Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 02 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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{j]rBLf!i!1~ _ 8 ~ (f2056) This Is Advancoo Motorcycle Trials MOTOCROSS : ('141) Legacy • .k*1 Roger DeCosIer, Bob HamIh. Jell Ward and Rick JoMson as lhey I'8'IW*::t : IIbouIIheir CIrMI1 and epc bellies as hi lim IhrellcIs its wtl'f ~ ttw r.ooItr • b of motocross from irs roots Illhe earty 70's to !he ~·SlIJdded 90's. No 1M : ITlOIlX:tOIS llWl ftUj be WI1houIIhis video. 70 rOOules from X.faaor. $34.95 : ('7) The Evolution 01 Motocross : • .- 1999 Wottd Supet1l/U Series Ileviflw - 1999 Bllre GP 5110 Series Ileviflw Chnpion: CItf Fopty - SIr 10 SIr • '99 $upfR'nla Series Re'Iieir CnIsIy 2OIJI). TIre IleIIJIlIifltlnnium • Wll!llclllid 1999/ndoor World TriMs Chanpionship '1999 World TriIII Series Ileviflw 1999 US SpeedwIy NIticnI/ CIIempionIhip -1999 AIIA/FIJI SpeedwIy Il'orld 0uIlIlIIr 1999AJ1A Speettny IIetiofIeIs ~2 Slnlte Cold Smoke: 2 80m 10 Ride' SIIJdnec/ls m -lIXVlI (l1snd It) WOI1d's FasIest BiIt.. ·1999 EJJropean Stun! Riding Chempionship Las Vega &t7emes • Gal)' 8IiJey /IX Videos ""'' '"' ' .... ' ' '_ ... '''''~_.''''''''''''-" yeairs 01 EUIClpWlIOd AtnerIcan~. From !he tiays when Brilish linos8l.n nJId : !he roost to Jerwny McGratI'I Clrl hts CR2S0. yau1see it .. in ltu$ 95 video • from "'" _ _. $42J5 ('126) Wrathchild Wor1cl Championship TechniqlJ8s I" demonstraled and u:pleJned by 1997 Tnals des Nltions winner SIev8 Coley, incluling l8O-degree turns, b8l;k·whMI balancing and olher advanced moYtll. 62 minutes from Whha Star1Ol.Q VId8o. a boaierocIlelllrdng in mom's gas Iri. WraItr CtiId c:il6nIII . . ~ aI ~ norm! Fox Rla1g's newesl '99 lim ill ~ b8IlAiIY rlIXU8 of intnelilng SllItfIIy and baIHut ITlOlDC:roa ~ !pllIWWlg Ih8 of (#2047) Extreme Trials wilh Steve Colley F_...,..,... .... blaI:i1g., I.IV:lI1holbl blend of contradc:II1Ig lJIJSlCII gems, Wralh 0liId 1811" lon8lor . . lutura IS 11 perlects hi an of"m8yhem." 40 lIlI'UI8S lrom foxYld8o '34.1' (#35) Gary Semics MX Techniques'l u. """""_X. -"",._'._"" A_--"""-""".. ._.. . . " na bfIIanl tape otIers CIfliH)OO8 iAon from one oIlhe worId's IeaOOg ~ expotlII"IlS CI'I masl8ring !hi most liIIictiI manlllNllf'S imaginlKlIe. 60 ITftJI8S !rom White SIaot)U(e VIdeo. $34.95 (#110) Dirty Deedz (f2057) Trials SupersIBrs mococrossers like Ben JaMs, Danny Ham, Sam Jones, Paul TlIII'nins, OInt Debner The WOfId's b8Sl in action lithe 1996 Sheftiekllndoof AnIoa Trial 55lT1f\U1es /Tom Whle8 StarOA Video, $34.95 and others. Some of the IocallOtlS ird.rde Oninge, Clarence, Bcvidne, Colo, CsllIl ........ 01lZY muse byPn>PsIn. Channel Zero. Souls at Zero aod Melhod of Oestrucllon. 41 rTInltes!rom ImpecI VIdeo. $29.95 $29.95 ~- ea-s"the ~ ~ & shows how la pr8Ctic:e flem. Shows qJ pre. usiIg lhese ~ in race a::lion, Slow mocion nt_ adICI'I maIl8 ~ 88SY 10 see and trlderstand. 33 Il'ft.Il8S !rom Gary Semcs Video. $32.95 (#36) Gary Semics MX Techniques 12 More advanced !han ~ape '1; upands & descrIl8Il'1 mcndetdallh8 ~ ~ & b'ldamenIaIs. Also thaws wtlal ~ W. 10 reach lh8 i:)p. 65 rrmt8s from Gauke Video. 534.95 : ('2105) 1997 World 250cc MX serles Review • Ever1S, Toc1IIIIi & 8lIr\to.ts IMd tle way lI1mlJl,tla nai-tmg 58rie11hIl wi kelp you : hooked from slatllo IIni!h. lnc:iJdl'ls ~ tornrnllIltary. !K) rrinllles from wtVte •"""""'_.134.95 ~ \::i.~:::=~~:~:."~:.':.":.."",._ F..... every ItU'll1 90 itm Sbdluke Video. · "u. 1997 Motocross des Nations : (12110) : II'OlIld 1he WOltd. rnrdBs "NtnI : 1M world's bIggIII rnctoc:loIa IaiIntI galhnd in BeIgun 10 f9lllor the ..... :nlrom~=~ ~yearAmMca IDsl MX~ honln. so 1m- : : (1155) John Dowd· The 4th Dimension : Get . . know lhe If8sIyI8 oj JcttI Oowd. SII whaI: he's _ ike, nt why he's one • oj IIw rnosi-IIId people in tr.IX. F<*lw DoWd lor • week at riq, 17aIWIlI and h.n lIS : .. _ lew'" '90 So<..-"" _ . Goml by""" Homy. • 40 rnbMI tram MX FIms. $29.95 ~ SUPERCROSS : ('325H) Bar to Bar • .left EmilI swipIs \he.1 pIala lway from Jeremy McGlalh. See !he blslta*i 0I'l : !he planet go "Bar to Bar" in tus reviIw ollhe enllre 1997 ANA Sl(leraosa Series. • Grear ~1C8OM JooIagi and inttmll raang, one ol1he basi SupIrcmss : Senes 8't8f1 70 rnool8S /Tom X·Fldor. $19.95 : ('3251) Bar to Bar 2 : ~ Ouest lor Vlctory...!s In your lace racW1g, leaturtng !he besl riders on !he planet. • Relive !he YmoIe 1998 Supereross season With your favorite riders Ike Jeremy • McGralh, Ezra Lusk, Kevin WinclIlIm, Jeff EmIg, latty Wald, John Oowd, Ricky : Clrmichael, Doug Henry and many others. 60 mutes from X·fadof. $19.95 : (#325J) Bar to Bar '99 The deflnltlvt chronicle of !he 1999 PACE Supen:ross SeriBs. from BUlographs In Anaheim 10 !he last vIclory lap In Las Vegas, you'll see an unparalleled Inside view of the enrire25lh Armiversary Supercrosa Tour. 60 rTinutes from X-faclor. $19,95 ENDURO & DUAL SPORT (1210B) 1995 Colorado 500 Af'fIYiew 01 some ol the ~ts 01 the firsl 20 years 01 the Colorado 500, along wlth I look 11 the 1995 1Ide, covering 900 miles ol beau1lIuI Rocky Mounllln ttalI riding sctnefy. 90 minutes from LAM ProdUctions. $29.95 ('212) The Trails 01 Colorado MC Trail Guide HighIi(;tIls 0118 citIetent II'8iI systems lhroughouI Coicndo. ExceII8nI primer lor Ir8iI riding and ckIaI sportilg in the CoIonldo Aocki8s. 90 rrirlJIas from LAM Produclions. 529.95 • ('1020) Ride Like lhe Wind • An tllClIP8 WilD lor !he amx:hair lillarTlel'..Join alree-wheeiJlg band of Yamaha : ~ Ior!anlasllc otI-roid joLmeys across Egypt. AusIraIla. Ulifl's MorunMt • "*'1, an(! Paris to CapeloWn, 90 minlAes from Yl'tJte Slar/l),Q VIcIeo. GUS : ('1798) Incas Raily • Aider1 from 13 ClUItr\eI «ace c:haIengrlg tesls in !he jIqIes and ~ d PeN. flDm ArnlIzon nu:I to white water raftiIg WlCh lhe bbs on bo8rdl 50 nfttles from While Star/t)tJle Video. $34.95 (14n4) 1999 Granada-Dakar Rally ThlIIllIIa AaIIy. one d U. D9I8It ~ events in .. WllItd. Con1*iIots l8CIlCIOI$ !he 0I&ert in ClInI. IJU:b & on ~ IIding rmn&UaJsIy . . . dnwlg _. _ _ ""_ _ The"""'_. _"""'lISpao1, ........ - . BaI, ...... F... " " _ . " Il'WUIIlS from 'Milt S&arJt).D Video. $3U5 ('214) Malcolm Smith's 6 Days of Baja ADa WIIlIhe IIgendaty MaIcm'n SmRh on !he most I'ItIresting IlaIs lI1n;lul,flhl ¥8tIistwlg fronliIt. IndudIs ~ d rfders along tie beadles, Ivough tli Boo;.m and Pine forests, aatlIS hllpedKUlar BIiI SiMa rncu1taIn range, aaoss dry !like beds, and riding 10 !he lip oI81j1, OYer 1300 ITiIBs in al 130 miooIes from lAM Video. S2U5 • ('250) 1998 National Enduro series • Comprtlhenslw ~II from each roU'ld of1he '98 AMA NationII ErWn:l Senes. : 90 mi'IIt8II from MiIerIrIUn Prtxiaom. $24.95 TRIALS ('2043) This Is Motorcycle Trlals : Padt'" sta. "" from gIoOe GJoo -_....., _.~ ITWlUl8Ifrom VlOlIgll Iron. S24.95 FREE RIDING & CWHES TheorigNloul"'' ' ' ' ' ......._ _ ......... emo........ 1AcGnolh. "Y->............_. ""'............., ~ and men. (11ws Is !hi "lded' vnon)...Xl1Tillnlls from Aeshwoond F'*na. $21.15 ('10A) Crusty Demons 01 Dirt: 2 na sequel illoadad WI1tlI'lantore n*1g, ~ rn::l aenal naMy, II set 10 e _ w _ _ "' ... _.JoII~Seth ..- incbiI _."Y->_.....-.NaniIIa_""'.... rrwmas Swf1 Aba. Mexico. and CIikma, QrIrp\. 40 !rom AeIhwound Fims $29.95 9am-5pm PST Prices subject to change - please use current advertisement as your guide. Califomia residents add 7.25% Sales Tax All tapes listed are VHS, free of shipping & handling charges from Cycle News Products. Orders not accepted from outside the continental US. Allow ~ weeks for del lVOf)'. Oz _ _ ... "".......... aIIo IlCb:les scrne wal8fCnItl and karbng Iootage. SoundlracIt Indudes qJ ~bRts, 32 rrnJI8S from X·factor. $29.15 & gellllg rnasM'8 (I133A) Horizontal 2 The __-...""_·oul""_ _.... OownUndar Check Ih8 HJssI8 'TIur1»r Nairs., PWC action. Shane wans, ~,Oz ...,..,..."" .....FiOnsd. _ _ .o.-.oand.NawSoolhWalas. nued" ('100) Crusty 2000 "The Metal Millennium"· JoIn !he crealiY8l8am 01 Jon freeman and DatIB NIcholson on \tie lronllines IS they wreak havoc In Japan, Australia and ecross America. The Crusty Troops Include Carey Hert, Brian Deegan, Seth Enslow, Travis PaslratIB, Mike MEllIget', Aonnle felssl, Larry Llnkogle, Mike Clnqrrws, Trevor VlI'I8S, Mike Jones, C1j1ford Adoplln18, Bubbe and many more, 30 minuI9s from Aest1wound Films. 529.95 (#t20) Terralirma The originaJ big air lr8esIyIe fox video leaturing wild antics by Doug Henry, Ezra Lusk. Aobble Reynard, RIdcy ClJ'I'Iichlel, Trevis PaslratIB, James SteWart. and !he Kng of Rock n' Roll, SooodIrack by Pennywise, Alice" ChaIns, Lucy's Fur Coal, Flllure Sot.nds of London and SOl.r'llb:a 3S mutes from fox Video. $24.95 (#120A) Terrafirma2 _ _ ....... _."""HoNy..... ~ """""'_R"""". MiIul Metzger, John Oowd. Em Lusk. Ricky eam.:tIaeI, Pdo Gonzalez, and the klle Domy Sd'rnil Sc:uICIInIck by Mad Season, facela face, Comlsul, PemywlIe, nI Spnmg Monkey. 45 rriluIes from fox Video. $29.95 ('12OB) Terrafirma 3 w_ Tert1fim'8 is Mryiling you'd expect II this senes and WORE! MonIIclcMons, ndets n11nsanily1 Rmed in FIVCB, ~ Oregon, Utah, Mat)1and, Mil:::tigIfl, Ternessee. you1 . . "!he big names III'l'lOllX:t'OSS Jnmy McGrail,CImscIlIoo'. lMnson, _ . Daooy _ . Dood,loe _ HoNy. _ . 0.. ~ lTlI"IIt8S from Fox Vrdeo, 129.95 ('12OC) Terrafirma 4 ProcIuc:ed br fInOIlifI1i8d IflOWboard MTmak8t trae Hlich8I. &n8d II teCtIllocaI\ons in ChIe ftl CanIda. CWMc silos kDlde MorUna. ~ . _ . eay : _ las Vegas, _ _.TClI1OflIOoaS,CnyHorl,Goy_.IIn ...... _ _. _CoIlomo.""""""... and Mit Bowylw. Uusie bot TestJrnn. MO, 45, and Pmu. 35 ITW1JI8Ifrom Fox Vd80. $2U5 (#1200) Terrafirma 5 M*e H8t:tlIa reIl..a'nI witllhe.state of Ihe an in !he Terrafirq SeneI: shot enbr8Iy CI'I 16tml1m [II steIeo) in '98 tor '99 release. fealures I YItiety of rdng st)1es (MX ""_...... _ . USSX' F_I. _ . "'_ICanads. US Fraral), cWenges. experrnents and ~ 43 nwutes from fox Video. 529.95 • Eliminating Arm Pump TrarniIg me1hods & strategies lor tlCll'IO wtlh Slrength & endurance II your arms. noI _ ....."""""".. loom""'.CO<' ance. IncU:18s eOS. """"". MeIZgO<. - . Goo<>Nw>.IriogIo. a->. R""Y ..... ""' ......... """ ...... _'99'_ VicIllo, $24,95 B"" _.Ja"Willoh,OougPa""". Ja"EmIg.... cnc,na•. MIcky - . Ind Ricky ClrmchaeI. ~r Joe RIl9d,)oImy AlrIJme, and more wtlll? some senousIy SIC!l: air IIllhlS ~ music Yi:leo, Plrental Advisory (Explicillyncs). 30 minUles!rom Thrust Productions. $29.95 ('154) Mini Warriors This YicI90 fealures :m. 01 tIl8 netion's top mi-cycle C/lampions ranging from 4 1015yearsold, Th9se kIC1Is ShOw the wortd why lhe¥ are the Iutu~ crop at motocross slars. Also fealUras former "*'kyde chlmplon Jet! Emig. Other mini warriors Include Jeff and Mike Alessi, Shane Bess, RYln Morais Ind Jona1hln Shimp. 60 minutes from MX Films. $29,95 • (*l54A) Mini Warriors 2 TraY&! across the US u you see the beslkidsanct young adults in MX... lhe neXl generatlon 01 pros. Check oul Travis pasIrlina's unbeIiIYabIe lOT JutJ1)1 Includes 8CIlon w1Clsey Johnaoo, Nick Wwy, RobbIe Reynerd, Guy Cooper, Bn:x:Ic. SeIlardt and more. ProdUced bot S1'tephwd Films; 60 minul8S from MX films, $29.95 ..__ __ "Soaka_ (#1793) Evel Knievel's Spectacular Jumps F""' ... _~Caasar' ~""' CMyoo, Ewl Kni8YeI earrMld his r8pVtI1ion as the woIld's bnMtsI ttar8dlwi, RelIve lis gr88l8St ~ and ~ bone-braaIcilg deIaals with lI'O speclICIiar co/Ieclion 01 breatttIamg moklIt)d8;..nps. !Kl1llrlU1a:S from ~YMe SW1DlN Vk»o. $19,95 ('1792) Evel Knievel: Last of the Gladiators The_""'~ ""by&sl~_ AeYeaIs ile INa saga of a 2Dlh centlIry p:ia!Ol'. 100 rrirMes lrom WhiIa StarIOW ('4112) Gary Bailey's How to Ride & Win SUpercross _ ..,:"''''''' For lWIyone ~ klleatn more lltoJl WheeIIes, uphII, dowMIs. lUIS • m:lSl of Ihe Cltls18dIs enc:oon1Ofedon ltBis, pQ~posIb*lg& /III1)s. AIao,IOITI8 wnamg dIIssic ~ shoI8 d DlMd Baa., &Jotmy 0'Mara. Ptoci.ald II '85; 00 ....... !nlmGBMX_. $52.95 ('404) Gary Bailey's Cornering 2 *"", 'Vihat h Te 10 WIn" - Pitilessor' Bdey 1lllks about bib body posllIDn, hand'"' passlIlg and plilCbCe. fl'Js see lOp proa in II typ8I of COftl8filg &iturions; IIat tums, ruued. sand, benns, oft CIJTilers and mud. Procb::ed 111'94; 60 rrWlutas from GBMXVodeo. S5~95 (1405) Gary Bailey's The Art of Jumping 2 JUfllling has made !he most drastic change In ttchnlqut In the !asl10 yeats. from riding on !he balls oj ttle 19lI~ leacing!he bikllof more forward momenlum & conttoI, to fixing &e1im1nlltng problems, Youlleam the proper WIY In types 01 ~ . .,......'''''.- ~~=:':.:~:~.=."'''''' (J406) The New Rider Technique An updated version oIlhe '83 Gary BaIley Ridet Technique Yideo. Covers body positlonlng, starts, cornering, jumps & passinlJ; 0uIu8llher eaen training segmenl help empl\8slZe key poIrlls. This video IIeIps provide focus fIJI your lralnlng & plectice sessions. Produce.bal1. s.a ....... _ ... """'" LISI. l.aBm wNIl takes 10 go from '100 to '1. Pnlciad tI93; 60 mnJI8s lrom _ b y _ _ SNFU.RKL.G<1p.-."""""......... Solis. 35 rrnJtes tom X.flldl:lr. $29.95 T'hr8 hoI8strol IS !he most ~ IJiIrI of lie rar, nullo CQJ the Iiah h trsl ..._ ......"'_.. Vdeo,$24,95 .......- . "'..... ~8aIlPfssll.dyoflheklp10rldafsn:tolws. h!allesalolmorelhlW1;.ts1twisf. KyII ............ _ . RaySam'o. """T8jlor."" ......... T _ Goom, JeI WJch, Brian Ferrel, Shau'I Peroio, Rusty Hc:tand & Adam PIM:8, (I143A) JoIow~,Gear Pinned 2 ProliJclions. FeaIW8s!he IaIest aerial The \Il'llII1hy Frfth bot Zefoed.In _ o n _ b y _ _ sa...... _ _ .... _ .... ...... KyII ........ _ _. _ _ .Kris ....... """'by_ Ray. Ad> lon1lia. """"""""._ - . _ . Cia and One .. Wonder. 45 nftrI8s!rom X.fIdDr. $29,95 GBMX_ S2O.95 ('411) Holeshots: Getting Dul First :::s .............. - " ' can 100. ~'3t'94,- " " ' ..... ""'gs4 IInIIrst, and how you ........ " " - 25/TW1U111from G8MX vao, ('412) SUspension Tuning & Race Prep Ga _ _ ""' ........ """ _ _ What .... lor & how 10 ad;.ISl illor 88dl~. P'd Ips CI'I earburefion &.ttqs till wi (1415) Simply Riding : . ' ; , : - _..... _ . _3'94:",""""fromGBMX ('121) FLY The spmg '9619191se from Rrx..J88tunng Fox stars McGra1h, Bradshaw, MeIlg8r, Garyf'deYandthect8lllllSoitheoriglnal"MMana'w:iIobringlhistap8lt1at shows I'l'lOdlwn pros and legends of MX bIJsMg big &lr on and 011 he InIdl. Experience MX lhen &now 30 nnrles from GBMX VidIo. $20.15 ('413) Bike Setup, Maintenance & Suspensl'on at placee Ike the Paris and An8hlIm ~, GIamis nur., SocreI Honda T8SI TracIts, While Sands, QcoIiIIo Weis and GalorblK:k. MIJIllC by Sinlile Gun Theory, Eric: B. & Rakml, Sproog Mook&y, SNFU, NofX, and Sheltar 35 mnJt9S from fox VIdeo. $29,95 ('416) Air Mania Ga!y 6aiI8y takes a look II !he lop pros at !he 80'. at pracIai & play, Awesomeloflg byOMlBalay.R... _.JoII \Yam, Mkky Dymond. Ma!lase'Jich, Starnon. Kehoe, Bradshaw and more. PrpcIu:ed 8189, 30 ninul8s from GBMX Video. $20,95 -good. ............... "''''''': .... Homy._.Wi'dlom.""Se

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