Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In the seco nd m oto, Lechien led th e pack around turn on e and left th e racing to th e Intermediates. Th is time it was Meyers in front, and he wa s ab le to ho ld off Tupa throughout the eight-lap event. Dustin Watson appears to have healed from his shoulder injury. In his first race back. Watson took the win, over Richard Albach. For most of the rac e, A lbach held th e lead, but Watson chased him down . The two went into a left-hander, with Watson inside. The two got their elbows tang led and Albach went down, finis hing sixth . In the following rac e, A lbach stay ed ahead all the way , but Watson fini shed a clos e sec - ond. giving him the overa ll. Jacob Elso n too k repe at wins in the 250cc Beg inn er class. In moto one, 25 ri de rs lined up , but Elson pulled away on la p one . In the second moto , Elson a ppeared to be headed fo r victory wh en he dro pped his Hon da on the first lap . He was ab le to get back up in 10th plac e , a nd he the n us ed the rem a ining four laps to pass his way back to the front, moving int o fi rst o n the last lap . J ames Mille r won both t he 125cc Beg inn er motos. Chr is Sam pso n sna red the hol eshot in the fi rst rac e, bu t M ill er took o ver. befor e the fir st lap ended . In the follow in g moto, Du stin McN eil led the pack of 18 into tum one. Th is time Miller m ade th e final pa ss o n lap two. Sup erm ini action belonged to Michael Hall, wh o took repeat w ins in the class aft er first fending off Trevor Reis in m oto one and th en Colt Hub bs in th e fo llo wing round. Au stin Ballard fini shed seco nd after hi s 4 -3 effo rt. Dak ota Gam er dominated the Pee Wee (7-8) Modified class with repeat wins. Gamer came back later in the Stoc k div ision but could only muster up fourth overall after placing second in m oto one to Christopher Lounsbury: the follow- ,-- - - - ------------ - - - - - - -- - --------,;;: 125 BEG: I. Jcmes Miller (Hon): 2. Quis Sampson (Kalil): 3 . Paul John!lOn (Y ): 4. Dvsbn ,N\c~ il (Suz); 5. Sco-an Cal (Y am am). 125 NOV: I. David Mt-yCl .~ (Han) . VET 40. BEG: l. Kirk Chapman (Kaw); 2. Mike Thortm (Hon) : 3. ...Iohn R~n (Yam); 4. ~ft Gokien (Hon); 5. Jay UJumII: -c " in ~ . a :I: ri d ers took tu rns at the lead bef ore SYD ' s Tomm y Martin co uld nail down the winning 2-1 score . Michael Crane won th e first m oto, but a crash in moto two held him to a seventh -pla ce finish and fou rth overall. Ashley Epp s and J ohn Lundy tra ded blo ws all day and eventually settle d o n a p oint s tie, with Epps' 4 -2 fi nishes earn ing the silve r ov er Lund y's 3 -3 scor e. Mar t in retu rned to win th e Ov er 25 cla ss, a nd Lundy came back for th e Ov er 35 win . Richa rd Burdett snared the holesh ot i n both 250cc D m otos, but J am es Burke was firs t at th e checkers both ti mes fo r th e class win . over Bran don Fos key. Fl orida 's Col ton Maynard took a convincing win in the ope ning 60cc (7-9) m oto but was unabl e to finish the seco nd m ot o. Ashley Vic k ery of Valdosta, Georgia. moved up to cl aim the victory over South Carolina's Luke Griffis. Collen Cro sb y won the 50ce ( 4 -6) cla ss ov er Ma son Jones, w ith each takin g a m ot o win . Marc Cox cla im ed thi rd in a points t ie over Rio Barnhart. Barnhart returned to win both motos in the 50ec Shaft Drive division aft er top co ntende r Christo pher Picon e went off course at the start of m oto one. T yl er Piper wa s runner -up, ove r J osh Atkinso n. R es u lt s Echeconnee MX: Tommy M artin (3) m o ve d up t o w in b ot h Over 30 motos, w h il e A s h ley Epps (28 ) ed ged John Lundy (99) for the silver at t he open in g round o f the Georg ia Sp ri ng Series in Roberta. ing mo to again bel onged to Lou nsbury, whil e Gamer slipped to fifth . Dylan Schmoke had a 32 outing, which earned him second overall. R es u lt s INTROTO MX: I . Kor~y RoblnSOf'l (Hon); 2. John Corr (Kaw); 3. Kyle D\l1Vt1 (K_); 4. Joh n Pa~ (Yam); 5. B.J. Warren (Y . am) PfW Frr 0 · 1: I. Dani

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