Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 21 of 89

- - - - - - - - - - - Round 10 MOTOGP Jr: July 31. 2005 ~ 10. jo/ln Hopldns (1:13.196~ II. Carloo Choca (1:13.J4I~ 11. 5hInra NIbno (1:23.3I1~ 11. _ tloInwwl (1:13.405); 14. Ohtor Joeque (1:13.715); 15. _T_(I:13.86O); 16.1Ioy1loytlss(1:13.916~17. 10nI EllIs (1;14.411); 18. Ruben Xaus (1:14.605~ 19.)Imo& - . (1:14.988); 10. - . . , _ (1:15.001); 11.-.. Byrne (1:15.711~ 11. Fnnco _ _ (1:16.154). M01'OClPl I. _ _ 1. _ Gibomou __ INGS ~ • of 16 _ ) : I. (181/5 ....~1.e-_(13111_~Ud... .-(I14~ .. 4. - . _('Hil wtn~ 5. Randy De PInot (8911 wtn) 6. (T1E) ,.,. De Ar1IIIo ~ Aajorra (87); 8. JorII l.annoo(78); 9, 10. _ConI (54). 131'''- PRIX QUAUFYlNCk I. . . . _ (1:17.965~1. Moro>_(I:18.I81): 3. Thomas ltIIhI (1:18.140); 4. _ _ (1:18.153); 5 SImon (I :18.375); 6. 1iIrnorowhI Kopna( I:18.561); 7 .(1:18.605); 8. GIborT_ _ (1:18.61I~ 9. _ _ (1:18.615); 10. SorJIoGodoo(I:18.735); 11._ ......... (1:18.716); l1.l.anmo _ (1:18.917); 13._1.1J (1:19.015); 14. _ _ ....... (1:19.116); 15. Sondro eor- (1:19.145); 16. _ KuzilhIra (1:19.167): 17. Je-0IMI(1:19.175); 18. _ _ (I:19.I~ 19._ _ (1:19.I81~ 10. MIot Di ..,.., (1:19.254); 11. /1anuoI PoaiaII (1:19.319); 11. _ _ (1:19.465); 13. Inn 10th (1:19.468); 14. _ _ (1:29.4110); 15. T-.De_(I:19.515); 16. _ _ (1:29.565); 27. (1:19.569); 18. jonII Carchano (1:19.906); 19. Dario ~ (1:10.058); 10. I _ (Han); 8. CoIn EdwIrdI ('IWn~ 9. Loots CaI*-i (Due); 10. _ -(Han); II. Komr-".. (Suz~ 11. 10nI EllIs ('IWn); 11. _ Xaus ('IWn); 14. - . . , _ (Due); 15. Fnnco _ _ (BIa). T1rnol15 15 ..... 56.90_ 4.414 soc. ( _ _ _lop: _ 95.23""'" ........ of"""'" 7.940 soc. _ ..... 1lonIoI--.1op 16, 1:15.117 ('IWn~ ........of""" , n- 41 min., 35.089..... soc. _ 19 66 (1:23.211~ "*'.. World Ch8mplonshlp Ro8d Race k i n --(13618.. .); Gibomou,Iop 1, 1:13.705 MOTOGI' ~ C'SHlP POINTS STANDINGS ~ 10 of 17 _ ) 1 I. 1. Moro> _ (116); 1. _ Gibomou (115); 4. CoIn EdMrds (114); 5........... (Ill); 6. (TIE)_1lomJo (101/1 wtnYl'kkY Ho,den (101/1 win); 8. Loots CaI*-i (71); 9. 5hlnraNlbno(65); 10. CorlosOleca(51); II. Truy IloytIss (47); 11. _ Tonwk (41); 11. (lIE) Kenny Roberts Jr: (16)1Ruben Xaus (16); 15. john Hopldns (11). 150 GIlAND PRIX QUAUF'YINGI I. ,.... De ArwoIs (1:14.618); 1. 1lonIoI_ (1:14.714); 1. JorI'I l.anmo (1:14.905); 4. 5ebutIan I'ono (1:15.191); 5. _Aoyama(I:15.4]]~6. _ T _ (1:15.469); 7. e-, Stoner (1:15.470); 8. Randy De"'" (1:15.617); 9. Hector 8artIera (1:25.643); 10. Andreo Dovbloso (1:15.669); II. - . . , ~ (1:16.139); 11. Anlhony _(1:16.278); 11.5yM*t~(I:16.301~ 4 . _ 1 ConI (1:16.31Ol: 15. CIlIZ llovtos (1:16.l6O.); 16. _ ~ (1:16.449); 17."'" 8oIdoIni (1:16.507); 18. Dirk HoidoII (1:16.511); 19.)IIcub 5nn (1;16.841); 10. _ GIoNMtIJ~"U): 11. ,.... Debon (1:16.981); ~ (1:17.678); 13. TII05oId&u _ ( I O I I I ....);5. _ _ (IOOI1w1nw);6.~ SImon (9111 ....); 7. _ 1 M (88); 8. -1'oaiaI (64); 9. 1Orn

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