Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Barry and Glenn went back and forth. I've been struggling with a little bit of everything - luck and confidence and even strength. So now I'm back to where I was last year, where I have nothing to lose. I just need to get all the bad luck out." Kearney worked very hard for what turned out to be a third-place finish. "It was a great race there," Kearney said. "I was in good position on the last lap, but I had to throw my goggles, and Barry went around, and then I got roosted. Then I was trying too hard to catch up and I threw it away. But these were the same conditions I struggled with in Georgia, so I'm happy to get a better result. I didn't even know Juha was that far out in front of us, so I thought we were fighting for the lead. I couldn't push much harder; it wasn't like I could have caught him." A few months before the GNCC season began, Kearney was willing to do anything to even get a ride in the series, even saying he would spend his own money to race here. Suzuki has now picked up what has to be the best bargain in the sport. Fifth in the race went to KTM's Robbie Jenks. Jenks got off to a great start like Salminen did, and the two put time on the field immediately. But Jenks couldn't quite hang with the Raines, Kearney and Hawk freight train, and he ended up fifth. Behind him came two other Ohio riders Chuck Woodford and Fred Andrews who were battling hard for sixth until Andrews stacked his RM-Z450 up in a tree, allOWing Woodford to get the spot. dlIlI8ItIIlln when Eighth went to Kawasaki Team Green's Steve Hatch, who had a terrible start, while 250cc A-class racer Charlie Mullins was ninth overall on his Am Pro Yamaha. Plessinger KTM's Andy Shea was 10th, his best finish in years following a slew of hefty injuries. eN STEELE CREEK CAMPGROUND MORGANTON, NORTH CAROUNA RESULTS: APRIL 24, 2005 (ROUND 5 OF 13) OVERAL(, I. Juha Salminen (KTM); 2. Barry H.wl< J'. (Yam); 3. Glenn Kearney (Suz); <4. Jason Raines (Yam); 5. Robb+e Jenks (KTM); 6. Chuck Woodford (Kaw); 7. Fred Andrews (Suz); 8. Steve Hatch (Kaw); 9. Charles Mullins (Yom): 10. Andy She> (KTM). SUZUKI GRAND NATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (After 5 of 13 rounds): I. Juna Salminen (136/3 wins); 2. Glenn Kearney (93); 3. Barry Hawk Jr. (89/1 win); 4. Robbje Jenks (77); S. Michael Lofferty (62) 6. Chuck Wood(O

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