Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 03 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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division. Baker also led the point standings in the Micro ~4-8) class, aboard his PW50 Yamaha, and became class champion of that class as well. Results Friday MICRO (4·8) I Bradl~y Btiker (Yam); 2 AI~x RatOJI (Yom); 3 Roben Johnson Jr (Yam); 4 Shawn Thompson (Yam); 5 Mitch Dow· ~J1 (Yem) MICRO (4-6): I. Bradl~y Bak~r (Cob I; 2. Kody Lucas (Cob): 3 Seth W~IS (Cob): 4 Mitch Dowell (Yam); 5 Clay Elilon (KTM) MICRO (7-8): I Cody Wllhams (Cob). 2. Shawn Rlre (Cob); 3 Rob~rt John$On Jr (KTM): 4 Kyl~ Cottrill (Cob); 5. Ryan T,tus (KTM) 65 (7·11) 1 lach Ames (tITM); 2. Tyler Bowers (Kaw); 3 Ron· n~ Hunt (Kaw). 4 Jake Fr,cker (t<:aw): 5. Jacob Kenyon (Kaw) MINI JR I Tyler Bowers (Ko'Iw); 2. Jo'Ike Fncker (K,.,w);) ZllCh Ames (Suz); 4. Ronme Hunt (Kaw); 5. Jocob Kenyon (Kaw) MINI SR: 1 Tim Hollenbe<:k (Yam); 2. DIllIOn Wo'ItklnS (Kaw); 3. DerrICk Arledge (Yam); 4 Chose Seillng (Kow); 5. Shawn lies (Yam). 60 (9-12) f, (13·15) EXTRA I Dillion WatkIns (Kaw); 2. Tim Hollenbeck (Yom); ) Chase Seltlng (SUl); 4 Cor! Custard (Hon); 5. Chns Mocan (Suz). SCHBY~ 1, Nathon Sk099S (Yam); 2. Jimmy Fox (Yam); 3 Cody Longwell (Yam); 4 Jor~d Grable! (KlIw): S. Gavin Gracyk (Kaw). t6-24· 1 Shoun Kuchler (Hon); 2. Scott Kuchter (Hon); 3 Tony Robinson (Han): 4. Trac~y Haun (Kaw); 5. Brian Beckholt. 125 B: I Gavin Grllcyk (Kow): 2. Ronme Zingg (Kaw); 3. Matt Ketch~son (Suz), 4. Mlchacl Arnold (Kow); 5. Jimmy Fox (Yam). 125 C: 1. Andy Conklin (Hon); 2. Poul Johnson (Hon): 3. Jored Young (Hon); 4. ScOlt Garwood (SUl); 5. Toby ""cWaters (YlIm) 250 B: I. DlIvid Norris (Yom); 2. Mall Mattllas (SUl); 3 Mott Bores (SUl): 4 Tracey Haun (Kaw); 5. Jeff Coles (Yom). 250 C: 1. Andy Conklin (Han); 2. Rustle Goddard (Han); 3. Croia Rattli (Yam); 4. Waller Bessey (Suz), 5. Mike M~ueduov. OPEN: I. Mike Russell (Suz); 2. Moll Mathias (KTM): 3. Ross "'dams (Yom): 4. Mark McDani~1 (YlIrn); 5. DWight Volu Jr. (Kaw). 25.. : 1. Mik~ Hoglln (Hon); 2. Chuck Nicholson (SUl); 3. Dan Jones (Kow); 4. Richord Custard Jr. (Hon); 5 Mlchaelleasure (SUI). JO.~ I. Chuck Nicholson (SuI); 2. DlIvid Norris (Yam). 3. Jeff Coles (Yam); 4 Richard Custard Jr (Hoo); 5. Brod Coles (YlIm). 40.. : I. Mark McDani~1 (Yam); 2. J~rf Coles (Yam); 3. Jllml~ Burton (SUl); 4 Tob Thompson (Hon); 5 Dal~ RlOgwald (KTM). 125 A. I. Ryan Lutz:, 2. Tony Robmson (Hon); 3. Todd Mous~r (YlIm); 4. Josh Hamilton (Suz); 5. Tommy Collier (Sw) 250 A: I Tommy Conief (Suz); 2. Scott Kuchler (Hen); 3 Chuck NICho/5Ol'l (SuI); 4. Ryan Lutz; 5. MIke Hogan (Hon). Saturday MICRO {4SI: 1. "'Iell Rallll (Yam); 2. Robert Johnson Jf (Yom); 3 Mitch Dowell (Yom); 4 Brodley &ker (Yem); 5. Shawn Thompson (Yom) MICRO (4 6); 1 Bradley Baker (Cob); 2. Seth Wels (Cob); 3 Clay Elhott (KTM); 4. ~ody Lucas (Cob); 5. Blake YoxU1elmer (KTM) MICRO (7·S): 1 Shown R,fe (Cob); 2 Cody Williolms (Cob); 3 Ryon Titus (KTM). 4 Anthony COlTI»do; 5. Alex ROtOI (Cob) 65 (7.11): I. Tyler Bowers (Kaw); 2. Ronme Hunt (Kaw); 3. Ltch Ames (KTM); 4 Anthony Bentley (KlIw); 5. Joke Fncker (Kaw) MINI JR: I. Zach Ames (Suz); 2. Tyler ~ (Kaw): 3 Ronnre Hunl (KlIw); 4 Bryce Uddl~ (Kow); 5. Nathon CIszewski (Kaw) MINI SR; 1. DillIOn Welkins (Kaw); 2. TIm Hollenbeck (Yam); 3 Demck Arledge (Yam); 4. Corl Custard (Han); 5. Kyle Preston (Yom). 80 (9-12) f, (13-151 EXTRA I T,m Hollenbeck (Yam); 2. Dilhon WatkIns (Kaw); 3. Shawn Hughes (Hon); 4. Billy Burton (Sill); 5. Chase Sletlng (Kaw). SCHBY: 1. GOVIn Gracyk (Kaw); 2. Nothon Skaggs (Yom): 3. Jored Grobl~l (Kaw); 4 JImmy Foll. (Yom); 5. Michael W8Jdll (YlIm). 16-24' I. Shoun Kuchler (Han); 2. Scott Kuchler (Hon): 3. Tony Robinson (Hon): 4. Brian Beckhelt; 5. Ronni~ ZlI19g (Kaw) 125 8: I. Gavin Gracyk (Kaw); 2. Nathan Skaggs (Yam); 3. Don Jon~s (Kaw); 4. Bnon Beckholl; 5. Jimmy Fox (Yam). 125 (; 1. Toby McWol~rs (Yom): 2. Andy Conklin (Han); 3. Cody Longwell (Yam): 4. Thomas PlIrks (Hon); 5. Adllm FranCIS (Yam). 250 B: I. Marcus Biggs (SUl): 2. Tracey Houn (Kow); 3. Harold Goings Jr. (Kaw): 4. Devld Norris (Yom); 5. Jeremloh.Kall (Kow). 250 C; I. Andy Conklln (Hon); 2. William Simmers (Suz); 3. Rustle Goddard (SUl); 4. Tom Cl'lmpbell (KlIw); 5. Walter Bessey (Suz). OPEN: I. Mlk~ Russcll (SUI); 2. Malt Mathias (KTM); 3. Ross Adams (Yam); 4. DWight Vollz. Jr. (KlIw); 5. Mark McDoniel (Yam). 25.. : I. Mik~ Hogan (Han); 2. Jeff Coles (Yam); 3. Dan Jones (KlIw): 4. Chuck Nicholson (SUl); 5 Eric Taynor (Han). 30.. 1. Chuck Nicholson (SUl): 2. Richard Custard Jr. (Han); 3 Chad Walker (SUl); 4. DlIvld Nonis (Yom); 5. Jeff Coles (Yam). 40.: 1. Jell Coles (Yom): 2 Jl'lm,~ Burton (SUl); J. Mark McDlInld (Yam); 4. Dale RIngwald (KTM) 125 A: I Tommy Collier (SUI); 2. Chuck Reed (Suz); 3 Todd Mouser (Yam): 4 Ryan Luu; 5. $haun Kochler (Hon) 250 A I Chuck Reed (SuI); 2. Tommy Colhef (Suz); 3 Ryan Lutz:; 4. Ryan McHale (Suz); 5. Scoll Kuchler (Han). Sunday MICRO (4-8); 1. AI~x Ratar (YlIm); 2. Robert Johnson Jr (Yam); 3 Egan Rosell (Yam); 4 Dylan Watker (Yam); 5. MItch Dow~1l (Yom) MICRO (4·6): I Kody Lucas (Cob); 2. Blake YoxU1elmer (KTM): 3. Seth W~1S (Cob); 4 Cloy Elliott (KTM): 5 Dylan Walker (Cob) MICRO (7 ·8) I Shawn RII~ (Cob); 2 Cody Williams (Cob); 3. Ryan Titus (KTM); 4 Rob~rt Johnson Jr. (KTM); 5 Mark ZIngg (KTM) 65 (7·11): I Tyler Bowers (Kow); 2. Jake Fnck~r (Kalil); 3. Ronn~ Hunt (KII"'); 4 lach Ames (KTM); 5 Nathan CiszewskI (Kaw). MINI JR 1 Tyler Bow~s (Kaw); 2 lach Ames (Suz). 3. Jacob Kenyon (Kaw); 4. Bryce Liddle (Kalil), 5 Ronme Hunt (KIIIII) MINI SR: I. Tim Hollenbeck (Yam): 2 Jared Grable! {Kaw): 3. Dillion Walkins (KolII); 4 DerrICk Arledge (YlIm); 5. Shawn Hughes (Hon) 80 (9.12) f, (13-15) EXTRA: I Tm Hollenbe<:k (Yam); 2. DII· hon WatklllS (Ka...·); 3. Shawn Hughes (Hon); 4. Billy Burton (Suz); 5. Chose Sieung (Kow) SCHBY: 1. Gavin Gracyk (Kaw); 2. Nothon Skaggs (Yom); 3. JlITlmy Fox (Yam); 4. Mkho~1 Wojde (Yam); 5. Kyl~ Preston (Yom). 16-24: 1 Scon Kuchler (Hon); 2. Tony Robmson (Han); 3 SI-wlun Kuchlel (Hon): 4. Ronm~ Zingg (Kow): 5. Justin Sessink (Han). 125 B: I. Govin Gracyk (Kl'lw); 2. NOlhon Sko99s (Yam): 3. Brll'ln Beckholt; 4. Ronnie lingg (Kow); 5. Jimmy Fox (Yam). 125 C: 1. Andy Conklin (Hon); 2. Shawn Parks (SUl); 3. Aaron Heck (Hon); 4. Ronald Veltr~ (Yam); 5 Jacob Morningstar (Yom). 250 B: 1. Marcus B19g5 (Sill): 2. Ricky Custard (Yam): 3. Matt Mathias (SUI); 4. David Norris (Yam): 5. Mlchllel L~asur~ (Sul). 250 C: 1. Andy Conklin (Hon); 2. William Simmers (Suz): 3. Rustle Goddard (SUl): 4. Ronold V~ltre (YlIm); 5. Mlk~ ZlllO (Hon). OPEN; I. Ross Adams (Yam): 2. Mik~ Russell (SUl); 3. Malt Mllthias (KTM); 4. Dwight Voltz Jr. (Kaw); 5. Dale Ringwald (KTM). 25.. ; I. Mike Morgan (Suz): 2. Chuck Nicholson (SUl); 3, MIke Hogan (Han); 4. J~ff Col~s (YlIm); 5 Richard Custl'lrd Jr. (Hon). 30 .. : 1. Chuck Nicholson (SUl): 2. Dl'lvld Norris (Yam); 3. Richard Custord Jr. (Han), 4. Jeff Coles (Yam); 5. Eric Taynor (Han). 40 .. ; I. Jomle Burton (SUl); 2 Jell Coles (Yl'lm); 3. Mork McDoniel (Yam); 4 Dole Rlngwold (KTM); 5. Anthony Geollgieff (SuI). 125 A: 1. Chuck Reed (SUl): 2. Tommy CoIli~r (SuI);) Ryan Lutz; 4. Shllun Kuchler (Hon); 5. Ryen McHale (SUI). 250 A: I. Mike Morgon (SUl); 2 Chuck Reed (SUl): 3 Mike Hogan (Hon): 4. Tommy Collier (SUl); 5. Josh Hamilton (SUl) "1999 WORLD TRIAIS REVIEW" Full Action Highhghts from the FIM World Trials Championship Series (#2060) Trials is one of the most exciting and cnlcrtaining sport.~ of modem times. Competitors must combine supreme skill with strenglh. fitness nnd control. and the crowds are increasingly attracted to the engaging and Spectllcular displays. Riverbeds. fearsome rocks. big sleps, incredibly Sleep climbs. plus huge boulders and sheer drops were the mainstay of the incredibly testing sections during the 1999 World Trials Championships. Multi-Worlel Champion Dougie Lampkin competed against the top international trials stllrs: Steve Colley. Marc Colomcr. Fujinami. Kuroyamu, Jarvis. and Camozzi. Lampkin remained dominam Ihroughoutthc majority of the year. but an astonishing perform:lllce from Steve Colley at Wntkins Glen turned the form book upside down as he took a magnificent win. In this full officinl review, another uction-packed year of competition unfolds. with exciting highlights from every championship round. Relive the best action now as quality footngc. stunning close-ups :.mel brcathLaking competition add up to unmissablc motorcycle entertainment. 90 minutes from White Star I Duke Video. eye I e neVY's MARCH 22, 2000 67

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