Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Continued f,om poge J 9 the KTM 250 is a parallel twin in a field dominated by V-twins. Why? "When you design an engine, you scart with one test cylinder," Bartol said. "In my experience with vee engines, if you put two together you never get twice the power of one test cylinder." This was because of different cylinder angles, intake and exhaust paths and volumes, and so on. "Each cylinder is like a different engine," he said. The parallel twin suffered no such problems, and at the same time, fitting a balance shaft allowed Bartol to experiment with different firing intervals. "We have two types of engine here: one with 180-degree timing, and the other at 270 degrees. The 270degree is always better, so for the next race we'll have both bikes with that configuration," he said. Privilege is to be paid for in modern racing, and the plight of the British Telecom engineers at Donington Park demonstrates the case. ResponSible for maintaining the obviously vital telecommunications at the track, they operated out of a VIP suite with a magnificent view over the Melbourne Hairpin. They were only able to look at it for the first day, however. "Tomorrow, they draw the curtains," one of the engineers said. Perhaps BT was offered to keep the view in exchange for an extra fee - but why would they want to pay staff to look out of the window? just taken the lead and then crashed spectacularly. Then the red flags came out. This meant a restart, and a new race cut to just nine laps to avoid too much delay to the remaining schedule. And it was a crash fest, with I3 fallers, at least two of them (early leader Gabor Talmacsi and Bautista) crashing twice. In the end, survival as well as speed gave a first victory to KTM's Julian Simon, after a long battle with Honda-mounted Mike di Meglio, with teammate Fabrizio Lai narrowly taking third from Marco Simoncelli. MOTOGP It was pouring down as they lined up, and then the starting lights failed. Engines were stopped, the one-minute board held out, and they went out for another warmup, for a race reduced by one lap. This time the lights worked, and Gibernau surged straight into the lead going into Redgate corner, followed by Melandri, Barros, Edwards and Bayliss, with Rossi sixth. Rossi picked up two places by the end of the lap, with Biaggi the first to fall, picking up to rejoin at the back, and Gibernau fully VI-seconds clear. The spray was awful, the number of slips, slides and tumbles striking. Xaus was out on lap two, Melandri, Bayliss and Hayden on lap three, and Gibernau one lap later, as well as Nakano and Biaggi, for a second time, this one terminal. The next time around, Shakey Byrne touched the brakes and also fell - a cruel fate, with the Proton KR lying an unprecedented sixth at the time. In this way, severe rain makes fools of heroes, and vice versa. Hopkins was charging through from 12th on lap one, up to fourth by lap four, and in the lead the next time around, however reluctantly. Rossi was second and remained in there when Barros took the lead on lap seven. Then Rossi was third, as Roberts nosed ahead. Edwards was close up behind, Tamada losing ground behind, Checa soon to close up as Capirossi closed and eventually overtook Hofmann behind him. The highly variable grip over different areas of the track also varied the positions of the leading group. Roberts led for one lap, the I I tho At the same time, Rossi made his slip at the chicane, dropping behind Edwards for two laps. It was now, as he caught up again, that he discovered for sure just how much faster than the others he could go. On lap 14, Rossi passed Edwards onto the back straight and Roberts at the other end of the straight. Now he tucked in behind Barros for eight laps, and on the 22nd, he tucked in underneath him at the penultimate hairpin - and put his head down. Rossi took almost two seconds out of Barros on lap 23, 2.S seconds on the next lap, 3.3 on the one after it. This was a (Above) John Hopkins (21) led early before crashing out of the race. He remounted to finish 11th. Colin Edwards (5) ended up finishing fourth in the race after suffering a few nasty moments that slowed his progress. magnificent display of courage, brinkmanship, commitment, confidence - and the most extraordinary of skills. By the finish, he was totally in command. Roberts popped past Barros on the last lap, and Edwards was by now more concerned with staying ahead of Checa than trying to catch up again. Checa was next, then Capirossi, Tamada and Hofmann, with Elias and Rolfo a lap down, then Hopkins. Rossi's points lead is now more than 100 points - 21 I to double nonscorer Melandri on 107. Edwards is closing fast, on 106. Biaggi has 100, the misfortunate Gibernau on 95, and Barros on 90. eN KTM does not expect to bring more than DONINGTON PARK DONINGTON, ENGLAND RESULTS: JULY 24, 2005 Are future World Champions born or made? Both, it seems, in the case of thrusting young Spaniard Jorge Lorenzo. Not that the youngster has won a title yet, but the way he is going in his first 250cc year it can be only a matter of time. For one thing, it's all been planned already. From early childhood in Majorca, Lorenzo has been groomed for the job, even to the extent of practicing press conference techniques and getting used to standing on a child-size podium. It's all part of his father Chicho Lorenzo's grand scheme, and you can check on the system and on progress so far in his new book. In Spanish and titled As; s_ pr_para un futuro campion ("Thus a Future Champion Is Prepared"), it is published by Hispano Europa. Lorenzo, meanwhile, is doing well on the riding part, on the Fortuna Honda. He's already led twice in his first season and claimed two poles and two podiums, Including a second place. His best finish before the British GP was second, but watch this space. Lorenzo celebrated his first I25cc win (in Brazil in 2003) with a display of air guicar on his slow-down lap. minor improvements to its Proton KR(ROUND 9 OF 17) HOTOGP QUALIFYING: L Valentino Rossi (1:27.897): 2. Set. G;bemau (1:28.182); 3. MMCO Melandri (I :28.295); 4. Alex 8..-ros (I :28.394): 5. NKky Hayden (1:28.415): 6. CoUn Edwan!, (1:28.656): 7. Troy SayU.. (1:28.720); 8. Max 8;agg; (1:28.726): 9. Makoco T..-nada (I :28.976): 10. john Hop!<;", (1:29.231): II. Loris Cap;'''''; (1:29.731): 12. 5h;ny.l Nakano (1:29.742): 13. eano. Checa (1:29.816): 14. Ruben x.", (1:29.890); IS. Alex Hofmann (1:30.151): 16. Kenny Robens j,. (1:30.260): 17. Ton; Ella> (1:30.342): 18. Shane 8yrne (1:31.026): 19. Rabeno RDlfo (1:31.180): 20.J""'" EII_ (1:31.791): 21. F

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