Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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1999 World ~ Series Review • 1999 Bike GP 50fl Series IlerIew
Champion: e.t FGgrrIy' S. to SIr· '99 SapIn:Iva Series RMw
ClIJI1y 2lJOO • !be IIeIaIlIIiIeMiIMn • WIIflIchiId
1999lndoGr IfGr1d Trills CIIaqlionship '1999 MriI Tillis Series .....-._
1999 US SpeedIrIJ NIIJotIII CIuItJpiomIip '1999 AIINFfI ~ II'cIrid
1999 MIA ~ NIfiDnIIs· ZSImIot Cold SIIaIII: Z
8Ilm III lilt· SlIIRcb 1'2l·11m1 /11-"1
'1. E/np8I5aIII1lI/IIJf asapi:a:olip
l.IIl'IgIs fIIIIIw· GIry
(1t2056) This Is Advanced Motorcycle Trials
: (1141) Legacy
• Join Aog8t DeCosler, Bob Hlmah,Jelf Ward and Rick Johnson IlS-IheyTBtnirlsal)
: about ... careers and epic bellies as ItZs Dn lhreads lis way It1touc1'Out Ihe 8'o'OIu• lion 01 motocross from it'l fOOII ~ the early 7'O's 10 !he star-sllJclded 90'9_ No bUB
• : moklcm5$lan should bI withouIlhI video. 70 nDrles from X.faaor. $34.95
: (17) The Evolution of Motocross
• ltom Gary Ser1'ics Video. $42.95
: AogElr DeCosIet dissects !IOtn8 Dlthe grBalest MX ballles: Axloo '00 wlCooper vs.
• K'19llrl:rw9ki; BuMs CnleIl; '90 wlSlanloo '1$. Ward; WI. Monts '91 wlStanlOn V9
: ~ Mlville '9\ wratadshaw 'IS. Bayle; Washougal '92 wlSwink 'IS. Emig.
• AdcJlionaI"HoI Shots"lo::uI on IIctnques fell' sta1ts, pessang and SlllTIII spectacular
: crashes. NalTlllion by lany Maiers; 60 lTinutes from ~lls Vdeo. m95
: ('162B) '91 AMA Nat'l MX season Review
: Follow the 18 slops on Ihe 1991 AMA Nalional MX Series as Mike KilKfrowski duels
• with Goy Cooper for the .1 piela tille honors; 250cc and 500cc acllon follow !he (!(lm.
: lnance 01 J.M. Ba~1e over S1anlon. Ward. and BradShaw. .AWrolt 2 hOllIS (2-1aP8
.. pacilagej from Powerspons Video. $42.95
: (#162C) '92 AMA Nan MX Season Review
: The dellnitive video review DIllie 1992 AMA Nalional125, 2SO &500 Molocross
: Series. Nafl'llled by Lany Mailn; 90 minules!rom PoW8fSl)OftS Video. $34.95
: (#22n) This Is Motocross
• New 10 Molocro$S:? Here's everything you f)eed 10 sel you ~ 101" !hIS popular sport.
: lrom Jlarting 0lJI1o choosing bikes & aquipmenl ....nat kP:l 01 dtbs 10 join. top action
.. & IQer ffIIllMeWS. pas! heroes and modem~. 55 minul9s from While
: Sum'O\,Q VICIeo. S3U5
: (12106~1997 Wo~d 500cc MX series Review
: SeeIng Ihi& senes L.rJfoId is nvelilg...waiCh in awe as the big gt.ffII • Smets, I(f)g. and
• Nicol· chwge aetOS9 your s:reen IhrotJs1I evety woril round. 90 I1'II'IJl8S from
• While StatIDW VicIllo $34.95
: (12105) 1997 Wo~d 250Cc MX Series Review
• E'tW., TOft8II & Bervo8Is led !he war thltllJ!,'t1 a naI-bding sene! 1tIaI. wiI keep you
: t1OOk8d from 9IarI to IInlsh IncIodIS ellC8lenl a:mnentary. 90 rnrueas !rom WhIle
• Slar.()uke V1deo. $34,95
: (12104) 1997 Wo~d 12SCc MX series Review
• 199Ts IDy beIWWI QI06 & Puzat led to some geaI batlIes across nul & sand
r=ean... Ml'J TOlI'ld. 90 IlW'IJIll!S from While Stvu..a VDlo.
: altlll'ld Ihe WQltd.
• $34.95
: (12110) 1997 Motocross des Nations
: The wOOd's tJigge:sl11'lOttlOSl1alants galhered 1l'I8eIgUn 10 I9lI b the IMmale
• aown. WlIness 'IlfIal ruty happtr1ed the .,. AmlR:a lost WCltl t'onors. 90,.,..
: UIIs from wtiE SlartOukllJktso. $34,95
: GelIhe koow IlIIIitestyIe of Jdln Oowd,. Sell what he's r&aIy like, Mel why he's one
• al!he mDIl-likBd pellIlIe 11 MX. Folow Oowd lor a weeIt oC riling. trari'lg.-ld lI.rl as
: he pt8paf8S lor lh8 '98 SouIhwIcfl. MX NHonaI. G-* appe;nnce by Ow; "*"Y.
• -40 . . . . lnlmMXfig, $21.95
: (13251) Bar to Bar 2
• The ()J8Sl1or VlClory...1s in your lace racing. leaturing !lie best ndlHs 011 the planet.
: ReIMl tie whoI8 1996 Supercross season wilh your favonle riders like Jeremy
: McGralh, Ezra lusk, Kevin Wlndlam, Jeff Emig, Larry Ward, John Dowd, Ricky
• Carmichael, DOllg Hlll'lry and many others. 60 minules from X·Factor. $19.95
: (#325J) Bar to Bar '99
: The dellnitNe chronicle~! 1lle 1999 PACE Suporcross Series. From aulographs in
• Anaheim 10 !he laS! W:1O{y lap in las 'legas, youll see an unparaJleled inside view of
: the lIfl\ire 25th Anniversary $lJpereross Tour. 60 minutes from X·Faclor. $19,95
: ('210B) 1995 Colorado 500
: A t8Vl8W 01 SO!'JI8 of the ~l{;lIighls of the first 20 years oIltle Colorado 500, along
• wllh a Ioc* at lhe 1995 ride, covering.aoD miles 01 blIaUlitul Roc1ly Mounlilln lraM nO90 ITIntIl8S frornl&M Produclions. $29.95
: ('212) The Trails of Colorado MC Troll Guide
: H9JIiljtlI 0118 cIlIerllfl\ lfa~ 5ySI8l1'lS IhrotqlouI Colorado. ExceIIenI pOOler 101" trail
• Ilding and liIal sparling in hi Ccbado RocklElS. 90 mi'IuIes from lAM ProdlJc:tions.
• $291»5
: (.; 020) Ride Like the Wind
: An escape vdIo fell' ~ armctIaIr dreamer......IOO a trae-wheeing band oC Yamaha
• adgenluretI Jot tanlas1ic ofl'l'OId JOUm8'fS across ~, AuslraIia. Utah's MonomenI
: Valley, and PaIlS to Capetown. 90 mmles Itom 'MIlle Stantluke Video $34.95
: (#1798) Incas Rally
• RidllIS from 13 CCllI'lneID challenging tests nlhe p.ngIes and lT1OlA'I1alnSoC Peru.
: FrnmAmazm aut 10 whIat waI8l' rDlg wiIh htlikes 011 ~ 50"...... 110m
• WhIte StavDuke Vi:iIo. $34.95
...... _
: ('4n4) 1999 Granada-Dakar Rally
: The 0aIw ~ isme of N ~ motlrspotI8YIlrUS II lhe world. ~
: tlICII ~ !hi a.t in cars. trucks & (ffI bikes taekilg I'nOl'tStrOuSt' diIlicuII 0'Ning
11'0 ....... _ .
: Gr1nada. CI'OSSlng Spwt, Motoc:to, Maolitanll. BaI, 8l.rlw1a Faso and Senega 52
• mnutes!rom WhIt, ~ Video. 134.95
: ('214) Malcolm Smith's 6 Days of Baja
: RIde wiCh
van•-_. _ Malcom SnlIIhIIong..._ _..._ ...
......"'' ' ' on
hl most ineesting
: PIne ForeslS, across the 9P8C\8CU8f 8aI8 Sierra mou'ltMl tlll1QEl. across dry lake
• bids. nl rIl:i'lg lO Itle lip 01 8afa, oret 1XlO
n al 130 1TIt1Ul8S!rom LAM
: Video. $29,95
: ('250) 1998 National Enduro series
(1136) Gary semics MX Techniques'2
(12047) Extreme Trials wllh Steve Colley
ThIs brIiat'lll8pe oilers ooe-~ Ililion !rom one ollhe 'MlfId's Iead{lg 1neIs expomaslemg Ihe most ~ II'lanIlU'I'llB ~ 60 nWLd8S!tom WIIte
Star1OI.Q VIdeo. $34.95
('2057) Trials Superstars
The world'sbesf 11 action lithe 1996 Sheffield Indoor Anlna Tna!. 55 mDJtes ltom
(12063) 1999 Sheffield Arena Trial
A1lhe presliglous litst wotIlkIas5lria1s event 01 '99, Oougie lampkin C8ITI81O
Sheffield \0 defend tis Wolld Championship crown againsl Cabot, CoIomer. BlIlao.
JafVlll, Colley and Kuroyarna. Arnaziog bike control. balance and atmosphere...65
mmules from WhIle StarlOuke VICIeo, $34.95
(#2016) 1999 Indoor Wo~d Trials C'Ship
Dougie LafT'4)kin goes lor 3 consecutMl lilies in !his cisplay ollrials W118rdry. &4 minu18s from While SlarlOllke Video. $29.95
(12060) 1999 Wo~d T~als series Review
NaIUr8I obstacles. awesome talents. and breathtaJdng COITlp8t11lon gave lrlats fans 8
lru1y memofllb!e '99 season. FIJI action hit;jWgIIlS lrool each round. 90 mles Irom
While Slarl1Juke Video. $29,95
An exlrem81ria19 vidBo feal1tring US Trials hero Gooll Aaron. II you've seen his
shows, ltlis Is !he only wey 10 show your friends the IaIenI and amazing ITIOY86 oj
protesslonaI tnals. 60 minutes from Irnpacl VIdeo. $24.95
inIeMews of ico!IS IiU DeCoster, Bailly, LaPorta. DeSolo, Abel'g. I.arSseft; and a
sld down memory lane IookI1g allhe equipnBnI d"1he weekln1. Ir'lIInse ~
action, 1oo.1aa!uring Lackey, Ehald. Moates. ~ Holey, Johnson arv:I more. 52
mr1UIeS !tom Vintage Iron. $24.95
'('10) Crusty Demons
=:':'~:7n.~, .~~~=::~ lany
: ('2043) This Is Motorcycle Trials
: PacUd wiIh atMce lor beglnners ltom maestros ,Sammy Miler and Sieve Coley, abo
: lull ol hisIory and intere9ting info lor deveklping riders.. 60 OIrtUles from Whrte
• StarJDuke VIdeo.S34.95
Call to Order Today!
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Prices subject to change - please use current
advertisement as your guide.
California residents add 7.25% Sales Tax
All tapes listed life VHS, free of shipping &
handling cha'- from "'-Ie News Producls.
Orders not accepted from outside the continental US.
AAow 4-6 weeks for delivery,
('10A) Crusty Demons of Dirt: 2
_ _ .........._goolll_......,_.....
Th:s sequel is loaded 'MIll harl:torIIlD'lg. ;mpino, ind aerial iAslnIy, II set 10 a
EINg; Se1h
Enslow. Mike Wetz9It. Ryan t-kqles. Joel Ab8d1l, MW.e Healey and more.
locallQnS inc:kJde C8Iifoma. ()egon, ~ Atn:a. NWlia and MeJIoo. 40
from Fleshwotn:I Fims. 529.95
ot Dirt: 3
('10C) Crusty Demons of Dirt: 4
"God Bless the Freaks'_.The most higtl-powel9d sound1Jad( 9V8f backs !he '98 edilion 01 the series !hal starled ~ al..edc on.1oc:a1ion fOOlage from Costa Rica,
Panama, Italy, France, plus Colorado. Utah, Las Vegas, end New Jersey. 40 minutas
from Fleshwound Films. $29.95
('100) Crusty 2000
"The MelDt Millfl.nnium" _Join the creative Ieall) of Jon Freeman find CaM Nicholson
on the front lines as thllY wreak havoc in Japan. AllSlTaIla and across Arnericlt The
Crusty Troops Include Carey Han, Brian Deegan, Seth En9IoW, Travis Paslrana, Mille
MelZger, Ronnie FBisst. Larry linkogle. Mike Cinqmars, Tmor VIfl8S, M".Ione9,
Cliflord Adop1ante, 8utba and many more. 30 minules hom F1estlwouOO Fim.
('1201 Terrafirma
The orvnal big ail" lr8esIyIe Fox video teaklring wiIcI antics by Doug Henry, Ezra
lllSk, RotOe Aeynan1, RicIly CamMchaeI, Travi9 Pastrana, James Stewart. and !he
Iijng ofRock n' Roll. SoundIrack byPemywise. Alice Il'I Chans, Lu:y's For Coal,
FIIkIr8 Soonds oll..Dndon and Sotrd:m. 35 rIInuIes from Fax VIdeo. S24,95
('120A) Terrafirma2
Inctedlblelootaga 0I.JerarnV McGrath, Doug Henry. SiMllamson, Robble Revna rd •
t&e UeIzget. JoI'Il Oowd. Ezra lJJsIc. Ri:Xy CarnichaII. Pm Gonzalez. and !he
""lloony_ _ "''''SeIson.FscobFsco,eon-.
Petlf'I)'Wi!e. and Spnng Mriey. 45 n*IJlesfrom FOlCVdeo. $29.95
(#1208) Terrafirma 3
T8I!Ifirma IS~ yoo'dexpec:lm ilsseries and MOAB Mote Iacallons, ndatI
sndlnslrily! .....
Tenr'l8!SIe, you.ll9ll aI fle blg nam8S II moIOCtOSI: JeIemy McGnllh, Lamson,
....... OInny_ ..........
l).oer 3:llTlfflUtllltom Fox Video. 529.95
_W.. . . .
w_.. . _,
('12OC) Terrafinna 4
Pl'Oltad by renowned st'Ill'III'boaf IIrl"fTa:er Mike HaEt1eU, lind IISlICf8l ~
lions In Chie and Canada. 0Iher srtes itddB I.tcnlana.
Nalionals, lriaII, HIIcirrtI, USSX & fi'eenrjngj, 18mlIl,Ioc:dons (Canada. US.
Ff1flCfI), chaIenges. expemMI1ts and ~ 43IlW1Aes!rom Fox Vid80
(#121) FLY
The spmg '96 f8I8ase from FOl....1eatLring Fox sam McGmIh. Bradshaw, Metzger.
Henry. Oowd, WffIlJlarn. and Serge GlJOllly, puling off inc::8dibIe aerial JT\lll'ffllJV8r
al places like ltl8 PansandAnahem~. GlamlslMles. S8cf8IHonda
Test TIBCks, While Sands. CleotiIo Web and Gatorback. Music by SIngle Gun
Theoy Ene B & """" SpMg"""" SNFU NofX. ... ShoI1I< 35 _lIS
!rom F~~. 129.95'
#122) A' R 'd
lr al
motoerosgeIS like Ben Jl¥l6$. Danny Ham, Sam Jorm. PatA TIIlI1'llnS, Clot Debner
and olhefs. Some ot-;.e locatIOnS incLIde Orange, ClartlfE8, Baricline. Colo.
Stockton. and Cattai. Also some crazy tl'lISIC by Pro--P8lll. Channel Zero. SW! al
Zero lWld Method of Destruction. 41 tTinules from Irr1l8ct VIdeo. S29.95
('131) Disturbing the Peace
SMP presents afilm by Pal Solomon Which includes StIh Enslow, Jell Emlgl Brien
Manley, Mike Jones, larry l.inkogle, TIm Feny, Anthony Poc:orobba and more, with
bizarre Claym8lion scenes throughout. Soundl!ack inckId8s SUiclcIal Tenderdes, Bad
Religion, NOfX, 5li)/lme and more. 35 minules IrDm X·Faclor. $29.95
('132) Moto--xXx
The debuI video from 0udI FIX F~ms leaturing Mike Metzger, K~ Lewis, Tommy
~ Brlan Deegan, Jeft Emig and a whoIe.casl 01 sick monkays. Music by
Lagwagon, Snuft, GoOd Rickiance, NOFX, Slrungout and mole. Contains some
explicillanguaga and silUalions. 30 minutes by Quick FIX Fltrns lrom X.FacIOl'.
('132A) Moto-xXx 2: Hellraiser:s
Films plesents the seqt* 10 the origiIaI MoIo-xXx...1Mng up 10lIs~,
this one's even lTIOI'e crazy than ltIefirsl RidErrn ~ SWIljk, Hultman, Taylor,
Pk:hon, Wb. L.ilkogIa. Roocada: PirIgl8e, Ramsey, and mora '32 nvootlS Itom X·
Faclor. 129.95
The '99 ¥lltSI:lfI of hl outtacontroI ori{pnaI. Includes ~ls lrom Ihe 'g8 Warped
Tour, !he cI8bJI 01 MotogoII, rTixlld 11 wiItllhe l~ freeslyle crew malte Ihls one behef
!han GnInlina's aDil·. 431'1'1ft119S by OLd: Fill Rms. fiun X.Factor $29.95
(.13'3) Horizontal
11'olilsIaI-_ "-1'0- .......
ol>. _
Ott ... "'" _
& gDlg ~ air; abo rdudes tome wateraafI and ka11ng lootagt SouncIlr-*
IrQidIs ICp AlGSiB bao:Is. 32 rnitutBs!rom X.fadlX. 529.95
(.t33A) Horizontal 2
11'0 _ _ - " ' ' ' ' hsngon'''''
_ _ ....... PWC_ShaooWllls._.OZ
-New SouIh
Vidona, and SCUh.tuslraia regions. 40 lI'IOOies Irom X.faetlf. $29.95
('134) Organ Donors
varieIy fTiQd MIl hsarity is Iv! theme d Ita vidllo_.FfMIIy6a 1l'lOIOCn:l6I, bIg:...
Fadot. $29.15
('145) Icons and Ou1casts
What makes one ... Icon by tis p88l'S, tu an ~ by !he I8Sl 01 JOOIIl'(? Follow
... "',.., _ _ • _ _ ....... """"""'"
BMX and lreeslyIe MX around... world as lh8y uplot8 Ihe CllflCIPl Fined In hi
best sbl8parlts. lOp surt spots. !he '98 Wasped Tow, East Coasl k'U and more. 40
rnnJIeS IRIm X.flldor. $29.95
('142) Full Power Trip
The '97 efiln of 1he IiIIe tIallatR:hed a lhousancttreeslyle videos. Inckldes
d Pe:s/nWIlI. Dymond. Selh Enslow. Htqles, L.awren:e, Metzger,
Slephenson. Goodman, lk1kogIe. Deegan, Rusty setzer and &ilba, aI with insane
great S\l.flls. Rmed around !he 'MlrId indlJling Btazi, Florida and CaIIoniia. 35
minutes from FIest1woI.m Films. $2.4.95
(1110) Dirty Deedz
ot Dirt
The ongNI ouI4controI fnIestyIe VIliBo! ~WIlh free rOOo-JUl'l1WlO,
and aenlII nsanty ill set 10 a hard nxt;ng sourdradt. IncUII& one of !he most
taIked-ebcuI 'tldIlo scenes IMr. 5etl Ens6ow's huge liN aash. InWdes action
('1328) Molo-xXx 3: n's All for You
Wo~d Championships
The 1996 Vintage Iron Wotkl MX ~ and Iron Wen 01 YoIocross
BanqlJ8l broughl togelhet lhe brirjIlesI sllnof MX tom 8fOl.ffId the globe III Glen
(16) '98 Vintage Iron
_-.y.lIIly ..... _ ...
"""'J .. ~_al.COlI1!Slldiog.......... w"",'CI1OI""''''
Illne Iorlle luUll as. ~ Ilearl a1~' AOlTWlUtes!rom ~ VIdeo.
Quick FIX
('116) Geoff Aaron: Balancing Act
('10B) Crusty Demons
• Jeff EITIg ~ Ihe '1 plaIa tNI8Y lrom Jeremy McGrnlh. see !he best IIienl 011
: the pIaneI go "Bar 10 Bar' in !his review 0I1he entire 1997 AMA~ Series.
• Great behind-lh&-s:enes footage and Iltense raOOg. one of the best Stclercross
: Series avet1 70 mnJIes rrom X-Factor. $19.95
he Iegendar'f
F _ , _ ... O