Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2_ "0' I'" "", I"" AlrlOal Motocross/Supercross Video Game Shoot out B y STEVE C o x o u t w hi ch o ne s up pl i es the mos t ith a ll the newfound interest in 7 V mo t o c r o s s and Su percross video g ames, and m anufacturers pro ducing one ti t le after a nother, we at Cycl e New s d ec id ed that w e sho u ld take th e top ava ilable titles and fig ure gaming r ealism an d pla y ability , and is th e m o st true to t h e sport. A nd this i s so m e serious stuff. Some of the m anufa ctu r e rs did th e i r homework , and so me didn't. In this article, we 'll help you fig u re ou t wh ich ga me is th e o n e fo r you . W Realism Playability Controls Tracks Graphics Sound Effects Track Editor Cheat Codes Format Tested Formats Availa ble ''C d( ~ ~ ~ 'C( ~~ -Cd ~~ ~ '(-CC 'C Realism Playability Cont rols Track s Graphics Sound Effects Track Editor Cheat Codes Forma t Tested Formats Available {, c * i " :ctc ~( ~( * ~ -:t-c ~-CC-CC i ~-CC-CC 'C ~-cc-cc -cc-cc~ -cc-cc-cc ~'( "Cd( .(~ 'C ctr* Yes Nintendo 64 Sony PlayStation, Nintendo 64, PC Bottom Line: This is the game yo u want to bu yl f yo u only own a Nintendo 64 or PC sys tem . Acclaim did a reali y good job wi t h this one. Afte r 'J erem y McGr ath Supe rcross '98 , I was a little ske ptical about th is one. I d idn ' t like Sup ercross '98 m uch , b ut Superc ross 2000 is very enterta ining . They ev en have a cl utch but- - -:(~~-C(-C( -c( ~h,( 'C Yes Sony PlayStation Sony PlayStation t on so 'y o u can engage and disengage th e cl utch w h il e r i d i ng . The tracks are okay but not great , and t he pl aya b i lity is r ig ht up t here with th e big boys. Th ey g o t all t h e No F ea r Bottom Line: Now here is a Supercross game! I absolutely love this game. You start with enough money for one bike (a 125) and you start racing on the amateur motocross circuit. Th e only bum- team riders on it , too . .I won- mer is you can't ride a Suzuki, but all the manufacturers who are in the game are represented soundly. KTMs look like KTMs, Hondas look like Hondas, etc. You can even pick your riding gear (cl oth ing and boots) and helm et paintjob. You graduate from the 125cc Amateur class to 125cc West Supercross Series. Once you win that championship, it's off to the Nationa ls. Every track is well -represented , and th e bik es handl e li k e real bikes. You don't get the "arcade" kind of der how they pu lled that off? I think th at A ccl aim 's MX gam es wi ll only get better fro m her e. Wha t's next? Tra vis Pastrana 's Freestyl e Motocross? airtime ' on this game, either; it's very true-to-life, Aft er the 125cc Nationals, you can buy yourself a 250. Then you hit the Sup ercro ss ci rcu it , foli owed by th e 989 S-IIIIIIIIii~ National circuit once again. You can even have everyone from FMF to Pro Circuit to White BrothDOllS ers (if you're riding the YZ400) modify your engine or suspension (Factory Connection can supply suspension mods as well). Probably the best thing about this game is the fact that you can ride from a first-person point of view. N I you see is handlebars and front fender. It's the most realistic motocross/Supercross game I've ever seen. Th e only way you could make this game more realistic is if you wash your mouth out with dirt first. I can't wait until the PlayStation 2 version comes outl None Yes Sony PlayStation Sony PlayStation -cc ~ '(. (~ ' ~( "'£ ~(--::( -:( -CC"C( Yes Sony PlayStation Sony PlayStation, Nint endo 64 Bottom Line: I was reali y excited when I heard that EA Sport s was putti ng out a Supercross gam e based on the act ual ser ies. I got eve n more excited when I heard that EA Sports was goi ng to becom e the title spo nsor for the AMA Supercr oss Series . Then I got my hands on th e gam e, plugg ed it into m y PlayStation and ali t he excitement t urne d to d isappoi ntm ent within one hour. Th ere abso lute ly couldn't hav e been mu ch R&D put into th is vi d eo ga me . Th e sound effects ar e ske t ch y , t h e g ra phi cs stink , a n d th e r eali sm i s t otally awful. I'd honest ly r at her play th e orig i nal Ex citebik e . Your bik e will never turn when you wan t it to , th e tracks ar e h ig hl y unimag inative , the b ikes all look the same ex cept the co lor, and even with all t he problems with the game, it' s way too easy . I guess EA Sports is relyi ng on th e loyalty of the fans and the consta nt co mmercials at the rac es t o sell t he ir game . Th ey can 'I be relying on th e co nte nt of the game . MAY 10. 2000' "C( '(.,('C 'C('(.,(-CC "Cn d( .' "C( 'C "C("Cd( "C('(.(1. , ~{ Realism Playability Controls Tracks Graphics Sound Effects Track Edit or Cheat Codes Format Tested Formats Available 48 Realism Playability Controls Tracks Graphics Sound Effects Track Edito r Cheat Codes Format Tested Formats Available cue I e n e VIl' s m ot o c r o s s ga m es t o c hoose from : Mi c r o soft' s M ot o cr os s M adn ess '2 a nd N i ntendo ' s E xcitebik e 64 . lawn ga m e . E x c it eb ik e 64 co u ld b e g rea t , a n d it c o ul d b e co rny . N o o ne will k now u nt il it comes o ut . Th e b otto m lin e is, if you w ant the th e first M o tocross ~adnes s , and it's a heck o f a lot o f fu n . Th e bikes , rid e rs an d p rotectiv e gea r a re generi c, bu t it 's a k ick in th e pants. Th e best thin g ab out M oto c ross M adne ss i s be st Supercross v ideo game on th e market, you w a nt 9 8 9 Sport s Super. c ross Se r ies. They ' v e c a p t u r ed th e e sse nce o f m o t o c r os s and Sup e rc ro ss from t h e rid er's point of view. the tra c k -d esi gn f e atu r e ; I 'm sure So sniff some rac e fu el , garg le some t h a t it w ill be even better th is t i m e a ro und. Moto cross Madness 2 is even g o ing to feature rea l bi k e s and gea r. L o o k for b ig th in g s fro m t hi s because that's the on ly way you can ge t a m ore comp lete racing ex peri ence t ha n this ga me offe rs al one . eN Soo n t h e r e will b e two m or e d ir t a nd g rab your con trolle r,

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