Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 11 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BIG BOOK OF HARLEY Motocross Racers MOTOCROSS .... ... RACERS r:'~~ttI VALENTINO ROSSI: MOTOGENIUS fII~Off ItBtsj ctw'onicles the rise of 8 modem Iegeod. from its Iunble begimng$ .... 10foot by 1 s.tooc shed to its present position. • c~ later••5 one of the wortd's most successfull'l"lOtOWfde manufllCtlKen. folcJwy the tnIil of ttis Americ... $UCcess lIorv as il: winds through history. decade by decade. irAIenced by Wllf"S. lhe economy, and intense ~ from dorrestic and foreign rivals. by over 1,000 photographs datiog bact. to the tt.m of !he century, The Big book of Harley-Davidson provides. revealing acount of this American icon. The Spedal Centennial Edition is updated to incJude new information. $45.95 H.rdcoyer, ID-l/2. 12,384 pp, 400 color and 50 bIw photos. 118303) Hent is the ~ stoIV 01 \ItIIerD1o Rossi. 801Jabty the lJ"9'1t85t de racer __ - oernWllv the most e n : ~ The ctIeI*y.fao9d IbIIilwl, oMlo has • rnassNe f8n base outside !he sp::.t as wei as wKhin motorcycle racr.g. is bWog hailed BS • SIilIiimB t*lt. Aged 22, he has ~ the ttne Gr.-.:I Prix V\b1d ~ series "'; five seasons, wnning the 125 cruwo in 1997. the Z50 crown in 1999,1Ind the (very 1;Ist) SOOtide in 2001. $D..95 HBrdcover,l·:Y4x 10, 1« pp. 1:K1 color photol. mocorcv- prtfl8d with stanW1g c;:dar ~ lnt d8taiI8d irIunn3lian lIbauc the fT1OIdW1e"5 nEe ~ and historical ~. WIthIavish~oI the nn ~ iIlld n-deplh rIormation from pP8It$ OIl the Stb;9ct. Motocross Racers is a ~ look at one of An&ica"s 1'5tes1 QfU'tNW1g 11'lDtOniports. $33..9!S TO·SIB" K8-1/r, 100 pp, 150 color, 50 b/W photos. JOEY DUNLOP JOEY DUNLOP b,M.'Oxley By RIIYRy." IIB25DI ., Motoc:n:l5s Racers, 30 signific.n: ~ of restDnJd race bikes_ by Mac Oiarmid HIS AUTHOIISff> ..O(;IUIIY (BfJ05) Wheo Joey Dunlop, the undisputed mister of the Isle of Man n motorcycle race, was killed in July 2000. his funeral united Northem Ireland. if ootv for II day. This official commemoretiw biograI)hV. written in association with the DuriO!> family and Honda UK. celebrlIItas the life of the panlOfliIte road racer who rodlt lor lhe love of the sport, whether at high-profi!e races or to prorllOta lunbler events like the Estonian rat;e which daimed his ~e. A completa recap of Ol.nIop·s life on and off the tnIcl;, along with a wealth of color photography, teas the tale of a peopIe's hero who worIcad 110 hIS own machines end WIlS known to drive ac«l$$ ~ . delivemg aid to Albania. BosnllI and Romania. $55.95 • Hardbound. 9--3/... 9--3/•• 208 ~s~ 200 color photos. - -.., ...... SPORT RIDING TECHNIQUES By Nick lenatsch Contempol1llY sport bikes ecceler1lle IltSter, brake ~. and cut through comers deeper than ever before. You need to bike your skits 10 the next 1ev'Ill. Now. in this book written specifically for sport riden. riding school instructor Nick lenatsch pr0vides you with the tools and ledwJiques to help you anafyl:e and deveklp your personal performance. "you're an experienced rider. Nick help you hone and perlect your wi. skits. operate contJOh with even greater finesse. BOd appty race-proven teclv1iques on the track as welles on the street. If you're a begirvW'Q rider. Nick wiI show you how to develop propel'" sk.I:s and safety habits that wiI add to your moIorcycling enjoytl'lefM and build you- confidence. \Nhatever your CU'nllW rD10 abiity. ttjs book wiI teach WAC "LDIA.MID Cc:e~~i~I~P=-:~~:=o~ bike and rider. TEN DAYS IN THE DIRT S2!l95!ihippinv incbIed. HARLEY DAVIDSON CENTURY By Russ Rohrer by Oa"id Oewhurst and Jeff Hackett (flI25i5) The WOl1d of ofI-road raang comes to life in this photo--oriented look at the sport. The author V1Slted len of the hottest off-road racing eYIIIlt5 III the U.s., .w:t came back wdtI I high-quality look at the state of off-road racng loday. The book is divided ioIo 10 sections, each dealing with a particuler type 01 off-road riding Of" oompetition. Described is .....nat happens dumg • typical day 01 competition. with quoIeS from the racers end Ihetr fImiIies. Detailed photos show the ltCtion on the track. .m the m.jonty 01 IN shots . . the competitors III the pits worb1g on tt.rir bikes. st-ng f1IClI1Ig st~, ~ end living the lives 011 racer. S24..9!5. Hlrdcover, 9.9, 160 lIP, 175 color phocos "890} Get ready to rod. roI and rumble through 100 yews of HaneyDiMdson Nstory. Hil the hid-rY with acknowtedged authonties as you tnMIl through a fuI C8'ItUV of PwIheads. Shovelheads. Knuddeheads. ~e Racers and EvoMJonI;. Ct\Rse through the ~ory of pow9" end speed with Cydl!I YokJrtd cobnnist Kev;n Cameron as he documents the Motor Company's doIicIta balarce between tectnolovY end lr.Idibon. Go hog wild wim Ib1ler S. Thompson end Bnxt yiltes as they outJn the evokJUon of the outlaw image end the cuInJre sp N" ... s ('rorlllct< ~ Ej] ' Allow 2-3 weeks for deli

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