Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Continued from page 19
Jeremy McGrath
was in the Houston
pits, hanging out.
The seven-time
Supercross Champion hasn't ridden
since St. Louis a few
months ago. Will he
ride again next year?
Only time will tell.
"I've been off the
bike ever since St.
Louis," McGrath said. "We'll see what we
can do. Hopefully, we'll end up with Honda.
Maybe we can put something together like
this again next year."
During his heat race
Team Amsoil/
Mike laRocco had
a hard get-off in the
second rhythm section. After the
impact, laRocco laid
motionless on the
track until finally getting up and walking
off. Word in the pits
is that he sullered a hard hit to the head and
was knocked out briefly.
II you ever take a dose look at the back 01
Ricky Carmichael's head (when it's freshly
buzzed - nice and dose) you might see a
bald spot. There's a lunny story behind it.
"The second time I ever rode was on a TriZinger Yamaha," Carmichael said. "I got a
linle buck wild over a jump, I flipped and
my helmet went down, and the pipe burned
my hair. I've never grown it back. The doctor said it was supposed to grow back, but
it's bald. That's why I never like shave my
head really short because I kind of have - I
don't know - a complex about it I guess."
(Suz); 9. Derek Leist (Hon); 10. Brian Mason (Hon); II.
Michael Sleeter (Hon); 12. Clark Stiles (Hon); 13. Chris
Barrett (Han); 14. Forrest Butler (Hon); 15. Travis Preston
(Hon); 16. Thomas Hofmaster (Suz).
Time: 4 min., 5].570 sec:.
SEMI 1 (6 laps, 1-5 transfer): 1. Damon Huffman
(Hon); 2. Justin Buckelew (Hon); 3. Doug Dehaan (Hon); 4.
Tyler Evans (Suz); 5. Jiri Dostal (Hon); 6. Pedro Gonzalez
(Yam); 7. William Browning (Suz); 8. Dennis Ewing (Hon);
9. Keith Johnson (Yam): 10. Taylor Watts (Yam); II. Man
Shue (Suz); 12. Clayton Miller (Yam); 13. Erick Vallejo
(Yam): 1<. Rkky Jurado (Han); IS. Ted Campbell (Han);
16. MIke LARocco (Hon).
Time: 5 min., 1.850 sec.
LAST CHANCE QUALIFIER (6 laps. 1-1 transfer): I. Erick ~Iejo (Yam): 2. TraVIS Preston (Hon): 3.
Keith Johnson (Yam); -4. Pedro Gonzalez (Yam): 5. Isaiah
Johnson (Yam); 6. Clar1c Stile (Suz); 7. Bnan Mason (Hon):
8. James PoYolny (502): 9. Kevin Johmon (Yam): 10. Chm
Barrett (Hon); II. MIChael Sleeter (Hon); 12. Dennis
Ewing (Hon); 13. Matt Shue (Suz): 14. Clayton Miller
(Yam); 15. Ricky Jurado (Hon); 16. FOfTest Buder (Hon):
17. Willlvn Browning (Suz); 18. Ted Campbell (Hon): 19.
Taylor WattS (Yam): 20. Derek Leist (Hon); 21. Tommy
Hofnuster (S01:); 22. Mike LARocco (Hon).
Time: 4 min., 57.670 sec.
MAIN (20 laps): I. James Stewart (Kaw): 2. Chad
Reed (Yam); 3. Ricky Carmichael (502); -4. Kevin WindhAm
(Hon): S. DaVId Vualemin (Yam): 6. Emeno Fonseca (Hon);
7. Jason Thomas (Han): 8. Tlmmy Ferry (Yam): 9. Kyle
Lewis (Hon); 10. Ryan Clark (Hon); It. Heath Voss (Yam);
12. Damon Huffman (Hon): 13. Joe Oehlhof (Hon); 14.
Sebastien Tortelli (Suz); I S. Tyler Evans (Suz); 16. Erick
Vallejo (Yam); 17. Justin Buckelew (Hon); 18. Jiri Dostal
(Hon); 19. Travis Preston (Hon); 20. Doug Dehaan (Hon).
Time: 16 min.. 37 .060 sec.
Margin of victory: 1.685 sec.
rounds): I. Ricky Cannichael· (HS/7 wins); 2. Chad Reed
(317/"4 wins); 3. Kevin Windham (264ft win): -4. Mike
laRocco (229); 5. David Vuillemin (227); 6. Ernesto
Fonseca (190); 7. Sebastien TOrteili (176): 8. Heath Voss
(1«): 9. James Stewart (129/3 W;"'): 10. "JYie<" E""", (125): II.
T"";' Pnmon (I IS): 12. Damon Huffman (III): 13. Ton-roy