Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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i!1illiiid1iieat CAlIFOllNIA GRANO PftIX - CRC Wold Turkey GP Sponsorship Series, GIe!1 Helen, San Bernardino. Info: 661/212-8889 or "MIItSI N_ NEVADA HARE SCRAMBlES - Nevada State Hare ScrarnbIes Championslip, MRAN Roosters MC, Desert Rae< INo Pro Event), Beatty. 1nfo:7025~127 orWWWJTnIV8Cing.COOI. 1~j,(14!!i.JO.) CAlIFORNIA GRANO PftIX - CRC, A Day ~ The Owt. LACR, _ . Info 661/212-8889 or AlABAMA MOTOCROSS - Alabama State Championship Series, Mil Craek MX Series. CAliFOllNIA TRIALS - Amarican Trials Association, Rnds 6-7, Romoland. Info: 969/860-1857 or lifffl iffii' GRAPHIC OEBIOH(J) EVENT NUMBERS FlHI9HER PINS SHJNS I BANNERS CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS - CRC Gold Cup, LACR, _ . Info: 661/272-8889 or EVENT STICK£RS PROMOTIONS 775-847-0795 IffiMMiI'Jtfl AlABAMA MOTOCROSS - Alabama State Championship Series, Corner MX Series. 'CAlIFOllNIA MOTOCROSS· Vet X Racing. Rnd 7 Vet XXtteme Ptize GiveAway Series, Glen Helen National TracI:. San BmanlllO. Info: 949/400-1089 or .btlilYlli&lil.i:l44·ilfi ARIZONA MOTOCROSS - Arnot"" Open of Motocross, Braun Entertainmen~ Arizona Cycle Pari<, Phoenix. Inlo: 607/742-~28 or YNNI.braunentertainmentcom Ili444.1lffif1¥ UTAH ARENACROSS - Advanstor Communtc8tions, BooKoo Arenacross Championship Sari." E-C8Ilter, \Yost Valey City. Info: 811/595-5844 or ' AlABAMA MOTOCROSS· Alabama State Chafr4>ionship Series, _ MIn Series. CAlIFORNIA MOTOCROSS - Riverside Old Tmers,LACR GP with LA Old Tmers. _.Into: 7141119-ll152 or www.rolmx.orv CAlIFORNIA MOTOCROSS - CRC, Edward's AFB. Info: 661/212-88811 or CALIFORNIA TRIALS • American Trials Association. Rnd 5, Perris. Info: 969/860-1857 or Wo'I•• CAlifORNIA GRANO PftIX - CRC Christmas Gp, LACR, _ . Info 661/212-8889 or WWW.crcmx.COOI. iu444uiMiiBl: CAlIFORNIA ARENACROSS - Advanstar Communications, Ilooloo Aranacross Cha~ Series. LOIllI Beach A18na. lOIllI Baach. Into: 811~95-5844 or 12265 Old a.m RoM!, Elbert, CO 80106 Web: wwwDHMA.-n UllO!f@" ARENACROSS - Advanstar MINNESOTA ARIZONA ARENACROSS - Advanstar ComrntJnications, BooKoo Arenacross Championship Series. Glendale Ar8lla, Glendale. Info: 817/595-5844 or Corrm.nicatioos, BooKoo Arenacross Championship Series, Tarvel Center, Mimeapolis. Info: 817/595-58« or www.raceareoacross,com Itiii1tiiJI nffij fl i: 'WEST VIRGINIA ARENCROSS • Action Sports, AMA, Big Sandy Superstore Arena, Huntington. Info: 74(\1594·6686 or CALIFORNIA ROAD RACE - WiUow Springs Motorcycle Club Road Race Series, Round II, Rosamond. Inlo: 661·256-1234 or ffiIffiMi illS F '.lttI': OKlAHOMA ARENACROSS - Adv.nstar COfM1Ul1ications, BooKoo Arenacross Championship Series,Tulsa Ar8lla, Tulsa. Info: 817~95-5844 or CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS - Riverside Okl-Tmers, Glen Helen REM, ROTMX only, San Bernardino. Info: 7141119-0152 or www.rotmx.olll CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS - CRC, LACR, Palmdale. Info: 661/212·8889 or W' JfJ J.... Hy4e It.~ L- PENNSYLVANIA ARENACROSSAdvanstar eon-rn.ncations Ilooloo Arwoacross CharnpionsJip Series, Soven!i!J1 Center, Reading. Info: 817~95-58« or r H•• WJ....... MO (410) 635-6916 J'''' ---I l1!IfjI h Ii f AIDE BAdA CAlIFORNIA TRIALS - American Trials Assoaation, Rnd 8, Corral Carlyon. Info: 969/860-1857 or Visit famous Mike's Sky Ranch. Includes BikesIHoleiSIMealslGuides We are Baja's premier lour company. Baja Off·Road Advenlures 111§44..iNSI NORTH CAROLINA ARENACROSS Advanstar Comnulications, BooKoo Arenaaoss C~ Series, Cribt Ar8lla, Charlotte. Inlo: 817/595-5844 or l-UM4I" 714·256·0875 CALIFORNIA TRIALS - American Trials Fax 714-256-0B76 Tour Photos at Association. Rnd 9, Wceme_ Into: 969/860-1857 or maMfiila'Sb NOllTH CAROLINA ARENACROSS Advanstar eon-rn.ncations, BooKoo _ross Championship Series, lBwrance Joel MIeI1loriaI CoIiset.m, Winston-Salem.lnlo: 817/595-58« or '.Mftlii CAlIFORNIA TRIALS - American Trials Association, Rnd 10, Lucerne. Info: 969/860-1857 or www.& r-------------------------------------, FREE CALENDAR LISTINGS Calendar listings are a free service. Type or legibly print all the information asked for below and mail to Cycle News Calendar, P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084, or fax it to 114-151-6685. Calendar listings cannot be accepted over the phone: we must have a complele Calendar lisling form. listings must be received by the close 01 business on Wednesday lor publication in the following week's issue. Event dale: _ O Yes Type of event Pro Payback: . ~ PengUin Roadracing School CROSS TRAINING 951·767·0991 ~ Experience the thrill althe racetrackll .' . s, 'The nation's 1 motOl'cycle roadradng school' I: ONo Event sanclion/promoler/sponsoring club: _ Location of evenl: _ City/Town: ,State: _ Phone Number lwith area code): Website AddresslURL: _ : Your name: : I'm interested in advertising my event. L I 0 Please send me a FREE Cycle News race promolers media kit. ~ CYCLE NEWS • OCTOBER 5,2005 69

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