Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Super Final podium finishes by teammates Chambon and Lazzarini, allow ed KTM to secure t he 2004 Manu facturer 's Championship for World Supe rmo to . "I'm extr em ely happ y for the way th ings are going. I had a really hard beginning of the season, but right now it looks like that is forgotte n," van den Bosch said at the end of the day. "Ivan [Lazzarini] de se rved the pole on Sat urday. He was rea llyfast, but we had a little prob lem with t he tires, and we couldn't get the best time. I was starting from first row anyway, and that was impo rta nt beca use the offroa d was right after the first corner, and starting midpack here would mean getting in possible t roubl e through the dirt with all that traffic. In the main event, everything we nt all right. Brondi was ahead, but I fixed that easily, and from there I focused on my own race to first put some strong laps and t hen to save the tires . "I feel really balance d and confident for the next round," van de n Bosch added. "I don 't know t he track there in Spain. I was told it's nice, and I'm not worried to learn it for the first time." Chambon had a good race in Ita ly. Charged up wit h the positive second place he put in at Greek round, he was consis te nt through the entire weekend again. He can mathematically still fight for the title, but realistically it isn't in the cards. "I know I can still win the title, but Thierry is too strong right now, and I actually don 't think I have much room left," Chambon said, "That doesn't mean I'm giving up, but I don't like to dream. It was a really to ugh seaso n, and I'm so glad I had two good races in Greece and Italy. Before those, it was a nightmare for three co nsec utive ro unds because I couldn't give KTM wha t I know I can give. Here, t he biggest concern was the off-road because it was immediately after the start, and anything can happen when so many riders enter it together. So every time we started today, I was so worried something co uld happe n to me . When I e xited it safely, I was so happy, and I gave ali i had." Cham bon will contest the t he S2 class in 2005. "I'm happy becau se the little bike suites me much bett er, and if KTM wan ts me to do t hat , I'm re ally glad to ," C hamb on said. Bad luck was once again t he traveling com panion of Ivan Lazzarini. At his ho me race he wa nted to show he was the re to win , and the pole time he put on Saturday was the proof. But in the first rnoto, he was caught up in the VDB/See l incide nt in t he first corner and lost a lot of place s immediate ly. He came back to finish sixth. In the second moto he got a strong start from the second row, but he was on ce again victimized when Manzo made the same error as Seel in turn one. Lazzarini's bike stalled , and he jumped back on it dead last, fighting his way back up to ninth place . In the ma in event he started from the second row again and collec te d a C IRCUITO INTE RNAZIONALE DI LATINA LATINA, ITALY R ESULTS: NOVEMBER 20·21, 2004 S I SUPER FINAL : I. Thie rry van den Bosch (KT M); 2. Boris Chamben (KTM ); 3. Ivan Lazzarini (KTM); 4. Fabric e Guyot (T M); 5. Eddy See l (Hos) : 6. Frederico Brond i (Hus); 7. Marcel Goetz (KTM); 8. Ge rald De lepine (Hus); 9. Fred eric Fiorent ino (KTM); 10. Valter Bart olini (Hbg); II. Matth ew Winstanley (KTM); 12. Francesco Bianco ni (TM); 13. G raz iano Rispo li (Hon); 14. Jan Kvasnicka (Hus): 15. Eric Delannoy (KTM). 52 S UPE R FINAL: I. Fabio Balducci (TM): 2. Frederic Bailey (Ap< J. Ivan Boano (Hbg); 4. ); Jerome Giraudo (Apr); 5. Fabrice Lecoanet (KTM): 6. Robert Baraccani (Yam); 7. Massimo Verderosa (Hon): 8 . Atti llio Pignotti (Hon ): 9. Oa vtde Gozzini (Hus ); 10. Thomas Chareyre (Hus ); II. Adrien Chareyre (Hus): 12. Jean-Marc Gaillard (Hon); 13. Petr Vorticek (Hon); 1..:-Andrea Bartolini (Yam ); IS. Michele l ea vetti (Hon). FIM WORLO SUPERMOTO good third, ahead o f Fabrice Guyot , w ho got the best resu lt yet this year for the TM brand. It had been known for a w hile, but at Lat ina it was officially anno unced that Lazzarini wou ld be w it h Husqvarn a in 200 5. 52 So many t hings happened in the sma ller division at Latina that the racing was everything but boring . Pole man and factory KTM rider Fabrice Lecoanet used his typical, aggressive riding style to conquer the first heat. He took the lea d in the first corner, and nobody was able to stop him. Lecoane t had a less brilliant moto two, where he starte d among the leaders but then lost some places and finished sixt h. In the main event, Lecoanet got stuck in traffic and ex ited the dirt in 14th place . He would go on to finish fifth. Stand ings leader Verderosa wasn't at his bes t, finishing seventh in the Super Final, though he still remains atop the series leade rboard. Local hero and Biaggi's friend Simone Girolami of H20 Hon da Team app eared to be a candidate to w in th e Super Final until a flat tire stopped him. Giro lami's exit paved the way for TM rider and fo rm e r mo tocr osser Fab io Balducci to take the lead. which he he ld to the finish to w in the Gp, ahead of Aprilia's Fred ric Bolley, who battled with teammate Giraudo and Husaberg's Ivan Boano. Giraudo handed third place to Boano after dropping off the pace with worn-out tires. eN www.cyclenews .com CHAMPI- ON SHIP SERIES STANDI NGS (After 8 of 9 rounds): 5 1: I. Thierry van den Bosch (303/6 wins ); 2. Bon. Cbambon (165); J. Eddy See! (13 7); 4. Ivan Lazzarini (13 6/ 1 win); 5. Gerald De lepine (119/1 win); 6. Valter Bartolini (Hbg); 7. Max Manzo ( 133); 8. Marcel Goe tz ( 115); 9_ Fabrice Guyot (109): 10. Frede rico Brondi (106); I I. Bern d Hiemer ( 103); 12. Manh ew Winstanley (89): 13. Frederic Fiorentino (76); I" . Graziano Ri poli (71): s IS. Jan Kvasnicka {Hus]. S2: I. Massimo Verderosa (233/ l win); 2. Jerom e Giraudo (207/ 1 win): 3. Davide Gozzini ( 19"/2 wins); -4 . Pabrice Leccanet (186); S. Fabio Balducci ( 162/1 win); 6. Frede ric Bolley ( 16011 win): 7. Adrien Chareyre ( 115): 8. Simone Girolami ( I 12); 9. Robert Baraccam ( 109); 10. Ivan Boano ( 102); I I. Jean-Marc Gaillard (92); 12. Ch ristian Iddon (90): 13. Attillio Pignotti (8S); 1-4. Th ier ry Godfroid (n il win); IS. Thomas Chareyre (75). UPCOMING R OUND: R 9 . Finestrat, Spain, Novem 27 ound ber In yet another crazy 52 Super Final, Fabia Balducci emerged v ictorious, g iving t he 1M brand its first World Supermoto win. CYCLE NEWS • DECEMBER8, 2004 21