Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 01 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-Ill. 0." • •",.. n ..,.AIfpI....... n CA .M t . . rI· .. .- _D·...,a ' ._._""'*-. '" ,..f·AIIfM..,..·........ "Ill'" "", "'''7 CA ,.,. ll-IICA""~ .. .. CA ~ "g, "" ~.z.e!A ,.......... AU .te.M ,.,f·u-d.-.. ~ ~- wanted won, but maybe in Phoenix. My dream is [to be) 125 champion." Behind Hahn and Tedesco, Motosport Outlet Honda's Steve Lamson finished fifth while subbing for the injured Greg Schnell. Hahm Motorsports Suzuki's Ryan Sipes finished sixth. Yamaha/Boost Mobile/Troy Racing's Danny Smith was seventh, then came Tedesco, with Yamaha/Boost Mobile/Troy Racing's Brett Metcalfe finishing ninth aboard the only 12Scc cwo-stroke in the main event. MDK Motorsports Honda rider Eric McCrummen completed the top 10. eN ANGEL STADIUM ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA RESULTS: JANUARY 8, 2005 (ROUND 1 OF ~ "I· UPCOMING ROUNDS: Round 2 - Phoenix. Arizona, January 15 Round 3 - Anaheim, California, January 22 n ...... lilt".....,.· .... ..,,,.a..21..... Ift~ .,. . III D .,.".... ., . ....... • 1'!:.7" ............. • I • IX .....,...-..... SUPER ~_'$2i~1W 8) HEAT I (6 laps, 1-' tnnsfer), I. """ Tedeco (Kaw): 2. Ryan Moni> (Suz): 3. 8iIy UrOncMch (Han): 4. Damy Smith (Yam): 5. Jay Mannont (KTM), 6. _ Hahn (Han); 7. Alcira N_ (Han): 8. Sean Col.... (Han):'. T,....;, Bannister (Yam); 10. Dylan Lorn (Han): I I. Steve Men"", (Yam): 12. Voncent Illa;, (Suz): 13. Ttger LKey (Han): 14. Mike Young (Han): 15. Andrew 5hon (Han): 16. Christopher GosseIo Rei! (Han): 18. Ene Nye (Yam): I'. B""""" 5chlenOg (Han): 20. Bey (KTM): 2. Steve Un=n (Han): 3. R)""Abrigo (Han): 4. RX:h;e Owen> (Suz), 5. Ryon SiP"' (Suz); 6.Jey (KTM): 2. Josh", Woods (Han): 3. Aid... N_ (Han): 4. _ Hahn (Han): 5. Steve Un=n (Han): 6. Ryon ~P"' (Suz): 7. lJ.vmy 5mRh (Yam): 8. """ Tedeco (Kow): 9. Bey (25/1 won). 2 josI-.... Woods (22): 3.Aldn NariQ (20): 4. _ f-IaI-n(18): 5. Steve Lamson (16): 6. Ryon ~P"' (15): 7. Damy Smith (1<); 8. Iv.>n Tedeco (13): 9. Breu Metcalfe (12): 10. RX:h.. Owen> (II): II. Eric M. I yl,.·"r/ 50 i ues for ~5.OU. (can be billed 2 monthly JX1YJl'CnlS) N.IIlll.· _ St.'lh.· (IOtll .....U fllf $S(I 1I0j Si\ mlJnth~ "ol..'<"'mJ c1<1~ (25 1...."lIcs fOf 23 (0) IUf I\\n \ car.. \'\1, _ _ _ _ _ _ _Phnn\.' /ip I, L'n ...J _ AJdn.·~s, City f..J ...J _ IIII~ l~ .1 .J 't~\\ "'U~ri"htlll J RL·nt" ....11 Order D.lll' Send t o : ~Inc. P.O. Box::;()8..l. n~la k~..l. CA 9262g....SOB-t Toll Free Subscription Hotline (800) 831-2220 24·hour FAX Order Line (71-l) 71:)1-668, • r-m,lil: -I l'lca~ bill mc I raynwnt (~( S4') -I I:MI 2. r"ym...' nh of ""_"",0 ':J Io"k_,I" m) dux~ 0' money ord~r ll'4ltK...• Ill' Si~n.ltllre I""" ,. ~r .... J VI..a J ~ubscribc@cych.' Maskn-ard , l""l c ,... 1 .n.o..i.. Or \.t,·uo,,, ;:;I..;,~. ~I:..~:::':=::~~:I~: . . .hl l~l . ~-------------------------------------MC/Vi~il# Exp. D.lle ,l.l~.. CYCLE NEWS • JANUARY 19,2005 23

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