Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 03 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1999 World Sitperbike Serles Review - 1999 Bike GP 500 Series Review Champion, Carl Fogarty -Bar to Bar - '99 Supercross Series Review Crusty 2000 - The Metai Millennium - Wrathchiid 1999 indoor World Trlals Championship -1999 World Trials Strles Review 1999 US Speedway NaNonal Championship -1999 AMAIFIM Speedway World Quelifler 1999 AMA Speedway NaJionals - 2 Stroke Cold Smoke: 2 80m to Ride - Slednecks Y2K - MXVIf (#land #2) World's Fastest Bikes - 1999 European Stunt Riding Championship Las Vegas Extremes - Gary Bailey IrIX Videos ISLE of MAN n ROAD UCING TOURING/ROAD RIDING/CRUISING (#1722) 1998 Bike GP 500 Series Review (#1070) History of the Isle of Man TT (#106A) 50 Years of Daytona Relive the very best of the '98 FIM World C'Ship 500 GP season in this offIcial, :J. hour review. Featules all of the top action on the tlack, lrom the air, and on lhe bikes, this video captures the story of aoother legendary Doohan season, now the second most successful GP racer ever behind Ilalian legend Giacomo Agoslinl, 180 minutes lrom White StBrJOuke Video. 534.95 A unique and definitive 3-par1 video history of the world's most famous molorcycle races. specially commissioned from David Wood, whose Brchlve material Is simplY unsurpassed. Every Senior race winner is teaJured and there Is action foolage from ltle very filS! races and every evenlfrom 1920 10 1996. A 3-tape collection 400.000 enthusiasts descended on Daytone for the 1991 50th anniversary of Bike Week. see \he "Main Streef & Harley scene from the biggesr year Mr. 60 mlnUles produced by Panacom!rom Progressive Design. 522,95 (#1723) 1999 Bike GP 500 Series Review When reigning Champion Mk;j( Doohan crashed early in the season, it looked like all the GP Series' ellcitemenl was gone - but It stiU turned out to be one olthe best seasons in yealS as Alex Cnville rose to the top and American youngster Kenny Roberts challer.ged throughQut. 180 rT\Inutes lrom White StarJOuke Video. $34,95 (#1704) 1998 World Superbike Series Review Three houlS 01 action and season highlights on and off the track. The best olltle rac· lng, equipment, pefSOl\ali~es and trackS throughoUl the season when Ducali's King Carl Fogarty once again retgned supreme. 180 minutes from Whita SIarlOuke Video. $34,95 (#1800) 1999 Worid Superbike Series Review Big events, big noise. and personalities • lila WSC had allthlee as Carl Fogarty campaigned hIS Ducati 10 an unprecedented 4th World Ude. 180 minules from While StarlDuke Video. $34.95 (#41) Bike Experience Race with Wayne Gardner as you crouch over the handlebars of a 200 mph Grand • Prix Honda in actual race conditions! 60 minutes. From Powersports Video. $34,95 (#1490) On-Bike GP Experience Race with the besl riders of the '92 GP season as the pack give chase just Inches away from the cameral Superb sounds of GP bikes in action in luI! stereo, wilh rider VOlC&-()vers. 65 fTlInutes from While StarJOuke Video, $34.95 (#1576) On-Bike GP Experience 2 AII·actlon compllalion of the best 1990's on·bike recordings right up to lhe las! GP ol '96. Jump into the hot seat with Doohan. Criville, Cadalora, Kocinski, Rainey, SchwanlZ, ett. as Randy Mamola's commentary guides you around alilhe famous circuits. 75 mirlutes from While StarlDuke Vicleo. $34.95 (#1537) On-Bike Nurburgring Experience Arare ctlante to "ride"lhis demanding German CIrCuit & learn how the experts do it, tnan r'de with Helmut Dahne on the fastest on-bike lap althe"Ring" evel recorded. 55 minutes lrom White SlarlDuke Video. $34.95 (#1480) Best Bike GPs olthe 80's Re-live oot lust the best aclion lrom the '80s, but also the 10 very besl chosen &presemed by the stars themselves: Rainey, SchwanlZ, Marlll, Haslam. Gardner', Pons, Mamola, Lawson, Aobens and Sarron. 55 mlnules from White StarlDuke Video. $34,95 (#1494) Rainey's Year: 1992 Fssclfl8ting inslghlS Inlo the workings of a lop GP team as lhe triple World Champ's greatast season unfolds under the guldaflC8 of Kenny Robells. Follow them lrom testrng 10 the final vlC1Orious race. 75 minutes from White SlarlDuke Video. $34.95 (#1521) Schwantz' World Champion 1993 He may be gooe from the scene· but there's no way you can forget hlml Here's King Kevin on hIS way to wmning his first World Champlooship. witll music from : 'Queen, bril~ant race action and In~mate off·track footage, 60 minutes from WMe : StarlDuke Video. $34.95 : (#1916) 1997 AMA Superbike Series Review : Get your engines fired up as you relIVe thIS season of spectacular action. From : Laguna Seca 10 Colorado spnngs to the amazing round al Sears POint. See inCflldl· • ble tootage of each round as Mat Mladin. Miguel Duhamel and Doug Cl\arder battle : lor supremacy, Alilhe aclion is here In this oomprehenslVe 1997 review. 4ll minutes : from WhiteStarJDuke VIdeo. $34,95 : (#5903) Champion: Kenny Roberts : Aprofile of Ina racing career of llte legendary Kenny Roberts. 69 mmutes from White : StarlDuke Video. 534.95 : (#1564) Fast Riding the Roberts Way : Aul1lque insight Imo the Kenny Roberts Training Camp in Barcelona, Spain whele he : and Randy Memola discuss the benefits 01 passing rheir experience on to the • school's participants. 65 IT\Inules !rom White SlarlDuke VIdElO. $34.95 : (#5904) Champion: Barry Sheene : Aprofile of the racing career of British GP slar Barry Sheena. 65 minutes 'rom Whlte • SlarJOuke Video. $34.95 : (#5932) Champion: Mick Doohan • ApfOfile ollhe racll'lQ caraer of Australian GP star Mlck Doohan, 65 minutes from • White StarlOuke Video. $34.95 (#5942) Champion: Carl Fogarty The firsl-ever video biography of Britain's biggesl biking hero, and tile racer American fans love to hate. Takes you from his early careaf to his fourth World ~e crown. 90 minules from White StarJOuke Video. $19.95 (#5901) Champion: Geoff Duke Aprofile ollhe racing career of the legendary Geoff Duke. 59 minutes from White SlarJOuke Video, $34.95 (#5902) Champion: Giacamo Agostini : Aprofite of lhe racing career of legendary Ilalian GP champ Glacamo Agoslinl. 75 minutes !rom White StarlOuke Video. $34.95 (#5900) Champion: Mike Hailwood Aprotile of the racing carear of legendary British champion Mike "The Bike' Hallwood. 60 minules from White SlarlDuke Video. $34.95 (#5956) Champion: Phil Read Aprofile of the racil'lQ career 01 legendary PIllI Read. 70 ITIInutes from While StarlDuke Video 534.95 (#1540) Cutting Edge Bikes FOIfl19r racer Mat Oxley tesls the championship GP machines 01 '94 ilduding Mick Doohan's 500cc Honda. Blaggi's 250cc Aprilia. and Sakata's 125cc factory Aprilia. 72 minutes from White StarlOuke Video. $34.95 Call to Order Today! (714) 751-7433 9am-Spm PST Prices SUbject to change· please use current advertisement as your gUide, Calilornia residents add 7.25% Sales Tax AI/tapes listed are VMS, free of shipping & handling charges from Cycle News Products, Orders not accepted from outside the conlinental US. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. (#213) The Roads 01 Colorado (#85) Gary Rothwell: Showlime Gary Rolhwell brings you the ullimale supertlike stunt experience on this "officiar video.Packed with high-speed wheelies. donuts, sloppies al'ld includes Rothwell's t43MPH "Ski" Record run slUdd'1n9 behind the bike 01'1 his feet. 11 you.....e evar seen Rothwell perform, this is a"must·have" tape. 30 minutes Irom X·Factor. $29,95 (#87) Team X-Treem: Vol. 1 Todd & Lori Colbert The Championship Vears 1947-76: Pan 3: From $lr6flglh 10 Strenglh 1977-96). 216 minutes lofal, from While SlarfDuke Video. $69,95 Actualloolage of selected roads and pomlS ot inlerest througtlOur CoIOl'ado, This video makes an kiealtool for anyone planning a motorcycle trip through the Rockies, 90 minutes from L&M Prodlx:tioos. $29,95 E~c1usive footage featuring Todd Calben's daring whee!ies, b\JfTl.outs, pavement skiing. double stunts and morel Watch his wile, Lori CoIber1, the first female pavemelll skier irl the world. Hold on to your handlebars for this unbelievable, high energy motorcycle stunl performaoce. 30 minutes from X-Faclor. $29.95 (#1097) 1948 Isle 01 Man TT Probably the first 10M n film produced alter WWIl, this recently discovered film won (#230) Ride America: Highway 1 (#89) Craig Jones: What It Takes Califomia's legendary Highway 1 is still one of the great challenges for the street ridIng motorcyclist. This nde lakes you from 1tle Golden Gate Bridge throogh some 01 lhe most undeveloped and least populated areas in California. Ride with JOUmallsl Charles Everifl. World Speedway Champion Bruce PenhaU and others from San Francisco on north through the twis~es along Highway 1. 60 minutes lrom Peter Starr Productions. $24.95 Stnght cons the Gary RothwalVBrttlsh West Coast SlUnt Group comes new spoltbike stunlmaster Craig Jones. Achleving a top world slUnt rider ranking 1ft under two years, Jones has brought sportbike control inlo a rleW dimension. With unique footage, wild wheelies, unbelievable stoppias and much more...Jones is truly a mas, ler of power and precision. 30 minutes from X,FactO!. $29.95 every 1T fan WIll cherish tor years 10 come. (Pan 1: The Early Vears 1907·39; Pall 2: an award tor its enthUSIaStic producer Sam Coles. There IS no sound olher lMllhe informed commentary 01 Graham Walker. Features all the pre-race activilles right up to the warmup and Grand Pamde. 36 minutes from White SllIrJDuke Video. $34.95 (#1055) Golden Mountain Two memorable Hailwood years on one video. 1961 was a wonderful record of his stunning IT Jubilee Year debut. the 1963 Seoior IT cast HaiJwood vs. Har11e & Read In the last glory days of Nor1on. Malchless, AJS.•.52 mlnules from White SlarlOuke Video 534.95 (1296) Mad Sunday: The Fans' TT The other side 01 this magic motorcycle festIVal. trOlTl pubs to bands, street par1ies, sand racing, dub meets, and lots more. 60 minutes from White StarlDuke Video. $34,95 (#5554) On-Bike TT Experience 'Addlctrve", "sxhltaraUng', 'breathtaking" - JUSl some 01 the reactions we've had to this unique series which lets you "ride" the learsome 10M IT cirtuil on avanety of '9Os machinery. Features solo & sidecar footage, stereo bike sounds and nder commentaBes. 85 mlnUles 110m White StarJOuke Video. $34.95 (#5559) On-Bike TT Experience 2 live the IT in over an hom 01 supertl on·bike and sid9car aclion. 80 minutes lrom White SlarlOuke VkIeo. $34,95 (#5563) On-Bike TT Experience 3 The way it really looks from the rider's eye view around the eVe of mon.•.bloodv frightenlngl Features lor the first hme, on·screen data logging. scary and tOtBlly compulsive· see lor yourself wily 1tle IT IS a road race like no other. 89 minutes lrom Wl'rile StarlOuke Video. $34.95 (#1606) 1998 Isle 01 Man TT "Brave Heans·... Over 2 haurs of courage and bravllfy. ThIS lull coverage vldoo takes you down to road level with awesome curtK:am shots to g:ive you afrightening pIC' ture of machines coming at yoo at 180 mph. 01 coorse It also oomes with all the cra· zles at the streel party. t40 mlnutes!rom WhlteSlarlDuke Video. $42.95 (#231) Ride America: The Million Dollar Highway ~rieoce the wooder and beauty of Colorado's Minion Dollar Highway In the colorlasl seasoo -gokIen aspen trees, blue skies and clean crisp air grOO1 ~ as you I'l9ad nor1ll on the 130 mile ride from Duf8fl9O 10 Tellunde. JoIn Bobby Uns&r, Bruce PenhaK, Malcolm Smith, Wilily Dallenbach and friends as lhey ride avallety 01 BMWs through the heart altha San Juan Mounllllns. 60 minutes lrom Peter Slarr Productions. $24.95 (#1763) Route 66 . This nostalgic program takes a lnp along America's beloved highway, from Chicago to Los Angeles, elq)OSing the now "hidden" America that modem freeway riders never see. Discover why there IS such greatlnleresl in restoring: this piece 01 Americana. 105 minutes from White StarlDuJc.e Video. $24.95 (#1293) Postcard from Daytona Join the millions who make this the woMs biggest & most colorful Hog party. Cruise Mairl SlIest and Daytona Beach & check oul demolition derbies, slunt demos, and sunburned tounsts...everything lMt happened away from the racetracks dunng Bike Week '96. 61 rrunutes from While SlarlOuke Video. $34.95 DIRT TUCK (#182) Smooth Moves A review 01 the 1990 Camel Pro Series Championship, as Scan Parlier and Chris Cart dueled all yea! for the tille, 60 minutes from Mlss1Il9 Lank Video. 534.95 (#183) Ricky Graham: The Career Year "Ricky G" is a lribute to ooe ot the greatest Grand Nalional motorcycle racing sea· sons ever and the man I'Iho rewrole dirt track racing recoros. 11'1 1993, Ricky Gfaham showed the world thaI he was indeed one althe best Grand National racers of all time. 38 mmutes lrom Chef Burks Produclions. 519,95 (#1608) 1999 Isle 01 Man TT (#184) Best of Dirt Trackin' 'Pure Grif • the long Revlew...MoIyneux & Hallam, FiSher & long, loogher , McGUinness, Dunlop and of COUrs& Jefferies were am

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