Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1999 W d SuperbikeSeries Review· 1999 Bike GP 500 series Review orl Champion: Carl F098rty• BartD Bar - '99 Supercross series R eview Crosty 2000 - The &letal Millennium ' WrathcilJJd 1999 Indoor World TrialsChampionship ' 1999 World Trials Serres Review 1999 US Speedway National C hampionship ' 1999 AJIA/FIM S peedway World Q ualifie r 1999 AlIA Speedway NaJionals • 2Stroke Cold SmoIce: 2 Born tD R Slednecks YlK' MXVlI (#land12) ide· World'sFastesf Bikes '1999 European StuntRiding Championship Us Vegas ExIremes • GBI)' Bailey/IX Videos ISLEof MAN n ROAD RAC G IN TOURING/ROAD RIDING/CRUISING so Years 01 Dayton a ('85) Gary Rothwell : Showtime G.yRo1l'lwelI::n"9S)IOUh ~ sIlnll~m1hs"olloll" ('1722) 1998 Bike GP 500 Seri es Review ('1070) History of the Isle of Man TT ('1 06A) ReIiwlIlevery eesr oIltle '98 Ft.C WallO ~ 500GP season in hs o/fJciaI. J. hOur tIVI8W Features II of lhl lop actionon thetrack fromlh181r. and on !he . . b*es. !hili videocapturea til storyaI another legendary Doohan season, now the !I8COI'Id ITlCl5I succ:esshA GP racer ...... bItR! IlaiIn legend Giac:orro 4gosft 180 rTnItee from WI'IlIe SIa r.1)uq Vldao $34 . .95 A unqJll and deln1l't8 J..parl 'o'Id9o historyollhe world mosIllm:JusITlOtoltyCIe s riDS. speoaIy COITWTISSlOI'lE from D8Yld Wood. whOSI arctwe matenallS SIR'C)ty ~ Every Seniot race 1mner is I9atured and.... . action JoouiOI 110m lie very frrsI ra::es and1MtIY ..... tn:m 1920b 1996. A34ape eolIecIon 400.000anhJSl8StS descenOlld on Daytona tor the 199 50Ih8IWW8IS8l'J 01 EWte 1 W SM the "MartStreer & Haney SC8IlB from the biggest J88I ever. 60 rlDIIts 99k. lb'I.IfS SIOPllI8S andrQDS Rolt'MI'I . l Ool PH"Sk Record M skOrq behi'ld!he tIN on• Jeel. "you'Ve lMM'teen i" RolhweI petIorm, 1hIS 15 a "1nuSHIave" taPe. 30 rTIIlUles Irom X.f1Ctor $29,95 prtX1J:ed by Panacom from ProgrnsiYeDes9'l. 5ZUS ('87) Team X-Treem: Vol. 1 Todd & lori Colbert ('1723) 1999 Bike GP 500 Series Review When reigning chaf11)ion Mlck OooIlan crashed earty in fill season, ~ looIIed like all the GP Seoes' eJ:Cl1emen1 WIIIJOl"Ill ' but it slllllUmed OUI lo be one01 the bestseesonsil years asAlBK CnWle rosa to the klPand Amencan )'OlI'l9SIer Kenny Robens chaIengIcltlYwJhOUl. 180mrltI1estram'NtIIeStartTJuke VIdeo. $34 .95 ('1704) 1998 World Superb ike Series Review Three IlOurs of aetIOIl andseason tughlights on endcnue track The basi 01 the rae- mg equlpmElnl, pe!'SOrllllllies andIracksthroughoul the season when Ducali's Kmg . CanFoga 0f\C8 againle9"OO supreme 180 mlnu trom WhIle Slar!Duke Video rty , les 534 .95 (#1800) 1999 World Superbik e Series Review fNfJfY ntwl WlIctl8nsh lor yeers10eeee. (Part 1; The E8lt1 Years 1907·39;P8I1 Z: The~Y8al11947-76, Part3: FromStrangth klSIt'Inglh 19n--96) 216 . nwlUl8s lObI, from'Mlde StartOuke Video 569 . .95 ('1 097) 1948 Isle of Man TT Probably !he Ilrst10M n filmproWcadalief WWII. lhls I'1lC8rlIly I2!lcoYet8d lim won All awardbItS enl!klsl8stl:pnxkIcerSam Coles. There 1$ nO $OU'ld otheI\till IhI rnJormed ecmmentary 01 Graham Walker. Features al the pre-ace actM\J8S rl\1JI up r 10!hi warmupandGrand Parade, 36 mmu1es fromWllile StarlOuke Video $34.95 . (' 1055) Golden Mou ntain Twomemorable Haiwood years on onevideo 1961 W Sa wonderful record 01hIS l . I slUnnmgIT Jubilee Year debut 1llI 1963 Sernor n castHailwood YS. H artle & Read inthe lastglorydays of NOI1on. Matehless, AJS 52 minutes from WhileStariDulc.e ... Video $34 .95 WIdeo .PacIled..tll tw,1HPeed (1213) The Roads at Colorad o AclJ8l boIIQI at seIecIed roads andpoIlls IIInteresl h'olqlOUl CotorIOO. ThIs VIdeo ma kesan Idll8I tooltor anyone ~ a mo1llftydB \11l1tlrol9llhe Rodaes 90 rTlIIMes!romLAt.4 Procb::1ton5 . 529. 5 9 ElIClJsMt IllotqI Jealunr'og T CoIlerts daTlfllil ~ b!Jm..oIAs. PMII"IIl'JIIlulQl " .Lori ColleI1. 1tle!lrll pavetIWlC SIo9r " Ihe world. Holdonto 'fW hBnlIebars lor 1hIs~1Ilia, Iw;11INFlJY motorcycle stun1peltorman::e 30 lTW'llles fromX-Factor. $29.95 . (#230) Ride America: Highway 1 (' 89) Craig Jones : What II Takes GaIrlon1l8's IegenciaIy H1!1'Way 1 ISS1iII one01\tie greal c:hlIIen9M lor IhIstreellidIng moIQICyCIlSt TIllsree takesyou!romee Golden GaleBna;pI ~ some 01 the most undeYeIoped anct Nsf pcll:U811d arll8S I! CabtomIa. RllIB 'fIIItrl jcomalis1 Charle8 E'I9n1I, WOfkI SpgectwIV ~ Bruc PenhaH and othIl1 tromSan e Francisco onnorttllhrougllltlelwisliesalongHlQhway 1. 60 IllInUle lrom Paler SIsI'l" s ProdUClIOllS. S2 5 4.9 Stnghl 0Ulla !he ('231) Ride Americ a: The Mill ion Dollar Highway The oIh9rside01 lhi5 magic moIon;yde lestival. from pubs1 bands, Slreet pa rtlllS, 0 sand racinQ, o.b meets, and loisrl'lClIe. 60 mrnules from 'MwleSta rJOukIl Video Expeneoce the wonder andb9autyofColorado', M illOn DoII8l' Hqlway in lhecoIortest season -golden aspen lre9s . bluesItiesandeIeanCrl5p SIr gfll8! you85)'OIl headnortll onlhe 130mileride lromDu rango toTenunde. JOin Elotlby Unser BrucePllI'IIlaR , . Mak:olm Smith. WaJty DalI9nbacIl andlnends as !hIV fide ava tyof Bt.4Ws thrtllJl'il ne theheart ol lt1tSanJuan Ulurtalns 60mmul8S Irool Pa Start PI'Ol1JclJons. S24.95 , lm Race 'fIII1h WayneGaIOOet as you CtOUCIl overthe handlebars at I 200Ir4'h Gland Pnll Honda in aetuaI raceCOtOlIOnS! 60msnutes. From Powe!Sports Video $34.95 . ....95 ('1763) Roule 66 ('5554) On-Bik e TT Experience (#1490) On-Bike GP Experienc e "AddicbVe-, "eK hilerallng", 1K1B1htakJng" . Justsome 01 Ihe reactions we'vehld 1 this 0 \UlIQU8 senes wtictllels you "nde"lhe tearsome 10 n cirtuil ona vanefy 01'9Os M IT\8CtWleIy. Featun'lS d:l & SItIeClIr footage, S1llreObike 5CUldS and 00llI' commen· tanl!lS. 85 rTnI18S!romWMe Star.-tluke VitIeo_ $34.95 Th ISnos taloiC program laKes I ~ alongAmenta·s beloved highway, !romCtIcago 1 lo s Angeles, e~smg 1M now '1lIddBn" A,merlCl thatmodem freewav nders never 0 see. Di5CCMIf wily thereis such grea interflSllnreslonng thtspiec1I 01 Afrencana t 1~ I'TW1IJlas 110m Wtute SlarDUte VIOIO. $24.95 I ('1293) Postcord trom Daytona (' 5559) On-Bike TT EXperience 2 Jowl the ITlIIIiM5 who make I'IS the lIrllIId"s biggest & mos1~ Bigeven big nOiSe, andpersonaml85 · llle WSChid all ltllee asCartFoga camls, rty h les e pwgnedhiSDucali1 anunprllC8denlod 41 World lltle t80 mmu lromWhil 0 StarlDu Vidllo 534.15 ka . ' ("1) Bike Experi ence Race WllhIhI baSInders a/ hi '92 GP season as the packgive Chese juS!ard'les awayfrom the camerlll' ~ scxms of GP bikes in aclion in U 518r8O, WI1ll rider Y'tlIaHMIB. 65 rnnu1eS!rom wtM1e SlarDukeVIdeo. $34.95 l ('1 576) On-B ike GP Experien ce 2 AI·achon ~bon at !he best 1990' on-tMke rtICOId&ngS ti1d upto !he llI:s1 GP at s '96.J~ Intohi ~ sealWIlh Ooohan. CnvIIe. CadaIora. Kocmlu RaIley, , Schwantt. e1c. Randy MamoIa's comrnenIaIy I,UdBsyouartU1d allhe tamous : CIICI.ItJ 75 IflnJIeS from 'M'IIII &ar1DukI VIdeo, 534,95 IS ('1537) On-Bike Nurburgrlng Experience A rarechance 1O"'ndI1" hs dernandng CItCUI& IeamhOw hi 8¢l8rt5 00 it, fhlw1 nt1B Mlh HemJl DaJ'nJ ontI'leIas1esI: 0IHIike lip oIlhe"Ring" _ I8COIded 55!TW'1Jt8S from Wl'llklSW,rA*t VIdeo $34 . .95 (' 1480) Best Bike GPs of the 8O 's 1h81101. Ih8 1 0 IS Re-M not;.s'" best KDon Ifom till also wwy best races sen & pn!OItIledbyhi IUIrshlmseI¥es: Rainey, ~, MMIg. HasAam. GarOOer. Pons, MamoIa. Lawson. Roberts and Sarron. 55 11'inU1es Ifom 'Nhde S1ariUukt Video $34 . .t5 ~ (' 1494) Rainey's Year: 1992 FascrI8trIgIfIS9Ils nIO Ihe llfOI1tr'IOs atI ~ GP 1lIiwn ashi ~ World Charrl!'s grutesl seasonurdt*Js undeIhI p:I8nCt aI Kenny Roberts. Ktlw themfrom l8StInlllo!he fNI w::klnOUS race 75 rmutes ItOrn WI'a1e StarD..*e Video. $34 . ! .95 (1296) Mad Sunday : The Fans' TT lJItt then in oYef an I'IOI.D" of ~ on-tlb and SIl:IeCaI ac1ion 1IO rTWlUIee !Tom White StarrDulle VidlIo, $34 .95 (' 5563) On-Bike IT Experience 3 The"",,_ rMtt looks Irom . . ndlIf's eyeviewartU1lllhe.,. cI man..~ ~ Ftann. lorhllirsI trnI, on-ICf'lMWllSa!lloggrlg Scary and taIy ~ ·_byotnell""Ylhe rsa roadlaCll . . nootllet. 89rrftJ1'8S n !romWhileStar1tlt.N Video $34 . .95 ('1 606) 1998 Isle of Man TT "BnMt1ieIfts"._ 0- 2 hauls 01 co.ngI anlIlnweIy. ThIS klI c:cMngIl w»o lakes youdown10load IIveI 'MIh.....,... CU'b-Cam stIOtS 10.,... youI ~~. u. IIImac:hr1eI COl"TWlliI at you.180 fTllh. Ofcourse iI abo comes dlal .. emlJ8S I t the streetparty 1-0 fIWIJIeS from 'M'IteStar.UUwVIdeO. S42.95 . . .95 Slat DukeVideo $34 ! GetJOlI" engines hredI4l 85you ~e !Ills season of spec1aetiar aclJon, Fmm Laguna Seca10CoIonldo spnngs10 the arl\illlllll round al Sears P OOl. Seeirlc:Iedtbit 1oof808of laet1 round as Ma Mladln MiguII 0liIameIaooDoug ChanlIer bat:ll t , lor 5l4lf9IMCY. AU1llI 8C1JOIl is httfe In ttusc:ompretlensive 1997review 48 n-.nutes .95 lromWhileSlarlDuke VKl8O. $34 ('5903) Champion: Kenny Roberts A profie ot the racing career01!heI9gendary Kenny Roberts 69 mln l ulesfromWl'ltle t .95 StarTJuke VIdeo. $34 ('1564) Fast Riding the Roberts Way • Aunique InslQt11Intolhe Kenny Roberts Training Camp In Barcelona. Spamwhere lie andRandy Ma mola disc ussthe ber.elils of paSSing thei experience on1 the r 0 scnoors pll1lC , 65ITInutes!rom WIllll S!lr!Duke VIdeO. $34,95 lpants (' 5904) Champion : Barry Sheene A prolIleoflhe racmg career of BnbshGP s18l' BarrySheeoe. 65rnnutes!rom WhIe l StariOuke Vdeo. $34.95 ('5932) Champion: Mick Doohan A proIIIIof the raangcareer IIIAust1aIIan GP sial"Ur.::!I Doohan 65mnaes !rom 'MIle SW~ 'hIeD. S34.95 ('5942) Champion : Carl Fogarty The ""..... VIdeo ~ of Bn!aln's l:Iggesl brkng hero, and the I1ICllI AmllI'an tanslovetohale, TakesyouIromtis IIIty ClrtIII" 10 his Iourth World~e crown 90 mftItes from Wt.IeSlal/Duke Video 519.95 ('5901) Champion: Geo" Duke ApnliIt 01 , . ~ cal8Bf a/ flelegendiWy Geoft D..M.e 59 mnJleS from WMe S1aI~ Video S3U5 INSTRUCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL ('1540) Cutting Edge Bikes FonnerracerMalOxley Iests IhI ~ GP madIIles of '94mcit.dIlgMd Ooot\an's 500cc HonDa. Biaw 's 2SOc:c AprN. and Sakata's 12SC:c tadofy Apn 72 lAa rTWIUles IromWhIe Star!Ouke Video $34 l .95 Call to Order Today! (714) 751-7433 9am-Spm PST Prices SUbject to change - please use current advertisement as your guide. Ca lifomi a re sidents add 7.25 % Sa les Tax All tapes listed are VHS, free of shipping& handling charges fromCycle News Products. Orders not accepted from outside the continental US. All ow 4-6 weeks fo r delivery. VINTAGE Cra ! Jones 'S ('5203) '99 European Stunt Riding Championship Fullhigh llgfllS from each roundwithaR!helamasti: stunls wheelies stowies. and . . smoking rearbros!he tans love 65mmutestrom 'Ntule Slarlt>uke VKIeo. $29.95 . ('130) Perlormance Bikes : Video Nasty Bmain', bl9Qest rno ton:ydem3Q1lZIf\tjgoes to video .,.,Ilh II Vllnely 01sick, stupid . Iunnyanddangerous ways 01tesllng!he lasteS!sporlbtkes on !he conbnen1. Features irdude viewets ClaSh videos. stun ler Gary RolhweM peffom'Mng onm ' lmas ~. IMIs aceJason FRI. group tests 01 900 and 600 supet!)lk8S, 1Ile'96 Frenzy 8'Y'9Ilt. and mont extreme superblke VItleelies andSIopples1IWlShOuld be alowersfied UediI. Clrtueb cams. 110 SU95 ness. oo:la1lon. bteall~sealWl9 IITlI penod n A proIiIe IlIIhe raoogcamel cl legendary PhlII React 70 rTWIu1eS from WhIle Slafrt/ulo,e VldIo $3(.95 ShOwed . . WOI1d II'I8t he wasrldeed oneIlIIhI bIs1 GrandNaIonal~ IIIIII trnI . 3Bmn.rtes from 018r EIrIb Prt!l1dons. 511.1 5 Gary RoItlweIIBnlIsh West CoastSt.r11 Gf~ COfl'l8S new sporttH/le ~ . lOp wortdSUll nd8r rankJnV 1'1undertwo years. Jones lIaS tlfClul1Il ~ controIlI'IlO a newcIlrntnslon. With~ footage, wildwheell8S. urbeIlevatlle 9toppIMandmuch more Jones is ~ a mas.. tarof power andpreci ion 30 rninulesfromX·Fac . $29 s . tor .95 Sl~er ('170) Sweet spot Video Ubrary Set So tape S91 01 ins~ sporbka pe1foImanceWdIos coY8IJ'Ig"Tracil nftMlS IrtIrn Wtw1e Slar1).ik.e VIdeo. $34.. 5 . 1 Haifwood 60 ITlIr'lU1eS Irom WtK1a SW,-f)uq VI08O, $34.95 ('183) Ricky Graham: The Career Year "Rd;y u IS • IrtlJ1erI one at the !J8iI8SI Grand NaDonIf motJrtydI rD'IQ . . . sana. . nt .. rMI'l whO I8MOIe cIr1 back i'O'IQ records. ~ 1993, ~ GtatwtI Profile:cl1hI109""" II AUA Grand NalIONlI 0r1TrackRaang. t.hnl !tll scenes IIIte ~ n:Its as tlllegenr1sMd hi I'C:IOk.oM takeIhWShot _1hI GNC. ProC.ced., '99. Jea1lJmg . . '98 season. Proc:eedI benefII til Dir1 Tradl Hal cI FIIfTlI 50 rnntIf8S from ChelBuf1l.s 1'rodI.dIona. Sl9,95 . ('1710 ) Sweet Spot Video : Perlormance System s ('5956) Champion: Phil Read A re'Il9W 01'" 1990C8meI Pro5enes~, as &::on P.- W1d Qlns ClfT llJeIed IIIyearlor IIle bile, 60 rrnJIeS!rom t.4lSl1nQ l.enkVlOeo. S34..95 "PweGte"·lhe long RrMw...~ & HaIam. FIsher & Long.lDqJeI • McGtftMm. O\nop and rJau'5IlI Jellenes were aTIOI'IgIhll speaaIIsts M10 blazed a trIi over Ihe ~ne roeds. eheenJd onby II'loustN Vkieo $34 . .95 """* 1'Ig. ~ SZlIlISand more' waIdI his Cowls:Oils & l'ucb (petrtlIeum 'IS. tlm-syn1Ilelit\'S . kjy syn1tle1l:. BngI08 c:IerimetIOl1 Y$XlISIfy, k.Cncabon & hl;nBpower. h8lII . . .. IdilJwes. btl OIls. s10raglt~); tu*lg ~ (....81' wrettll , chassis Ilbe ): cInve!lWl(chain S20'IS. 530COt'I'tIf$IOIl , ().mg YS, non ().ring, rMSI8I ink \OS rivet. chain I8IlSIOI'I adjustmenl.sprocQt$, bmka andckI1Ch 11IllI brake pads . blakef1l*h. roloB , IgMIon adVancer : satety wmng. Featured , ) eJ:PeftS lInl CIlll Sh9rtcx:k of AedL.neOi and.Ml Leona cI Vance & Hin9s 100 rtl ITW\rIts from Oi¥ersdlecl MedIa. 539.95 ('5260) Bike Havoc ('5274) Havoc 14 Over 20001 !hi moslrecenl crashes and W\P9OUlS!Tom!hi acadenl·packed work!01 MV AguSlas, Benelhs & !he Honda bad.on Ihel rac ot Europein '95W the ·6, ks llh menwho mlde !hemfamo A mal lrealfor !heeyesandears 70 minules trom us. ! lop class'9Osmolorsports & dlr1bike sports plus gemsfrom the arCfllvBS and thump. ing on-board 8CCldenl fOOlage 60 mrntil s lromWhie Star!Duke VIdoo, S24.V5 . e l W I SllrtTJ VK19o. $34.95 M uke (#5143) Crash Kings Bikes 150_oashes hom "'-'93 GP•. ka",, ""'9. US Sooo","",. loUn and desert racmg. 60 fTlnU19S!Tom WIlrte S1ar,l[)uke VIdeO. $24.95 (#5139) Crash Kings Bikes 2 Over l BO wipe-ou1 s nom'9OsGra Pnx. IC8 andThundertlke racing withWl1ty Ind nd l ('1602) TT Class ic Magic A nostalQIC celebt bon of claSSIC IT sigt1ls and sounds. IncIOOeS h9hlqlls 01 Molo a GUZZI'S75lhanniversarygaltl9 . lhe '96 ClassicPeraoo, VMCC raUIlIS club meets ring , andlJfIlQlJll on-c IaSSlC·b'.e camerafootage. 85mm ules from Whil Slar!Duke Video e . UU5 (' 1258) Class ic Superprix '89 JcNnSu1Bel, Taven. Iblllr & ~atlhllletgllStgathenngof ..-wotlcs GPb*es SlfUllh8 '505. INs. QIeIa. lhe ~ '39AJS V~ & Pon:uprie and lhe 0IVy rwnng ~ & Nooon Cosworth! 52 mioo1es Irool wtxteStarOJkevneo. 534.95 (' 1292) Daytona Classics '96: Return at the Legends Soak l4) lht lnQllB lIaYOt 01 thB big AHRMA MondBv al Day1Onllnlemallonlll Speedny WIIJ DIN WId G*n. BUW's BatIIe alb legIncls. SlJOUd onhe enn.n, on-bk.t Halleyb:lIa08 and mort . 60 rfWIJI9IS fromWhIle StariDn VicIeo. $34 .95 • ('8) Castrol History of Motorcycle Racing TlveHoUnesanes from lh8 David Wood arctwes aI wor1d-dass moloftyde road I3CI'lO- VoUne 1: HowIt AI Began & !he TTl62 nDIIISl: VoUne 2: 9lrIlIlIIhI GP & "" JapInest AmvaI (73 rl'Ql18S1 tima 3 The00w ~ & Pressue. : Uonfy and1he Need 10WI! (55 ~I. FromWI'IIll StwJUtQ VIiIo . 599 .95 • wekltormed com lary by Randy MamoIa andChn Carllll' 60 mnutes from men s VIM. SwIlM. v.... 12'.95 (' 5279) Crash Kings Bikes 3 Themost speaacular WIpe-OUl!i 110m !he '96-'97 Grand PnK EalBnlIilm qualify, ellCdenlcorrwnentary . crazycrashes! 60rnnJIes!romwtxte Star/Ouke Video 1203 5 (I l l l) FTPI AnIXlreme _ . . . VIdeo from Startlovz PrOl1L1Iln in Akron. 0Iwl. Ftel1nI lIOfTII al lhe mostlleoaJand mane ndIng I\1lf acne on P'dl: roeds. loll 0I9OUPH wtl8eIiIs andmort . Expec1 a 5eQU8I ~ theM!M'Sare MIl relea9Idon probation No! tor 1IWlln . 60 nwnutes from ~ Video $24.95 ('100) Las Vegas Enremes Here yourchance 10jon 08... RoperarOLI1Cllhe Islea/ Mann 0lCUd onI 's lolaicHIssG50 WIth aI!he dIssc sounds ard SI\1lts on hi big 3O!TIfUeS Rementler lhBII1SlWQsporbke &r1IICS IllI'olb:8:j II FJP? Now . . lake - dV W wesllll.&s VegasExlremes.. ... . messIIIiIegaI & ~ dfrlOetOuS II1cks per. Iormecl by 3 mane ~ ., areas sudlas lTeeways, canyon roads. and...... 00wn !he larTws!.As Vegas Stl1l. No! torhi pok1aIycomIt1 or safelyconsci:Ju&. -0 rnnAe$ from X.fadOf $29.95 . hom Slo<'OUuke Video. 534.15 e (#5552) The Ultimate Ride M OVIES (#138) Easy Rider Thisis !heclaSSIC youlh !llm al tha196(1's wtlch rell9cted!he al1ttUdes and longings l 01anenhre gener h a on Two motCWCVCllsts (PeterFondaandOenms HopperlBfTbrk FREE R IDING & CRASHES "",""'• ._ _ """",,, ,.."",I •• """""""'. 94m"" .. I"" Progr&SSive 0esIqn, 137 .95 (#139) The Wild One What'sJohmy I8beIlngagans(' "WhatI\aY8you gat," hi sneers IS an angry yeung MallonBlandosc:oteh8s!he SCJ8In irlltis powerU '50s Wt dassic. 19ITWlUtes !rom ProgressMl 08sIgn. $37.95 "'.95 Thn ll.see kersoniVneedapplyas westrapyouinlo ove 20unlOfgottable ridos r ndudI l do roIlEtn:oa GPbill ach 60 · t Irom Whli ~r/[=8~~~I$34.95 star , e, pal ule, elc mlOU B5 e (' 5556) Ultimate Ride 2 'M1.k."""'...... """Os'''''''''''''. nICe Th y....... """ .. " y, ('1 79A) Bike Wars Europe bes aerobatics leams. 11119 of Man 's l KarlflQ HOI Rods & more Hold l , l on 72rm1Ute1tromWtuteStar.lQukeVidllo. $34 .95 The ITlOSI ~ moments of maytlemIflctudIng Har1ey& ,~ . DIrtTracil. Isle 01 MatI. HIdlntl. B1ackwa1ef. ProMX and more. 60rnnules!romPowerspons oYer t OO cashes & spectactB II1lShaps III a lIcZen ClIl8goneS at IIDmpOtIS 55 Video $21 , .95 I'IInUI8s Irom ~ Video $24.95 . (176A) Crash Impact II - •••• •.••.•••.. .••• ••• ••.••.••• •••.•.•...... .....••.••...•••••.••• ••.•..•.••.•••••.. ............•••............ .... ... ..... .... ... ... ......... ••.•.••.. •.... ••..•......... ••.•••• ... ••

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