Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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When 1 _ mountlllI the Tomahawk tires In our shop, Ilmmedlablly noticed that they were very heavy. When I had both the stock and Tomahawk tires off the bike, I weighed them and was surprised by how much more the Tomahawk tires wei&hecJ. The stock Bridgestone BTO 14 tires on our GSX-RIOOO weighed In at 13.75 pounds for the rear and 8 pounds for the front. The Tomahawk rear weighed a full five pounds more at 18.75 pounds, while the front weighed 6.5 pounds more at 14.5 pounds. This concerned me, because this is unsprulll mass that would be added to the bike. Engineers from companies like Suzuki spend countless hours trying to shave weight on components Nke wheels, brakes. calipers and the fork. trying to reduce unsprulll weight, so it seems like a crime to add so much onto a bike's wheels. Additionally, tire companies such as Bridgestone have the same goal. always trying to shave unwanted weight off their tires for the same reasons: Less unsprung weight and less reciprocating mass means better handllllI and better response from the suspension. The real test was to see how they felt on the road. After logging some decent miles on the Tomahawk Tis I have to say the extra weight is extremely obvious. I The SpeedoHealer mounts cleanly and compactly out of the way under the rear passenger seat, and it warks. immediately noticed that our nimble GSX-R started to steer like a Panzer tank. Tum-in has been dramatically reduced. and once leaned over, the reciprocating mass makes the bike feel like it doesn't have enough alr In the front tire. (I checked it on more than one occasion to make sure.) Another thing that I noticed _ that with an additional 6.5 pounds mounted on the front rim, the GSX-R would no IoIll8f power-wheelle as easily off the line. Not that it matters, but that Is the effect of that much spinning weight on the front of the bike. As a matter of fact, when I actually clutched a few wheelles up, It was amazing how much more effort it took than with the stock tires. The grip from the T I tires seems to be on par with most of the basic street tires on the market, at least at normal street and canyon riding speeds. I didn't push as hard as I would have liked because of 1tIe handling Issua. but 1walked away confldent that 1tIe primarily silica-based tires offer good dry grip and should work really well In the rain as well, since rain tires have more IIIlca In them for cold/wet grip, As for 1tIe IooIt, I guess they look kind af cool, but I'm such a fan of performance-orlente products that I'm an the fence about ~ tires. I do know that after 100 miles of rid... the only part that still looks clean and blue are 1tIe sidewalls; 1tIe rest of the tires are covered In an asphIIt-colored mess. I suppose they could be really cool on a show bike. but far spirited street rlcIilll, I'm Inclined to stick with what I know and trust. If you think colored tires wiU enhance the look of yaur ride and want more Information on Tomahawk tires, go *VAMAHA fM-P!l. sQ.s ~fi'6-4 PJ!..J!TY!.~ .JDlfJl& JIIR1'8ID I1l1!JJfiiIljfJ 1~ ~ - ,S??R ~. t..,.. 0i/atifIW -=-- Costa Mesa Speedway and Perris Flat Track presents: 2005 Golden State Flat Track Series Come join us for Southern California's best Flat Track Series at the famous Costa Mesa Speedway 1/8 mile oval and Perris Flat Track's brand new 1/5 mile dirt track. Classes alldfunfor everyone! Elltries are limited so ellter TODAY! Dates August 13 August 19 August 27 Dates Costa Mesa Speedway Perris Raceway Costa Mesa Speedway October I October 15 October 29 Perris Raceway Costa Mesa Speedway Perris Raceway For entry, membership application, or more information contact: Cosla Mesa Speedway (949) 492-9933 or Perris Raceway (7 I4) 642-3 I56 or CYCLE NEWS • AUGUST 3,2005 59

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