Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Under the Lights David Aldana at the Louisville. Kentucky. half-mile in 1971 aboard his BSA. Aldana finished fourth overall in the Grand National Championship standings that season. \~~~~ ~ o ~ o '0 i'i. To cast your vote. log on to WEb INSiYE reader poll question of the week [ycle V!i. [ycle Ryan Hughes is starting to get into shape for the AHA National Motocross season with cycling pro Floyd Landis. Landis. who will ride this season for the Swiss cycling Team Phonax, lives near Hughes, and they ride together as often as possible. According to Hughes, he enjoys riding with Landis because he pushes him really hard, which is great tralning. Hard would be an understatement, as Landis was one of the men to help Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France last year, pacing Armstrong on many of the grueling climbs in the Pyrenees and Alps. Hughes is training to get in shape for the upcoming outdoor Nationals, which he will contest on his own Honda-mounted team. Ryan Hugh•• and Floyd landis Who will win the opening round of the AMA Superbike Championship at Daytona International Speedway on Saturday, March 12? A. B. C. D. r Mat Mladin Aaron Yates Ben Spies jason Pridmore E. jake Zemke F. Miguel Duhamel G. Kurtis Roberts H. Neil Hodgson I. Eric Bostrom j. josh Hayes K. Other Online poll results from last week Ricky Carmichael finally lost to Chad Reed on Saturday night in San Diego. Will he be able to rebound from the loss, or will Reed gain the momentum for the remainder of the series? Carmichael will return to his dominating ways. 2333 (53.16%) They will battle back and forth for the remainder of the season. 1262 (28.75%) James UBubba" Stewart will return and factor into their battle for the title. 657 (14.97%) Reed will dominate the remainder of the season. 137 (3.12%) \!otal Replies: 4389 CYCLE NEWS • MARCH 9, 2005 93

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