Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Staying second in the points again and on lygetting one podium spot th is weekend was Northrop, as he had a 7-4-4-2 in the main events this weekend. He had a stro ng weekend, with only one bad finish after he went down with Sorby in the Friday 125cc main. Overall , Northrop loo ks like he will be the number-two guy next year if he stays focused for the rest of the season. " I had a few pro blems in the 125 main on Friday," No rt hrop said. " Hagseth was playing road bloc k, so I lost a few pos it io ns. I was able to co me back, then Sorby took me o ut and I fell back to sev e nth in the end. Then, in t he 250 main, I got fourth overall. I got a be tter start and t he race, overall , was bette r. Saturday in the 12S ma in, I had a good start. I had a few bobbles in the whoo ps and was able to hold on ' to fourth in the 250 main . I felt good with a seco nd overall . I felt great and got a good start. I had some hea t fro m Demuth , but I wa s able to hold it together unt il th e end." Mak ing th e pod ium for the first t ime in t he series wa s Sha ne Bess . He was able to ge t the hole shot in th e 125cc main on Friday and led mo st of the race un til Lange go t him. Each weekend, Bess has shown mo re improvement, but wit h a 2- 14-7 for the wee kend in the th ree main events that he qualified for, he missed out on Satu rd ay's I25cc main event. Bess looked grea t on the track, though. " I had a go od Friday and a good heat start all day," Bess said. " I was leading the 125 main and felt good, but I fell apart a little. In t he 250 main, I started o n the second row, and yo u can't really do anything when you are o n t he row. I w on my semi in the 250 ma in on Satu rday. I got seventh overall. In the 125 main, I cras hed in t he heat race . Then I crashe d in the semi and had a bad tim e total. It was a great learn ing ex pe rience." Afte r a so- so Friday night, new rider for the PPG/Suzu ki/ Moto w orldrac m team Branden Jessemen went 2-6 on Saturday night. For the first three rounds of the series , Jessemen was on the Tuf Racing Honda team . This weekend, he moved over to the PPG/Suzuki/Motoworld and w ill be doing the rest of t he AX serie s, t he East C oast SX a nd the O utdoo rs wit h t he m. As is t he case w ith all new bikes , getting them set up properly is a big deal, and all t hroughout Friday night Jesse me n st rugg led . He basically used Friday night as testing, as he used the night's racing to prope rly A i!JI!= set up his new Suzukis . Th en , o n Satu rd ay he came out sw inging, like the Jessemen of early this se ason. "My Friday was terri ble; I had bad starts, I jumped the gate and my t iming was off," Jesseme n said. "Sat urday I felt a lot be tt er, and I got second in the 125 main and sixt h in the 250 main. Arenacross is all abou t the start. If you get a bad start, you really can't do t hat much. I like the bikes, and I hope to test some be fore the nex t race . I ho pe to do better at t he next round." Another ShogunlYamaha rider to po dium this weekend was C had Johnson , aboard a Yamaha YZ450F. During the 250 main on Friday night, Jo hnso n was able to hold o n to th ird place with a 5-3-7. He did not make the 250 main on Sat urday, though, and now sits fifth in points, over teammate Dem ut h. Jo hnso n won his only race in Hampto n three years ago , but he wasn't able to re peat it t his year. The next rou nd w ill be in Rockfo rd, Illino is. The series is almost halfway done, and Demuth, Bess, Johnson and Jessemen loo king bette r and better eac h weekend, there's no telling if lange will be stoppe d anytime soon. But there is one thing that 's certain: No o ne is going to stop t rying.e N HAMPTON, VIRGINIA RESULTS: NOVEMBER (ROUND 4 OF 19·21, 2004 10) Frid a y 12S PRO, I. Darcy Ung' (KAW) : 2. Shane Bess (HO N); J. J"'" Demuth (YAM 4. Eric Sort>y (SUZl : S. ); CNd Johman (YAM): 6. Evan Laughridg. (KAW); 7. [eff Northrop (KAW); 8. John Dowd (SUZ); 9. Jim Neese (SUZ): 10. Kevin Joh nson (YAM): II. Shawn Cia", (KAW): 12. B...d RJppl. (HON) : I J. B...d Ha&"' th (H O N ): 14. Kody Mol. ", (HO N ): IS. Nathan T;ea mey (SUZ ). 25 0 PRO: I. Darcy lange (KAW); 2. Josh De muth (YAM); 3. Chad Johnson (YAM 4 . Jeff Northrop (KAW); S. ); Brad Hagseth (HO N) ; 6. Kevin Jo hnson (YAM); 1. John D owd (SUZ) ; 8. Evan Laughridge (KAW); 9. Jim N eese (SUZ): 10. Bra d Modi ewski (SUZ): II. Brad Ripple (HON) : 12. Cody Gilmore (KAW); I l , Eric Sorby (SUZ); 14. Shane Bess (HO N ); 15. Kody Molitor (H ON). KAWASAKI KX65 MAIN: I . Jeremy Wendleken (KAW); 2. Wesley Farmer (KAW); 3. Joe l Smaltz W indsor (KAW); 4. Ale x Felle r (KAW) ; 5. Dustin Woody (KAW); 6. Bran don lee Bono (KAW); 7. Austin Davidson (KAW) ; 8. And rew Peskopos (KAW) ; 9. Zachary N orman (KAW). DFC, I. Darry Lang. (KAW) : 2. Josh Demut h (YAM): J. eNd johnson (YAM): 4 . j.ff Northrop (KAW) : S. Jim N eese (SUZ): 6. Brad RJpple (HO N). Saturday 125 PRO : I. Darcy Lange (KAW) 2. Branden jessemam (SUZ): J. J"'" Dem uth (YAM 4. J.ff Nay (SUZ): 7. Cha d Johnson (YAM): B. Shawn CI3n< (KAW) ; 9. Jim Neese (SUZ): 10. Brad Hagseth (HO N); I I. Joh n Dowd (SUZ ): 12. Cody Gilmore (KAW): 13. Brad Mod J"",k; (SUZ): 14. Brady Sharp (YAM): IS. Brandon Banz (HON). 250 MA IN : I . Darcy lange (KAW) ; 2. jeff No n hro p (KAW) ; 3. Jos h Dem uth (YAM); 4. Brad Hagseth (HO N) ;5. Kevin Joh nson (YAM); 6. Bra nde n je ssem en (SUZ); 7. Shane Be ss (HO N); B. Brad Ripple (HO N) ; 9. Shawn Clark (KAW); IO. Jim Ne es e (SUZ) ; I I . Co lt Hum phr ey (HO N); 12. Brand on Bart l (HO N) ; 13. Cody Gilm o r e (KAW) ; 14. Kody Mo litor (YAM); DNS Evan Laughridge (KAW). KAWASAKI 65 MAIN: I. Je re my Wendlek en (KAW) ; 2. We ste y Farm e r (KAW); 3. Joe l Smaltz (KAW); 4. Dustin woody (KAW) : S. Al.x Feller (KAW); 6. Brandon Lee Bono (KAW); 7. Ha rry Frasier (KAW); 8. Justin Ferguson (KAW) ; 9. Anthony valeote (KAW) : 10. Zachary Norman (KAW) ; I I . Andrew Pes kopos (KAW); 12. Austin David son (KAW); 13. HumerTipto (KAW); DNS RKhMd Kkby (KAW) . OFC: I. Da rcy lange (KAW); 2. Evan Laughridge (KAW); 3. Je ff Northrop (KAW); 4. Jim Ne e se (SUZ) ; 5. Josh Demuth (YAM); DN S Brand en Jessem en (SUZ). My 5 NATIONAL ARENACRDSS SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (Ro u nd 4 of 10), I. Darcy Lange (306112 wins); 2. Jeff No rt hrop (226f2 wins) ; 3. Kevin Johnson (2 13); 4. Brand en jes semen ( 18 7/1 wi n); 5. Ch ad John son ( 18 2); 6. Josh Demuth (18 1); 7. Sha ne Bes s (152); B. Evan Laughridge ( 146/ 1 win); 9. Jim N eese ( Il l) ; 10. Jo hn Dowd ( Il l) . OWN RACE Brad Hagseth After being injured at the open ing round , Brad Hagseth finally felt okay.The last few rounds, Hagseth has only been able to ride one night. "This is the first weekend back that I am totally feeling better." Hagseth said. "My hand feels better; it is the first time since I injured it. I think we can stop the Kawasaki streak . I got fifthand fourth in the 250 main. I felt great overall. My 125 mains weren't that great , but overall it was a good weekend . The bikes are great , and the motor is great too . We have a great team , and I think we are doing well." 89 Kevin Johnson Stayingthird in points was Kevin johnson, with a 10-6·5·5 , and he is looking better and better each weekend. johnson races for the Faith/Fly Racing team . "Friday night, I had good heat races, but when Igot to the mains, I forgot how to ride." johnson said. "I got 10th and sixth, and I wasn't happy with myself. Then, Saturday I went and got two fifth places, so that was better. The weekend was good, and I learn more each weekend." 56 Shawn Clark Shawn Clark is improvingafter each round. This weekend was an interesting one for him, since last year he broke his leg at this round. So, needless to say, it was great to make it through the weekend without any injuries. "Friday was so-so for me," Clark said. "I made one main on Friday, and I am having a streak with one main on Fridayand two of them on Saturday. Igot into the 125 main on Friday, but I had a bad start and got II th overall. Saturday I made it out of my heat in the 125, and Igot second behind Darcy.I got in the 250 main in my semi - I got second in that too . I got eighth in my 125 main and ninth in my 250 main. It was a good weekend for me. I am just hoping to improve each week ." 304 Brad Ripple After being on a stock Suzuki for the first few rounds of the series, Ripplehad a change of luck and was given the chance to take over Jessemen's ride at the TUF/Honda team after Jessemen moved to the Motoworidracing.comlSuzuki team . Ripple looked great on the bikes, considering it was his first time on them . " I felt good on Fridayand made both mains, and I felt great ," Ripplesaid. "I didn't have a lot of time on the bikes, but they are amazing, and the team is great too . I am grateful for this chance. I felt a little excited , maybe too much, and started to pump up. I didn't have anything at the end of the race, so I dropped back. I made a few mistakes over the weekend, but I felt good all weekend. I hope to get some testing done before Rockford, and I hope to come out strong there." CYCLE NEWS • DECEMBER 8 , 2004 3S

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