Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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4 0+ G P NOV; I . Kevin Reaende (Yam): 2. Paul Grcssberg
Cfam); 3. Michael Stiles (Hon) . 40 + GP INT: I. Don n Boyd
Hon): 2. Darren Bro wn (KTM); 3. Keith Sieven (H us); .of. Jim
Mulc ahy. 40 + GP EX : I. Mike O we ns (Yam): 2. Rich
Venegas (SU . 50 + G P NOV: I . Fran k Vrettas (Yam); 2. Jeff
Carver (Hon) . '0 + GP INT; I. Paul Cbyl=gh (Hu.); 2. Jeff
O 'Brian (Hon). 50 + GP EX: I. Chris Schleif. UIL SUP JR
NOV: I. Jeremy Scott (Kaw). U/L S U P NOV: I. Rejean
Des bocnen (Hon); 2. Darrell Seelig (Suz); 3. Bill Martin (T M).
U/L SUP INT: I. Paul Hetteri ch (Hon). UIL SUP EX: I.
Rob N ol in (Yam) ; 2 . St e rl ing Rigsby (Yam) : 3 . De nn is
Middlet on (Hon) .
(Suz): 3. Du st in W insch e l (Suz): 4 . Blair Vet ere (Yam) ; S.
Austin Murdock (Sul) . 85 INT: I. Prince Kapahulehua (Suz);
2. Dacoda Sorochuk (Yam) . 8 5 U /ClS FD : I. lev U Hall
(KTM); 2. Zachary Fusse H(Kaw) ; 3. Dacoda Sorochuk (Y ;
-4. Mason Rodriguez (Yam); S. Kenny Daile y (KTM). SlH IN I:
I. Zac hary Fuss ell (Kaw) ; 2. l e v ii Hall (KT M); 3. Pr inc e
Kapahu lehua (Suz): -4. Dacoda Soroc huk (Yam); S. Je ff l e wis
(Kaw) . B/BK BEG: L John Yocum (Hon) ; 2. Tren t Scaccc
(Yam); 3. Travis Huff (Suz); 4. L.aun Schuster (Hon ): S. Tanner
Schmid t (Hon). 12S JR: I. Brod ie H ump hries (Suz): 2. Jake
Poole (Yam 3.J um n HWlt (Y
am); 4. Na than Ambrose (Hon ):
S. Shane Koja (Sm). 12' INT; I. Domink De Simone (Hon );
2. Tony Espos ito (Hon ): 3. Eric Barlow (Suz): -4 . Ryan Bro wn
(Suz): S. Andrew Brisk (Hon) . 125 PR O: I. Gray Daven port
(Yam); 2. Beni W illiams (Kaw); 3. Michael Parker (Hon); .. .
Scott T he ob ald (Suz) ; 5. Jon Hedden (Ho n) . 2 50 JR: I.
Brod ie Hurnptv;es (Su:z) 2. Shane Koja (Suz): 3. Ryan Dalton
(Hon) ; 4. Justin Elswood (Yarn 5_ Brian Duvall (Yam). 250
INT: I. jesse Hod ges (Hon); 2. Reed Ttngey (KTM): 3. Man
Provost (Yam); .. . Andr ew Brisk (Han); 5. Eric Bar10w (Suz).
250 PR O : I. G ray D ave npo rt (Yam ): 2. Mie haeJ Par ker
(Hon ): 3. Beni Williams (Kaw); 4. Kip p Pose y (Yam); S. Ty
Morrow (Hon) . OPEN JR: I. Brod ie Humph rie S (SUI ); 2.
Bria n Du ....all (Yam); 3. Na than Am b rose (Han); -4 . Chris
Pow ell (Han ): 5. Casey Bywater (Hon) . O PEN IN T: I . Jared
Part ridge (Hon): 2. Ton y Espo sito (H a n); 3. Matt Pro vest
(Yam); -t. Dominic De Simone (Hon ); S. Reed Tingey (KTM)
O P EN PR O : I . G ra y Da....e nport (Yam); 2. Be ni W illiams
(Yam); 3. Ty Morrow (Hon ); -4 . Kipp Po sey (Yam): 5. Scott
Theobald (Hon) . W H N : I . Jena Ellis (Hon): 2. Cass ie Webb
(Kaw ); 3. Amberl ie Carter (Kaw) : -t. Torie Williamson (Suz );
S. Patricia Ba ck (Kaw) . 25 + JR: I. Joe y Riterto (H en ); 2.
Robb Bo nna nn o (Han); 3. Jas o n Bur t o n (Suz); -4 . Phi lip
I....erson (Yam). 25+ PRO : I. Kipp Po se y (Yam); 2. Jo n
Hedde n (Ho n) . 30 + JR: I. Cary Blake (KTM): 2. D av id
MunO l ( H o n ): 3 . Jason O 'Connor ( H a n) ; -4 . Shane
Bartholomew (Yam); S. Aaron Reidhead (Yam). 30 + INT: I.
JirTvTTy Chamberlain (Yam). 30 + PR O : I. Bill Phelps (Hon ):
2. J...,., Ogden (Hon) . 40 + ; I. Eric C""""," (yam ); 2. Ski",
Fornof (Hon ); 3. lonny Mackintosh (Hon); .. . Keith Thomas
(Hon); 5. BiH Clemson (Yam N O JUMP: I. Gene Morris
(Hon) ; 2. Bob McCormick (Yam); 3. Preston Sche (Yam); -4.
Se n Boyd (Yam): S. Con T.y\o< (Y
ITS Winter Se ries
Round 2: Trials Land
It's All in the
r:mj;\¥o t
Gray Davenport was a ll afire a s a new-ond-improved Mesquite MX
reopened in Nevada.
Mesquite Motocross Park
A Iter a (our-mon th hiatus to avoid the brutal
t-'\southem Nevada summe r heat . the rebuilt,
reborn Mesquite Motocross Park reopened to
rave reviews. A complete makeover - which
included the new " Hor se powe r Hill." along
with many other new features - proved to be a
big hit with all the race rs. And to prevent any
more long vacations, lights were installed during
the break , allowing for night pract ices and yearrou nd racing at this great facility.
T he Utah Sport Riders As so ciation , in
co njunction with Finish Line Pro mot ions, was
chosen to christen t he new track, e nsuring a
good test, with lots of action and full gates .
O ne of the more interesting races was the
2S0 cc Pro co ntest. fea tu ring th e Pro racing
debu t of Michae l "Buddy" Par ke r. li ning up
against ra ce favorite Gr ay Dave npo rt , Be ni
Williams. arenac ross vete ran Ty Morrow. and
th e always-da nge ro us Kipp Po se y. a mo ng
ot hers, was certainly jumping into the Pro wars
with both feet !
Whe n t he gate dro ppe d, t he Thor/Scott
USNRon Flowe ,,/Yosh imur a/90 9/Leve r MXbacked Honda of Parker shot out into the lead.
Ho nda of Housto n/Plat inum Auto SalonfTroy
Lee-sponsored Morrow was racing just be hind
hi m , fo llowed by Big Boy Toy,/We 5tern
Powe", ports/FIy
/WB Racing's Williams. Morrow
made a quick move on the rookie. snaking into
firs t , as South Valley Motorspo rts/Motorex
O il/Shift/DR S Suspension/ Dar k Ho rse Racing
rider Davenport was charging up into third . The
top three separated from the rest of the field,
charging around the trac k nose to tail, unt il
Da ve n po r t blitzed past th e le ade r in the
w hoops about mi d race . That was it . as
Dave npo rt took round one . Morrow. Parker,
William, and Pro Action/Moto X Outle t/li ndsey
Machine/G illett DiesellMSR-back ed Posey
rounded out the front five.
Parke r ripped his second stra ight holeshot ,
wit h Dave nport just inche s beh ind. in mot a
two. Buddy, gett ing mor e comfort able in t he
Pro ranks with every lap. refused to give up the
lead, even though Gray hammered on him for
the entire race . Parker edged Daven port at the
finish, both far ahead of the rest of t he pack,
but Michael's first-rno to t hird left him trai ling
Davenpo rt in the final results . Williams. Posey
and Morrow filledslots three through five .
The 12Scc Juniors class is historically the
biggest. and this Saturd ay was no exception .
Brodie Humphreys stuck his Suzuki out in front
to start th ings off. Shane Koja and Justin Hunt
were charging just behind him . Humphries
opened up a lead, wh ile Jake Poole charged up
to claim second . Humphries ke pt increasing his
margin, whi le Poole stayed well clear o f the
tight battle for third between Koja and Bronson
Angulo . Hump hries storme d home with th e
win, and Poole le d Angulo, Koja and Hunt
across the line .
A re pe at holeshot in the seco nd ha lf put
Humphries in the driver 's seat once again, with
Poole and Casey Bywater giving chase . Th is
race was closer than the first one, but not by
much. as Humphri es easily w o n his se co nd
straight mo to to lock up the ov erall 125cc
Junior trophy. Poole finished a solid seco nd for
seco nd ove rall, leading Hunt, late close r Nathan
Ambrose . and Koja in the final tally.
A fathe r-and-son team and a team of broth /"'\ers too k a total of four wins at the second
round of the ITS Winte r Series. The event was
the last late -afte rnoon trial of the year, as daylight-saving time was due to e nd. With the sun
se tting early, riders had to keep moving on the
sho rt loop to avoid riding in nea r-dark co ndit ions.
Daniel O ldar turned in tw o clean loop cards
and survived a "five" at the start of the final
loop to beat Be n Bush by tw o in the Kids B
class . Dan ie l's older bro t he r, 12-yea r-old
Andrew Oldar, dominated the Advanced class.
His one-point total put him I I points ahead of
th ree other competitors who were deadlocked
at 12 points. Eric Storz grabbed the runner-up
Advanced spot with I I tie-breaking cleans,
compared to nine for Tim Holm and seven for
defending class champ Chris Cullins.
Anthony "Pops" Sandova l to ok a six-point
lead on the firs t loop and he ld on against a
surging Re id Davis in t he Ex pe r t class.
Sandoval's IO-year-old son seized a big lead on
the Ilrst loop when Todd Be nne tt dropped four
fives in a row. Ben nett only had a one more five
dur ing the res t o f the even t. but he coul dn't
catch Sandoval, who captured the Masters-class
Don Williams , wh o ha d a pe rfect eve nt
during the Summer Series. re peated the feat in
t he Inte rmediate class w ith th ree clean lo op
cards . Noel Humphr ies nearly went clean in the
Novice class, taking just a single dab on the first
Tracy Screeto n su rv ive d a five on
the final secti o n to toke th e
Spo rt sma n-clo ss w in at th e sec o nd
round of the IT Winter Se ries a t
Tra ils Land in Pe rris, Ca lifornia .
loop. In the Sportsman class. Tracy Screet on
bested Kevin Christo phe r by six points after
one loop and finished with four-point win.
KIDS A : I. If C ullins (GG). KIDS B: I. D aniel O ldar
(Yam); 2. Ben Bush. VI NT: I. larry Tubbs (Suz). N OV: I.
Noel Hu m p hries (Man); 2. Verg McC allist e r ; 3. Jo nat han
Bec k (Rot): -4. Joseph Carrillo (GG): 5. Tori Carr illo (GG).
SP T SMN: I. Tracy Scree ton (G G): 2. Christ opher
(GG) . INT: 1. Don Williams (Mon); 2. Chase Harker (She) ;
3. Da nny Net; -4 . Ian Delaney (Mon): S. Larre Butt erfi eld
(She). ADV: I. Andrew OIdar (She) : 2. Eric Storz (She): 3.
Tim Holm (GG); 4. C hris Cullins (Bet) ; S. Neil Storz (She) .
MST R: I . Ryan Sandova l (GG): 2. Todd Benne tt (Sea ). EX:
I. Anth ony Sandoval (GG); 2. Reid Davis (GG).
Wild West Arena
P/W PP (Dol O): I. Tor ie W illiamso n (Suz): 2. Nike tl
Tam ilos (Suz). P/W SHAFT (0-6): I. Hayden Stubbs (Lem);
2. McCoy Broo gh (Yam); 3. Jerem y Noyes (Yam); .. . Haydee
Bullard (Yam ). P/W H EA D S U P (0-9): I. Jo rd an Ev ans
(Suz); 2. Christian Noble (Hon) . P/W (0-6): I. Dillon Geuke
(Cob) ; 2. Christian Kilgore (KTM) 3. Wyatt Paxman (KTM);
-4 . Jeremy Noyes (Yam); 5. Hayden Stubbs (Yam). P/W (7-8):
L Morgan Mackintosh (t ern): 2. Harri so n Padan (KTM); 3.
Kyle Pom ikala (KTM); -4 . Ch ase H aynes (KTM); 5. Jo rd an
dan (KTM);
MMUk (Pol). P/W OPEN (0- 9) ; I. H"""'" Pa
2. ~r SeNei (KTM); 3. Morgan Mackintosh (l em); -4 Kyte
Porn'kal. (KTM); S. Chase Hayne< (KTM). . . (6-S) ; I. J.O.
Elliott (KTM): 2. Chaiuon Cozzens (KTM); 3. Brandon Leith
(KTM); 4. Chana Ogden (50,); , . H"""'" Padan (KTM). . .
(9011): I. Levil Hall (KTM); 2 . Dusty Hum ph rie s (Suz): 3.
Lmdon Mickelsen (KTM); -4 Kenny Dailey (KTM); 5. Colton
Og den (Kaw) . 6 5 OPEN (6-11): I. l evii Hall (KTM); 2.
D usty Humphries (Suz); 3. J.D. Elliott (KTM); .. . Conner
Mon ks (KTM): S. Ryan Stubbs (Kaw) . 85 BEG: I . Mike
Gang; (Kaw); 2. M.tthew l.iuor (Kaw); J. Robe