 2. Sebastien Tort elli (Hon); 3. Mike Lekocco (Hon ): 4 . Isaiah Johnson (Hon) ; 5. J ames Povoln y Jr. (Hon) ; 6. Ryan Terl eck i (KTM) ; 7. Matt Shue (Sw); 8. Ja son McCormick (Han ): 9. Thoma s Hofmaster ( Hen) : 10. Ja son Fink (Yam) ; I t. Todd Downs ( Hon) : 12 . J on Hed den ( KTM): i 3 . Nic k Walsh (Hon); 14. Ala n Ange lopulos (Kaw); 15. Adam Martin ( Hus ) ; 16. Barry Ca rsten (Sua ): 17. Brian Sto ne (Ka w); 18 . Michtle l Koc h (Yam ) ; 19 . J am es Evans (Yam) ; 20, Dennis Owens (Kaw) . Winner' s Tim e: 9 m in.• 47 .460 sec. H EAT 2 (8 lap s , 1-4 tran s f er ) : I . J er em y McGrath (Yam) ; 2. Ricky Carmicha el (K aw); 3. Kevin Wind ham ( Hon ); 4 . Heath Vos s (Hon ); 5. Dam on T hat headline m ay sound like a lun ch m eat, but it actually describes the winn er of the first qualifying semi race. A nd while J am es Povoln y Jr. wasn't the on ly rider chilly in the Illinois wind, he may have been m ore acc ustom ed to the frigid cli m ate , as his Mi nnesota . hom e is no stranger t o cold temperatures . To win, Povolny had to pass early leader Th omas Hofmaster, then hold off a battling duo of A .M. Leonard's Ryan Terl eck i and Planet Honda 's Jas on McCormick, who finished second and thi rd, respectively . Cycle Specialty's Br ian Stone and F&S -back ed Matt Shu e also qua lifi ed via thi s sem i. "It's about ti me I got out there and won a semi," said the Dr. MedskerfTom Morgan Raeing/DGY/1hor/FMFjElf/ Gaeme-sponsored Povolny following his premi er victory . "I' ve been getti ng some seconds and thirds, and it feels good to finally win one." M or e accu stomed to sem i wins is Dam on Huffman, th e victor in the second semi. The Team Suzuk i rider holesho t, but was passed by Chevy Tru c ks Kaw asak i' s Larry Ward. whom he m oved back by in a tum at the m idway point . Ward held on for second , followed by Moto XXX 's Kyl e Lewis, Plan o Honda's Grayson Goodman and St. Loui s Powersports' Pedro Gonzal ez. "I got a good start in the heat race , too, but I th ink I held m y breath a li ttle bit and started pumping up," said Huffman. "I breath ed a littl e bett er that time." Th e earlier race Huffman referr ed to was the second heat , whi ch had been a highspeed affa ir that Mazda/Chaparr al Yamaha's J eremy McGr ath had dominated after a brief challenge by Chevy Tru cks Kawasaki's Ric k y Carmich ael. Carmichael barely held off a pesky Kevin Windham of Team Honda after a race- long battle, and Great Lakes Av iation 's Heath Voss was the last rider to qualify from th at heat. "I mad e k ind of a sneaky move on [Carm ichael] and got by ," said McGr ath . "Th en it seem ed li ke he k ind of had his hands full with Windham, and I had a free track." Winning the first heat - but at a pace nearly nine seco nds slower - had been Team Yama ha 's David Vuill em in, who worked his way up fro m a fou rth- place start. Vuill em in passed fellow Frenchman Sebastien To rte ll i for the lead on the third lap , and the Team Honda rider held off Amsoil /Competiti on A ccessor ies/Jack in the Box/Factory Connec tion Hond a' s Mike laRocco for second. Finishing a distant fourth was Planet Hond a's Isaiah John son . Th e Last Chance Q ualifier transferred Nic hols on Yam aha's J immy Wil son and Linem an Cycl es' Ja son Thomas . James Povolny Jr. got his first-ever semi race w in . 8 MAY 1 0, 2000' eye I e n e vv s Huffmen (SUl ) ; 6 . Ja son Thomas (v ern) : 7 . Kyl~ Lewi s (SUl): 8 . Grayson Goodman (Hon ): 9 . Larry Ward (Kaw) : 10. Pedro Gonzelez (Kaw): 11. J ason Frenette (Yam) ; 12. Jeff Hedden (Kaw ); 13. Jimmy Wilson (Yam) : 14. M i k~ Katin J r. (Kaw ); 15. Vincent Kamow (SUl ): 16. Zeb A rm strong (Yam) ; 17 . Ashley Harrier (KTM ); 18. Donald Baker (Hon); 19 . Austin Reubs (Hon) ; 20 . Matthieu Smith (Kaw ). Wi nn~r' s lime: 9 m in .. 38 .520 sec. SEMI I (6 laps, 1-5 transf er): I. J ames Povol ny J r . ( Hon ); 2. Ry an Terlecki (KTM) ; 3 . Jason McCorm ic k (Hon ); 4 . Bria n Stone (KllIw) ; 5. Mllitt Shue (Suz): 6 . Barry C• rsten (Suz): 7. Tod d Downs (Hen) ; 8. JllIson Fink (YllIm); 9. Michael Koch (Yam) ; 10. J on Hedden ( KT M) ; 1 1. Thomes Hofm a ster (Han) ; 12. Nick Walsh (Hon) ; 13. Al an Angelopulos (Ka w); 14 . Adam Marti n {Hus) : 15. Ja mes Ev an s (Yam) ; 16 . Dennis Owens (Kaw) . Winner 's lime: 7 min ., 52.40 0 sec. SEM.I 2 ( 6 laps , 1·5 transfer ) : I . Dam on Huffman (Suz) : 2. Larry Ward (Kaw) ; 3. Kyl e Lewis ( Su z) ; 4. Gra y son Goodman ( Ho n); 5. Pedro Goruelez (Kaw) ; 6 . Ja son Thom as (Yam) ; 7 . Ja son Fren ett e (Yam); 8 . Mike Katin Jr. (Kaw); 9 . Vincent Kern ow (Suz); 10 . Matthieu Sm ith (Kaw); 11. Zeb Arm st ron g ( Yam) ; 12 . Dona ld Bak er ( Hon ); 13 . Ashl~y Harrier (KTM) ; 14. J immy Wilson (Yam) ; IS. J~ff Redden (Kaw ); 16. A ustin Raubs (Hon). Winner's TIme : 7 min.• 28 .440 sec. LCQ (6 laps, 1·2 transfer): I . J im m y Wils on ( Yam ): 2 . Jason Th omas (Ya m) ; 3 . Je ff Hedden (Kaw); 4. Barry Carsten (SUl ); 5. Todd Down s (Hon) ; 6 . T homas Ho fm a st er ( Hon); 7 . Ma tt hie u Smi t h ( Kaw); 8 . Vi n ce nt Ka rno w (S uz ); 9 . Ja son Fin k (Ya m) : Mike Kati n Jr . (Kaw); 1 t. Michael Koc h (YlII m ); 12 . Jon Hedden (KTM ); 13. Ashley Har rie r (KTM) ; 14 . Adam Martin (Hus); 15 . Dona ld Beker to. (Hon) ; 16. Nick Walsh (Hon); 17. Alan Angelopulos (Kaw) ; 18. J ason Frenette (Yam) ; 19. James Ev ans (Yam ); 20 . Zeb Armstrong (Yam) ; 2 1. Austin Reubs (Hon ); 22 . Dennis Owens (Kaw ). Winner's lime: 7 m in.• 57 .3.50 sec. MAIN EVENT (2 0 laps ): 1. Jeremy McGreth (Yam) ; 2. David Vuillem in (Yam) ; 3. Kevin Windham (Hon ) ; 4 . Mike laRocco (Hon); 5. Sebastien Tort elli (Ho n) ; 6. Larr y Wa rd (Ka w); 7. Dam on Hu ffman (Suz) ; 8 . Rick y Car michae l ( Kaw) ; 9 . Heat h Vo ss (Ha n) ; 10 . Kyl e Lewis (S uz) ; 11. Pedr o Go nzal ez (Ka w); 12. Ja son Thomes (Yem) ; 13. J ame s Povoln y Jr. (Han) ; 14. Ryan Terlecki (KTM); 15. Brian Stone (Kaw) ; 16. Grayson Goodman (Hon) ; 17. Matt Shue (Suz); 18 . J i m m y Wils on (Yam); 19 . Jason McCormick (Hon); 20. Isaiah J ohnson (Hon) . Winner's lime: 23 m in., 4 7 . ISO sec . Winner's Averag e Lap : I min ., 11.357 sec . Margin or VICtOry: 2.009 sec. AMA EA SPORTS SCIPERCROSS CHAMPIONSHiP SER I ES POINTS STAN DING S ( a ft er 15 of 16 rounds): 1. Jere my McGrlllth (347·/9 wins): 2. David Vuillerrun (319· / 4 wins) ; 3. Mik e Leeccec (280 ); 4 . Kevin Windha m (2 58/1 win ) ; 5 . Rick y Carmichael (24 7/1 win ); 6. Sebestlen Tortell l (228) ; 7 . Dam on Huffman ( 172): 8. J ohn Dowd ( 170) : 9. Lorry Word (1 63) : 10. Tun m y Ferry (107 ): II. Heath Voss (1 00); 12 . Gr eg Albertyn (92 ) : i3. Kyle Lew is (90 ) : 14. M ichae l Craig (74 ); 15 . .Jeson T hom as (6 8) ; 16 . Bro ck Sellards (66 ); 17. .Jeen -Sebesti en Roy (62); 18. Greg Schnell (50) : 19. Robb ie Reynard (48); 20 . Grayso n Goodm an (44 ). • posit ion clinc hed Upcoming Round Final Round - Las Vegas, Nevada, May 6 Wit h only two weekends off thus far and no br eak bef or e the AMA /Ch evy Truc ks Nat ional Motocross Series begins , time for out doo r testing has been in short supply , but with the Las Vegas finale now reduced to a formality by the fact tha t all th ree SX ti tles have now been decid ed, the teams are now focu sing their efforts on the ou tdoor circuit, Th at series promises to be a good one, with seemi ng parity and a field of rid ers that, for the m ost part, should be health y . In the 250cc ranks , defending cham p Greg Albertyn is mostly reco vered from hi s bro ken fem ur and is said to be im pressive in practi ce. How close is he to 100 percent? "Well, he looks good, and he did a lot of swim m ing whil e he was hurt, for hi s endurance ," says Suzuki's Ray Teth erton. Honda' s Ezra Lusk has also co me back fro m his shoul der injury, and is itch ing for th e outdoors competitio ns. "If it was up to him, he 'd be racing [Super cross] ," said Hond a's Chuck Miller. " But there 's no sense in goi ng out there and riski ng inj ury. He's hun gry ." Al so in the Hond a cam p, Kevin Windham seems to be bac k on trac k . and Seba stien Tortelli - a serious title co ntender last year - is riding well . Ov er at Chevy Tru ck s Kawasaki, the talk is of Ricky Carmich ael , who is said to be blazingly fast in outdoor testing (and who se dominant Dayt ona win co uld be an indicato r of outdoo r potent ial ). Larry Ward has overcome m ost of his nagging inj uries, and recentl y inju red Jo hn Dowd has been riding a m ountain bike despi t e his cracke d vertebra . He'll pro bably sit out Vegas and be ready for the Glen Helen MX opener. KTM thumper ace Shayn e King ha s opted to sit out the fin al two SX rounds in order to ride a 50 0cc GP and do some outdoo r testing . A s for Yamaha, wh ich ha s absolutely owned the indoo r rac ing, thing s look prett y good . Tru e, Chapa rral/Mazda's J erem y McGrath wil l be sitt ing out the series (with the exce ption of the opener), but Vui liemi n ju st seem s to get faster and faster (th ough the tracks wil l be unfam iliar to him) . In addition, Stra tagi c 3 's Jeff Em ig wi ll be making his iong-ant ici pated return. Th ere's a sim ilar co nj unc tio n of taie nt in the tiddler co rps, desp ite th e departure of Carmichael from the class . Runner-up last year was FMF Honda's Br ock Sellard s, and afte r a com me ndable, but ultimat ely disa ppo inti ng, SX series, he' ll be hun gry for redem ptio n. Yam aha of Tr oy showe d at Joliet that Stephan e Roncad a and Ern esto Fonseca are peaking (the form er with a titl e, the latte r with an overdue race win ), and Suzuki' s unpredictable Tr avis Pastrana is sure to kee p thi ngs exci ti ng. Ov er at Spli tFire/ Mazda / Pro Circui t Kawasak i, outdoor specialist Tallon Voh land - a title co ntender last year - is 100 percent , though his bosses aren 't letting him any where near a Supe rc ross track. An yone else? Well, ther e's a certa in 125cc World Cham pion by the nam e of Al essio Chiod i, who is in the Stat es pra ct icing with his Fast by Ferra ci Husqvama team in Penn syl van ia. Th e Ita lian will m ak e his po st -inju ry debut at Glen Helen, and although his wrist is sti ll less tha n perfect, his (admi tt edly subjective) boss Eraldo Ferraci say s, " He to ld m e that if he had [h is U.S.) bi ke in Europe last year, he would have lapped seco nd pla ce." K ev in Windham (141. Ricky Cannichael(41 a nd Da vid Vu llle m in (9 3 4 ) shou ld a ll be contenders for the Chevy Trucks 250cc National Motocross Championship.

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