Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nearly three seconds on them. Miller got by Stern, and then he put a move on Kiefer by going under him in turn nine on lap 10 to secure second place. Lap times fell off the pace due to the heat. Perez, running 1:21 s early in the race, dropped his pace to nearly 1:25. "The heat can cause the tires to blister," stated Perez. "You can lose seconds if the tires starts to chunk or, WO+"Se, they can blow." "In the beginning, it was a pretty fast pace, and I didn't want to tire myself out or wear the equipment out, and I looked over my shoulder and saw Stem - he was running really strong, and he's doing really well this weekend, and man, I gotta stay in front of him as long as I can!" stated Kieffer, happy with his third-place finish. Kieffer lost his position to Stem for a lap when he came into tum three a bit too hot and Stem got under him. Former AMA Erion Honda road racer Miller, tired of sitting on his couch, decided to come out to Willow Springs and try his hand at racing again. Miller's plan? "Go as fast as I can and see where I finish," said Miller, who gave a nod to local racer Stern, stating, "He's fast, man - that kid can ride' What is he, 501" (On a side note, Stem races in Formula 40!) The typically nasty wind that is synonymous with Willow Springs showed up about halfway though the race. It felt like one had a hair dryer stuck in one's face, set on high heat, and with a bit of sand thrown in as well. "There were some dust devils out there that blew us six feet off-line, ooce, in two different sections of the track," noted Miller. Perez, who was visibly in pain after the race and could barely stand or walk, thanked the crowd, his father, and his sponsors before popping the cork on the champagne. "It [the pain] stayed very persistent," said Perez. "I just put my head down and kept racing" RESULTS 550 S/BK: I. Tim Martine.z (Suz); 2. Kurt Whittington (Suz); J. Clinton Whitehouse III (Suz); "'. Edward Johnson (Suz); 5. Chris Shadoan (Kaw). 650 SlBI(, I. ja>on P..... (Yam): 2. Mkkey Lone (Kaw): 1. Kenny KDped (Y>m). OPEN 5181(, I. ja>on Pe.-ez (Yam); 2. IlDbb;e Dow;e (Sw). OPEN S/STJ(, I. ja>on Pe.-ez (Yam): 2. Dale Kieff... (Sw): 2. Sam Camibucd (Yam); J. Robbes Stieglia (Yam); 4. Wiliam Clarke (Yam); 5. Ben Hubmer (Kaw). 750 MOD PROD: I. Kart lowry Jr. (Suz); 2. Ritchie Thorup (S (Yam): 1. Rodge< Bak... (Yam): 1. Alex White (Yam): S. I>rdy Edw>nk (Ap<). BOTT L/W' I. Chris Shadoon (I<>w): 2. Jm. Rau (HZ): 1. S....... Bak... (I<>w). BOTT MJW, I. Kenny Kopecky (Ou<): 2. Norma.n Roy (Doc); l. Bob Setbacken (Doc); -1. Tim Martinez (Suz); 5. Chris Matty (Rue). BOTT I. Ke"'Y KDpede (Oue). F-Tw. I. Kenny Kopecky (Ou<): 2. Cbudio Soynkowili (Out): 1. _ Roy (Ou<): •. M.tthew Robem (Ou<): S. Bob Setbacken (Ou<). F·SG(, I. Chris Shadoon (Kaw): 2. Jim Rau (MZ). 500 SGL: I. Lany Cochran (Hen); 2. Scott Fabbro (Suz); J. Kelly Baker (Yam). 660 SGL: I. Jim Rau (MZ). F~ I: I. Jason Perez (Yam); 2. Man: Mil~ (Sut.); J. Dale Kieffer (Suz); -1. Jeff Stem (Suz); 5. Robbie Dowie (Suz). F~2: I. Mark Watts (Hon); 1. Brant Wiwi (Kaw); J. Robbes Stieglia (Yam). F-40 LIW: I. Mark Watts (Hon); 1. SWl Bates (Yam); J. Bob Setbacken (Due); -1. Mark Hargis (Yam); 5. Alex White (Yam). F-40 H/W: I. Jeff Stern (Suz); 2. Claudio Szyszkowski (Due); J. Aaron W.dard (Suz); -1. Clayton Backhaus (502); 5. David MclMty (50'1.). F-SO: I. Howard Lynggard (Yam); 2. David Molitor (Suz); J. Gary Di Martino (Suz). VINT LJW: 1. Ed Milich (Due); 2. Warren Spradlin Jr. (Yam); J. Steven Baker (Kaw). VINT H/W: I. Russ Lomanto (Hon); 2. Ed Milich (Due); J. Scon Fabbro (Suz); -1. Michael Gougis (Kaw). 0-500 LJW NOV: I. Marty Liooley (Yam); 2. Thomas Stalnaker (Kaw); J. Terry Vance (Hon); -1. Herb Abell (Apr); 5. Elaine Ou (Hen). 501--650 MIW NOV: I. Lan Lindstrom (Hon); 2. Matt McMenemy (Kaw); l. James Dial. (Hon); -1. Bryan Davenport (Hon); 5. Frank Larned (Suz). 651OPEN H/W NOV: I. Chris I:>ur3n (Hon); 2. Kurt Risic (Suz); J. 8ry.ln Davenport (Hoo); "'. John Newton (Suz); 5. Darrik Benson (Hen). ww. District 17 Midseason Championship South Fork Dirt Riders Hanshaw Hammers South Forkl By RACHAEl MOORE TAYLORVIW, Il, JULY 17 Y know a track is doing well when it gets to host a midseason championship. And that's just what happened at South Fork: With more than )00 riders in attendance, the track and its support team were ready. This track has come a long way in just a few short years. It now has campSites, showers, a bike wash, concession stands with anything you can think of to eat. a OU Motorcycle news will never be the sameI You can access Cyde News Online anytime, day or night, on the World Wide Web at••• Wit."• • t fit. ' ••fllng efI•• 01 ..otorcycle _ _1 cycle News Onlinel Now you

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